what is the Holy Grail.....?

Posts: 46 Arc User
edited November 2008 in Off-Topic Discussion
ive always pondered this.....
always it has been looked at as the cup of life.......
in the last supper it is the cup jesus drinks from......
in indiana jones and the last crusade it is a cup aswell....

but ponder this....

as the holy grail is said to be the cup of life, think about women......
the cup is said to give etenal life, well if u look at it the way i do, then u will see that women actually give eternal life, sound wierd but its clled child birth.

if u look at pictures of the uterus (google) strangely it resembles the shape of a say wine glass (u kno the stem with the wide bit at the top). Ties in with the cup of life theory eh?

so i put this forward that WOMEN are the true HOLY GRAIL.

what do u guys rekon?
Post edited by Juliarnus - Sanctuary on


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  • Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    wow good theroy i would have never thought of that
    )).-' {{ ;'`
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  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The theory from "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown?
  • Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    lol good ripp off from the di vinci code...
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  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The theory from "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown?

    well considdering i havnt read the Da vinci code or watched the movie.... i just came to this conclusion through various conversations that ive had with my cousins......

    u kno ppl can come to their own conclusions without watchin a movie or reading a book....

    thats how ideas are thought of....
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Don't take it too harshly, I thought Da Vinci at first too. It's a rather interesting theory, could be an example of where the meaning of a metaphor becomes distorted between translation, etc.

    Through all the sexism in history, it'd be nice to think that there's always been a deep seeded "holyness" of sorts held by women. =]

    Anyway, interesting observation, it never occured to me before Dan Brown's book. Give it a read, you're sure to like it.
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Don't take it too harshly, I thought Da Vinci at first too. It's a rather interesting theory, could be an example of where the meaning of a metaphor becomes distorted between translation, etc.

    Through all the sexism in history, it'd be nice to think that there's always been a deep seeded "holyness" of sorts held by women. =]

    Anyway, interesting observation, it never occured to me before Dan Brown's book. Give it a read, you're sure to like it.

    yeah ur right..... i will giv it a read

    made me feel better thanx.....b:victory
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    It sounds like a phlosiphy, in which
    I think applies to everyone.
    Very Goodb:victory
  • Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The Holy Grail, although it exists according to Catholics, perhaps it doesn't exist. It supposedly is an object from the last supper, and the da vinci code, from what ppl keep telling me is based on the painting made by Leonardo da vinci is based solely on HIS imagination, and the bible is also FAKE so i doubt the Holy Grail even exists. Sorry to be harsh but this is the reality of our world, if humans can't see something or nothing is proven then we doubt its existence.

    Yea, im taking philosophy, but i already came to that conclusion 2-3 years ago, and this is my first philosophy course...
    I'm not mean I'm just being honest.

    I'm not insensitive, I just don't give a S.H.I.T!

  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The Holy Grail, although it exists according to Catholics, perhaps it doesn't exist. It supposedly is an object from the last supper, and the da vinci code, from what ppl keep telling me is based on the painting made by Leonardo da vinci is based solely on HIS imagination, and the bible is also FAKE so i doubt the Holy Grail even exists. Sorry to be harsh but this is the reality of our world, if humans can't see something or nothing is proven then we doubt its existence.

    Yea, im taking philosophy, but i already came to that conclusion 2-3 years ago, and this is my first philosophy course...

    damn bro u bring up a nice point....

    since da vinci wasnt around at the last supper how could he kno what it actually looked like?
    this is sumfin ive also been thinkin bout a fair bit.....

    but the bible FAKE??? bro u need to lighten up a lil, just cos it aint been proven doesnt mean it didnt happen. u seem like a person who believes in what they see, there is no probs with that. its just ppl i kno who are like that are really closed minded and are not open to possibilities.

    and about this philosophy u talked about, i would like to hear it in detail cos i like hearin other ppl's idea's, id like u to email me ur idea's on bio_shifter45@hotmail.com, if anyone else has any thoughs bout this u are also free to email me. just put in there ur name and server aswell.
  • Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I know i sounded really closed minded but really, im not, in fact everyone says im very open minded, even my philosophy teacher said that all my ideas and answers are "out of teh box." Its just that im in a catholic school (was too far away from a public school) and the religion teachers are all hardcore catholics, THEY even say that the bible is fake, that it is made to be just stories for ppl to believe in just so that they know how they were created. The bible is composed of a bunch of stories written by a lot of different ppl, AND it was put together by a guy who HATED catholics and Christians. Just stating facts.
    I'm not mean I'm just being honest.

