New Classes

oloush Posts: 1 Arc User
edited April 2009 in Suggestion Box
I hope that you creaters come out with new classes for the three races so there is more party work andto enhcnce the gaming experiance
Post edited by oloush on


  • Ocane_II - Heavens Tear
    Ocane_II - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I agree

    i think humans should get Druid, wich i guess would make them the only other class that could use workable pets, but maybee give them different ones and different advantages then venos if its possible.

    i think untamed should be able to switch between male and female for barbs or venos, making female barbs would pretty much just be like amazons so its still workable i'd think

    and i think wing elfs should get well i really dont know on them ha
  • Andiano - Lost City
    Andiano - Lost City Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    My propositions:
    Hume - Red Mage (or htf u want to call it :P) : mage with Sword and Magic >.>
    Untamed - Druid : just male venomancer with weaker atk but better healing spells ^.-
    Elf - Summoner : guy that can be able to summon some mobs for limited time ^^
    Don't try to run. I find u everywhere...
  • jackyjen
    jackyjen Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    there should be a gun class
    elf: guns :D
  • Malified - Heavens Tear
    Malified - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Jackyjen guns are so 2000 -.- we are freaking Mutants we don't need guns thats what powers and swords are for.

    And also they arent creating any more races if u watch there Perfect World - Winged Elves video you would here the Project Manager say - This is our last Race.
  • Ocane_II - Heavens Tear
    Ocane_II - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Jackyjen guns are so 2000 -.- we are freaking Mutants we don't need guns thats what powers and swords are for.

    And also they arent creating any more races if u watch there Perfect World - Winged Elves video you would here the Project Manager say - This is our last Race.

    we are talking class not race

    and also i think they were referring to the last current race

    its very possible down the line for more to sprout out

    the races they have now though are fine

    just a couple more classes

    or maybee one more race but thats not in my high demand list

    i think the untamed just took it to a whole new level

    even in some other games you can play animal races

    but not often do i get to see lions

    or pandas

    but the pandas idk i think its funny but thats it haha
  • gustavomesquita
    gustavomesquita Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    A James Bond class would rickroll us all btw
    [Add smth cool here]
  • graider
    graider Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    OK, I feel that there should be 3 classes for each race.
    Each class has it's own style. Aside from casters, each race should have a ranged combatant.
    My suggestion for human and untamed:
    Human Monk
    Masters of Chi, the Monks of *insert way-far-off mountain temple* have mastered the use of Chi to the point they can throw it as though it were a ball.
    The idea of this class is one of fist/claw weapons, and staves. However, that would make them a bit of a mess, though very versatile.

    They would gain Chi strikes (or Ki strikes) with the fist/claw weapons and focus on dex and Magic for these skills.
    For staves, however, the focus would be str, dex, and magic. Since Chi "magic" is an extension of the spiritual one-ness, they could apply a % of their magic attack to all of their phys attacks, and vice-versa. The staff monk would have healing abilities and buffs, but not quite like the cleric. 50% of their buffs are self-only and the other half are sacraficing something to use the self-only buffs on their parties. Perhaps the various Chi stones (Yiyuan, etc..).

    For the untamed, I put my vote into druid. The Untamed are all about Nature after all.
    The Druid should no be able to tame, but have a fair mix of healing spells and unique ranged abilities. Like summoning a swarm of angry locust, or birds. Perhaps even summoning an elemental creature (golem) with various abilities. In an even more unique, yet thematic choice for the Untamed Druid, multiple shapeshift abilities since all untamed can shapeshift into something.

    For the Winged Elves I also have a suggestion.
    Pikeman (Lancer, Spearman, etc...)
    The winged elves lack a certain Melee aspect, sure the character can be made with a tank build, but what would the point of that be? Their classes aren't made for getting up-close and personal.
    The winged elves are supposed to be decended of the gods right? Why not Heaven's Army?
    I'm not saying a tank at all. Something more unique! They get skills that give them bonuses for being in a party! Instead of say, getting a skill to crush something with a spear, why not a 'teleport' spell/skill that can teleport them in front for the cleric when the cleric get's hit?
    Make them Guardians of a sort! It would be awesome to see something like that. It's entirely unique!
    If the best defense is a good offense, why did I even show up?

    If a train is going east at 50 mph and another train is going west at 90 mph, where do they...Never gonna give you up~ Never gonna let you down~Never gonna run around~and hurt you~

    If you've got this far, you've been rick-rolled.
  • Malified - Heavens Tear
    Malified - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    A James Bond class would rickroll us all btw

    Not to be mean but what are u 6?

