Exp, Scrolls, Scam Debates, etc...

Ash - Heavens Tear
Ash - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
edited November 2008 in General Discussion
I was considering never playing again tonight so dvorak and xarfox, I have to give you guys credit for what you did. It would have been better had they not had the xp scroll sale (in the way they did), simply because that as "reward" on top of the halloween event and some other things is what made it all seem so greedy. There are some things that overall still need to be fixed and the events should be thought out better from now on and some items ought to be removed from the cash shop altogether and made FREE <like storage.....>. Then this game wouldn't seem so greed driven. Make a greater variety of mounts and wings and clothing to sell for god's sake and make your money from that stuff. Why are you selling nonsense like 8 extra storage slots for $2-$3???? what with these insane Dragon Quests and when that kind of thing affects the whole playability and fun of the game? We should be getting a whole extra vault with room for 50 items at that price...... And why can't there be secret/hidden quests and more things to do that give bonuses to experience? Why are you selling exp like that?? And mana charms should NOT be burning out like they are and should not be anywhere as expensive.........!!!!!

THEN your players will not end up feeling scammed maybe??

Honestly, can you not make money on art... like cool mounts, and clothing, lots of pretty wings and animals to fly on.. even houses and things as I thought territory and house-building was originally supposed to be a part of the game..? I do not get why you're charging for things like inv ext. stones when the banks are miniscule to begin with. That's the kind of thing that makes PW powers-that-be seem like sleazy, sneaky, greedy f*cks... (excuse my language).

I mean, I recently started selling gold in auction for in game cash to make sure I'd have enough to train my (way expensive) skills and teleport around as I do not have infinite hours a week to spend on this game... til I thought... alright, this is getting ridiculous!! How much have I spent already on (still miniscule) bank space and stupid, pointless stuff like that?? Please... there comes a time when I say no more and accuse the makers of PW of being sneaky, greedy you-know-whats. Why do I have to spend so much just to make the game playable?? (I'm regretting not playing WOW now as it's cheaper!!) That's all wrong. The cash shop should be for perks... not to make the game playable. That it's arranged that way + halloween event + what almost just happened = why I was starting to feel PWI is one big scam run by greedy cons.

I do appreciate this show that some of you at least are listening to your players and the feedback they give. Keep it up. I won't give up on this game just yet then.. Was about to.
Post edited by Ash - Heavens Tear on


  • Xangelx - Lost City
    Xangelx - Lost City Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    well, I don't agree with everything, but I do agree that the game developers are greedy. They purposely made the bank have very few slots so that people would buy extension stones. They also made dragon quests really hard and you have to do a lot of them to get many tablets to get something special. They made those special items that you could get through dragon quests for money at the cash shop so it makes it very tempting for people to spend money instead of time. Pretty rediculous, I agree.

    Overall, the game is fun, there are a lot of things you can do, but the fact that people who have money will easily kick anyone's **** (that does not use the cash shop) is a stupid proposition in my opinion.

    a level 20 using cash shop:

    -can fly or have land mount that goes faster than the level 30 aerocrafts
    -much bigger bank
    -lots of coins
    -have ressurection scrolls
    -have zhen scrolls that increase experience gain

    and the list goes on. The point is that the cash shop should not give such a HUGE advantage for people who spend money.

    I mean take a look at what happened after the myspace thing. They lowered the cost of the zhen scrolls am I correct? That did not help anyone at all (EXCEPT THOSE THAT PAY).

    One word:
  • xra
    xra Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Wow, just downloaded this game but haven't played it yet. Maybe I'll just try it out for the heck of it. Already play WoW, just wanted to check out a supposedly pretty good F2P game. We'll see how it goes, but I'm not gonna spend more money just to make it playable. I realize that it is free, but I'll see what happens.
  • adra12
    adra12 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008

    I mean take a look at what happened after the myspace thing. They lowered the cost of the zhen scrolls am I correct? That did not help anyone at all (EXCEPT THOSE THAT PAY).

    That is not true, there are tons and tons of people selling xp scrolls now for nearly half the price they usually cost. Normally they cost roughly 50k, right now u can buy them for 35k sometimes. The sale helps anyone willing to pay some in game gold for the items.

