GM event Screenshot (Sanctuary)


  • Noeii - Sanctuary
    Noeii - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Scarabs are now showing up, only PK enabled player can attack the GM
  • mrdoodle
    mrdoodle Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    total failure.
  • Kamili - Sanctuary
    Kamili - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I never expected such a dreadfully bad event. If the best the GMs can do is to ruin my evening I shall never bother again.
  • Noeii - Sanctuary
    Noeii - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Yeah, some people said the real event behind this was a PK hunt.
    It's a free game, nothing much to expect lol.
  • Kamili - Sanctuary
    Kamili - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    And now we have players (likely young) upset, leaving factions and giving things away. Well done GMs. I hope you are proud.
  • starman17
    starman17 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    what was so bad about the event that made players want to quit and give stuff away?
  • Noeii - Sanctuary
    Noeii - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    And now we have players (likely young) upset, leaving factions and giving things away. Well done GMs. I hope you are proud.

    I can tell from my own experience that many people complained a bit in the guild chatter, then one left.
  • Lathios - Sanctuary
    Lathios - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Worst event ever, Don't ever do that again. Wasted 40 mins for The event To finaly.... get trought mega lags, lost 15% EXP and get nothing. GJ GJ, one more event like this one and you'll loose 15% of your PWI players
  • Ragequit - Lost City
    Ragequit - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Worst event ever, Don't ever do that again. Wasted 40 mins for The event To finaly.... get trought mega lags, lost 15% EXP and get nothing. GJ GJ, one more event like this one and you'll loose 15% of your PWI players

    hi. don't let the door smack your behind too hard on your way out b:chuckle
  • ChaoticWoIf - Heavens Tear
    ChaoticWoIf - Heavens Tear Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    wow so it really was a disaster huh. glad i didnt showup lmfao
  • Xanthir - Sanctuary
    Xanthir - Sanctuary Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The problem was that we weren't told that PK had to be enabled for the event. I figured it out 2 minutes into the event and promptly left.

    A lot of the unwary players were told 20 minutes later that pk mode had to be enabled, so they enabled pk mode, hit the gm, got pked by OTHER players and dropped items.
  • kantorek
    kantorek Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    It was great fun, thanks everyone for participating! Here are some screen shots I took: b:bye
    Maintenance is my Constant. b:surrender
  • RockyFox - Sanctuary
    RockyFox - Sanctuary Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The problem was that we weren't told that PK had to be enabled for the event. I figured it out 2 minutes into the event and promptly left.

    A lot of the unwary players were told 20 minutes later that pk mode had to be enabled, so they enabled pk mode, hit the gm, got pked by OTHER players and dropped items.

    That's not good...
    they should have warned people in advance atleast...
  • swiftlikeafox
    swiftlikeafox Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Hmmm, I thought it was fun..... incredibly laggy(yeah I was pretty much frozen in place), and next to impossible to get any of the drops, but it was fun watching everyone running around looking for the GM.

    No one in my guild was whining because they didnt get any drops(and believe me none of us got anything!!! LOL!), but we all thought it was fun.....

    Since when does every event have to be about your personal gain(gimmie something free gimmie something free gimmie something free), I mean how selfish and self centered can people be??? Events can also be just fun little distractions, and that's exactly what this one was.

    Anyone who quit over it will most likely not be missed, as it speaks volumes of their spoiled little brat mentalities.
  • Xxxxx - Heavens Tear
    Xxxxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Hmmm, I thought it was fun..... incredibly laggy(yeah I was pretty much frozen in place), and next to impossible to get any of the drops, but it was fun watching everyone running around looking for the GM.

    No one in my guild was whining because they didnt get any drops(and believe me none of us got anything!!! LOL!), but we all thought it was fun.....

    Since when does every event have to be about your personal gain(gimmie something free gimmie something free gimmie something free), I mean how selfish and self centered can people be??? Events can also be just fun little distractions, and that's exactly what this one was.

    Anyone who quit over it will most likely not be missed, as it speaks volumes of their spoiled little brat mentalities.
    stfu is all i can say... if they make an event let it be good, i would rather have no event then this kind of pointless "high lvl gains again most money" events...
  • Yukiko - Lost City
    Yukiko - Lost City Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The problem was that we weren't told that PK had to be enabled for the event. I figured it out 2 minutes into the event and promptly left.

    A lot of the unwary players were told 20 minutes later that pk mode had to be enabled, so they enabled pk mode, hit the gm, got pked by OTHER players and dropped items.

    Obvious is obvious?

