We demand 1.32exp for our efforts!



  • Everlusting - Lost City
    Everlusting - Lost City Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    5300 out of 6000 is 88.3%

    88.3% out of 150% exp is 132%

    Please do not post pointless messages on this topic.

    Are you kidding me? say that we got 4000 myspace friends. What should the exp reward we get?

    You are the one thats putting misleading and pointless posts.
  • Elsavita - Heavens Tear
    Elsavita - Heavens Tear Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    ''"Sir, the problem here is when we give the second burger to customers, we must pay for the ingredients out of our own pocket,''

    We give alot of publicity towards PWE for adding them at our myspace profile.
    What is our reward? nothing.
    Your story only makes half-sense.

  • Kyou - Heavens Tear
    Kyou - Heavens Tear Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited November 2008
  • Elsavita - Heavens Tear
    Elsavita - Heavens Tear Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    So, are you giving us the well-deserved award or not?

  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Just read the last 3 pages that came up since my last post.
    Same as yesterday, remember

    1. This isnt your topic, everyone can post here not just those who agree with you.
    2. No valid reason for a reward has been provided.
    3. With no valid reason, why should we get a reward ?

    In life you dont get stuff for "almost getting there!", you either do it fully or you dont do it.
    If I get 53 points in a test and I need 60, will I advance in the course because "I almost got there!, my effort should be rewarded!" no I wont pass and my effort may be congratulated like "damn! nice try, better luck next time" and that's it.
    For like the 999999999999th time:

    PWI offers you a deal: get 6k people in pwi myspace friends and I'm giving you exp.
    Note: That's the full deal there's no mid-way prize, effort prize, no % exp increase based on how far you get, etc. either get 6k friends or nothing, remember 5999 friends aint 6k.
    Players try and dont get there, should PWI alter the deal to reward players, even if no reward was promised unless the 6k friends were reached ? no.
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    So, are you giving us the well-deserved award or not?

    There are no well-deserved reward...

    You failed to gather 6000 MySpace friends.

    End of the event.

    They are even nice to make a sale on miji. It was not announced and could very well have done nothing at all.

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • markillian
    markillian Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    m00rditch wrote: »
    I had a very weird day today...

    ...I'm having a house built, and it's near completion, figuring i'd kill some time, i decided to get a haircut. Going to supercuts, the stylist told me a cut would be 5 dollars, i agreed and sat in a chair. The haircut commenced, and it was really looking wonderful, about 2/3 of the way thru, the stylist stood up and said "well, it's been a good day, that's it for me." Flabbergasted, i asked "well, what about my hair? 2/3 of it is trimmed nicely, and the left side of my head looks like a wild bramble patch, how the heck can i leave like this?" As the lights were being switched off the stylist replied "no problem, just give me 3.50."

    ....Severely chagrined, i figured i'd grab some food, c'mon, who dosent love a big mac? Walking into McDonalds, i saw a sign reading "Big Mac - Two for one with cupon." Having no cupon, i asked them, "well, could i just pay you the normal price, and get a big mac and a half? I know i don't have a cupon, but you're having this wonderful sale, and i came all the way here, I feel i should be given some kind of consolation even though i dont have the required voucher, you could even give away the other half of the burger to someone else that dosen't have a cupon either." The manager overheard the conversation and said to me "Sir, the problem here is when we give the second burger to customers, we must pay for the ingredients out of our own pocket, we then mail the vouchers to the head office, and they re-imburse us accordingly, if we are not given a voucher, we lose the profits even though a sale is going on." I then asked, "well, couldn't you just tell the head office that there was a very nice, extremely good-looking guy that came in and didn't have his cupon, but we gave him the special anyway, considering he was such a nice guy, and won me over with charm and eloquence?" The manager replied simply "Sir, a single big mac is 2.50, would you like fries with that?" "No fries, thanks, i'd just like the burger." A few moments later i was handed a bag, and told "sir, i'm very sorry, we have run out of hamburger patties, but you can have the special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun for 1.50."

    ...Feeling, and looking like i just was groomed by edward scissorhands, carrying around a measly vegetarian snacky-pop, I figured enough of all this, my house should be done by now, might as well get home and get on with things. Getting to my house i saw the construction crew all having lunch on the front yard even though it was only 9:00 am, the house was wonderfully built, excellently finished, a true work of masterful craftsmanship, lacking one very important detail.... the roof, there was no roof whatsoever, just four walls, floors, doors, all left open to the great sky like a pueblo courtyard. I turned and the foreman walked up to me and said "there you are sir, we're done, and the work went excellently, i hope you like the colours of the fascia, and granite, we'll just eat, pack our tools and move on to the next site, give us half an hour." I said to him "Well, yes the house is lovely, but where the heck is the roof?" The foreman looked at me and said "well sir, you're getting the last 5 years of your mortgage removed, You're not going to have to pay."