    If u watch the market carefully, grind alone often, put up a shop when afk. Its not that terribly hard to make enough money to buy everything you need from other players, so please don;t say this game is unplayable without buying from cash shop. I have multi-millions worth of MOLDs and legendarys and i only bought just enough ZEN to get myself a spurred elephant cause i wanted one.
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    yah teh bank /inventory is extremely small without the extra space from item mall (banker only offers 2 extra slots from quests, thats not much)
    i havent bought zen (but plenty of items/gold in game) and its not necessary (except for clerics possibly depending how much they do certain things/faction support they have)
    two/three things are extremely evil:

    1. lvl 59 skills reliance on charms (some can argue focus/other powder+pots which is fairly valid-just much less cost effective then a charm)

    2. mount speed/cost: mounts are very expensive and very fast :with the TW changes they are in high desire to win, with the process of gathering materials people with mounts have a huge advantage, nearly double movement speed then others= a lot easier to grab mats
    since when is $50 usd a microtransaction-crack is cheaper.

    3.refining: refine chances past 2 are nearly 0 without dragon orbs that are ONLY available at item mall, this is a evil system which is extrememly expensive :$44.50 to upgrade your weapon to 5 (a few less if using/combining 1 stars), and fairly that attack bonus is hard to justify for that cost

    ..at least a HUGE plus to GMs (or developers) is Jolly old Jones charm.
    training esoterica on sale= cheaper for all of us AND more available, which has been a problem sometimes.
  • cchris1000
    cchris1000 Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    3.refining: refine chances past 2 are nearly 0 without dragon orbs that are ONLY available at item mall, this is a evil system which is extrememly expensive :$44.50 to upgrade your weapon to 5 (a few less if using/combining 1 stars), and fairly that attack bonus is hard to justify for that cost

    This price is just obscene...there is no other word for it
  • lightpaw
    lightpaw Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I looked into this chash shop for the first time and neasrly shart bricks I'm sorry but seriously. I used to play a certan Gpotato gmae and thought their Cashshop was bad, atleast with their items you get proection from refineing beyond +3(100% and if it does break they will give your item back caue it was a glitch), AND anything +1-+3 will not fail and if it does it will not destroy the item. Leveling is slow as it is in this game even with quests, it makes me wonder..

    Thie -game- is preatty fun, good graphics and overall a decently rounded game. but the cash shop is unfair, if you pay money you should get a slight advantage..maybe more instant gratafacation sure.

    However in a diffrent MMO..related to mechs and killing eachother.. their cash shop is extremely reasonably priced. $1 will get you enough to buy a reasonabe amount of items that don't dissapear after a week. However whats good, is that you cannot get the best of the best with their NC-coin. You actully have to play and save up money to get their highest grade equipment. you can buy the middle level stuff for their NC-coin just not the best of the best of the best.
  • Starzlight - Heavens Tear
    Starzlight - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Yea i totally agree. Although i really like this game, but the difficulty is to how to be rich, skills upgrades costs are so high, and even ingame items. When i bought zen, i thought it will be enough to satisfy my desire to continue this game... But when i bought the safe extension stone, i was very shock it only can give me 8 slots, which meant nothing to me at all. I can't store all the dragon quest items, mats etc. Because almost all the items i need them badly for future questings along the way.

    Well this is the rules of the game, adapt to it as much as you can, else give it up. One piece of advice: get the "basic" needs if your not rich, don't go for the "material things", then you will be fine. b:chuckle

    (Add: Pay to shout? LOL)
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I can't store all the dragon quest items, mats etc. Because almost all the items i need them badly for future questings along the way.

    This is when the power of the alt mule chars come into play.

    Use the unused chars slot of your account to make chars for the sole purpose of storing your excess items. Each gives you 48 to 64 slots to stores your extra stuff.

