REMINDER: EXP Boost for all, Dec. 3 - Dec. 9

dvorak Posts: 0 Arc User
edited December 2008 in General Discussion
Great News - Thanks to a strong second effort from our loyal members that comprise the PWI community we are tickled pink to announce that we have met our MySpace goal of 6000 friends! In fact the response this past week was so strong that we currently sit at 6328 friends and look forward meeting many more of our players as our MySpace Community continues to grow.

Now for the reward details. As promised we will activate a EXP bonus for all servers for a 1 week duration. Specifically this bonus is a 50% EXP boost that will make leveling much faster and easier for all who choose to play during this period. This bonus EXP week will start on December 3rd, immediately after routine server maintenance at around 1 a.m. and will end on December 9th, just prior to the next scheduled maintenance at around 11 p.m.

For those of you wondering - "why select this specific week?" Let me start by saying that the week of December 3rd was chosen for a reason. Without spilling the beans entirely - there will be a very specific reason why you will want to be playing that week and having the EXP boost in tandem will be a huge complement to your gameplay.

Thank you again to everyone who participated and for the dozens of you who helped rally the troops inside and outside of our game to help us all achieve our initial goal. Watching our MySpace Community grow and develop on its own into an organic social network was both a surprise and a treat for all involved.

Please continue visiting our MySpace Community at:

and please add us a friend if you haven't already done so.

Happy leveling and enjoy the EXP bonus (Dec. 3 - Dec. 9)!

note: EXP Scrolls will NOT work during this EXP bonus week. Activating them will have no effect.

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  • Zenpachi - Heavens Tear
    Zenpachi - Heavens Tear Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Nice, way to go everyone!

    Dvorak wrote: »
    Our recent promotional event:

    has just been extended! From NOW through November 17th (Monday) our goal is to gather 6000+ friends on our MySpace Page. If this target is achieved by 6 p.m. PST on November 17 we will buff each server with a 1.5x EXP bonus for a one week duration from Nov. 18 - Nov. 24.

    Be sure to add us as a friend on our MySpace Page at:

    Tell your friends, and your friends-friends to join the crew as well! Fat leveling boost to come for all once we hit that magical 6000 friend count. ;)
    The date was changed? That kinda sucks... I was looking forward to it tomorrow.
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    interesting what you combine it with in game/the new update, but too bad for 90% of college students thats overlapping with exam week
  • Misstaken - Heavens Tear
    Misstaken - Heavens Tear Posts: 341 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I cant believe I am going to be lvl 75 in a week.
    I used to do drugs, I still do but I used to too.
  • Neoxtemplar - Lost City
    Neoxtemplar - Lost City Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    So is this EXP only or does it include SP as well?
    If its EXP only, then I think the servers will end up with leveled people who are missing skills, with some classes that are short on SP not performing nearly as well as they can at the same level.
  • Misstaken - Heavens Tear
    Misstaken - Heavens Tear Posts: 341 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    So is this EXP only or does it include SP as well?
    If its EXP only, then I think the servers will end up with leveled people who are missing skills, with some classes that are short on SP not performing nearly as well as they can at the same level.

    Exp event has nothing to do with SP. BTW at ur lvl You should only be doing quests.
    This event only truly benefits 40+ and for me a GREAT ammount with my exp scrolls. TYTYTY PWI XD
    I used to do drugs, I still do but I used to too.
  • Melodia - Lost City
    Melodia - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Doesnt work with exp scrolls, so you save them actually. Just think exp scroll for 24 hours a day :)
    Originally Posted by Pandora - Lost City:
    Please understand that as full int, all an archer has to do is target you and roll his face on the keyboard and you are dead.

    Words of Wisdom.
  • Misstaken - Heavens Tear
    Misstaken - Heavens Tear Posts: 341 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Doesnt work with exp scrolls, so you save them actually. Just think exp scroll for 24 hours a day :)
    Ok wow so free exp scroll for week. Not stack that means over grind -+-
    I used to do drugs, I still do but I used to too.
  • Wrathx - Heavens Tear
    Wrathx - Heavens Tear Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    My guess is that they are adding the experience bonus the same week as the expansion release because that's when they are going to increase the level cap.
  • Kazeshini - Heavens Tear
    Kazeshini - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Awesome! Thanks for giving us a second chance and thanks to everyone for the effort to get the EXP. Gah, I need it bad LOL!
  • Neoxtemplar - Lost City
    Neoxtemplar - Lost City Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Exp event has nothing to do with SP. BTW at ur lvl You should only be doing quests.
    This event only truly benefits 40+ and for me a GREAT ammount with my exp scrolls. TYTYTY PWI XD

    Grinding really kicks in at 50+, but partying in fbs is enough and still faster than grinding if you know where to stalk b:pleased.
    60+ is when grinding takes over since theres the justice envoy quest that helps things along when soloing and theres zhen parties for the rich or aoe parties for the poor.

