Archer QQ'ing

Asiroth - Lost City
Asiroth - Lost City Posts: 26 Arc User
edited November 2008 in Archer
Hey guys, I have been playing this game and noticed something about archers.

Why cant we choose our own weapon?

If i stopped there you guys would be like "Stupid nub, GTFO mah intrawebz newb, you can".

But really, it seems your weapons are limited by the best you can get at each level, and the for high lvl PvP its Xbow.

Bow needs to be enough different from Xbow so that you actually can play it in late PvP.

Heres my solution.

TAke 2 weapons, on Xbow an done Bow, and the same level.

The Xbow could hit 100-500 or so, and the Bow 300-400. (Numbers not real, but just to prove a point). The Xbow would be like it is supposed to, and the bow would be fine too.

But for the other part of this, why are bows at different levels than Xbow? if this were to work, you would have to get a new bow and Xbow at the same time, insuring that you could use whatever you wanted, all the time.

FB19 would also need to give a bow if this was implemented.

Thanks for reading my thoughts, im new, correct me if wrong.


[This post has been spellchecked by myself.]
Post edited by Asiroth - Lost City on


  • Ajriaz_skaya - Heavens Tear
    Ajriaz_skaya - Heavens Tear Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    If this was about realism, xbow would do twice the damage, have twice the range but be very slow to be reloaded.

    That's why English armies often vanquished French armies before they switched to better, easier weapons : after the first wave of bolts were sent flying, it took way too much time to reload and archers had far enough time to run and cover the distance to have the french armies in their reach and rain down deadly arrows at an alarming rate.

    And for pellets ... I think only the Cretan army used those, during the Greek wars, and were pretty much erased from history, which says much about how crappy a weapon it should be.
  • Asiroth - Lost City
    Asiroth - Lost City Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Mmk, another solution would be to do what you said and make the Xbow alot slower (In skill usage too) to balance them out.

    Oon a related note, any chance that something will actually be done about this?
  • Volkner - Lost City
    Volkner - Lost City Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    If this was about realism, xbow would do twice the damage, have twice the range but be very slow to be reloaded.

    That's why English armies often vanquished French armies before they switched to better, easier weapons : after the first wave of bolts were sent flying, it took way too much time to reload and archers had far enough time to run and cover the distance to have the french armies in their reach and rain down deadly arrows at an alarming rate.

    And for pellets ... I think only the Cretan army used those, during the Greek wars, and were pretty much erased from history, which says much about how crappy a weapon it should be.
    Wow, you really know your history. ^_^
    Mmk, another solution would be to do what you said and make the Xbow alot slower (In skill usage too) to balance them out.

    Oon a related note, any chance that something will actually be done about this?
    As for something being done about it, I really doubt it considering how many other similar and denied requests there have been. Sorry, but I believe this to be true.
    As the sun sets in the fire-blown sky, the advent of war falls upon us. I will go, fight for my nation, for my people. I will use my magic, to strike from a distance, never backing down. I will go, and bring glory to our kind. Because the time has come for this war to end. We need to band together and defeat the Wraiths. I will help make that happen. For I am a Wizard.
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    Lost City
  • Xangelx - Lost City
    Xangelx - Lost City Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    xbows do a bit more damage, but seriously they cut your attack speed literally in half. If you are someone who thinks like this: die and die now (using skills)!
    Then wtver use a xbow.

    People who want to kill monsters with regular attacks to conserve their mp should use bows.
    Uh, I think most people are the die now type lol. So that's y people prefer the crossbow.

    I personally like the bow better because it has faster attacks per second and because more importanatly you look more ninja (take a look at my name please). using a crossbow looks like it involves no skill. using a bow on the other hand makes it look like u r a neenja.
  • Asiroth - Lost City
    Asiroth - Lost City Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited November 2008

    Attack speed doesnt matter when you get high lvls, you use skills more.

    PLus, who uses normal attack in PvP?

    You could use anything you wanted for PvE, most monsters arent hard if you have pots
  • Crazyfool - Lost City
    Crazyfool - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I whould say Slingslot at higher level is best for pvp. Super fast plus still good dmg if its leg/3tar with good stats. But it dont matter to me i use all 3 weapons they all good for a archer lol.
  • ina1166
    ina1166 Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    But...the running animation for xbow looks so cool! :]]
    88 FIRE! An "anti-tank" projectile, accompanied by an AC-130 are on their way to ensure insanity.
  • Tomiko - Heavens Tear
    Tomiko - Heavens Tear Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    >.> Of course you can choose your own weapon. Xbows and bows are always in competition but It's just designs and stats. It depends on your playstyle. If you want xbows go xbows if you want bows go bows.. There's no difference except the atk speed of it.
  • Bombchu - Lost City
    Bombchu - Lost City Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    When you get higher you will choose which you want for your 10 levels, because then it will become more important to acquire legendaries and such.
    The Brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all.
  • Valkje - Heavens Tear
    Valkje - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i think we should just all get a hell lot of str and use dual axes instead of any range thingy b:laugh

    nah i use xbow aswell but i wonder why the fb19 doesn't give you the option to get xbow bow or sling.... why only xbow... kinda stops any other weapon in that lvl area as an option really.
  • RobinHoodlum - Heavens Tear
    RobinHoodlum - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Slingshots are definitely the best in my opinion. Not only do they offer the fastest attack speed, they also have the best minimum attack range. Damage wise they are balanced. 2nd best min. damage and 2nd best max. damage.