Most Over Powered Class



  • giest
    giest Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I have read many forums now about phoenix and hercules. The whole bleed argument seems to overlook its only uber bad for light/arcane armored players. Furthermore Phoenix itself has a big draw back of only eating one type of food item, which I am sorry to say is not water. So there is only actually two items that it can eat in the game thus far which have bad drop rates.

    I find it funny that so many people are freaked. It happens in every game. A class gets a new skill or advantage and every one thinks the sky has fallen. I would give PW a little more credit and say if they give venos such a nice toy I am sure the other 5 classes will be getting some nice toys too. Maybe not now, maybe later, who knows. The common veno vs the common any class usually loses. Venos with pets that have stun and other nifty skills well they are more balanced. But all things equal I think venos do seem a bit nerfed at times when you put them against a barb or an archer. If the shoe were on the other foot, I would be excited..... If you kill a veno with a phoenix does that not prove you are an awesome player if this thing is so godly like many people seem to think it is. Like many people say too, its 9999 feathers, thats insane, absurd and crazy.

    On one last note, I was reading a forum on how they were sold in a cash shop. Apparently one way they were sold was through boxes that worked similar to Halloween boxes. Where you open them and they have a very small % chance to get one of three pets. Two of which were phoenix and hurcules and the other was an all class pet dalmation.
  • anima
    anima Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Actually in other servers they do sell feathers and the hercules'item in package of 100, but of course, the price is... WF with a phoenix can be killed on a 2v1 pk, but if she has a nice heavy set then it is a different story ^^. Anyway, at that lvl skill is more useful than money.

  • Tara - Lost City
    Tara - Lost City Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Archers 100% OP

    Mage classes right up there
  • whysoserious
    whysoserious Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    You'll see phoenix and herc.
    Nerf the pets please.
  • Clickhere - Lost City
    Clickhere - Lost City Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Im sorry for the people who question about these pet. U know somethign is wrong when a single pet can solo what a full team has trouble to acomplish. b:bye
    Also, ppl may say that pet is overpowered but ppl ignores what military rank 8 bow +12 can do as well. In several forms any class can become "overpowered" if you waste 3K+ on it.
    The weakest dmg dealing profesion in 1 shot would be blademaster but think of an lvl 100 axe from crescent valley with berserker on it and in top of that +12 it. b:surrender

    Anyone obsceced enough to waste huge money on game like ppl is already doing on lost city will get people crying about how overpowered they are thus ppl would say that class is "overpowered"
    Raven:"...Don't joke with my intelligence"b:laugh
  • Burjis - Heavens Tear
    Burjis - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I don't think its only the pets that make the venos overpowered. Its a combination of their pets and their skills. Just take a look at their skills and you will find out why they are so good at duels, pvp AND TW.

    What is balance in a game? Its that if some class is VERY strong at someting it must SUCK at another thing. Can you name 1 area that the venos suck at? (forget about stupid useless zhen). But yeah I can name dozens that they are the BEST at. If you don't call this being overpowered, then what is it?

    Bottom line is: this game is the most well balanced mmo there is but not until the venos stay that way.
  • lyle2
    lyle2 Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i cant use western unoin in having my pay by cash
    they telll me they dont know that one how can i charge not using anything except cash......i want to recharge!!!!! pls............. elp me !!!:((
  • Foxgodz - Heavens Tear
    Foxgodz - Heavens Tear Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Burijis Said;
    "What is balance in a game? Its that if some class is VERY strong at someting it must SUCK at another thing. Can you name 1 area that the venos suck at?"

    Physical defence of venos sucks.Skills balance all classes equally.However all are good in different things and veno's are just the ultimate hybrid class.
  • Envy - Lost City
    Envy - Lost City Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Burijis Said;
    "What is balance in a game? Its that if some class is VERY strong at someting it must SUCK at another thing. Can you name 1 area that the venos suck at?"

