Be honest

sage0nemage Posts: 0 Arc User
edited November 2008 in General Discussion
What seperates Perfect world from the others?
i like the community here more but besides that im not sure
even tho i choose this over the rest is there anything im missing?
Post edited by sage0nemage on


  • Foxgodz - Heavens Tear
    Foxgodz - Heavens Tear Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I would love to give u some comparaisons between Silkroad Online and Perfect World but if im not mistaken something like that is prohibited on these forums,bummer cause I think Perfect World has many nice features.
  • sage0nemage
    sage0nemage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    silroad is stupid
  • Silberklaue - Heavens Tear
    Silberklaue - Heavens Tear Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    flying, nice looking chars (except this mage I saw one time Oo :D), really nice community, people from all over the world who nearly always chat with you about everything, until now I'm always having quests to do and they're easy to find, quite fast leveling, different/exotic mounts, the consignment shop (yay!)...

    these are the best things for me :D
    Need help catching the Snow Hare (not to sell it -.-)? pm me! :)
  • rild
    rild Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I would love to give u some comparaisons between Silkroad Online and Perfect World but if im not mistaken something like that is prohibited on these forums,bummer cause I think Perfect World has many nice features.

    They have that rule on this forum here too eh? They are scared people are gonna leave them for another game?

    As a new Perfect World User, I'd also like to know what Perfect World has that the other Free MMO's doesn't.
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Let's just say, this game has just about everything good about other mmorpgs put into this game.
    It solves the crowdiness by using an auction system, it solves the "I don't know what to do", and still has beautiful effects and customizations. Further more, you can just about travel anywhere without getting stuck.

    Pretty nifty no?
  • Foxgodz - Heavens Tear
    Foxgodz - Heavens Tear Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Yeah Jrudora is right.

    Perfect World It has an anti-bot system.
    Perfect World It has a reporting system.
    U can Fly in Perfect World.
    Perfect World has decent graphics.
    Perfect World has a Territorial war system
    Perfect World has many mini-bosses.
    Perfect World has many Caves with Bosses(FB)
    Perfect World has glowing gear.
    Perfect World u can buy item mall items ingame.

    I can go on and on but those are some things a particular MMO doesn't have(not saying which thus im on a gray zone) I leave u to guess which I mean.Let's just say PW Rox in most aspects except for graphics.b:victory
  • Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear
    Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Let's just say PW Rox in most aspects except for graphics.b:victory

    Actually even the graphics engine is fairly good. The characters look good and the effects are nice, too. What sometimes makes the graphics appear dull is the sheer fact that the devs left many very open and undeveloped areas in the game (e.g. large grasslands or blank mountains without any trees on etc.) - probably to save on development time. In the end that's why the graphics look "cheap" in some areas while in fact it's technically on par with most current pay-to-play MMOs except Age of Conan. It certainly looks better than both WoW and Warhammer...

    Other than that, the only technical gripe I have with the game is the sound effects which are not all that great.

    Greatest plus would be the character customization, which is just the best I have seen in any RPG yet (in that category it puts even Age of Conan to shame). Also the itemization makes sense and glowing weapons/armor are nice anyway. The community is surprisingly nice, too.
  • Monfang - Sanctuary
    Monfang - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The big thing that got me go play this games is the anthromorphs. Lions, Pandas, and Catgirls I love it!

    But whats keeping me is the possibility to get married, flying, combat in flight, a deep story behind it. Even WoW can't touch this.
  • Pinkpeach - Lost City
    Pinkpeach - Lost City Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    There are redeeming features for (pretty much) every game. It just depends on what you're looking for.

    PW is free so why not try it out anyway. If you like it play it, if you don't...well it hasn't cost you anything
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    And not to mention, some of the quests are actually interesting.
    E.g. LadyWraith's story was sort of interesting.
    Then theres all the silly love stories, and Banker Hsin's unshakable love for Guard Ling (which i simply laugh at... especially considering the possible age difference)...

    Most other mmos I've played had pretty weird quest stories.. which i end up skipping the reading for.
  • David_bowie - Sanctuary
    David_bowie - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    You can have a pink flying dog as a pet. What more do you want?
  • erethizon1
    erethizon1 Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I used to believe that games fell into two categories, those that had monthly fees and those that did not. Since you get what you pay for, games without monthly fees were always poor compared to those with monthly fees. Perfect World changed that in my mind. Perfect world is at least on par and in my opinion actually better than most games with monthly fees and way better than any free game.

