Wedding Prices Exsorbitant?

Vladimanthor - Heavens Tear
Vladimanthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
edited February 2009 in Cash Shop Huddle
I was pondering purchasing the Wedding Packs for a while now but after researching and looking at everything associated with them I've come to a strange conclusion. Now I understand that the in game marriage system has benefits to each player but alas is that small benefit really worth $30-60 to a player? I've done the math and it doesn't seem to add up to that amount and I'm sure this has caused many players to hesitate in buying such. But this little ramble probably means little so I'll explain my logic and pose a question after.

You've got a set of clothing which would retail for three to eight gold sold separately

A special title which if you wanted to count might equate to maybe two gold at most as it has no in game value.

A server wide message announcing your union which is only ten silver as it's about the same as a teleacoustic.

Additional ability for quests and items I price at another three to five gold.

So in total It averages out at eight gold ten silver to fourteen gold ten silver.

Where does the extra sixteen to twenty-two gold come in? I'm sure that many players would agree they would be more likely to "marry" in game if the prices were lower and I'm sure the translation team, game masters, and customer support team would appreciate the addition to their income that followed the increased sales. Even a ten gold discount would improve even my likeliness to buy it but as it stands I'd have to make two gold purchases at a single time to purchase the item which many people just will not do, now I understand many players have the ability to earn coins in game to supplement real world money but alas many do not wish to spend many hours harvesting and questing to get even a meager amount of the gold needed.
My query is as follows, would the reduction in price by even a third equate to such a large margin of losses when compared to the increased sales? I'm not a business major but I have run a store and I know that when a price is too high then sales decline, when a price is lowered then sales incline to follow. Although this is only my opinion I'm sure many players would agree whole-heartedly.

P.S. Yes I do realize I made a typo in the title and misspelled "Exorbitant"
Post edited by Vladimanthor - Heavens Tear on


  • Angelle - Heavens Tear
    Angelle - Heavens Tear Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Lulz, if marriage announcements (if prices were lowered) end up like the Duke screaming out useless **** in the Halloween event, I'm going to cry and pull my hair out. >:
    Former Leader of 卓越的 {Transcendent}
    -- DoIl - Venomancer - 6X

    ;D You can call me Minny.
  • Achtai - Heavens Tear
    Achtai - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    wedding prices are a bit pricey, I think it should be either lowered, or perhaps make it so that th epackage is optional..and let people partner up for free..

    srsly, I can live with out all the glamour, but I would love too beable to show who my partner is..Not all of PW has to know that your married, half the people that are shouted out you don't even know lol
  • Rorin - Lost City
    Rorin - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I agree. I would just enjoy having the title above my name. Not too big of a fan of the clothing either. Just the title ^^
  • Melancholy - Heavens Tear
    Melancholy - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    correct me if im wrong; but there is an exp bonus when your partied with your spouse
  • sheonite4000
    sheonite4000 Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Still way over prized, I still think prizes should be halved, 15$ would still be burning money in a game for no useful reason, but its still more reasonable.
  • Rabidpanda - Heavens Tear
    Rabidpanda - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Of all the prices in the cash shop, I have to agree that this one is just over the top. $10 for a highly useful in game item (a mount) or $60 to get a marriage title? That's a bit extreme.

    The only logic I can see behind the high price is 1) For people to be able to distinguish their significant others in game, which follows with 2) It is intended for serious players in committed relationships so drama doesn't spill into the game and absorb the GMs time trying to file for divorces and the like.

    Even still, I think a player willing to spend even $40 on this event would qualify as the above. Just my .02.
  • surtr
    surtr Posts: 3,378 Perfect World Employee
    edited October 2008
    In-game divorce is a simple matter, requiring only that you pay a two million coins.
    ==/Senior QA Lead/==

    Surtr from the south wielding fire
    The gods' swords shine in the darkness, like stars in the night
    Mountains collapse into rubble and fiends shall fall
    Man walks the road to ruin as the sky splits in two

  • Angelle - Heavens Tear
    Angelle - Heavens Tear Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    "Only two million coins." Lol.
    Former Leader of 卓越的 {Transcendent}
    -- DoIl - Venomancer - 6X

    ;D You can call me Minny.
  • surtr
    surtr Posts: 3,378 Perfect World Employee
    edited October 2008
    Well, we could've made it more realistic, but we decided having to give half your items and gear to your former spouse was just a little but much.
    ==/Senior QA Lead/==

    Surtr from the south wielding fire
    The gods' swords shine in the darkness, like stars in the night
    Mountains collapse into rubble and fiends shall fall
    Man walks the road to ruin as the sky splits in two

  • Rabidpanda - Heavens Tear
    Rabidpanda - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    That's hilarious Surtr! So does the dev team have more of an issue with the wanting to limit marriage to a certain playerbase, or is there more to it, if I may ask.

