Light Armor feasible for a magic based Venomancer?

valien Posts: 0 Arc User
edited November 2008 in Venomancer
I'm pretty new to this game and was immediately drawn in by the Venomancer. I just like its style.

But I don't think I'll ever turn into a fox.

So, I was wondering if robes were the 100% definite approach to a magical Venomancer. I'd like to wear light armor sometimes, and I was wondering how deeply that'd affect me later on.

Such as, will I do **** for damage? Will the benefits be excruciatingly small? Are light armors/robes uglier at higher levels?

If at all, I'm wondering how much to put into vitality. I know enough strength for my current weapon, and the rest into intelligence. So if I'd touch light armor, I'll need enough dexterity for the current armor too. Then, what sort of gauge should my vitality go by?

I've read lots of guides and have a somewhat small idea on all of this, but I'd like to know how possible this is.
Thank you very much in advance.

~Lucien, or Valinne
Post edited by valien on


  • zuna
    zuna Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i followed a guide here and i have a light armor veno (every lvl i add 1 str 1 dex and the rest 3 int) and i think she works very well and lvl very fast even some boss in solo (with a tank pet)

    also becoz i think light armor looks better than mage clothes..XD (personal opinion)

    i dont put any point in vit too and i am lv 34 now and i think hp is very sufficiant.
    Veno (Sanctuary) lvl 34
  • teajunkie
    teajunkie Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm also a light armor veno. I have my str and dex at my level +4 (make sure you take into account the vit you get as an equip bonus) and none in vit. I prefer the looks of the light armor as well. I like the extra crit. most with my light armor, which you don't get with robes.

    If you go light armor, I HIGHLY suggest doing tailor crafting, since you really only get the choice between magic and heavy armor from npc quests.

    Look into this thread. You actually should level your fox form skill. Some of the melee skills are very useful, and this guide will talk about them, the different types of armor, and a little about pets.

    Btw, I have a set of magic armor in my inventory just in case. b:victory

    Lost City PvP server
    Teru ~ 6x cleric
  • valien
    valien Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Thanks a ton, I'm really interested now. I've been saving lots of my stat points in hesitation, now I think I'll distribute them and try it out.

    The only thing that still is bugging me is magic damage. If I put these points in strength and dexterity, will my damage from magic fall to the point where I'm not very useful?

    If the difference between that much intelligence is small, I'll be quite comfortable. However if it's extremely large, well...I think I'd better figure out how to rearrange my stats later on down the line.
  • Demonbleu - Sanctuary
    Demonbleu - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    the magic damage also depends on ur atk magic lvl... i am sure a pure int veno will deal more damage then light armor build but maybe from a mob a mage build can only take three hits while light armor can take more hits XD

    there are pros and cons...

    critical hit seems happen a lot for me (due to the dex i think) also and i love it :P
    b:laugh game addicted
  • Vaelissa - Heavens Tear
    Vaelissa - Heavens Tear Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm another light armor Venomancer with a build similar to that in the guide and enjoy it very much. My at my current level (48 at the time of posting), my magic damage is still enough to take out mobs around my level in a few hits. It's also nice being able to switch to a fox and be a decent melee fighter as well.

    You may not do as much magic damage as a full int veno, but certainly enough to easily kill anything your level pretty quickly, not to mention you'll crit more. What you give up in direct magic damage you make up for in physical defense and better attack in fox form.
  • valien
    valien Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Hmm...I don't really want to be a fox at all, besides casting the occasional assisting spell and turning back. (At least I assume that's how it works.)

    So, now I'm kind of leaning again toward all intelligence and robes. I truly do just want to be a caster, I guess.

    Thanks for all of your help, it's teaching me much about my path ahead.
  • Vaelissa - Heavens Tear
    Vaelissa - Heavens Tear Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Venomancers are a very versatile class and are well suited in several roles. In your case, you can pretty much sum up the choices with the following:

    If you want better overall even-ish defense, more crits and don't mind less normal magic damage, light works well. You can get away perfectly fine as a light Veno without being a fox, you'll simply manage better as one should you choose to use that skill set.

    For higher magic damage, high magic defense but very weak to melee attacks, arcane robes work.
    valien wrote: »
    Hmm...I don't really want to be a fox at all, besides casting the occasional assisting spell and turning back. (At least I assume that's how it works.)

    Actually, fox form on its own can be powerful, though you are limited to close range.
  • valien
    valien Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Oh, I see! Well, I dumped all my points into (just) enough strength, and the rest in intelligence, so as I grow higher in level, I'm going to be testing water to see how many hits I can take and such.

    I'll see about the fox form, but I'm still not sure I feel cool turning into a cute little fox and wailing on an enemy instead of blowing its brains out with magic from a safe distance.
  • _blackrose_ - Sanctuary
    _blackrose_ - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I've used both light armor and robes. I have a lvl 45 robe veno in My-En that had really great damage but if I wasn't careful could get killed in a few hits. I also had a light armor veno who could take more hits but when in human form crit-ed like crazy. I personally don't like fox form either (I have a light armor fox now.) I'm recently decided to move over to PVE since I don't PVP very often so I'm starting over with my light fox. I'm not a big fan of fox form since like you, I would rather shoot from afar. Usually though I go to fox form when I want to use a de-buff or I just feel like doing something a little different for a while. Fighting a long side your pet can be fun and while it attacks, you could be debuffing with your own attacks. Try it a couple of times and you'll might like it too!
    Fear is a mind-killer. - me
  • valien
    valien Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    You just perfectly described how I'd like to play as my Venomancer! Thanks!