    Dude grow up thats just so not cool.
    James bond is ****.
  • gustavomesquita
    gustavomesquita Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Not to be mean but what are u 6?

    Dude grow up thats just so not cool.
    James bond is ****.

    Check for a library nearby if you want to read something smart.
    [Add smth cool here]
  • graider
    graider Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Off-topic much?
    If the best defense is a good offense, why did I even show up?

    If a train is going east at 50 mph and another train is going west at 90 mph, where do they...Never gonna give you up~ Never gonna let you down~Never gonna run around~and hurt you~

    If you've got this far, you've been rick-rolled.
  • bestdefender
    bestdefender Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I agree with jackyjen and think there should be a gun class but maybe you could put in a new race with it! It would be nice to have a new race and i think that race should be Dwarf with guns. Now not some way OP guns like the MP40 but something old school like a musket or something old fashion but is still just about as good as the other weapons. The only problem that i think you should hear is the fact that the Dwarfs don't have anything special as in elf=wings, human=sword to fly on, untammed=morphing animals, but what with the Dwarfs well your the creaters of the game! So good luck!

  • Ident - Sanctuary
    Ident - Sanctuary Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    venomancers need a new summon skill:

    summon squad members :)

    pure skill for not to waste so many time for go somewhere with a squad :P

    that Barbarian amazon idea looks cool.

    For the new race? Let me think what races isnt here that is everywhere at other fantasy worlds?

    - Orc's
    - Dwarf's

    Orc is a pure pwnage race, everybody knows this. Dwarfs are crafters, they using several materials for masterwork items and building machines. Maybe referring to my other idea, they will be the creators of the flying helicopter mounts from wood and some iron :) Also they should be able to craft siege machines :D And while they hunting around the world, with their own special ability they can obtain some other materials from the dead bodys (spoil).

    maybe they are forgotten races that will awake some times later in the Perfect World... who kows... :)
  • Andiano - Lost City
    Andiano - Lost City Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    nah Orcs too ugly xD but dwarfs... that could work :D
    Dwarf classes (my proposition):

    Geomancer: Damn strong mage without that uses only Geo Rods and Poles (new wep that dont need str ^^). He should have much AoE skills (healing too) and should have all elemental buffs :).
    Speed: 6.0m xD

    Axemaster: Like Blademaster but that one will have only Axe skills and Axe mastery -.^. Not much Hp but very strong def and atk >.>

    Thats all b:laugh
    Don't try to run. I find u everywhere...
  • graider
    graider Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    venomancers need a new summon skill:

    summon squad members :)

    pure skill for not to waste so many time for go somewhere with a squad :P

    that Barbarian amazon idea looks cool.

    For the new race? Let me think what races isnt here that is everywhere at other fantasy worlds?

    - Orc's
    - Dwarf's

    Orc is a pure pwnage race, everybody knows this. Dwarfs are crafters, they using several materials for masterwork items and building machines. Maybe referring to my other idea, they will be the creators of the flying helicopter mounts from wood and some iron :) Also they should be able to craft siege machines :D And while they hunting around the world, with their own special ability they can obtain some other materials from the dead bodys (spoil).

    maybe they are forgotten races that will awake some times later in the Perfect World... who kows... :)

    No offense, but why not just re-name the game Warcraft International? I do think it would be good to have a way to call your squadmates to you, but then you'll get pulled away from town while shopping or picking up quests.

    Dwarves and orcs are too used. This game world is very Chinese in basis, look into their mythologies and what-not for new races.
    If the best defense is a good offense, why did I even show up?

    If a train is going east at 50 mph and another train is going west at 90 mph, where do they...Never gonna give you up~ Never gonna let you down~Never gonna run around~and hurt you~

    If you've got this far, you've been rick-rolled.
  • AdriaOrici - Heavens Tear
    AdriaOrici - Heavens Tear Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    venomancers need a new summon skill:

    summon squad members :)

    pure skill for not to waste so many time for go somewhere with a squad :P

    that Barbarian amazon idea looks cool.

    For the new race? Let me think what races isnt here that is everywhere at other fantasy worlds?

