female or male ?



  • spudfuzz
    spudfuzz Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Im a girl IRL and I only ever play female characters o:

    However I do agree with the people who say it sucks
    that the untamed race are gender restricted to class |:
  • dagny
    dagny Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    puppetsoul wrote: »
    Male IRL.
    Female character.

    People are infinitely more forgiving of female characters, they get parties easier, people give you stuff, etc.; all the perks of being female IRL with none of the drawbacks like being moody and illogical.

    I guess it depends what kind of girl you are. I'm female IRL and in game and I don't take anything for free from anyone. I don't need, or want, handouts. I can get my own stuff tyvm.
  • icebreath
    icebreath Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    eestlane wrote: »
    what are you going to choose,
    a female
    a male

    also add are you female or a male in real life....

    i think i'm going to play as a male character in game, because i'm male in real life too.

    Bit hard to stay female or male, cause barbs is males only and venom is females only.... ect..

    And since its a game and not a date contest :eek: you shouldnt care if its a female playing male or male playing females.

  • sabriel
    sabriel Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I play what i want :D I play girls most of the time.
    cause i am a girl and i love doing that stuff.
  • gabie
    gabie Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm a guy playing a girl and i do this in most games that give me the option the reasons are twofold:-

    1:- Girls are hotter than guys
    2:- When i first started playing a girl in Fallout I lasted far longer than my previous male character, so ive stuck with them
  • goemon
    goemon Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm female IRL and I am playing 2 females so far... I have yet to make a male. =)
    PVP - Lost City
    Kingyo - Blademaster - LVL1 9
  • korruption
    korruption Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I am a male irl and plan on always having male characters. I prefer to have my characters be a representation of my personality.

    the only female char i have is veno, because unfortunately they are the only class that can have pets(i'm not talking about useless puppies, bunnies, ect.). I think all classes should be able to have battles pets just you can only have 1 at a time unless you are veno or maybe be limited to certain types or small to medium. i'm not into the veno class I just want a wolf to follow me around & attack.
  • ajairisu
    ajairisu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I will choose female, cause female's the only option you have if you wanna start as a venomancer(werefox) and she is my favorite character in PW. I'm not going to discuss why there are no male venomancers or female barbarians, there was so much of a fuss at the PW MY-EN forums about this.
    And(No1) I'm a male.
    And(No2) I'm new(at least at PWI :P).
  • doves
    doves Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    spudfuzz wrote: »
    However I do agree with the people who say it sucks
    that the untamed race are gender restricted to class |:

    It has something to do with the Chinese myth. And the myth didnt come from nowhere, and it makes sense. Let me explain.

    Untamed are magical beasts. Since they are beasts, in most cases, male beasts are physically powerful, cruel (hey, they even kill their own babies in some cases, no way they want a pet), and they are loners. (think about male tigers, lions, alpha wolves.. etc)

    While females are physically inferior to their male counterparts, and do not solely rely on phy power to survive(guess that means they are going to use tricks like us fox ladies do:D ). They usually stay together, and with their children nearby and they love babies. Ever heard of a wolf mother adopts a tiger cub? a pet huh...

    However, it cannot have the other way round. Having a mother protecting a family and a father babysitting just doesnt happen in animal kingdoms(at least for mammals).
  • dantex
    dantex Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm a male IRL, so I'll play male characters. I did create a Veno (which is of course female) but I haven't really played her much yet. It was tough not making a female archer though (for the sheer up-skirt factor), but I eventually overcame it and made a male archer based on a character in Legend of Dragoon. :D
  • elli
    elli Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    doves wrote: »
    It has something to do with the Chinese myth. And the myth didnt come from nowhere, and it makes sense. Let me explain.

    Untamed are magical beasts. Since they are beasts, in most cases, male beasts are physically powerful, cruel (hey, they even kill their own babies in some cases, no way they want a pet), and they are loners. (think about male tigers, lions, alpha wolves.. etc)

    While females are physically inferior to their male counterparts, and do not solely rely on phy power to survive(guess that means they are going to use tricks like us fox ladies do:D ). They usually stay together, and with their children nearby and they love babies. Ever heard of a wolf mother adopts a tiger cub? a pet huh...

    However, it cannot have the other way round. Having a mother protecting a family and a father babysitting just doesnt happen in animal kingdoms(at least for mammals).

    Being new to PW I never heard of this reasoning... I am female and wanted a female barb, but settled for a bladeM (which I hate, btw). And I have a veno cause I prefer pet classes... I usually am the closest equiv to a female necro in most games I play.

    Knowing that there was real thought behind the gender untamed stuff makes it make sense to me, and I enjoy that. Of course I tend to RP these type of games, so story maybe is more important to me than it MAY be to others.
  • iceprincess77
    iceprincess77 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I have a female character and I'm female irl (based my character off me :D)
  • al0ysius
    al0ysius Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    male in real life. but i will choose to play both depending on the look . :)
  • thatsme
    thatsme Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ruve wrote: »
    Maybe I want to embrace another female? So what if it would look silly, this game has tons of silly things in it already. What would be so wrong in it having both gender embracing? It's sexist I tell ya!

    There's already people on PW MY-EN begging for same-sex marriage, which they won't do, they're keeping marriage between a "man and a woman", however, PWI could probably rake in a little extra "marriage money" from the **** crowd if they allow same sex marriage and same sex embracing, they could get that niche market that will Pay Big Money. They could call it PWG.
  • witcher
    witcher Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    eestlane wrote: »
    what are you going to choose,
    a female
    a male

    also add are you female or a male in real life....

    i think i'm going to play as a male character in game, because i'm male in real life too.