    ...Shortly thereafter, as the last of the construction crew were pulling away, i saw one of my friends approaching, i was sitting on my front steps, eating my big mac when he came up and said "woah dude, i love the new house, but where's the roof? did a blind-drunk four-year old cut your hair, and where the heck is the meat in that big mac?" I simply looked up and said "Don't ask man, it's been a really weird day." He the said "well, buck up chipper! the bar i work for just closed down, and the owner is selling all the remaining stock to us for 20% off!! i got 3 24's, i'm a bit broke, but if ya wanna go halves, we can buy drink 'em all right now!" "Awesome, let's do it! A cold barley-pop or three would be great after such a $#!**% day!" I replied as we walked inside...

    ...I handed him the money, Opened a beer, and prayed it didnt't rain.

    (Wrote during donwtime, couldn't post till now.)

    +1 to this guy funny story

    I'm gonna explain to all you people how ludacris it is that you think you should get a reward.

    do you think if you're playing football and you have a contract that says you'll get a 3 million dollar bonus if your team makes the playoffs but you end up winning 9 games instead of the 10 you need you should get 2.7 million dollars as a bonus? NO.

    now go away you're never gonna get 1.32 exp the PWI staff won't give it to you so stop whining.
  • Zenpachi - Heavens Tear
    Zenpachi - Heavens Tear Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    5300 out of 6000 is 88.3%

    88.3% out of 150% exp is 132%
    The actual bonus is the 50% more, not the total 150%. So, if you're trying to find out what extra bonus you would get depending on how much out of 6000 we got, you would be taking the percentage of the 50% bonus, not the whole 150%. So, the real bonus would be:

    5300 out of 6000 = 88.3%

    88.3% of 50% = 44.15%

    So the adjusted event would, in turn, be 144% EXP, not 132%.

    Not that I agree with this at all - I don't. We were told at the start exactly what we needed to get for the promotion. Now, there may have been some sort of underhandedness with deleting friends and such, I don't know. However, we really can't prove that one way or the other. The point is: it was a free reward if conditions were met, the conditions were not met, therefore no free reward.
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    m00rditch wrote: »
    I had a very weird day today...

    ...I'm having a house built, and it's near completion, figuring i'd kill some time, i decided to get a haircut. Going to supercuts, the stylist told me a cut would be 5 dollars, i agreed and sat in a chair. The haircut commenced, and it was really looking wonderful, about 2/3 of the way thru, the stylist stood up and said "well, it's been a good day, that's it for me." Flabbergasted, i asked "well, what about my hair? 2/3 of it is trimmed nicely, and the left side of my head looks like a wild bramble patch, how the heck can i leave like this?" As the lights were being switched off the stylist replied "no problem, just give me 3.50."...

    Great read, great sense of humour, and great use of imagery.
  • Celestyna - Heavens Tear
    Celestyna - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    m00rditch wrote: »
    I had a very weird day today...

    I have to say that was one of the best stories i have read in awhile. thanks for making me laugh b:victory
  • Specgoesemo - Lost City
    Specgoesemo - Lost City Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Honestly, this is just a ridiculous thread. We didn't meet the goal. We don't get the reward. End of story. This is just pathetic and shows people in this game complain about anything and everything. I agree about a lot of things that get complained about, i.e. banned for using bugs/exploits bcuz the devs are too lazy to fix it, CS **** too expensive, but honestly, you're all making fools of yourselves posting in agreement with this thread. Stop being a bunch of freakin cry babies and go play the game.
  • Specgoesemo - Lost City
    Specgoesemo - Lost City Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    m00rditch wrote: »
    I had a very weird day today...

    ...I'm having a house built, and it's near completion, figuring i'd kill some time, i decided to get a haircut. Going to supercuts, the stylist told me a cut would be 5 dollars, i agreed and sat in a chair. The haircut commenced, and it was really looking wonderful, about 2/3 of the way thru, the stylist stood up and said "well, it's been a good day, that's it for me." Flabbergasted, i asked "well, what about my hair? 2/3 of it is trimmed nicely, and the left side of my head looks like a wild bramble patch, how the heck can i leave like this?" As the lights were being switched off the stylist replied "no problem, just give me 3.50."