    I'm not insensitive, I just don't give a S.H.I.T!

  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The Holy Grail, although it exists according to Catholics, perhaps it doesn't exist. It supposedly is an object from the last supper, and the da vinci code, from what ppl keep telling me is based on the painting made by Leonardo da vinci is based solely on HIS imagination, and the bible is also FAKE so i doubt the Holy Grail even exists. Sorry to be harsh but this is the reality of our world, if humans can't see something or nothing is proven then we doubt its existence.

    Yea, im taking philosophy, but i already came to that conclusion 2-3 years ago, and this is my first philosophy course...

    Totally, u can't just say that the Bible is FAKE. ppl hav been talking about it for centries and noone has any proof of it being fake, but there is proof that the bible is ACCURATE.b:victory
  • Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Didn't Monty Python go looking for a Holy Grail sometime?


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  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Totally, u can't just say that the Bible is FAKE. ppl hav been talking about it for centries and noone has any proof of it being fake, but there is proof that the bible is ACCURATE.b:victory

    b:shocked cherris...if u rekon u got sum proof that the bible is real......lets hear it girl

    uv peaked my interest (not easily done), so please post ur proof here i wanna see plz b:victory
  • Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Totally, u can't just say that the Bible is FAKE. ppl hav been talking about it for centries and noone has any proof of it being fake, but there is proof that the bible is ACCURATE.b:victory

    Exactly what has been proven not fake in the bible? What events have ACTUALLY happened? Adam and Eve? Noah's ark? The Babylonian tower? There is no historic evidence that the bible is true even if we dont need historic evidence, the bible is still not necessarily true because Catholicism was started before the crusades happened. The bible is simply a book for beliefs and for teachings that the Church believes should be followed. Also, i too am curious about how the bible has been proven accurate. Predictions about the future and **** were made by the Mayans NOT the bible, just incase that's what u were going to say.
    I'm not mean I'm just being honest.

    I'm not insensitive, I just don't give a S.H.I.T!

  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Exactly what has been proven not fake in the bible? What events have ACTUALLY happened? Adam and Eve? Noah's ark? The Babylonian tower? There is no historic evidence that the bible is true even if we dont need historic evidence, the bible is still not necessarily true because Catholicism was started before the crusades happened. The bible is simply a book for beliefs and for teachings that the Church believes should be followed. Also, i too am curious about how the bible has been proven accurate. Predictions about the future and **** were made by the Mayans NOT the bible, just incase that's what u were going to say.

    damn bro u just cut her out lol.........give the girl a chance eh....
  • Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Sry, didnt think it'd be that overwhelming, besides its been a week and she hasnt even returned to this thread...... I'm curious to know how the bible has been proven accurate.... I know U are too.
    I'm not mean I'm just being honest.

    I'm not insensitive, I just don't give a S.H.I.T!

  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Sry, didnt think it'd be that overwhelming, besides its been a week and she hasnt even returned to this thread...... I'm curious to know how the bible has been proven accurate.... I know U are too.

    ^_^ well i'd say ur right im pretty much droolin with anticipation..............

    she is lettin me down b:cry
  • Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Btw, i was wondering, did u ever get that e-mail i sent u? and if u did, why havent u responded? and i dont think shes returning, the only answer i can think of is that she just said the bible was proven accurate, and left it at that to defend her religion since, she has no proof and its possible she could have been lying to, like i said, defend her religion.
    I'm not mean I'm just being honest.

    I'm not insensitive, I just don't give a S.H.I.T!

  • Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The bible has been translated so many times to match whatever the current society behind it is, that it's impossible to read it as originally intended. You can't say it's either accurate or inaccurate.

    Also, directed at the OP, this **** about the Holy Grail and the chalice and the uterus and all that **** which you supposedly thought of yourself (you didn't, stop lying. Although frankly, I can't imagine why you would try to take credit for something that ****). It's all been done before in The Da Vinci Code. Except the Da Vinci Code actually used some punctuation, and the author had a better grasp of the English language. But the theory was just as crackpot there as it is here.

