Tell us about your characters...

jparker Posts: 1 Arc User
edited January 2009 in Twilight Temple (West)
Name: Zarmo

Level: 10

Class: Barbarian

Feel free to add me! Lets b:angry some monsters up!
Post edited by jparker on


  • Brimsheen - Sanctuary
    Brimsheen - Sanctuary Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Name: Brimsheen
    Class: WingElf Archer
    Level: 11 and rising quickly

    Brimsheen is a member of the Faction/Guild "Outlaws" and is a rogue who will stop at nothing to get what he wants, including the women, the quests, the adoration, and the chaos. He likes spreading a little "fun" around, and his wicked sense of humor can make some people mad.
    Souls yearn to live a hero, but even moreso, a soul yearns to die a Legend
    -Brimsheen, Mercenary for hire (16 and rising. My avvy lies)
  • Raaven - Sanctuary
    Raaven - Sanctuary Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Class: Cleric
    Level: 20 and holding
    An elven cleric that belives duty is in the eye of the beholder. She is often found wandering the lands alone, helping out a wayward traveller if it is found to be needed; or simply fighting off the beasts of the land ( currently set aside for)

    Name: LadyKumiko
    Class: Veno
    Level: 25 and moving on up.
    An Untamed that is quiet and reserved(For the most part), she believes that fighting for the right is importent, but also that profit can be had despite the battles raging around her. Cattish in her ways, she can be sly, or just plain lovable, but one should always watch out for her claws. She has been known to strike out in frusteration or play at a moments notice.

    My others have not even been touched yet so no story has been made about them. Feel free to toss me a tell ingame looking for some decent RP :D
    Siggy Rotation time! Thanks to Zirconium for this lovely one!
    Item Data Base:
    Race Quests:
  • Feraldreamzz - Sanctuary
    Feraldreamzz - Sanctuary Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Name: FeralDreamzz
    Class: Veno

    I'm terrible at stories, so Feral is "un-storied." lol But always willing to lend a hand if it's something that you can't handle on your own b:victory
  • Malerium - Sanctuary
    Malerium - Sanctuary Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Malerium Harmonie
    Class: Archer
    Level: 13 and counting

    A no-nonsense girl, Malerium is an archer that believes in giving her all to what she does. And if that means stepping outside her beloved bow, so be it; she's often been seen running around the Perfect World wielding a sword or (currently) dual sabres in the faces of monsters. She's constantly training, searching for the power to war the Wraiths. After all, if she's going to fight, she might as well fight hard.

    (My favorite character, so I had to write her something odd. ^^;)
  • Amberdust - Sanctuary
    Amberdust - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Class: Cleric

    i'm sorta low-level, just because i recently started. but i -love- to chat~ so if anyone wants to chat with me, or do some partying, add me to your friend list! <3
  • suicune
    suicune Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    class: veno
    i stoped playing because i remembered how long it was to get all the crafting to lvl3 e.e
  • Feraldreamzz - Sanctuary
    Feraldreamzz - Sanctuary Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    suicune wrote: »
    class: veno
    i stoped playing because i remembered how long it was to get all the crafting to lvl3 e.e

    It doesn't take long at all. Just devote some time to leveling your crafting
  • Zerbero - Sanctuary
    Zerbero - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Name: Zerbero

    Level: 13

    Class: Barbarian

    Just started tonight so am still a low level but am loving the game so far and i can see me sticking to this for a very long time :). Very lonely atm lol, feel free to drop me a PM in game for a litle chat, it make my day lol.

  • Zirai - Sanctuary
    Zirai - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Name: Zirai

    Level: 12

    Class: Archer

    As a child Zirai practised with her bow 2 hours a day to once fight the creatures who killed her mother. When she was 14, she made her revenge, she killed ten monsters of the race that killed her mom. At the age 16 she got wings. At that moment she realised that she was a true elf. She started thinking about her future. And that made her who she is, an archer nomad helping people who really need it.
    As I said before, I never repeat myself!
  • Deathsscion - Sanctuary
    Deathsscion - Sanctuary Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Name: Death's Scion
    Class: Wizard

    The endless expanse was littered with bodies as the flames of war burned the last corners of the land. As the Sun descended and blanketed the world in darkness a single figure appeared in the shadows. With a soft face and a gentle smile he set out to help the world that was broken by the ancient wars. He remembers only his vows to help the innocent yet gaze into his cold eyes and you will see the unending hatred of the dead.
  • rsm
    rsm Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Lvl 35 Barbarian

    I am a member of the guild Nefarious( recruiting 30+ send tell)

    I like to have fun and try to level quickly
  • kargor
    kargor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Yindra, Lvl 32 Venomancer.

