Just did my first fb

Silverdreams - Heavens Tear
Silverdreams - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
edited November 2008 in Cleric
Ok so I just did my first fb19, actually did 3 of them this morning. I think my healing was good, mana wasn't much of a problem like I thought it would be.

The problem I had was dying. After the 3 fb's I came out maybe 8% ahead in exp. The last fb I finally stood behind the 2 archers, and died less. Our squad was 2 archers, 1 barb, 1 blademaster, and 1 cleric. Then it went to 2 archers, 2 blademasters, and 1 cleric. The highest lvl being a blademaster at level 34.

The problem I had was that I kept getting aggro using Ironheart heals.

So I guess my questions are:

1. To be ok in fb's do you have to have a hybrid build?

2. When you do draw aggro, do you go to where they're fighting so that one of the dd's can draw aggro?

3. Any other suggestions for staying alive???? lol

Thanks for any input. I really want to be the best cleric I can, but I need to figure out how to stay alive :p
Post edited by Silverdreams - Heavens Tear on


  • Elysoun - Heavens Tear
    Elysoun - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    You shouldnt be drawing aggro at all.

    Heal the person getting hit only if he is hitting the mobs attacking him, otherwise they will go after you, tell your squad to hit everything aggroed at least once so you can heal them.

    Other than that, if someone with low def draws aggro when you are fighting the boss leave him, his going to die in like 2 hits and there is not point going down with him, wait till your barb get aggro back again and heal the tank as normal.

    Also if someone did go after you, or you can see him running towards you hit your plume shield
  • Blessing - Heavens Tear
    Blessing - Heavens Tear Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    A lot of the tanks here are, well, kinda new to tanking. So they don't really understand the concept of holding aggro on ALL mobs instead of just one.

    I usually heal the tank with 1x or 2x Ironheart before they aggro a group of mobs. That gives them enough time to build aggro and still stay at full health.

    Now when they run into mobs without Ironheart on, I heal them with Ironheart and immediately cast it on myself after because I know I'm going to eat 1 or 2 hits before the tank has enough time to pick them up
  • slayer1o1
    slayer1o1 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    hey im fairly new to this, what does aggro stand for?
  • spankyfufu
    spankyfufu Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    slayer1o1 wrote: »
    hey im fairly new to this, what does aggro stand for?

    A mob (monsters, humanoids,etc.) that is attacking you.

    So aggro means that something is attacking you.
  • slayer1o1
    slayer1o1 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    thanks spankyfufu.
    wierd name by the way
  • insan1ty
    insan1ty Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    aggro means you're attracting the monster's aggression. Simply put: you pissed off the monster and now he wants to make you pay =)

    And yes, healing does **** off monsters quite a bit. But as others have already said, most of the time you shouldn't be attracting too much aggro though. Although this tends to come naturally with experience.

    The key is to keep an eye on what creatures have been engaged by the tank. If your tank is good, if he has 2 or 3 creatures on him at a given time, he will attack each of these monsters as soon as possible to keep them aggressive against him. This way you can heal him without any worries as the creatures will be more pissed off with the tank than with your healing. However, if the tank only attacked one of the three, chances are the other two will start coming towards you if you start healing.

    Again, as others have already said, it's a good idea to cast an Ironheart on your tank *right before* he engages a monster, this way you won't attract any aggro and it gives your tank plenty of time to properly engage all of the monsters around him before you can start healing him again. Don't rush your healing! Give him a chance to aggro first.

    If you do attract any aggro, you're not going to want to stick around and fight because of our low HP/def. ratings. Usually I'll try to slow them down and run towards my party members. When I'm in a good party, they'll pick up the monster right away and I'll never die from something like this. When I'm in a bad party, I get pissed off cuz I die. =)

    1) tell your tank(s) to attack all of the monsters that are attacking him

    2) if you do attract any aggro from healing, try to slow them down and then run amongst your party members. Tell your party members before you start to pick up any monsters chasing you in case they don't know any better.

    3) Be careful where you step! In most FBs there are usually a couple of spots where you probably won'T be clearing out the whole area so be sure you watch your back and stay away from any monsters that aren't being targetted by your squad. Usuually if you get caught by a monster you didn't see, your team won't be fast enough to save you because they might not be aware of your situation until it's too late.

