Warriors scare the cr@p out of me

Xangelx - Lost City
Xangelx - Lost City Posts: 116 Arc User
edited November 2008 in Blademaster
I was just grinding the other day on monsters 5 levels lower than me for easy grinding and also so I can watch my back since I didn't have a priest next to me. So I was just doing my thing, lalal, pick some flowers, then attack a rhino monster when this blade master shoots that funky cone shape ranged attack at me from behind. I was like or noes, i'm gonna die because i just attacked the monster and now i'm getting hit from both sides. I swing my camera around like no tomorrow. My first priority was to kill the monster. SO I used the thunder combo, and finished it off. The blade master got my hp down to about half by that point (I guess he was using his best skills or something because he after that, he didn't do cr@p to me). I wasn't really that scared of dieing at that point since I just got ganked, but what scared me was this is my first time fighting a BM 1 v 1. I never knew that BMs shake the ground so frikin much. He was missing 80% of his attacks and yet he kept shaking my screen endlessly. That was what scared me. Because the screen kept shaking, I thought I was getting crited, but everytime I looked at my hp, it was still 80% (i used a potion or two). So from killing all of those low level monsters, I had a spark and a full bar of chi. I used spark eruption, fired an arrow because I don't have 200 chi. I have 199 (I think that sucks). Then I use aim low, stun him, and shoot regular arrows. He nearly died and used a potion and ran away. I chased him for a bit, but I was like, what kind of gank was that....and I left him alone.

Ya, so warriors scare me with their earth shaking attacks. Why don't archers have those (besides when they crit)?
Post edited by Xangelx - Lost City on


  • Lyndura - Lost City
    Lyndura - Lost City Posts: 829 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I guess you got attacked by an Axe BM. Those are the ones that make earth shake the most. Also, reason why that player missed you a lot.

    And why to the effect of the skills? I don't know, ask the ones that made this game :P
  • Darth_rambo - Lost City
    Darth_rambo - Lost City Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    You could have beat him. Everyone knows venos are overpowered. I've seen venos solo bosses that I'd need a party for.
  • Xangelx - Lost City
    Xangelx - Lost City Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    uhm. what are you talking about? Venos were not mentioned in this thread. I agree with what you said about venos, but that was random.
  • Monarch - Lost City
    Monarch - Lost City Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Darth...its an archer. High dex? Axe BM missing? HALLO!!!!

    XAnglex - that is EXACTLY why I give archers a wide birth.
    It takes a big man to cry, but a bigger man to laugh at him.
    Guild: Outlaw
  • Xangelx - Lost City
    Xangelx - Lost City Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    wide birth?
  • Burjis - Heavens Tear
    Burjis - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Monarch thought you're a venomancer thats why he said that.
    Yeah, venomancers ruin the balance and variety of this game. I'm sick of seeing tailed chicks all around the place.
  • Monarch - Lost City
    Monarch - Lost City Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I knew she was an archer. Wide Birth means Plenty of room between them and I. AKA I don't bother them, they don't bother me.
    It takes a big man to cry, but a bigger man to laugh at him.
    Guild: Outlaw
  • Xangelx - Lost City
    Xangelx - Lost City Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    well that's good that you do. I've had one BM try to pk me for stealing exp? Not really, I was loading aimed shot that takes forever, he attacked the monster first, then I released it. He came up to me and started attacking me (1/3 attacks hit me) so I ran a bit to get into far range. He thought I was running away from the fight so he stopped and watched me run away. Right before I was out of my max range, I turned around (while using a healing potion) and stunned him and pked him.

    I personally don't mess with anyone else no matter what class unless they attack me first or boast about how good they are in PvP or have killed me before (on my KOS list).
  • Darth_rambo - Lost City
    Darth_rambo - Lost City Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    It's actually spelled "wide berth". It's from shipping terms, to mean keeping a distance from a large ship. Yeah I apolgize for that veno mistake though.

    I was just feeling sorry for myself as a BM. Venos are overpowered, and archers are the best pkers. BMs are like part DD, maybe part tank, master of neither.
  • chong
    chong Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    It's actually spelled "wide berth". It's from shipping terms, to mean keeping a distance from a large ship. Yeah I apolgize for that veno mistake though.

    I was just feeling sorry for myself as a BM. Venos are overpowered, and archers are the best pkers. BMs are like part DD, maybe part tank, master of neither.

    wrong, the game is balanced, there is no superior. Venom over power?
    if u are BM , u will be hard time when u face heavy armor Venom, but INT venom , LOL, 3 hits KO. ROFL!

    However, most Venoms don't go for Heavy Armor , because they will be just 1 hit ko by mage.

    before QQ around in the forum, why don't find out ur own solution. b:shutup
  • Monarch - Lost City
    Monarch - Lost City Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I really don't see the "Veno's are overpowered" thing. I've dropped many Veno's that are over my level. Are guys making the mistake to attempt to kill the pet?

    Cloud Sprint + Drakes Bash(or roar if not an axe bm) = Game over for Veno.

    Outrun the pet and stun the veno..Proceed to wail.

    P.S. - Sorry about the spelling mistake, "Berth". I did know its a sailing term though. :)
    It takes a big man to cry, but a bigger man to laugh at him.
    Guild: Outlaw
  • superray
    superray Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    so blademasters are a crappy class?
  • Sirbilliam - Sanctuary
    Sirbilliam - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I wouldn't call BMs crappy.

    I've dropped Venos, Barbs, Archers, BMs, Clerics, and mages in duels. Quite honestly I win 90% of my duels as a Spear BM.

    Of course I am on a PvE server so most people are leveling build, so my winnings may be attributed to that.
    Cloud Sprint + Drakes Bash(or roar if not an axe bm) = Game over for Veno.

    No true. Not all venos are magic build. Go try to kill a Heavy Armor Fox Form Veno, then you will see.
  • Altihnkai - Sanctuary
    Altihnkai - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    You could have beat him. Everyone knows venos are overpowered. I've seen venos solo bosses that I'd need a party for.

    veno's aint overpowered.. they are easy to take out as BM... but most BMs first go after the pet which is stupid.. grab the veno kill it pet dissapears =] sorted ;)
  • Albione - Lost City
    Albione - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    venos are not overpowered =x

    if they made it mandatory to kill pet before veno, yes they would be, but since you can pass up their personal tank and tear their fragile selves to shreds, not rly =x