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Foxygoth - Heavens Tear
    Foxygoth - Heavens Tear Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    it does become a necessity to buy charms and even angels later on in the game,but as ppl have said you dont HAVE to use real money to buy zen it can be bought with ingame coins.
    The only way u lose out is because you spend a lot of time on stall selling stuff to buy the zen,compared to someone who buy for real money
    To level quickly yes buying zen is a real advantage,but you DONT HAVE TO
    I do think the cs is overpriced and i do think that refining is stupid as is spending $7 to put 1 slot in a weapon for a tiny bit of attack
    BUT we play how we like,so if you dont mind being a bit behind others or having orange fashion instead of black :P
    then you can play this game for free...
    foxygoth-lvl92- arcane veno

    ElfyGoth-lvl 65-support cleric
  • sarek
    sarek Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I have to agree: it would be easier if the cs things were cheaper but how else will you learn how to save your money? lol

    And another thing after I lost almost all my money to Jolly old "The Con-man" Jones ( b:angry ) i went from 100k to 1 mil in approximately 10 hours (about 2 hours or 100k - 200k a day) by grinding the cloudmelding vipions near etherblade and just NPCing the drops (there are also some near the other 2 starting cities) i then promptly bought a panther from someone and now i am saving up my money for more fun stuff. :)

    And so far I have yet to spend a single cent of real life money on this game!
    IGN: SomebodyCB
    Class: Slayer
    Level: 35
    Guild: None
    Server: Atlantis_1
  • Misstaken - Heavens Tear
    Misstaken - Heavens Tear Posts: 341 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    You are one of the biggest damn complainers I have ever seen.
    Hey if you dont like the game go play something else. Holly ****
    I used to do drugs, I still do but I used to too.
  • rogz
    rogz Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    the CS is to0 expensive by far but the game is great the way u can buy anything with ingame coins as at lvl 57 iv made roughly 400k in 30-40mins questing around dusk town but TBH i didnt start making any reral money until i hit 55 as pots n items are a killer at lower lvls[well for a wizard].
  • Garcher - Lost City
    Garcher - Lost City Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    From my lvl 40 cleric, Here's what I found.

    Cash Shop stuff makes the game so you can lvl faster.

    -Really most stuff at the shop is useless(ie clothes and flowers).
    -With apothocary skills you really don't need charms. (but herbing is really annoying so I only use pots on stuff like FBs)
    -Wings for elves are not really necessary if you lvl flight mastery(but that takes a while to lvl).
    -I don't refine my equipment since I haven't noticed much damage difference from it.(but then I'm only a lvl 40)
    -The only thing that might be worth while is a land mount. As you can get away from things like pks faster. (assuming you can survive 2 hits)
    -For gathering mats I like to fly since I can do areal(air searches) searches and look over a broader area.
  • Jebbediah - Lost City
    Jebbediah - Lost City Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I was considering never playing again tonight so dvorak and xarfox, I have to give you guys credit for what you did. It would have been better had they not had the xp scroll sale (in the way they did), simply because that as "reward" on top of the halloween event and some other things is what made it all seem so greedy. There are some things that overall still need to be fixed and the events should be thought out better from now on and some items ought to be removed from the cash shop altogether and made FREE <like storage.....>. Then this game wouldn't seem so greed driven. Make a greater variety of mounts and wings and clothing to sell for god's sake and make your money from that stuff. Why are you selling nonsense like 8 extra storage slots for $2-$3???? what with these insane Dragon Quests and when that kind of thing affects the whole playability and fun of the game? We should be getting a whole extra vault with room for 50 items at that price...... And why can't there be secret/hidden quests and more things to do that give bonuses to experience? Why are you selling exp like that?? And mana charms should NOT be burning out like they are and should not be anywhere as expensive.........!!!!!

    THEN your players will not end up feeling scammed maybe??

    Honestly, can you not make money on art... like cool mounts, and clothing, lots of pretty wings and animals to fly on.. even houses and things as I thought territory and house-building was originally supposed to be a part of the game..? I do not get why you're charging for things like inv ext. stones when the banks are miniscule to begin with. That's the kind of thing that makes PW powers-that-be seem like sleazy, sneaky, greedy f*cks... (excuse my language).

    I mean, I recently started selling gold in auction for in game cash to make sure I'd have enough to train my (way expensive) skills and teleport around as I do not have infinite hours a week to spend on this game... til I thought... alright, this is getting ridiculous!! How much have I spent already on (still miniscule) bank space and stupid, pointless stuff like that?? Please... there comes a time when I say no more and accuse the makers of PW of being sneaky, greedy you-know-whats. Why do I have to spend so much just to make the game playable?? (I'm regretting not playing WOW now as it's cheaper!!) That's all wrong. The cash shop should be for perks... not to make the game playable. That it's arranged that way + halloween event + what almost just happened = why I was starting to feel PWI is one big scam run by greedy cons.

