I have a few questions

Posts: 29 Arc User
edited November 2008 in Venomancer
1.Where can i get Fruits to expand my pet bag?
2.What is a fast pet with decent survivability?
3.What is a good underwater pet?
4. Same as above but air pet.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks. =]
Post edited by supachocobo on


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  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    1. Random drop from mobs (I believe)
    2. Couldn't tell you, I prefer the Golem myself
    3. In my experience it doesnt matter, just use whatever tameable one thats nearby
    4. Depends on what you want, most people say the Petit Sawfly (level 8 to start) but again just whatevers available at the time
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I will just answer the first question, cause the other ones are perfectly answered.
    1. You can get fruit from lvl 40 mobs. I wanted fruit for years but buying it was too expensive, when i turned 40 I found out, that lvl 40 mobs have it.
    You will need to ask a friend to get it for you or something.
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    1.Where can i get Fruits to expand my pet bag?

    2.What is a fast pet with decent survivability?
    The SNOW HARE if you can get your paws on one or any wolf.

    3.What is a good underwater pet?

    4. Same as above but air pet.
    Flying Foxes
  • Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    1.Where can i get Fruits to expand my pet bag?

    2.What is a fast pet with decent survivability?
    The SNOW HARE if you can get your paws on one or any wolf.

    3.What is a good underwater pet?

    4. Same as above but air pet.
    Flying Foxes

    I must say this, I'm sorry but the snow hare sucks when it comes to fast attack. Most people will tell you to get a Kowlin (I believe that's what its called in this game) lvl 60. If you're below that, then probably either one of the wolves like she said or try to catch a rare kitty and puppy. I had a kitty in closed beta and it was fast and had decent survivabity. Plus it comes with bash which is a good attack for keeping agro.

    Also the flies to me are alot better than the foxes. If you can't get the lvl 8 sawfly then try one of the other flies, they are just as good as the sawflies and has a much better attack then the flying foxes in my opinion. I've had both fly and fox and I liked the attack power of a fly a lot better than a fox.
    I'm just a vagabond with flowers for Algernon...
  • Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    As far as air pets get a sawfly its only lvl 8 and it'll last you a long time or at least until your at a level to get a fox (Very ugly for some reason after catching em though)and if you cant get one look me up in game (Not sure what server your on) and I'll get you one. I was bored and giving em away yesterday
    Just look me up in game


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