    Physical defence of venos sucks.Skills balance all classes equally.However all are good in different things and veno's are just the ultimate hybrid class.

    heaven fox form has the highest physical def in the game.
    Archers 100% OP

    Mage classes right up there

    actually both the EA and MG are amazingly squishie. Most of the archers skills are gimped compared to every other class to make up for our crit. Archers have no real skill to defend themselves besides there **** barrier that gets broken in one hit. If you built / geared out your WR correctly you should have no problem beating archers 1v1.
  • Vlarkin - Heavens Tear
    Vlarkin - Heavens Tear Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i donno about being overpowered, never seen a phoenix, and i had thought venos to be a bit underpowered till i ran into 1 that used bramble hood, I could barely touch it >.< and im a high dex build archer so i donno
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The simple solution to that is normally to run around for 15 seconds, really...
  • Onishi - Heavens Tear
    Onishi - Heavens Tear Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    giest wrote: »
    I find it funny that so many people are freaked. It happens in every game. A class gets a new skill or advantage and every one thinks the sky has fallen. I would give PW a little more credit and say if they give venos such a nice toy I am sure the other 5 classes will be getting some nice toys too. Maybe not now, maybe later, who knows. The common veno vs the common any class usually loses. Venos with pets that have stun and other nifty skills well they are more balanced. But all things equal I think venos do seem a bit nerfed at times when you put them against a barb or an archer. If the shoe were on the other foot, I would be excited..... If you kill a veno with a phoenix does that not prove you are an awesome player if this thing is so godly like many people seem to think it is. Like many people say too, its 9999 feathers, thats insane, absurd and crazy.

    The other 5 classes are not going to ever receive any bonuses, least not anywhere within the next several years, and well there's not really any room for upgrades for them, and if they do offer any items, and if they do, veno's will also be allowed to have them. I mean hell there's no real way to do it. lets see, for wizards to make it fair lets add a new more powerful weapons or armors... oh yeah, veno's can still use those, and yes.... if it's really at the point where killing a single character of your level being something huge for bragging rights... something is seriously wrong, and no cost is not a fair offset at all.. All classes have major expenses all throughout their career and... well the veno's have 1/4th of that. If you take a barb. put his armor repair, charm/potion costs from level 1-60, subtracted them from what your typical veno pays, then after that factor in what your veno could make by spending 1 hour soloing TT a day. You will very easilly be able to afford probably the cost to buy both pets, and keep them fed for a year.
  • Mosabi - Heavens Tear
    Mosabi - Heavens Tear Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Will I say mages are underpowered from lvl1 to lvl 58 I dueled a barb friend he was 10 lvls lower than me and he beated me but that essintial sutra skill in lvl 59 will make everybody say that mages are over powered cuz if you ask anybody who duled with a mage from lvl 60+ they will say that mages at that lvl are so over powered and the reason no body plays a wizard is the fact that they are extremly hard to lvl up almost impossiple at lvl 40-55 at lvl 48 I stayed 5 days at that lvl but as soon as I hited 50 I stated to lvl daily and I did a 2k crit to my friend the barb and he kept screaming am OP it fealt good but there are no plenty of wizards to see in game take a walk in archo look for a wizard that is lvl 60+ they are extremly rare and ppl just quit wizard at lvl 30-40 cuz it takes effort to lvl them and thats why almost no one plays wizard. report out
    Is Back once more.

    sorry med school needs some time.
  • *chitose* - Heavens Tear
    *chitose* - Heavens Tear Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    b:bye raise hand for Veno with Hercules or Phoenix. Definitely. >< In my country, venos are everywhere but of course Hercules and Phoenix aren't common--'normal' Venos are bearable but Herc and Phoenix?? You may say the cost to get it is blah blah blah, but still... 1.1 k is insane, combine with a full int Veno. b:surrender b:surrender

    If they want PW to be totally balance, I second the opinion above of giving other class the same thing as Veno's Hercules and Phoenix. Like, the same insanely expensive equipment but in the 'same level' as Veno's Hercules and Phoenix, if you get what I mean...

    (but that means... you can own the game with RL money... b:shocked ... then... what is it about personal skills...?)
  • giest
    giest Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The other 5 classes are not going to ever receive any bonuses, least not anywhere within the next several years, and well there's not really any room for upgrades for them, and if they do offer any items, and if they do, veno's will also be allowed to have them. I mean hell there's no real way to do it. lets see, for wizards to make it fair lets add a new more powerful weapons or armors... oh yeah, veno's can still use those, and yes.... if it's really at the point where killing a single character of your level being something huge for bragging rights... something is seriously wrong, and no cost is not a fair offset at all.. All classes have major expenses all throughout their career and... well the veno's have 1/4th of that. If you take a barb. put his armor repair, charm/potion costs from level 1-60, subtracted them from what your typical veno pays, then after that factor in what your veno could make by spending 1 hour soloing TT a day. You will very easilly be able to afford probably the cost to buy both pets, and keep them fed for a year.