    I do appreciate this show that some of you at least are listening to your players and the feedback they give. Keep it up. I won't give up on this game just yet then.. Was about to.

    I 100% agree with you.i also feel disrespected and scammed.

    The 50% exp scrolls "DO NOT GIVE 50% EXTRA EXP" This is 100% Factual.Ive tested it

    I already regret bringing my family here not too mention an irl buddy and brother of mine.They will not be able to afford to play this game the way the designers designed this game to be played.They force you to buy hp charms, they give you quests that force the tank to 100% need the hp charm even 25 level's above the bosses level this is outragious.I didnt join this game to make friends or be social,something for me and my family to do together.

    I was so upset after noticing the 50% exp scrolls dont actually give 50% more exp I went and renewed my families runescape account's.We are flat out being lied too.
  • Jebbediah - Lost City
    Jebbediah - Lost City Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    teabagg wrote: »
    i really dont like the mp charms and hp charms..kinda like a cheat charm imo.Or make it to where the charms turn off in PVP mode.I actually feel sorry for the people who do spend over 50 dollars for a mount/flying sword.

    "So henry what did u buy with your 50$?"

    "A flying sword."

    "where is it at can i see?"

    "umm well....uuuhhh...ummm its in a game..."

    "what..you bought a game called flying sword?"

    "umm no i bought a sword forthe game..so i can fly faster."

    "wow henry..a crack addict has more brains than u do now."

    You my friend are an idiot = ) go get a job you slacker..
  • Elronia - Heavens Tear
    Elronia - Heavens Tear Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The game is perfectly playable without spending pot loads of real money. You just have to be more selective and willing too not level up as fast.
    By more selective i mean when it comes too killing, But thats part of the fun an i love weaving in an outta mobs to get the one who gonner drop me the quest item i need.
    I cant possibly use the PW boutique, im outta work. The cash shop is making a two teer game, the guys with lots of money an lots of glowing items, charms and mounts. Then you have the others, without the charms, or the glowy gear. But ill tell you whom i'd rather party up with, its the guys without the charms, they tend to be the better players because they learned how to play the game, not use the shop to buy rediculously powerful items. I feel pretty peeved if i spent a bunch of cash in the boutique just to have my butt handed to me by a lower level blade that was played better an built with more care.....
    As for ingame greed, i refuse too buy a piece of coal for 3000gp's its a bloody lump of coal. If it was real it have to be a big lump of coal for 3k.....
    Take out the charms and weapons from the boutique, these should all be things you can make as quests. End the two teer system an make the boutique what it should be, somewhere too buy clothing an possibly other game related things like reset scrolls.
  • adra12
    adra12 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The game is perfectly playable without spending pot loads of real money. You just have to be more selective and willing too not level up as fast.
    By more selective i mean when it comes too killing, But thats part of the fun an i love weaving in an outta mobs to get the one who gonner drop me the quest item i need.
    I cant possibly use the PW boutique, im outta work. The cash shop is making a two teer game, the guys with lots of money an lots of glowing items, charms and mounts. Then you have the others, without the charms, or the glowy gear. But ill tell you whom i'd rather party up with, its the guys without the charms, they tend to be the better players because they learned how to play the game, not use the shop to buy rediculously powerful items. I feel pretty peeved if i spent a bunch of cash in the boutique just to have my butt handed to there me by a lower level blade that was played better an built with more care.....
    As for ingame greed, i refuse too buy a piece of coal for 3000gp's its a bloody lump of coal. If it was real it have to be a big lump of coal for 3k.....
    Take out the charms and weapons from the boutique, these should all be things you can make as quests. End the two teer system an make the boutique what it should be, somewhere too buy clothing an possibly other game related things like reset scrolls.

    first off there is no there are no weapons in the cash shop, secondly my archer wears all legendaries and ive only ever spent just enough money in real life to get a spurred elephant because i wanted one and felt ive had enough fun on this game to be willing to support it just like buying a game for a video game console(if i had not found this game i would have bought 1 maybe 2 more xbox360 games), after which i gave my polar bear which i bought with ingame gold away to a friend free of charge, so if u do some math I have accumulated over 5mil worth of gear value without spending any real money to get where i am. So im here to tell you its very possible to play this game with buying zen.