    ->Clerics and Wizards
    A SP boost would help a lot.

    Hoping for GM reply.

    PS: The only avatar that I am able to choose is this one for some reason or another, so I'm stuck with the level 1 pic.
  • Zethanal - Heavens Tear
    Zethanal - Heavens Tear Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Wow so that means extrotas will probley be like around 1k for that week...
    "Death is just a new path, a path everyone has to take." -Gandalf
  • Proxile - Heavens Tear
    Proxile - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Everybodys getting wild 'cause of the EXP bonus... c'mon people, it's not even that much!

    So we have 1.5x EXP bonus from december 3th to 9th and I'm not complaining even though It's not christmas yet.. (holiday = more time to play)

    ... 'kay people don't laugh.. I'm just playing because I'm bored I DO HAVE A LIFE lol.

    How many hours do you think it will take to reach lvl 60? (I'm now lvl 40 as you see) and I'm talking about grinding ALONE.

    Also if you have some good places in mind for grinding, please let me know :)

    oh, and one more thing: I can't buy charms or anything from the cash shop!!!

    thank God I'm in Heavens Tear so no one can PK me :p
  • Misstaken - Heavens Tear
    Misstaken - Heavens Tear Posts: 341 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Well seeing as this lasts a week and Im 65 I will be 75+ because of this so if you grind ur **** off and complete quest QUICKLY of each lvl you will be 60 if you dun have life like me. b:laugh
    I used to do drugs, I still do but I used to too.
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    December 3rd is the week before exams for me.
    I won't be able to play =P
  • anima
    anima Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    To College Students in the US, that week is considered "Dead Week" ><. Why don't you guys do it just a week before, or a week after? Have to be right on the expansion release date?

    Anyways, I'll try my best to up 100 ^^. (J/K that will be 6 months after the event, al least ^^). 90 is my gold.

  • Xxxxx - Heavens Tear
    Xxxxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    December 3rd is the week before exams for me.
    I won't be able to play =P

    lol its2 days before my exams -.-
  • lillianavess
    lillianavess Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Exam week for me : / b:lipcurl
  • showharu
    showharu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Zzzz this event is horrible it came when im alrdy high lvl there no point only jus by making a new char >.< or now my goal is to reach 100 since u guys want ppl to catch up to high lvlsb:laugh
  • Lazyluna - Heavens Tear
    Lazyluna - Heavens Tear Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I am sooo glad I'm in high school and not college.

    Grindfest here I come! b:victory
    b:bye RETIRED
  • Tirwana - Heavens Tear
    Tirwana - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I am sooo glad I'm in high school and not college.

    Grindfest here I come! b:victory

    In other lands you don't have anything this week, like the other weeks :p

    (like me in france ;) )
  • noobcake4lyfe
    noobcake4lyfe Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    OMG!!! I need to get my desktop fixed!!!
    "Avarice, Envy, Lust, Pride, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony"

    "We 7 shall corrupt this Perfect World..."b:sin
  • Anolis - Sanctuary
    Anolis - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I like this, but depending on how long the expansion takes to download will cut into the time.
  • Leolf - Heavens Tear
    Leolf - Heavens Tear Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    This event only truly benefits 40+

    O.o Dang, I gotta level!

    Word to the wise: Doing a two week FFXI trial a couple weeks before the expansion, and deciding to grind at level 33 are both bad ideas >.<
  • xmen
    xmen Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    test test test
  • Arthiex - Lost City
    Arthiex - Lost City Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Mmmm Really only extra exp and no sp?:O
    and what can the lv 1-39 ppl do with low sps?b:irritated

    I even kill sometimes my chars to get extra sp.. :O

    i hope extra exp would been also sp iincluded D;

    but anyway Awesome event


  • Arthiex - Lost City
    Arthiex - Lost City Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Well seeing as this lasts a week and Im 65 I will be 75+ because of this so if you grind ur **** off and complete quest QUICKLY of each lvl you will be 60 if you dun have life like me. b:laugh

    Lolz :P

    Come and grind in Lost city ^^
    if you got some free time =)
  • eliastheallmighty
    eliastheallmighty Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    xDb:laugh okay :)
    are u crasy or what?? no im crazy
  • essenceofnightmares
    essenceofnightmares Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Nice, way to go everyone!


    The date was changed? That kinda sucks... I was looking forward to it tomorrow.

    50% bonus is 1.5x. think for few seconds more b4 you blame people.
  • Rocksees - Lost City
    Rocksees - Lost City Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Awesome! Thanks for giving us a second chance and thanks to everyone for the effort to get the EXP. Gah, I need it bad LOL!
    So do I thanks and make sure to keep up the effort.
  • Zenpachi - Heavens Tear
    Zenpachi - Heavens Tear Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    50% bonus is 1.5x. think for few seconds more b4 you blame people.
    I think you either didn't read what I typed, or you quoted the wrong person...