    Female Blademaster
    Male IRL

    Just like the idea of a young lady kickin but and takin names :):D
    Lead me not into temptation... I can find that myself
  • doves
    doves Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    thatsme wrote: »
    There's already people on PW MY-EN begging for same-sex marriage, which they won't do, they're keeping marriage between a "man and a woman", however, PWI could probably rake in a little extra "marriage money" from the **** crowd if they allow same sex marriage and same sex embracing, they could get that niche market that will Pay Big Money. They could call it PWG.

    Involving same sex marriage in PW gonna bring lots of arguements and even cause possible hates between people, especially real same sex marriage hasnt legalized in China yet. Some new players will join, some others will leave. I guess the game company just wants to stay out of the trouble..

    But, I'm all for same sex embracing. Men carrying men, women carrying women, doesnt make them **** and its kinda cool;)
  • ultimusmagus
    ultimusmagus Posts: 33
    edited September 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    Other countries, other folklores, other values.

    BTW, how many american games allow for same gender interraction like cuddle?

    Those folkloric mythical creatures also have opposite sexes, as far as the mythos go; they just weren't popularized as much as the others (FYI female werefoxes are very rarely, if ever the "good guys" in those stories. Quite the contrary :eek:). I do have to agree on the values issue, tho. They are old fashioned in regards to that, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing either, as long as one upholds values without confusing them with tradition, which aren't the same thing at may be at odds with each other at times.

    As far as same gender interactions go, I wouldn't mind watching some girl-on-girl lol. Take the boy-on-boy behind a building or something tho... unless it's to carry a fallen comrade to a healer, as allowed in RoE :P

    BTW, I am male, but I like the eyecandy, so I'm playing a female char. :P
  • doll
    doll Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    female ig & female irl.
  • tinkus
    tinkus Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    As far as same gender interactions go, I wouldn't mind watching some girl-on-girl lol. Take the boy-on-boy behind a building or something tho...

    Just for that, may your days be filled with all-male revues and Hard ****. XD
  • ultimusmagus
    ultimusmagus Posts: 33
    edited September 2008
    tinkus wrote: »
    Just for that, may your days be filled with all-male revues and Hard ****. XD

    lol that don't float my boat. I'm a happily married hetero. :P

    You however, claim to be androgynous, hehe.
    tinkus wrote: »
    I play both. And I am neither.

    So there.

    Just poking fun, :D

    I do have a male character, but haven't really used him yet.
  • tinkus
    tinkus Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    lol that don't float my boat. I'm a happily married hetero. :P

    You however, claim to be androgynous, hehe.

    Never said I was androgynous. I said I was neither. Big difference. I just believe in sexual equality. When it comes down to it, we're all pretty much the same jumbled mass of genes at our core.

    Of course, once I instigate Ragnarok, that'll change...
  • ultimusmagus
    ultimusmagus Posts: 33
    edited September 2008
    tinkus wrote: »
    Never said I was androgynous. I said I was neither. Big difference. I just believe in sexual equality. When it comes down to it, we're all pretty much the same jumbled mass of genes at our core.

    Of course, once I instigate Ragnarok, that'll change...

    To be androgynous means to have no clear sexuality, ambiguous. To be both is hermaphroditic, derived from Hermes and Aphrodite, the male and female aspects respectively. The term androgynous is also used to describe hermaphrodites, but that's because being both also gives no specific sexuality, but only androgyny can be used to describe an absence of gender or sexuality.
  • tinkus
    tinkus Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    And to be neither is to have some weird... third option... that involves laying eggs in people's spines with a barbed protrusion. Then flying away into the night to nest on billboards, looking for food and/or victims.

    What were we talking about again?
  • ultimusmagus
    ultimusmagus Posts: 33
    edited September 2008
    tinkus wrote: »
    And to be neither is to have some weird... third option... that involves laying eggs in people's spines with a barbed protrusion. Then flying away into the night to nest on billboards, looking for food and/or victims.

    What were we talking about again?

    OMG it's a chest-burster! Ripley, get the flamethrower! lol :D

    Male/female IRL, male/female in-game
  • urobi
    urobi Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    im not sure what gender ill be i would like to be male but i like the idea of a female fighter seeing as they are generally more agile and graceful but the concept of being able to carry others id kind of cool (you can carry people right)
    i have not yet played the game because i am waiting for the dvd to arrive but ill come to a decision soon

    P.S im Male IRL
  • lanaleasion
    lanaleasion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i chose a female character and yes im female :)b:cute
    Closed Beta Tester
    Server:biillows (East)
    Faction: Modo
    Spouse: Insane<3
  • Drazo - Heavens Tear
    Drazo - Heavens Tear Posts: 947 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    My one and only character is male, and I'm male in real life too....I think. b:mischievous
    Non-mule alts:

    Drazo - Venomancer - Dreamweaver - Semi-active
    Knatami - Barbarian - Heavens Tear - Inactive
    Drazorus - Archer - Sanctuary - Inactive
    Cidemami - Cleric - Dreamweaver - Inactive
    Recilsami - Blademaster - Heavens Tear - Inactive
    DrazoThePsy - Psychic - Dreamweaver - Active
    DrazoTheSas - Assassin - Dreamweaver - Active
  • Soloboy - Sanctuary
    Soloboy - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    rofl... some of (guys anyway) are kinda sick? getting all exited and turned on by a computer? wow.. i thought i had no life...
  • drittz
    drittz Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    This game is sexist. Why is it that male characters can give people rides and females can and why does it have to be embrace and not carry? Its really aggravateing. And im a guy and not threatend by a girl being able to do what the guys can.b:angry
  • Melethiel - Lost City
    Melethiel - Lost City Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I guess its just stereotype? I don't know.
    Get over it, its a game. >.>
    "Only the dead have seen the end of war."