    Venos have unaccounted for costs too. Pet food aint cheap when you go through 200 waters every other day, not to mention loyalty boost. The cost to own the pets will be over one hundred dollars, go check other forums to see the unlucky people =p. So just for one thats 10 million coins. Hay cost 5k each. Seeing as phoenix eats only hay and pets eat every five minuets, thats 60k an hour and unless your using dry spaghetti as a weapon I can't even imagine repair costs being close to 60k an hour. Furthermore I did like the point made, anyone with 100 dollars to spend on a single item will have an item that destroys anyone. A +12 legendary weapon would be just as lethal. So lets consider this. The common veno does not have as much coin as anti-phoenix people claim they have. Having a lot of ingame currency just depends on your skill and playing style. Based off of this notion most Venos are not rich most cannot afford the 10 mil in coin to buy the pets or the hay to to feed or the 200k a week for the book. If this pet coming out has you so scared go upgrade a weapon to +12 and then you can one shot other players considering the stats grow exponentially on upgraded weapons.

    I think the worst you will see is 10-20 of these pets and most people will not encounter them on a day to day basis. So chill =p PW still exist in other countries after phoenix came out and plenty of people still play, doubt the release of phoenix will destroy game dynamics.

    Is anyone certain that phoenix IS coming out, I don't think pwi has specifically stated that, they have only said new battle pets. I check the forums all the time for an official statement on phoenix and have not seen one.
  • Haiz - Lost City
    Haiz - Lost City Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Just to clarify you guys are underestimating the phoenix.

    As a 91 MG with full HH gears and defense I was on the ground and it bled me for 1.9k. If I was in the air its doubled to 3.8k .

    To a level 95 WB with fully decked out awesome gear, he was in the air and was taking 2.3k damage per bleed tick.

    giest you need to not suck at veno if it costs you 10 million to keep your pets loyalty up as well.
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    If they just fixed the god damn bleed it'd be balanced :v
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    A warrior / Blademaster at endgame, if built right and given the right weapons and armor (not the +11 or +13 uber gear, but the gear that goes with his build) will be the strongest character in the game that simply put... cannot be killed in a 1 vs 1 by any class out there.

    2 reasons why warriors can be considered as over powered, if you go 99 vs 1, the warrior can simply stun all you 99 players and kick on his cloud sprint or the transcend skill and run away. If you are a robe class and you are up against a spear warrior he can stack over 4k bleed on you in just 2 hits. he can slow you down... stun you with 4 different skills, seal you with 2 skills, freeze you with 1 skill. Not to mention their physical and magical defence altering sutras typically makes them the gods and goddess of 1 vs 1. In TWs... they can simply turn the tides of war. They're the one class in the game that can chain stun and not get stunned or frozen or sealed for 15 seconds.

    one more advantage for them is, they don't need support in pvp... mages and are usually backed up by several classes. warriors can just solo pvp with a hiero.

    I've fought 9X warriors on MY-EN and they're definitely a force to be reckoned with. On PW-CN it was a warrior who first completed the Crescent valley in solo mode... where even the kings of PVE, warefoxes failed.

    warriors just suck in air.

    p.s. Analyze the class and you can come up with a tactic to beat the opponent class.
    I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.

  • Burjis - Heavens Tear
    Burjis - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    "Physical defence of venos sucks.Skills balance all classes equally."

    By area, I don't mean attack damage or defense or something like that. Venos are the best in many aspects of the game (like fbs, grinding, pulling, money making, solo TT runs, ...) and they are still great in many other areas (like TW, duels and pvp) but there are no area worth mentioning in which venos really suck. Can you name one?

    "The simple solution to that is normally to run around for 15 seconds, really..."

    So is that the final solution? To run away? And if your running skills are in cooldown then you are already screwed. You are already dead in 15 secs with both the veno and her pet attacking you cause they can outrun you every time. And this is just the blamble hood skill. The venos have so many other fearsome skills in their arsenal. And thanks to their great money making ability they can max them out much faster than any other class.