    Oh, and I find it great the way everyone takes philosophy courses and starts acting all deep. Very cute. e-philosophy is like e-poetry; it always, without exception, blows. Oh, and the people who write it down in the hopes of sharing their amazing wisdom with the rest of the world (or at least the 50 or 60 people who read the thread on a gaming forum), are generally 14 years old and taking their first philosophy/poetry class. They're like those cute 5 year old kids who think they know everything, except they're actually teenagers who never outgrew that. And they're ugly.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    fuzzles wrote: »
    The bible has been translated so many times to match whatever the current society behind it is, that it's impossible to read it as originally intended. You can't say it's either accurate or inaccurate.

    Also, directed at the OP, this **** about the Holy Grail and the chalice and the uterus and all that **** which you supposedly thought of yourself (you didn't, stop lying. Although frankly, I can't imagine why you would try to take credit for something that ****). It's all been done before in The Da Vinci Code. Except the Da Vinci Code actually used some punctuation, and the author had a better grasp of the English language. But the theory was just as crackpot there as it is here.

    Oh, and I find it great the way everyone takes philosophy courses and starts acting all deep. Very cute. e-philosophy is like e-poetry; it always, without exception, blows. Oh, and the people who write it down in the hopes of sharing their amazing wisdom with the rest of the world (or at least the 50 or 60 people who read the thread on a gaming forum), are generally 14 years old and taking their first philosophy/poetry class. They're like those cute 5 year old kids who think they know everything, except they're actually teenagers who never outgrew that. And they're ugly.

    hmmm.... sounds like sum1 is a lil frustrated (if u kno what i mean b:thanks lol).

    do u have friends because it looks like u hav the social ability of an angry gorilla <<<< UGLY LOL

    and i kno i didnt come up with this, i just didnt kno it was out there....so i posted to c what ppl thought and they told me it was there so i researched it and found out it was there b4 me.

    so take ur rantin and ravin sumwhere else please....PWI has no room for ranters.
  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The Bible (capatilised out of respect for those that follow the catholic/reformatory/christian faiths), like so many religious tomes, is an allegorical inflection of popurlarly held moralistic beliefs. The grail legend may serve to ascribe a form to esoteric gnosticism but doesn't diminish it's relevance to moral fundalism. The only falling down the established institutions beleagure under is to take script as irrefuted fact.
  • Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    xtant wrote: »
    The Bible (capatilised out of respect for those that follow the catholic/reformatory/christian faiths), like so many religious tomes, is an allegorical inflection of popurlarly held moralistic beliefs. The grail legend may serve to ascribe a form to esoteric gnosticism but doesn't diminish it's relevance to moral fundalism. The only falling down the established institutions beleagure under is to take script as irrefuted fact.

    Looks like you decided to bust out Google Translator for the delicate task of arguing theology.

    Your first point is fair enough though, about it being a reflection of moral beliefs. Your second point about people taking it literally is too much of a generalisation though. Only the hardliners take it as irrefutable fact, and they're definitely in the minority. The vast majority take it as what you said it was - a book of moral guidelines, wrapped up with some nice stories about water and wine.

    Oh, and yes. The Da Vinci code is enough to make anyone rant, Juliarnus. It's fiction with a couple of fun fact, and a few dozen crackpot opinions thrown in. The chalice thing is one of the crackpot opinions. The main thing I found irritating about your OP was that you were trying to claim that you thought up that neat little theory yourself.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    fuzzles wrote: »
    Looks like you decided to bust out Google Translator for the delicate task of arguing theology.

    Your first point is fair enough though, about it being a reflection of moral beliefs. Your second point about people taking it literally is too much of a generalisation though. Only the hardliners take it as irrefutable fact, and they're definitely in the minority. The vast majority take it as what you said it was - a book of moral guidelines, wrapped up with some nice stories about water and wine.