    In the end, Clerics will often make or break a party so it's in your party's best interest to keep you alive. Try to remain on the back lines but try to remain visible. I usually hang out next to some archers. They can push back monsters that come too close and they are good at picking off any monsters I might have accidentally aggro'd.
  • narulordofevil
    narulordofevil Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The best trick as said before is to stand at the back and if something comes towards u hit plume shell and run away run run i tell u ^^

    I also find that the FB's go much better when u have a part guild party with some members that know you well becouse then they can fight in retrospect to how u fight through teamwork experiance ^^

    In my guild we have managed to get the hang of this to a degree were we dont need a tank with squad mebers of around lvl 30-35 (except the fb19 person who is lvl 19)

    But anyway good luck ^^

    oh and make sure u are very at the back not just near the back all the way back ^^
  • scridon
    scridon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Well just like a lot of people have said already, staying back is the first general rule. Put as much distance from you and the mob as you can, this will allow extra time for you to run away and or get others to notice and take them off of you. Just as some people like to get angry when you are a little slow on heal you should just as rightly get angry when the attackers and tanks do not take the aggro off of you. That is part of there job. ;)

    Also when and if you ever get into an Fb or something similar with a crew of idiots that don't know how to strategically attack mobs,jumping in on tons of mobs at one time, let them die, and get the hell out of there. If you die you wont get res'ed but they will probably expect you to come back and res there sorry ****. If they get mad at you then so be it. If they become overly bothersome then leave them to there own devices, no sense in losing xp over some idiot(s). ^^
  • Cysus - Lost City
    Cysus - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    There is such a thing as a full combat cleric.... I am one!

    (the only reason I posted this is to try my siggy by the way xD)
    Proud member of Sacrifice
  • Spiritkeeper - Lost City
    Spiritkeeper - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    trust in someone i know
    help out someone i know
    mislead those i hateb:thanks
  • quantumphysics
    quantumphysics Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    basically try to stay back and one thing that i must stress is DON'T SPAM HEALS. make sure you let every heal do their job instead of trying to stack 5 because it draws a MASSIVE amount of aggro on you. even if a tank has the job to draw aggro it is your job to not pull aggro away too.
  • xlovex
    xlovex Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    actually i rarely if ever draw aggro after someone's hit something.

    so yea, before your tank charges into a mob, stack 3 or 4 ironhearts on him.

    then after he goes in, make sure he hits all the mobs before you restart healing.

    counting to 3 or 4 seconds before each ironheart is a good way to layer healing too =)
  • Kusaku - Lost City
    Kusaku - Lost City Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    FB's are always good fun i find (sometimes made better when they are idiots ^.-)

    I normally help FB's with a guild mate that way i no i can rely on them to draw and agros i gain ^^

    (also sry i forgot about FA clerics didnt think they were relevent seeing as they can normally defend themselfs anyhow ^^)

    Oh and another little trick is u no those free mp/hp pots u find i sometimes use those to make healing easier ^^

    sometimes give them to the main tank or my guild mate to just so hat if u get agro tehy can run around on there own for abit without worrying about healing to much ^^
    So for my bad spelling ^^
    Dieing with style and skill since 1989

    Frav Qoute :
    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."
  • soundwave2g
    soundwave2g Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    This may sound like a stupid question but what's an FB?
    I'm level 19, should I be doing FB's yet?
  • Kelebek - Sanctuary
    Kelebek - Sanctuary Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    This may sound like a stupid question but what's an FB?
    I'm level 19, should I be doing FB's yet?

    The quests to do it are available. You need to complete a few steps of your spiritual cultivation first I think, then the fb19 quests will open up.

    There's 3 different fb19's, one for each race. Elves' is just west of Plume, on the Western Tranquility Shore. On the map it's shown as a little cave shape. Untamed's fb19 is right north of that by Silk Ridge, and Humans' fb19 is north of Etherblade.
  • Silver_Shan - Heavens Tear
    Silver_Shan - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Well, If you want to be better in doing FB's, I would suggest next time having maybe a Wizard, and higher leveled Barbarians, and Archers.
    Off Topic: Cysus, how can I become a Combat Cleric?