    And for those who keep bringing up the price of the phoenix, venos can afford everything in the game. Every rich player I know also has a veno alt! Why? To support their main character! Poor poor venos they have to spend x amount of coin so that their pet can kick butt.
  • giest
    giest Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Just to clarify you guys are underestimating the phoenix.

    As a 91 MG with full HH gears and defense I was on the ground and it bled me for 1.9k. If I was in the air its doubled to 3.8k .

    To a level 95 WB with fully decked out awesome gear, he was in the air and was taking 2.3k damage per bleed tick.

    giest you need to not suck at veno if it costs you 10 million to keep your pets loyalty up as well.

    You need to not suck at reading, I said the cost of phoenix would be 10 million coins to own the pet, or maybe it would be more clear if I said 100 gold? You seemed to mix up my point about the cost of loyalty and where ever you get your pets from I would like to buy them because apparently food for them is not a legit concern =) your pets must never eat!

    BTW if you don't think loyalty costs will be high, Phoenix is a major KOS target and it does stand out just a little bit being a big red glowing bird. I am not sure you roll a veno haiz, I don't think you do, but pets can lose a bit of loyalty in TW and with such a giant marker on its head phoenix will lose more than average. Hay type fodder will jump in price after its release and I bet you every time phoenix dies it will cost about 25k in hay to make up the loyalty.

    Simple solution to anyone that thinks venos make so much money, lvl a veno to 30 and go catch some rare pets or farm or something... Not sure where you think our hidden coffers are that happen to be full of secret pw currency, and the all class pet point does not count considering how many ppl just get friends to do those anyway.

    Simple solution to those who think bleed needs to be fixed or phoenix is way too powerful...
    Roll a Veno!

    Personally I don't like archers, so I want them nerfed, BM can stun me waaaay too long, nerf them to. I don't like clerics and their healing abilities... makes those barbs harder to kill.... nerf them clerics too!

    I know I was being sarcastic but, you can find things to nerf in every class, especially BM and archer. Just like that clever comment about rock paper scissors, of course you want the nerf, you just want the class you like to absolutely destroy other classes without any trouble. I am gonna like having a pet that needs to be addressed instead of the whole "run around till bramble hood wares off and go for the veno while ignoring the pet.

    I am still surprised so many people are freaked considering the price, not every veno is gonna have this bird so you won't be fighting many phoenix pets
  • Byr - Lost City
    Byr - Lost City Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited November 2008 not gonna lie. im a veno and i make a lot of money while spending less than all you other classes. lol @ you guys.
  • Foxgodz - Heavens Tear
    Foxgodz - Heavens Tear Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Burjis said:

    "Physical defence of venos sucks.Skills balance all classes equally."

    By area, I don't mean attack damage or defense or something like that. Venos are the best in many aspects of the game (like fbs, grinding, pulling, money making, solo TT runs, ...) and they are still great in many other areas (like TW, duels and pvp) but there are no area worth mentioning in which venos really suck. Can you name one?

    Not really except for cooler looking skills XD.But yeah I agree with those things except for pulling thats needed to make a veno worth something to partys.But the rest are right on.Though the pet skills are murder to the coins of veno's.
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    They suck at getting a zhen party.
  • Haiz - Lost City
    Haiz - Lost City Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    giest wrote: »
    You need to not suck at reading, I said the cost of phoenix would be 10 million coins to own the pet, or maybe it would be more clear if I said 100 gold? You seemed to mix up my point about the cost of loyalty and where ever you get your pets from I would like to buy them because apparently food for them is not a legit concern =) your pets must never eat!

    BTW if you don't think loyalty costs will be high, Phoenix is a major KOS target and it does stand out just a little bit being a big red glowing bird. I am not sure you roll a veno haiz, I don't think you do, but pets can lose a bit of loyalty in TW and with such a giant marker on its head phoenix will lose more than average. Hay type fodder will jump in price after its release and I bet you every time phoenix dies it will cost about 25k in hay to make up the loyalty.

    Simple solution to anyone that thinks venos make so much money, lvl a veno to 30 and go catch some rare pets or farm or something... Not sure where you think our hidden coffers are that happen to be full of secret pw currency, and the all class pet point does not count considering how many ppl just get friends to do those anyway.