    ....Severely chagrined, i figured i'd grab some food, c'mon, who dosent love a big mac? Walking into McDonalds, i saw a sign reading "Big Mac - Two for one with cupon." Having no cupon, i asked them, "well, could i just pay you the normal price, and get a big mac and a half? I know i don't have a cupon, but you're having this wonderful sale, and i came all the way here, I feel i should be given some kind of consolation even though i dont have the required voucher, you could even give away the other half of the burger to someone else that dosen't have a cupon either." The manager overheard the conversation and said to me "Sir, the problem here is when we give the second burger to customers, we must pay for the ingredients out of our own pocket, we then mail the vouchers to the head office, and they re-imburse us accordingly, if we are not given a voucher, we lose the profits even though a sale is going on." I then asked, "well, couldn't you just tell the head office that there was a very nice, extremely good-looking guy that came in and didn't have his cupon, but we gave him the special anyway, considering he was such a nice guy, and won me over with charm and eloquence?" The manager replied simply "Sir, a single big mac is 2.50, would you like fries with that?" "No fries, thanks, i'd just like the burger." A few moments later i was handed a bag, and told "sir, i'm very sorry, we have run out of hamburger patties, but you can have the special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun for 1.50."

    ...Feeling, and looking like i just was groomed by edward scissorhands, carrying around a measly vegetarian snacky-pop, I figured enough of all this, my house should be done by now, might as well get home and get on with things. Getting to my house i saw the construction crew all having lunch on the front yard even though it was only 9:00 am, the house was wonderfully built, excellently finished, a true work of masterful craftsmanship, lacking one very important detail.... the roof, there was no roof whatsoever, just four walls, floors, doors, all left open to the great sky like a pueblo courtyard. I turned and the foreman walked up to me and said "there you are sir, we're done, and the work went excellently, i hope you like the colours of the fascia, and granite, we'll just eat, pack our tools and move on to the next site, give us half an hour." I said to him "Well, yes the house is lovely, but where the heck is the roof?" The foreman looked at me and said "well sir, you're getting the last 5 years of your mortgage removed, You're not going to have to pay."

    ...Shortly thereafter, as the last of the construction crew were pulling away, i saw one of my friends approaching, i was sitting on my front steps, eating my big mac when he came up and said "woah dude, i love the new house, but where's the roof? did a blind-drunk four-year old cut your hair, and where the heck is the meat in that big mac?" I simply looked up and said "Don't ask man, it's been a really weird day." He the said "well, buck up chipper! the bar i work for just closed down, and the owner is selling all the remaining stock to us for 20% off!! i got 3 24's, i'm a bit broke, but if ya wanna go halves, we can buy drink 'em all right now!" "Awesome, let's do it! A cold barley-pop or three would be great after such a $#!**% day!" I replied as we walked inside...

    ...I handed him the money, Opened a beer, and prayed it didnt't rain.

    (Wrote during donwtime, couldn't post till now.)

    If people with this kind of humor didn't exist in the world, I'd have no reason to live...

    That is the funniest **** I've seen ever on this forum!

    BTW I 100% agree with the point xD
  • m00rditch
    m00rditch Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Elsavita, in a free to play game, the servers, events, coding, programming, GM support, forums, everything, is coming out of the dev's pocket at the gamble that they're going to make their money back. Every level you've earned, every mob you've downed, every spirit you've spent, has all been paid for by someone else.

    There is no "head office" that reimburses PWI, of course, that's where we the players come in, if we want to continue playing a game for free. (Read: nothing, diddly squat, zip, zilch, zero.) Many of PW's contemporary games will charge you for the install, charge you for expansions, make it absolutely impossible to progress without spending real money, here it seems to be pretty optional. Heck, you can use in-game currency to buy premium cash shop items.... there's no gun to anyone's head, you can (at the cost of some time) remain on a competitive level with people who are using the cash shop.

    Those two things being said, can you now blame pwi for what they've done? has nintendo or micro$oft ever given you a 2000+ hour game to play for just showing up? Never. Name one other genre of game where you were ever given anything but a 10-level demo, or some crappy "Cheerios Bee Big Blasty Adventure" ****.

    Now... let me ask you this.... you're fighting for what you feel is "your rights" should all the people who have come before you and bought cash shop items, should they get an XP bonus? They've done a heck of a lot more than handfuls of myspace accounts, they've actually put jimmy o'goblins into the hands of the devs. Mabye they should get a damage increase by 1.66666666666667 considering they're doing 2/3 of the work to keep the servers alive?