    Just curious because I play with my fiance, and I have some interest in doing it for the title, but $60 could get us a very nice sushi dinner, and that wins.
  • markillian
    markillian Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    marriage should be $60, its no joke in real life why shouldn't it be solely for the serious players in game?
  • Vladimanthor - Heavens Tear
    Vladimanthor - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The problem here is that it is in fact a game, not real life. Many players would like to express commitment to their significance other but simply cannot afford the $60 or 6,000,000 coin to get it. It takes a rather long time to accumulate coin alone not even factoring in skill price and such. However if Marriage were reduced to say $40 or $30 the likelihood of players to purchase would more than double as that's more reasonable and doesnt require the player to make numerous transactions to achieve.
  • uly
    uly Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i just wanted to know the price but now i have a question why cant you just pay in the money the mobs drop to pay for it?b:puzzledb:questionb:question
  • spiritscollector
    spiritscollector Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    yep, pls lower the price .....b:victory
    i be the first to get married ..
  • Zahara - Heavens Tear
    Zahara - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    correct me if im wrong; but there is an exp bonus when your partied with your spouse

    The answer is no, there is no experience boost. If there was, PWI would confirm and most likely advertise.

    Your benifits include... a little wedding candy (which can be traded for rep, but you wont get enough to do that), some wine, and some other items you can sell, most likely in total after selling you'll come out with about 750k, which is... pretty much only $7.50, perhaps up to $9 w/ inflation.

    You also get wedding clothes, and a daily quest that is similar to Hou Jen Si / Tu Jo, but way more expensive.
  • changtse
    changtse Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    surtr wrote: »
    In-game divorce is a simple matter, requiring only that you pay a two million coins.

    not only that, but she gets half your drops and exp for the next 20 years as alimony <g>
  • Aluviell - Heavens Tear
    Aluviell - Heavens Tear Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    So do you absolutley have to buy a wedding pack to get married in game? Do you have to wear the tag at all times?b:dirty
  • josph
    josph Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The answer is no, there is no experience boost. If there was, PWI would confirm and most likely advertise.

    Your benifits include... a little wedding candy (which can be traded for rep, but you wont get enough to do that), some wine, and some other items you can sell, most likely in total after selling you'll come out with about 750k, which is... pretty much only $7.50, perhaps up to $9 w/ inflation.

    You also get wedding clothes, and a daily quest that is similar to Hou Jen Si / Tu Jo, but way more expensive.

    So if you are married you get another daily quest? How much exp does it give cause I never heard of that before...

    Also, you should make it cheaper to divorce. And to you, Mr GM. You have a 13 yr. old girl playing against what your TOS states. Some man in-game paid to marry her. He has also collected her MSN and messages her everytime she gets on. That kind of behavior should not be allowed. I have reported it as it violates the TOS for him collecting information on her, and her parents not reading the TOS which it states must be done. Seriously, it is rediculous...some man who I don't know his age, is with a 13 yr. YOUNG girl, you should not allow **** like that. The guys name is GstormT and I seriously hope you do something about this, because it is looking more and more like an online child predator case to me.
  • Abao - Lost City
    Abao - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    is not worth it.... even you really love each other..
    i rather spend the money with my bf in real life for something real

    * the wedding candy gives you reputation....but still not worth it
    b:cute 宝。

  • mightynyx
    mightynyx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Yeah, I don't feel it's worth it either. I play with my boyfriend whom I've been living with for 2 years. It would be very fun to have the titles and the silly wedding clothes, but that amount of money could go towards much better things.

    I feel sorry for the couples that meet over this game and want to express their love through the game.
  • Soloboy - Sanctuary
    Soloboy - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    rofl... some of the coments have made me rofl in real life.. :)

    i dun really get the point of marrage, sure u get some xp n new quests but it's a little odd.Other games iv played has not had this option. (i shopped around alot before settling in this game) its just a little odd to me to be online married, correct me if im wrong..
  • Chootie - Lost City
    Chootie - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    rofl... some of the coments have made me rofl in real life.. :)

    i dun really get the point of marrage, sure u get some xp n new quests but it's a little odd.Other games iv played has not had this option. (i shopped around alot before settling in this game) its just a little odd to me to be online married, correct me if im wrong..