    Simple solution to those who think bleed needs to be fixed or phoenix is way too powerful...
    Roll a Veno!

    Personally I don't like archers, so I want them nerfed, BM can stun me waaaay too long, nerf them to. I don't like clerics and their healing abilities... makes those barbs harder to kill.... nerf them clerics too!

    I know I was being sarcastic but, you can find things to nerf in every class, especially BM and archer. Just like that clever comment about rock paper scissors, of course you want the nerf, you just want the class you like to absolutely destroy other classes without any trouble. I am gonna like having a pet that needs to be addressed instead of the whole "run around till bramble hood wares off and go for the veno while ignoring the pet.

    I am still surprised so many people are freaked considering the price, not every veno is gonna have this bird so you won't be fighting many phoenix pets

    You talk like the phoenix is squishy like a bee. I have good news for you, its not. Phoenix for me was 4-5 spells and it can easily be healed to full after one pet heal. Oh, and the phoenix pet is not included in the "rock paper scissors" comment, because there is no way to beat it. There are ways to beat every class except when a veno has phoenix. By the way, you should see how many phoenixes there are on Oracle, you might be surprised. Oh, and according to my veno friend it isn't only hay, its all the types of pet food that are gotten from mobs, the non buyable ones from npc like fungus fruit and all that junk. She could be wrong though.

    By the way, 10 million coins would get a person a what? a +6 or +7 weapon? I think I'd take a phoenix over that.
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    You talk like the phoenix is squishy like a bee. I have good news for you, its not. Phoenix for me was 4-5 spells and it can easily be healed to full after one pet heal. Oh, and the phoenix pet is not included in the "rock paper scissors" comment, because there is no way to beat it. There are ways to beat every class except when a veno has phoenix. By the way, you should see how many phoenixes there are on Oracle, you might be surprised. Oh, and according to my veno friend it isn't only hay, its all the types of pet food that are gotten from mobs, the non buyable ones from npc like fungus fruit and all that junk. She could be wrong though.

    By the way, 10 million coins would get a person a what? a +6 or +7 weapon? I think I'd take a phoenix over that.

    I agree, people that have not actually fought against a phoenix or even played this game before cant really argue against how over-powered it is.
  • Jesus - Lost City
    Jesus - Lost City Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I agree, people that have not actually fought against a phoenix or even played this game before cant really argue against how over-powered it is.

    devoted fought a phoenix o.Ob:shutup
  • szael
    szael Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I watched on as a friend of mine with a PW account faced a Veno at least 15 levels lower than he was. The veno had a phoenix. my friend lost in 37.93 seconds. i timed him. this is what he looked like when he saw the lv. of his opponent.b:laugh
    this is what he looked like when he lost in less that a minuteb:shocked
    The Sage ot the Threads is my older brother.

    Nice to meet you!b:heartb:byeb:heart

    I hope that this game will be fun!
  • ark
    ark Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    -3% channeling stones on a Wizard.

    As a Guild,

    Live as One, fight as One, win as One.
    Strength in Unity,
    Order through Chaos,
    Victory united.
  • Cbastor - Lost City
    Cbastor - Lost City Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    In my opinion, no class is overpowered at the moment. Other people could say that certain class is overpowered, being based on their class (Ex: Wizards with Clerics). But me, as a BladeMaster, find pretty balanced the fights during PvP with any class, including my own.

    I can kill any class without problems, and those classes can kill me without problems too. It's matter of equipment and skill, not really the class.

    But if I had to say which class performs the best during an specific scenary, then I would say:

    PK: Full DEX Archer's and Full Attack Clerics.
    Duels: PvP Built BladeMaster (considering the duel is on land and not air or water).
    Unkilleable: Barbarian with HP Charm.
    i agree, i can kill venos and wiz and archers one shot (some times)but they can also do the same to me(im a blademaster)but when it comes to me vs barbs and other BMs ,if they use axes i wil pawn them if they fist i will lose:(
  • Ammerex - Lost City
    Ammerex - Lost City Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Well.. I know this is going to make it sound like I have no life... but..xDb:shocked
    I currently have an account for each class, (except for barbarian, which can't be female.. Y_Y)
    Each up to at least level 10, and honestly, while they may be weaker or stronger in one area or another, they all seem to be pretty equal to me..b:surrenderb:b:faintb:lipcurl