    Doesn't know much about herself; one day she just woke up in a little camp near a large town, with no recollection of who she was, wherre she came from, or why she was there. She did have a name tag above her head, though, so at least that part wasn't difficult to figure out.

    There seem to be a lot of people like this in this strange land. In fact, there seem to be just two kinds of people --- the ones like her, and the strange ones that are just standing in the same place all the time, repeating the same lines over and over again, giving the same pointless requests to everyone who asks, and having an infinite supply of money and items.

    In this strange land, stories tell of a caped crusader... eh no, wait, that's the other story. In this strange land, stories tell of a mysterious cleaning woman who wipes the floor with almost every enemy. Difficult to spot, hiding in the shadows... but when you see a terrifying stone creature stomping all over you, that might be her, softening you up so she can wipe the floor with you. Assuming you qualify as a monster, of course.
    Yindra --- Lvl 64 Venomancer (Sanctuary)
    Getting too grindy by now :-(
  • Mshele - Sanctuary
    Mshele - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Name: M'shele (Pronounced Muh-shell)
    Level: 7
    Class: Blademaster
    Restless be her name. Always in search of friends, adventure and good times, M'Shele has come to Etherblade to try and cut her teeth in the ways of the blade. A trustworthy ally, M'Shele will do whatever it takes to uphold your honor as well as keep you alive in battle.
  • Sager - Sanctuary
    Sager - Sanctuary Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Name: Sager (currently in Heaven faction)
    Class: Blademaster
    Level: 48 (slowly level)
    Born in Etherblade, fighting endless of impossible war and having been recruited by
    Heaven faction, he will crack any monster that come in his way and seek to kill the
    Creator of this world. He is scary; yet the funniest guy.
  • Lycidas - Sanctuary
    Lycidas - Sanctuary Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Name: Lycidas
    Class: Babarian
    Lvl: 19 rise up quickly

    Storyline: Hes a smart Tiger with a brave heart. He won't let you down and will fight for you till the very end. But don't make him angry or he'll never forgive you. A Tiger remembers everything...
    He actually don't speak. You can see his mind on his reactions and behaviors. Maybe you can show him his Nature (untamed), cause of a bad accident he doesn't remember a thing of his "Human" Nature.

    Name: Shealia
    Class: Venomancer
    Lvl: 31(slowly level up)

    Storyline: She is what you might call a bad girl. Not that she is a b****. No, thats not what i mean.
    She has this black sense of humor and is very sarkastic. Don't missunderstand her. It's actually her nature. Don't ask her for her past, she won't tell you anyway. She doesn't trust anyone. You must spend a long long time if you want to know her better. A very complicated person. So take your time and maybe you'll understand her.


    Anyway, don't mind my baaad english okay ?
    It's not that bad at all i think. Some wrong written words or worng gramma doesn't kill anyone ;)
    Actually i'm German so this should work i hope.
    See you in Game and don't wait to contact me if you need help or want a RP.
    Hopefully i will be there
  • Wolfengard - Sanctuary
    Wolfengard - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Name: Wolfengard (Nickname: Wolf)
    Class: Archer
    Lvl: 39 (kinda slow)

    Protector, guardian, avenger.. are just few words to describe Wolf.. After losing a close friend in the war, he trains hard to keep those around him safe. He is very loyal and would shot his arrows as far as he can so no harm can ever reach the ones he protects.
  • loroths
    loroths Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Name: Loroths

    Class: wingled elf archer

    Level: 18 and rising

    Loroths usually travels around a lot and generally quests alone but is not against anyone needing his help. He has a strong sense of justice.
  • enraya
    enraya Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Name: Faiolene

    Class: Elf Archer

    Level: 7 (and rising)

    Faiolene is a soloist, and, at first glance, may come off as cold and unfriendly. However, this is not actually the case, as she is actually very sympathetic, and often loves helping people out (so long as it doesn't involve fighting... she does enough of that on her own). She enjoys flying, but does not do so often due to the mana consumption it takes out of her at her current levels.

    In her free time or whenever she gets bored, she explores areas by jumping up trees and trying to see how high she can get without falling.
  • zerotrinity
    zerotrinity Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Name: Abus
    Class: Blademaster
    Level: 21

    Hey everyone, not really much to say here. I've recently quit WoW so I looked for some MMORPGs and found PW. I just started playing yesterday and I get lost around cities alot =P. I think that's all. See you guys in game.
  • Ihayami - Sanctuary
    Ihayami - Sanctuary Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Name: iHayami
    Level: 18 (Rising quickly)
    Class: Archer

    iHayami is a kind girl who often is refered as an angel. Well maybe not exactly like an angel, but sorta. Her pure dex allows her to take down enemies in a second (well maybe a bit exaggerated). Recently, she has been seen dying from monsters while she was afk =/ iHayami LOVES friends and hopes that more people would add her to their buddy list.