    There are a lot of features to like, but I have to admit that one of my favorites are some of the easy repeatable quests. In most games once you get to a certain level you have no way of gaining experience other than mindless grinding. While that is certainly an option in this game there are also quests like the Crazy Stone quest (starting at level 30) and the World quest (starting at level 70) that can be done once each day, give large amounts of experience, and require no combat. This means that as long as you are willing to log in for a little while each day you can get to the max level without needing to kill millions of creatures like you have to do in most games. Do not get me wrong, most players do a lot of grinding as well, but you do not have to. If you get to the point where there is nothing but mindless high-level grinding (the point where I tend to get fed up and quit in most games) you would be stuck at whatever level you are in other MMORPGs. But if you are willing to log in for a little while each day and do those two quests you can gain levels without any awful grinding. As the months go by you are gaining those painfully slow levels without having to resort to killing thousands of creatures each level. How many games can you get to the high levels and say, "I did not feeling like killing anything this month so I only gained 4 levels." None that I know of other than perfect world.

    Finding ways to level up without needing to kill has always been a major goal of mine in MMORPG's and most games fail to deliver, but perfect world comes through in that area which really makes me like it.
  • cido
    cido Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Tibia and Perfect world...
    let me see...
    i prefer tibia
  • Naris - Heavens Tear
    Naris - Heavens Tear Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Flying is nice considering how expensive it is in the biggest MMO. So is the level of character customization and the graphics (which are insane for a game several years old).

    The cash shop is reasonable compared to different F2P MMOs (mind you I said different games), and the fashions are (and will be) rather nice.

    It's not hard to level at lower levels and mostly quest based. There's a decent number of quests and a good storyline (if you pause to read the quest stuff).

    A nice way to buy real money currency (at the auction house), which allows people with more time than money to enjoy the benefits of the cash shop. There is also a fairly nice system of player shops (which lowers the pressure on the cash shop and amuses me when Archosaur isn't TOO laggy).

    Decent PvP system (whether you're on the PvE or PvP server it's pretty well thought out) for a casual gamer, and fighting styles are simple enough that a beginner can learn quickly.

    Overall it's really a good value for your money (assuming you don't go too nuts at the cash shop).
  • Ruthiaz - Sanctuary
    Ruthiaz - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I like because I can play solo or with others and still have fun.
  • Specgoesemo - Lost City
    Specgoesemo - Lost City Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Honestly, this game is great because it incorporates all the pluses of other games, and irons out the flaws of many other games as well. Fast leveling, many quests [reached lvl6x before I had to actually grind out a level or two], "Find Quest" button, Cash Shop with method of buying CS gold via in-game money, character customization, LARGE map divided into distinct territories and towns, Territory Wars, open PvP [w/ optional PvE server for those who play very casually], dungeons and instanced events [puzzle cube, rebirth of the gods(once they fix the bugs), swimsuit event, etc.], trade stand AND auction house system, efficient GM's, VERY good graphics in respects to other F2P MMO's and even some P2P MMO's, FLYING!, EXTREMELY detailed and diverse armor/weapon sets, glowy weapons AND armor, fashion option, and many more things I probably missed. The only concern I've really had so far is I wish it were more like WoW where you can actually raid towns without being in the instanced TW's. However, there are way too many carebears on this server that would rage quit if they were killed in a town instead of moving to the PvE sever so, unfortunately, us non-carebears get to miss out on all the would-be fun. ^^
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    There's a lot of "free games" out there, but very few that actually are free. You can quite successfully play PW without spending a cent. Sure, you might never get military rank 8, but you can still kick a whole lot of ****. Perhaps not as easily among the big spenders on the PvP server, but still pretty easy overall.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • sage0nemage
    sage0nemage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    thanks for your opinion, perfect world is the perfect game with a perfect community and perfect everything
  • Darknin - Lost City
    Darknin - Lost City Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    thanks for your opinion, perfect world is the perfect game with a perfect community and perfect everything

    hence "perfect" worldb:chuckle
  • Panzernoodle - Heavens Tear
    Panzernoodle - Heavens Tear Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    What makes this game unique: You can have a female character turn into a fox, have the fox ride on top of a tiger while that tiger is riding on top of a large goose/seagull thing that's flying hundreds of feet above the ground. Did I mention that the tiger is also originally a panda that shape shifted into said tiger?.
  • Starzlight - Heavens Tear
    Starzlight - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I will like to say this is one of the games free from hardcore grinding.. erm i guess so..
    Because i am too focused on doing quests and FBs. Also, there are alot of activities going on in this game eg: crafting, flying, building relationships, guild relationship, TW, Dungeons, daily questings, fashion, and many more.

    Lots of merchandises and trading going on as well. You wont be able to find silence and boredom in the game.

    One very important criteria, it has one of the best graphics and environment among all the F2P MMO games.

  • mysticbow
    mysticbow Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    perfect world is the best free game what about the best non free game?