Boring quests that drag on and on

cchris1000 Posts: 12 Arc User
edited November 2008 in General Discussion
Ok I have played a few mmo's and the one thing about PW as you get to higher levels is the extremely boring quests that have you going from place to place with no reward in sight. What it does is discourage players from doing the quests at all and just grinding for exp. This is the one of the major downfalls of PW as you level up (also the fact that it becomes a money sinkhole much worse than the pay by the month games).
Post edited by cchris1000 on


  • kargor
    kargor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    You're talking about the dragon quests? The good thing about these is that you can do them during a coffee break or something like that, flying back and forth between the NPCs, until you run into one where you don't have the materials in stock.

    Some people recommend waiting until you're in the area, but that doesn't work very well.

    Other than that, it's the standard F2P grinding/farming/transportation quests.
    Yindra --- Lvl 64 Venomancer (Sanctuary)
    Getting too grindy by now :-(
  • Crash - Heavens Tear
    Crash - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i think hes just talking about normal high level quests,
    after level 70+ the quests are all definatly alot of b/s and arnt worth the exp at all,
    id love to no why at level 74 i got a quest to find some certain mobs, kill it untill i got the quest item, and the reward is 7000exp...what the hell is 7000 exp when i need like 2mill exp to level,

    this new expansion best bring out some new quests because the game is already becomming a boring grind fest.
    retired from PWI server Heavens Tear, October 2008
    want to start on Harshlands ASAP!
  • Dreeah - Sanctuary
    Dreeah - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Experience gained from quests is negligible at 70+. I find myself looking forward to the crazy stone quest for the small bump in experience you gain. The daily world quest is totally expensive in teleport fees (unless you're willing to ride/fly to every destination which would take a long time) and in relation to the amount of experience you need for a level, doesn't give much experience. Grinding 80%+ of the level isn't very fun anymore. I seemed to make lots more money in my earlier levels. The mobs don't drop as much, and there isn’t a market for many the items anyhow, Training skills is extremely expensive (320k coin for 1 skill). This is what I've observed so far at level 74. I'm disappointed in the higher levels, they just don't feel as rewarding.
  • Nevermore - Heavens Tear
    Nevermore - Heavens Tear Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Got any better ideas for quests?
  • Eveangeline - Heavens Tear
    Eveangeline - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I am not at that level yet, or even close but I have a few quest ideas:

    * Convoys (idea from another MMO): Taking an NPC to a set location from a set loaction, this can give you XP Spirit and some coins if sucessful. Obviously you will have to work together to kill the mobs on route.

    * Caves which you dont need a tablet but can be entered 3 times a day per person, rewards for sucessful completion as above. Plus the rewards from killing the mobs inside the cave with an added incentive of a good drop

    * Mini games which can be played for XP, spirit and coins and / or tickets which can be saved up for certain good items, these mini games could include: PVP arena, timer quests as found in those books, or a savanger quest were an NPC needs a certain amount of different items in exhange for a reward of your choice (XP, spirit, coins, item)

    These are a few ideas to stop those higher levels becoming boring, because while having fun you dont notice your xp bar climing, your too busy having a good time.
    Venomancer ~ achieved level 40 in 14 days of gameplay =^.^=
    Married Erikose on 16th November 2008 b:kiss