    - Orc's
    - Dwarf's

    Orc is a pure pwnage race, everybody knows this. Dwarfs are crafters, they using several materials for masterwork items and building machines. Maybe referring to my other idea, they will be the creators of the flying helicopter mounts from wood and some iron :) Also they should be able to craft siege machines :D And while they hunting around the world, with their own special ability they can obtain some other materials from the dead bodys (spoil).

    maybe they are forgotten races that will awake some times later in the Perfect World... who kows... :)

    i rofl'ed. Anyway, dwarves dun actually fit into chinese culture. but dragon warriors might be something. a race which starts in Heaven's Tear. lol Two classes. Dragon Knight and Elementalist
    Previous GE player. Pretty dissapointed. So hope PWI is better at controlling botters ^^

  • bluewater
    bluewater Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    graider wrote: »
    No offense, but why not just re-name the game Warcraft International? I do think it would be good to have a way to call your squadmates to you, but then you'll get pulled away from town while shopping or picking up quests.

    Dwarves and orcs are too used. This game world is very Chinese in basis, look into their mythologies and what-not for new races.

    I agree with you but adding new race could be hard because most chinese mythological demons are fox spirits and they are the basis for venos, so that's like about 70% of the mythology stuff gone. And the the remaining demons are mostly categorized as wraiths in my opinon (well that's cuz they don't look human, fox seems to be one of the few that have human transforming ability).
  • Ident - Sanctuary
    Ident - Sanctuary Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    than what about the undead race? They are everywhere (spirits-good/demons-bad ) :P

    btw. dwarf and orcs arent only in WoW, and i was based my idea on L2 (korean mmo) :P But this map is too little and need that expansion anyway for a bigger map, so a new race could be available only when the map is enough big, and can implement a new storyline for a new "forgotten" race. But this is so far...
  • Ocane_II - Heavens Tear
    Ocane_II - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    heres a quick solving of your guyses issues here

    how about

    a dragon race

    or dragon human hybrid

    but not so much like the untamed

    a almost human like race with distinct dragon like features

    such as wings for one

    scales on selected spots of the body

    and a tail

    sounds good to me

    i am aware it sounds like a mix of venos and winged elfs

    but its much better then dwarfs or orcs

    idk why orcs are even used in games they are more of a mob in my opinion

    but anyways there yah go
  • AdriaOrici - Heavens Tear
    AdriaOrici - Heavens Tear Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    heres a quick solving of your guyses issues here

    how about

    a dragon race

    or dragon human hybrid

    but not so much like the untamed

    a almost human like race with distinct dragon like features

    such as wings for one

    scales on selected spots of the body

    and a tail

    sounds good to me

    i am aware it sounds like a mix of venos and winged elfs

    but its much better then dwarfs or orcs

    idk why orcs are even used in games they are more of a mob in my opinion

    but anyways there yah go

    i said that. but dragon knights should have where reptilan armour instead of having scales. they probably have the ability to morph into a dragon to fly. something like wing elf but slightly more powerful. maybe flying needs chi.
    Previous GE player. Pretty dissapointed. So hope PWI is better at controlling botters ^^

  • Dreadmaul - Heavens Tear
    Dreadmaul - Heavens Tear Posts: 519 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I'm thinking of class upgrades. Like when you reach a certain lvl u can upgrade ur class.
    stronger skills, better attributes.
    Blademaster--->stormswordsman= a bit more damage,faster
    >Archmage=higher damage, more mp
    >Aegispriest=more mp, more hp
    >Ranger= more damage, more accuracy
    Venomancer--->ArchDruid= stronger pets, more mp
    >Beast Berserker=higher damage, more hp
  • sexybeastmx
    sexybeastmx Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    No what we need for the humans is a rogue/assassin class, high attack, but low HP
    The elves need to be the druids, not the humans like others have suggested.
    And for the untamed i kinda dig the Amazon idea

    also i like your prestige class idea DreadMaul
  • graider
    graider Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Well, I was just trying to give the races some new options early on. Instead of storm swordsman, why not Typhoon Blade? That allows for the ambiguity of bladed weapons, and a typhoon is a huge storm. I think that it would be good to have a different 'prestige' class for each of the paths someone can take.

    I can see at least 4 'prestige classes' or titles/ranks based on your skill build.

    Dragon for tanks and heavy melee characters (PvE builds for taking damage and dealing out physical damage).

    Whaven's Will for the Clerics of PvE.

    Phoenix for the PvE casters that aren't clerics.

    Assassin for the PvP built players.

    Instead of just making what is essentially a female barb, why not just open the classes of the untamed up to both genders as they are now. Big beastial venomancers, and cute little barbs! XD

    Don't get me wrong, I like your ideas, but they are vague. The more thought you can put into them, the more likely that you will actually see them put into the game.