    Guess you Didn't shop around enough then. I can think of handfuls of games that offer marriage as well as bonus to marry. (I don't want to post other games on here, would be rude but I do know they exist and have played them)Though those games don't require an insane cash shop purchase to do this either. Eh well, suppose I will just ride around with my guy and be happy with that.b:chuckle
  • Aelric - Lost City
    Aelric - Lost City Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    lol that post from the GM is hilarious.... and btw EVERYTHING in the cash shop is over priced b:chuckle
    Thanks XRipetidex for the awesome sig!
    "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
    -Dr. Seuss
  • Mint_sage - Heavens Tear
    Mint_sage - Heavens Tear Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i wouldnt marry at all, its sort of a waste of $60 to get "a few more pixels above your head" aka title

    by Forsaken :D
  • Miaku - Heavens Tear
    Miaku - Heavens Tear Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I agree. Either lower to price or add enough bonuses to make the purchase worth it.
    "Those who say it can't be done, should get out of the way of those who are doing it."
    Signature created by: Forsakenx
  • Greenfaerie - Sanctuary
    Greenfaerie - Sanctuary Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    it's how they make their money to keep YOUR game running for free. it's worth it. and simple enough ... one person buys the groom package the other person buys the brides package.

    my bf and i plan on getting married in game since we meet in a game...not this one. its cute its fun its not for everyone.
    BadKittie by day
    Greenfaerie by night
  • terkate
    terkate Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ok I have read many many posts on a few different topics trying to find out exactly what the benefits are to getting married, I have heard a lot of speculation some people who think they know what is and isnt, but I would like to hear from gm or someone what exactly is given through the marriage.

    I am torn on the price, 30(60) dollars is a bit high in comparison to what some of the other games I have seen that offers marriage, I am willing to pay it if the benefits offset the cost, but from what people have said it doesnt seem to. as one of the posters I read in one of the topics posted, you can buy a mount for 5-20 gold that allows me to move very very fast, versus 30(60) gold for little benefit? something there just doesnt seem right, now if there is an xp boost/even a better drop rate/better items dropped if you are married and in squad with spouse then the gold would be well spent, but if the benefits are basically your spouses name over yours and the 10 wedding gifts and a single extra quest then I would say that it really isnt worth the cost, I know I read with this update that there is at least a temporary reduction in the cost for V Day, will have to see how much of a savings it is and I may go ahead and buy.

    But like I said I would like to see a GM post with what the actual benefits are and even what the benefits May be in the future if it is something that is still under development.

    Thanks for your time

    Terkate in game along with other alts

    also I Would like to see the ability for us men to be carried by our women or for men to be able to carry men and women carry women, I started a wizard and took almost an hour to complete the jump to get the guardian spirit charm because the jump is almost impossible, even though I had a very nice player showing me exactly where to jump from I still could not make the jump many many times. to me it was almost not fair to watch the winged elf guys carrying the ladies up there to save them the trouble of trying to jump it.

    and along with that since you have 1 class that is female only, you have to expect every guy or most of us to make one of them if they are a gamer like myself, I love to try out all the classes so since it is female only guess what I have one of them too, so either the class itself needs to be opened to both male/female or read last paragraph and allow men/men, women/women to marry/carry/embrace because I do have a significant other that I play with and she created a barbarian male, but it isnt quite the same thing
  • Catgirlkyoko - Heavens Tear
    Catgirlkyoko - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    "Mounts are cheap and very useful, Marriage is not useful and expensive."
    Let us examine this statement for a moment.

    Yes, Mounts are cheap and VERY useful. You see a lot more mounts then Marriages. This means they are selling several $5-$10 dollar items more then the $30-$60 items.
    (selling 25 $5 items makes more money then selling a few $60 item sets)

    Marriage in real life is Expensive (even just a wedding licence and the paperwork at city hall would be $225 or more), and has little benifit. LOL. So you get the same last name (the title over your head, in-game equiv.), some tax breaks (exp from daily quest), and more bills (the cost of the daily quest).
    The living together and owning the same items ect. can be mimicked in-game at little to no cost.

    Where as a bike In Real Life would be $100, relatively cheap compared to a wedding, and much much more useful to a kid or young adult for transpertation.

    This seems to be priced accordingly to real-life situations?
  • MissEbil - Heavens Tear
    MissEbil - Heavens Tear Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Honestly, it is extortionate.
    I could probably get married in RL for a little more than that...

    If the prices were lowered, then yeah more people would spend money, but maybe just an option to buy the Silk of Eternity, like has been said, and not have the shoutouts.
    Also, could someone clarify for definate what the benefits are of marriage, beyond the title, as if there is an XP bonus then maybe it would be a little more worth it.
    Proud member of the VenoMafia.

    b:flower Read my FanFic! b:flower
  • Thedarkrealm - Lost City
    Thedarkrealm - Lost City Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    markillian wrote: »
    marriage should be $60, its no joke in real life why shouldn't it be solely for the serious players in game?
    Because its ONLY a video game and not real life. You cannot use your 60$ perfect world wedding in the real world but you can use that 60$$ to do something nice with your S/O in the real world (which is why the other quote is here, it makes the same point as me)... IF, just IF my GF were to play Perfect World and we did choose to go get married I would much rather save the coin and try to but the full packs from a catshop even if itdid cost in the mil's because its to expencive in real money.
    is not worth it.... even you really love each other..
    i rather spend the money with my bf in real life for something real

    * the wedding candy gives you reputation....but still not worth it
This discussion has been closed.