    I can't think of any question now that hasn't been answered. Thank you all, and hopefully I'll see you sometime when I'm higher level and have wisdom of my own!
  • peprmnt
    peprmnt Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i hate the way robes look to, not to flattering....
    i feel sick >_< b:bye
  • Naris - Heavens Tear
    Naris - Heavens Tear Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    valien wrote: »
    I'll see about the fox form, but I'm still not sure I feel cool turning into a cute little fox and wailing on an enemy instead of blowing its brains out with magic from a safe distance.

    Really? I think beating the **** out of giant mobs with a cute little fox to be something of a blast.
  • kensaki
    kensaki Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Here's the thing, imo you really shouldn't be putting much more than 3 points in int regardless of your build. Sure, you could truly go pure int, but why? You will be positively useless in TW, and you better be cool with getting PKed instantly. Plus you will never be the powerhouse glass cannon that a wizard can be.

    Why not play to your class' strengths? No matter how you stat, your moves are weaker, but faster than wizards, and your hp goes up 2 points more than wizards and clerics for every stat point invested. Another thing to note is that veno moves are a little more dependent on equipment quality than the other mage classes, and so your damage should be considered more on that than stats. All that considered, it would seem to be wise to invest in vitality as an Int build than say int, and to worry less about buffing up int for damage than getting the best damn equipment.

    Another argument for the 3 int (or mag) per level cap is that there's always a pvp damage reduction, and so it pays to add a bit to defenses so that you can endure the long haul. In the case of venos, it's advisable to add vit if a mage build. However, as a light build, you don't have the option to add in vit, so it's simply 1str, 1dex and 3int.

    Another thing I'd like to point out, is that spike damage is very valuable, and that's why crit is so important, and as I understand it magic attacks get a x3 multiplier on crit rate (rate of critical hits, not % of critical damage) and so when it says you have 5% critical rate, it's 15% on magic attacks. This is due to the fact that magic dealers have no use for dex, short of critical rate increases, and so it spices builds up a bit and makes dex a worthy cause to the mages.

    What might you do with that information, though? Well, again, there are a lot of benefits to keeping the cap on 3 int per level, like transferring it over to vit for survivability, or ... dun dun dun! you could place some in dex!!! That is, if you want to be a major nuker, vit is still great for TW and such, but if you were, say, lv100 with 300 int, 60 str, 20 vit and 140 dex, you would have 8% critical rate not counting demon crit bonuses, and with x3 multiplier it's really 24%! But adding the +5% from demon skills, and tossing in another +5% from equipment that you could reasonably obtain, 18% x 3 = 54%! Hot cheese and potatoes! That's a lot of criticals! Of course, a far more balanced mage build would be something like 80 vit (12HPx80) and 80 dex (20dex x 3%), which gives you 960 more hp and a total of 45% crit rate. Sexy...

    I go for a light build though....b:chuckle
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    x3 multiplier is bs. Don't know what kind of methods were used to test it, but every single test I've run confirms it to be the % it says it is.
  • Foxgodz - Heavens Tear
    Foxgodz - Heavens Tear Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    hmmm interesting.Might any of you mind posting the info on those "tests" in regards to the critical % chance?

  • Albione - Lost City
    Albione - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    my veno uses light armor and its a caster, no fox-form skills whatsoever.

    i may be a little behind in magic dmg when compared to pure int venos, but i dont die in 2-3 hits from a barb/BM :)
  • rking
    rking Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Light Armor is feasible, the biggest concern is the low HP. There's an alternative under-grade heavy/robe build.

    Light Build :
    Str : 54 (lvl + 4)
    Dex : 54 (lvl + 4)
    Vit : 5
    Mag : 157 (lvl * 3)

    Heavy/Robe build : Lvl 51
    Str 80 (adjust to wear the latest helmet)
    Dex 20 (adjust to wear the best heavy your str can provide)
    Vit : 5
    Mag : 165

    Pro vs Light :
    + More HP
    + Same physical defense (more if you can find -20% armor)
    + Same damage output

    + Harder build, not meant for new players
    + More equipment to buy = more money
    + You'd end up hunting for -20% 3 stars and get reamed on the price. Same case for light armor at later lvls since everybody loves it.

    The reasoning behind the 80 str is it's enough for you to equip the latest HP helmet. A lvl 51 helmet would give you at least 130HP or 11Vit points. And you'd raise your dex high enough to wear the heavy armor that you need. In this case, you can equipt a lvl 30 heavy armor which req 77str and 19dex.

    Of course this build is not easy, but highly popular at later lvls where gearing for the right situation is how veno wins the fight. The class is meant for flexibility, but it lacks durability or expertise.

    PS. For those that are concern about lack of damage. Your golem should learn Howl if you're going light or heavy/robe mix. Howl gives -20% magical defense at lvl and upto 36% at lvl 5. Using this skill you'd be able to lvl faster as you solo. In most case if you were pure mag howl is a bad idea since you'd be grabbing aggo, but it's a great idea when you've weaken your damage output.