    Oh, and yes. The Da Vinci code is enough to make anyone rant, Juliarnus. It's fiction with a couple of fun fact, and a few dozen crackpot opinions thrown in. The chalice thing is one of the crackpot opinions. The main thing I found irritating about your OP was that you were trying to claim that you thought up that neat little theory yourself.

    bro....i did while i was absolutely wacked off my face.....

    then i did sum research and found out that i didnt, so what can i say......

    i thought i was onto sumfin but i wasnt, not tryin to pass it off as my own, neva said it was exclusively my idea..... and since postin the OP ive read the da vinci code and all that jazz.....

    and i could rant bout that **** all day if i wanted to.... but i see the whole thing and even the OP as just a big load of coincedence and maybe's.... it does take a rocket scientist to see that it is what has already been discussed is just factual coincedence.

    and anyone who say's its real (no offence to ppl who believe in it) are trustin in sumfin that factually hasnt been proven to exist.....
  • Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    fuzzles wrote: »
    The bible has been translated so many times to match whatever the current society behind it is, that it's impossible to read it as originally intended. You can't say it's either accurate or inaccurate.

    Also, directed at the OP, this **** about the Holy Grail and the chalice and the uterus and all that **** which you supposedly thought of yourself (you didn't, stop lying. Although frankly, I can't imagine why you would try to take credit for something that ****). It's all been done before in The Da Vinci Code. Except the Da Vinci Code actually used some punctuation, and the author had a better grasp of the English language. But the theory was just as crackpot there as it is here.

    Oh, and I find it great the way everyone takes philosophy courses and starts acting all deep. Very cute. e-philosophy is like e-poetry; it always, without exception, blows. Oh, and the people who write it down in the hopes of sharing their amazing wisdom with the rest of the world (or at least the 50 or 60 people who read the thread on a gaming forum), are generally 14 years old and taking their first philosophy/poetry class. They're like those cute 5 year old kids who think they know everything, except they're actually teenagers who never outgrew that. And they're ugly.

    Just a note, i'm 17 not 14, i know what im talking about, and i dont need to brag and show off my wisdom. w/e i decide to discuss is what i want to say, i mentioned im taking a philosophy course, i wasnt implying that i became any smarter just because im taking it, in fact everything we've covered so far in this course, i already learned about 3 years ago. I just said im taking philosophy because my teachers often say the bible is fake and that it is ment purely for religious beliefs and entertainment, not for hostorical facts. So don't ripping on me and call me 14 or immature, however the immature part may be true, as i may be smart but i have a lot of immaturity, and if u lose all of ur immaturity, ur basically dead, as said by my biology teacher who is probably in his late 50's or mid 60's.

    Also, Juliarnus already said that he did research on the holy grail being a *** and stuff. Stop ripping on him for it, he already admitted his mistake and apologized, get over it. Also, i did forget to mention the fact about the bible being translated several times that u mentioned. So no one can say that the bible is inaccurate, however i can say that based on what I know and what my TEACHERS know, the bible is completely false.
    I'm not mean I'm just being honest.

    I'm not insensitive, I just don't give a S.H.I.T!

  • Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Based on what your teachers know, the bible is completely false?

    I had no idea a teaching degree included a section on whether or not the bible is accurate.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Fuzzles that degree is called common sense...... get sum bro.....

    after this people dont reply to what fuzzles is postin, all he is doin is lookin for people to react to what he says, he will say anything to get people to react........

    dont reply and save urself sum torment.....

    Koe just leave him be, he will get bored and leave soon enough......

    and ifu hav a private email Koe.....send it to me in 1 of those private messages so i can talk to u more cos ur intelligent and i can appreciate sum1 who is able to hav a civilized conversation and not just rip on everything anyone says......
  • Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    my e-mail is d34thgod666@gmail.com just send me an e-mail if u wanna talk
    I'm not mean I'm just being honest.

    I'm not insensitive, I just don't give a S.H.I.T!

  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    my e-mail is d34thgod666@gmail.com just send me an e-mail if u wanna talk

    i will 4 sure.
  • Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I also like to think Women as the Holy Grail, It is the "cup" of life and we do bring life in to the world.
    The Bible on the other hand is fiction, some parts may be true but they have been elaborated and have been passed down and changed all thanks to the chinese whispers affect.

    Jhonny says: I want a balloon
    Sarah: I was a balloon
    Jack: I have a balloon
    Mary: I have a baboon

    See how it gets changed when you pass a message on? This is also the way of the Bible.
    Venomancer ~ achieved level 40 in 14 days of gameplay =^.^=
    Married Erikose on 16th November 2008 b:kiss


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