    If people are going to cry and quit game over PK, good riddance. Go uninstall.
  • Energize - Heavens Tear
    Energize - Heavens Tear Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Obvious is obvious?

    If people are going to cry and quit game over PK, good riddance. Go uninstall.

    QFT. Heh too much of a lag fest for me so I promptly teled outta there.
    GaliNaab here, your neighbourhood friendly male venomancer.
  • Slanleat - Lost City
    Slanleat - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The problem was that we weren't told that PK had to be enabled for the event. I figured it out 2 minutes into the event and promptly left.

    Took you two minutes to figure out you had to have pk enabled to pk a GM ????

  • Wrathx - Heavens Tear
    Wrathx - Heavens Tear Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Actually I would've figured that the GMs would've had a way that you could kill them without having to turn PK on. Some people just don't like having to have their PK on especially because I believe it takes 10 hours before you can turn it off as far as I know.
  • Kaishi - Heavens Tear
    Kaishi - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I will comment this event in 2 categories.
    1. PvP score (9/10). It sure was fun for everyone with some PK skills, lots of unexperienced players entering PvP mode on PvE server and a chance to frag some 'friends' from other guilds... they always drop the good stuff eh? ^^
    GM? Oh there was one running around and dropping some stuff but I could missed it ^^

    2. PvE score (1/10). Few easy FB bosses, 1 draggy after GM left, nothing interesting in loot... Lagging even in performance mode... Won't mention GM here, I guess that nothing left for those without PvP flag.

    So next time please announce PvP/lag event, not a misleading 'kill da gamemastah get gut stuff and be rich'.
    Thank you.
    Whenever I fail...
    I make it epic.

    Be nice to your local fail veno before it becomes nice to you.
  • swiftlikeafox
    swiftlikeafox Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I will comment this event in 2 categories.
    1. PvP score (9/10). It sure was fun for everyone with some PK skills, lots of unexperienced players entering PvP mode on PvE server and a chance to frag some 'friends' from other guilds... they always drop the good stuff eh? ^^
    GM? Oh there was one running around and dropping some stuff but I could missed it ^^

    2. PvE score (1/10). Few easy FB bosses, 1 draggy after GM left, nothing interesting in loot... Lagging even in performance mode... Won't mention GM here, I guess that nothing left for those without PvP flag.

    So next time please announce PvP/lag event, not a misleading 'kill da gamemastah get gut stuff and be rich'.
    Thank you.

    It was laggy.... but I think most of us anticipated that from the start.

    On Sanctuary Xarfox attempted to break up the lag a little by teleporting around and announcing that "he's here, he's there, oh wait now he's here", helped to break up the tightly packed groups of players and did reduce the lag quite a bit..

    Also while PK mode may have been necessary to attack the GM(who was impossible to even find through the crowd of people anyway), it didn't have to be enabled to attack his pets.... those who enabled PK mode and were unprepared for the outcome have no room to cry, I left mine off because I KNEW exactly what would happen...... now had the GM forced everyone into PK mode for this event, well, that would have just been mean!!!! Funny, but MEAN!!!!b:laugh

    I'd give this event an overall 6/10 rating, not very profitable(atleast not for me), but it WAS fun, the shear chaos and confusion inspired by this event was priceless!

    I take it the current staff is sorta new at this kinda thing, give 'em some time though, I'm sure with evil minds such as theirs hard at work, in a year or two we'll have some truly top-notch events.b:victory
  • Xanthir - Sanctuary
    Xanthir - Sanctuary Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Took you two minutes to figure out you had to have pk enabled to pk a GM ????

    Well considering that it said in this thread that anyone from lvl 1-89 could participate, I, like a lot of other people, didn't expect that you had to have PK mode turned on. After a bit of experimenting, I confirmed my suspicions and left.
  • Leolf - Heavens Tear
    Leolf - Heavens Tear Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Wow, almost everybody hated it. I was disappointed when I found out, but I guess it's a good thing I did the FFXI trial when I didb:pleased
  • Chaudproto - Heavens Tear
    Chaudproto - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    When I went to the "event", it was lag central after 5 minutes of standing around there you'd have to leave just to be able to keep playing the game. It lagged so much it caused me to drop from the game at one point.

    Speaking about the actual event though, because it was so laggy for me, I didn't really have the chance to attack any of the GMs "pets" so of course I couldn't get any of that loot. I'm not sure if they were randomly dropped by the GM or not but I saw at least one midnight and at least one black raptor on the ground. I was amazingly lucky enough to walk away from that lagfest with my shwanky new black raptor in tow. Now I just need to finish crawling my way up to level 60 so I can use it. b:irritated