Archer or Cleric?

Kondo - Lost City
Kondo - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
edited December 2008 in Archer
I saw that clerics have a very good atack comparative to archers and i can't understand why because the archer have a lot of points on dex.I am very confused. Maybe clerics have a lower defence than the archers but they have healing spells so this isn't a problem. I have a lvl 36 archer and i don't know if it's good to continue on him.Pls can somebody tell me how to make a cool archer or if i should make a cleric?
Post edited by Kondo - Lost City on


  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    yes clerics have a good which we can use 4 normal attacks and deal equal damage on every shot
    i have no idea where you saw clerics haveing good attack compared to archers
  • sebz
    sebz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Battle cleric are pretty good DD. See Canyeon guild on it....
  • CRYSTY - Sanctuary
    CRYSTY - Sanctuary Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i think the archer die much easily than a cleric b:cry but it is important how to choose your armour(if it has sockets its better,if it doesnt try to addb:victory )..
    PWI since nov 2008, FW open beta, BOI open beta, STO free-to-play open release, Torchlight I since came out.
  • Sepfiroth - Lost City
    Sepfiroth - Lost City Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I think I've died a grand total of about 6 times as a archer. And thats me making stupid mistakes. As long as you do enough damage to kill them before they get to you, your good.
  • Nevermore - Heavens Tear
    Nevermore - Heavens Tear Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Well, there IS such a thing as battle cleric, which would explain why a cleric can be a DD as well. However if you are looking to help in parties you shouldn't really go for a battle cleric build because then your buffs and heals will suck. But yes, unlike in other games (like Flyff) clerics aren't just helpers who cannot kill a lil rabbit if their life would depend on it, they can solo..and hit hard, though archers definitely have the dps and higher crit rate on them.
  • Mrshifty - Sanctuary
    Mrshifty - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The best heal to level as a "Battle cleric" is Ironheart Blessing, which is a rather popular healing spell (never had to use another in a FB or anything). Couple that with the "Battle Cleric"'s full mag build and healing is pretty good for them. Only problem is the low MP regen and High MP cost for skills (Level 30 and 1 skill costs 95 the other 84 =/)
  • pabling
    pabling Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    archers are late bloomers in the game (since our crit rate in early lvl is a heck)

    clerics are already useful early and late game and are good DD too...

    if u compare a lvl 1-25 archer to a 1-25 cleric, i can say archers are pwned in all aspects..

    at lvl 26-50, u will now see that archers can kill as fas as a clerics can do..

    at late lvl's 70+, archers are the ones who will u call for to be a damage dealer since our crit rate is our specialty, and crit means monsterous dmg...

    yet for the clerics, they can do good damage but not good offense as an archer yet they have better survivability rate than us...always a must in any form of party (TT, FB, boss hunt, zhen, etc)

    we are the highest dmg dealer class in the game, next to wizards (but we deal more atk in a matter of time so i think we are as the same as wizards)

    well, that's it, if ur an addict in online game, and a killer wanna be, archers is the best choice (since archers only rise late game), if u wanna be this mr or ms popular, then be a cleric since ur always being asked for help.