    Name: iByakuya
    Level: 7
    Class: Blademaster

    As the current leader of the noble family, the "Kuchiki Family", he bears heavy responsibility in the Perfect World to maintain the balance of souls of the Hollows and Soul Society. Although he may be cold towards others, he is kind in heart (although he does not show it). His favourite skill is the "Senkei Sebonzakura Kageyoshi" XD. (Just for those who don't know, Byakuya is a character from an anime called Bleach).
  • Abus - Sanctuary
    Abus - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    just wondering, where do people get all the description he/she wrote from, for their character?
  • Nayvala - Sanctuary
    Nayvala - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Name: Nayvala
    Class: Venomancer
    Level: 18 and leveling further

    I have no descibtion for her made up, only had the char for 2 days so that might come, or maybe it won't..
  • Xboomtrickx - Sanctuary
    Xboomtrickx - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    just wondering, where do people get all the description he/she wrote from, for their character?

    they make them up lol b:laugh
  • enraya
    enraya Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Update in Character:

    Name: C.C.
    Class: Elf Archer
    Level: 18 and rising

    Background: A Winged Elf that had awakened one day without a memory of anything other than her name. For a time, an old cleric had taken care of her, but at his death she went out into the world. She had a sheltered upbringing, so she doesn't talk very often, but she easily gets along with others. In her spare time out of training, C.C. is often seen roaming the outskirts of the City of the Plume, searching for herbs for apothecary manufacturing. Some past comrades comment that she has been seen comically rushing after different herbs even in the middle of combat.
  • Swoosh - Sanctuary
    Swoosh - Sanctuary Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Name: Swoosh
    Level: 62 and rising b:victory
    Class: Wizard
    Faction: Leader of Dutchness (Dutch faction b:chuckle)

    Feel free to add me ingame, don't spam though lol b:shutup

    No description for me :p just a lonely wiz :D
  • Temerayn - Sanctuary
    Temerayn - Sanctuary Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Name: Temerayn

    Level: 11 and rising

    Class: Swordmaster

    Story: None yet, no chance to roleplay

    Personality: Temerayn is open, friendly, honest, and a little on the tempermental side. All in all she's a loyal friend and actually willing and eager to go on all those "life risking quests" for the sake of helping others. She's a real heart of gold, but watch out when she gets mad!

    I've also got a level 7 wizard, a level 3 venomancer, a level.. 6? cleric, and an unused archer. Feel free to hit me up for some rp or just for joint combat. <3
  • Elves_song - Sanctuary
    Elves_song - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Name: Elve's_Song

    Level: 24 and rising

    Class: Venomancer

    Description: Elves_Song is a Solo adventure in the land of Perfect World. She is most often seen completing quests for reward with her loyal golem pet. She doesn't use Fox form much for combat but, most often in her distant travels.
  • Beezulbub - Sanctuary
    Beezulbub - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Name: Beezulbub
    Level: 12
    Class: Venomancer

    Story: Beezulbub is a reincarnated form of "The Lord of the Flies" Beelzebub. She finds her way across the land...a loner in a world full of friendship and fellowship. She quests alone only accompanied by her trusty minions, and dreams of one day becoming powerful enough to rain hell upon this "Perfect World". Sitting on her throne among the skulls and ruins of the town and laughing all the while men, elf, and untamed alike watch their world deplete leaving nothing but a desolate waste land controlled by only her! MWHAHAHAHHAHA AHAHAHAHHAHAHHA!!!!
  • oie
    oie Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Level: 1+
    Class: Wizard

    Known to be oblivious to obvious facts is forgetful (Watch your HP MAN) but has potential for critical thinking.

    overall a nice person and will help out with things with smiles and excessive use of emotes. But in truth has no true feelings toward anyone. Does not use caps. 80 percent of the time will "Perfectworld" ALONE ALONE ALONE *echos* Will pretend to be AFK if she will fail in conversation. A pretty good debater to carry around <- if confronted.

    Pros: Good use for damage and a crappy wizard heal~
    Cons: Impulsive spending $$

    She is developing her arcane arts of darkness and in spare time she will talk in 3rd person on the forums while using emotes at the same time. b:victoryb:thanks
    You seem rather,,, Enthusiastic...
  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Then Old Bear will remember you as worthy opponent in debates :)