    The better description of things we can give, the more likely they will be noticed. The whole gender-locked classes of the Untamed have been a frequent topic for change since PW reached countries where women are just as 'equal' as men.
    No what we need for the humans is a rogue/assassin class, high attack, but low HP
    The elves need to be the druids, not the humans like others have suggested.
    And for the untamed i kinda dig the Amazon idea

    also i like your prestige class idea DreadMaul

    Okay, honestly, the winged elves do NOT need another casting class. They need something special, like a heavily armored melee class with the benefit of 'reach' weapons like pole weapons and the pole hammer and pole axe. They need an actual 'tank' style class, like Celestial Warrior, or something.

    The untamed need something similar to a cleric at earlier levels than the Veno get their non-pet healing abilities.

    The humans need something that is a combo of ranged (physical) combat and healing at earlier levels than the mage.
    If the best defense is a good offense, why did I even show up?

    If a train is going east at 50 mph and another train is going west at 90 mph, where do they...Never gonna give you up~ Never gonna let you down~Never gonna run around~and hurt you~

    If you've got this far, you've been rick-rolled.
  • NordokJr - Sanctuary
    NordokJr - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Well you see graider, in perfect world what race you are doent matter, it may matter to people, but in the game you dont get bonuses based on race (althogh I do admit it would be nice to have the good old choose a race and a class system)
    The elves don't need a "tank" class because they are elves, and everywhere i've ever seen elves used as a character, they are not the tanks, usually the humans end up doing it unless there is some half-breed (like the untamed) at hand, which is also why elves are generally magic users.
    think of it like this, elves are fragile, humans are the middle, and untamed are rugged (with the exception of the venomancer)

    P.S.- i love the rick roll (although i don't think it counts as a true rick roll, its still badass)
  • NordokJr - Sanctuary
    NordokJr - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Of course right after i log out i realize how to work this all out

    The way the prestige classes would work is that when
    you hit like lvl 30 you get a quest that lets you choose
    a prestige class, for example:

    Human blademaster, at level 30 gets to
    choose between a paladin, a fighter(which would
    be the same thing as a blademaster, for those people
    who like the standard blademaster), and an assassin.

    and do that for all the different classes
  • Meat__shield - Heavens Tear
    Meat__shield - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    my new class would be Wraith type class with the power to control other wraith for a few min
  • Wind_Star - Heavens Tear
    Wind_Star - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Yeah that would be cool,but for what race?
  • Meat__shield - Heavens Tear
    Meat__shield - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    not a race but a class as the story goes every race has had ppl taken by the wraith, this would be ppl that have been taken and changed but have now gotten away, they are free now use that power against the Wraith
  • graider
    graider Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The elves don't need a "tank" class because they are elves, and everywhere i've ever seen elves used as a character, they are not the tanks, usually the humans end up doing it unless there is some half-breed (like the untamed) at hand, which is also why elves are generally magic users.
    think of it like this, elves are fragile, humans are the middle, and untamed are rugged (with the exception of the venomancer)

    Ok, you are correct in some areas of this statement, but ill-informed in other areas.

    Elves aren't typically the tanks, but in every culture that PWI is based on there are elves, and they are masters of swordsmanship, and not necessarily good either. The only swords used in PWI by elves without killing all their class features are the magic implement swords, which are only used when out of mana.

    According to PWI lore, the ancestors of the winged elves are the gods themselves. This means that somewhere, there was a war-god bloodline... AKA a warrior bloodline that loves combat.

    The Untamed are bound to nature, so everything they do has a nature-based aspect. Barbs are the ferocity of nature, venomancers are the creatures of trickery and mischief.

    Humans are masters of all ventures they put effort into.

    I'm not trying to argue, I'm just pointing out PWI 'history' and the cultures the game is based around.
    If the best defense is a good offense, why did I even show up?

    If a train is going east at 50 mph and another train is going west at 90 mph, where do they...Never gonna give you up~ Never gonna let you down~Never gonna run around~and hurt you~

    If you've got this far, you've been rick-rolled.
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    they should make a ghost race, where you can be a ghost,
    It'd be fun possessing monsters to beat up other monsters.
    It'd also be cool to see the wraith side of things.
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • dragondann
    dragondann Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    To hell with all the weak huminoid class's,, I want to be a pheonix and own all. No class can stand up to that cash shop pet. Then at least I could fight back and its not so hopeless.