    Yes, my story dosen't make perfect linear sense, and i kinda puttered out at the end (i had ribs on the bbq - had to run in and out, lost my choo-choo of cognitive coherency) But i think you should get the main point from it: You're getting something for free, you would never hand out things for 2/3 of the price/value, and you're over the age of 12, so you should know by now, like the rolling stones have aptly put it, "you can't always get what you want, but when you try some times, you just might find, you just might find, you get what you need."

    main point of my wall of text? --See how all the arguing in the world won't make you see anyone else' viewpoints? Now play reversi with the subject matter...... think about. itb:victory

    Edit: yeah, yeah they give out copies of splinter cell with almost everything nowadays, but tom clancy games don't count : P i mean GREAT games
  • Panzernoodle - Heavens Tear
    Panzernoodle - Heavens Tear Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    So I guess if either of the candidates gets "close" to getting the majority of the electoral votes tomorrow, we can give them the presidency as a consolation? Maybe VP?

    We don't reach the goal.
    We don't pass go.
    We don't collect 200.
    And we most certainly do not get 150% exp.
  • Specgoesemo - Lost City
    Specgoesemo - Lost City Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    So I guess if either of the candidates gets "close" to getting the majority of the electoral votes tomorrow, we can give them the presidency as a consolation? Maybe VP?

    We don't reach the goal.
    We don't pass go.
    We don't collect 200.
    And we most certainly do not get 150% exp.

    Psh, I'm the banker so I take my 200 dollars when I feel like taking my 200 dollars! b:angry
  • floodman
    floodman Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    ok ppl look >_> we ddint meet the goal because we ddint try hard enough.Yes i know some ppl acually put a solid effort like i did i personally dont like myspace but i made one just to add pwi myspace and i got 12 of my friends to add them aswell.However this is not a 1 person effort this is a effort for every one on the servers now lets run by a few things.

    1) im pretty sure due to how long Heavens tear has been up theres quite a few lv.3 guilds and a bunch of level 2 guilds

    each lv.3 guild has 200 members
    each lv.2 has 100 members

    now lets assume HeavensTear alone has(starting low)

    3 lv.3 guilds and
    5 lv.2 guilds

    thats 800 people off th ose 8 guilds >_> but i know for a fact theres more then that i was on HT for a wile then transfered to Sanctuary and Sanctuary has like
    3 or more lv.3 guilds not too sure the exact ammount but i know its more then 3
    and like 10~15 lv.2 guilds xD
    HT has been out for like what? a month or 2 longer then Sanct? so wouldnt they have higher level players and more higher level guilds?
    on my guess id say each server has no less then 1,000 people especially HT Sanctuary was opened up becuase HT was getting a bit crowded Etherblade willl open up when the same happens to lost city. So we can assume the player ammount on HT passes that of Sanct and LC
    so lets say
    (numbers may be higher or lower im just giving a example,Though i highly doubt its lower)
    HT has 2000~2500 ppl
    Sanct has 1000~1500 ppl
    Lost city 1500~2000

    ok lets start with the lowest ammount of that.
    2000 + 1000 + 1500 = 4,500 ppl not the goal but even if it was only 3,000 players if each player got some one else they knew to sign up wed hit the goal easily

    ok second set of numbers.
    2500+1500+2000 = 6,000 even (in this case every one just had to make a myspace if they didnt have one and just add them >_> not verry difficult)

    yet....despite both of those Scenario's we still didnt reach the goal we got what 5,300? o_O and we had a month to reach 6,000 >_> Come on ppl if every one acually put a solid effort for this event we would of hit 6k in like 2 weeks but we took a entire month and still didnt reach the goal? and despite us not reaching the goal we still got a reward(minor but still a reward,>_> dont be ungrateful). Yet even after this award ppl demand a better one........ when most of the comunity did NOT try as hard or even try at all. I know there were a few ppl trying really hard to
    get this event done but >_> only adding your own mysace then stoping or just not attending the event at all and demanding a reward is just sad.The way i see it is as a comunity we didnt put enough effort into it so we deserve nothing yet we got some thing from the gms >_> be happy with it and stop your childish ranting for a big reward you dont deserve.Its like a kid that acts like a spoiled brat for the entire year then on chrismas the parents get them alot of presents(which they clearly dont deserve) yet the kid wanted more or didnt like the gifts. >.>' seems the same to me in this case in a sence.

    Well thats my 2 cents


    o on a side note id like to point out that PWI is a Business and like all business's they need to make a profit if not whats the point in having the Business
    if you dont make any thing out of it and note the games free true and boutique items are not suppose to be free >_> its 1 of the companys sources of income
    games free so they need a different methoid to make $$ and no Boutique items are NOT required to play the game however they make your game experience easier or more fun. yet i hear rant after rant after rant about the game being cs(Cashshop,Boutique) based when clearly its not.
    you die too fast and need alot of hp charms? raise vitality >_> duh? or use a potion now and again? you dont need to 1~2 hit mobs to level >.>' and if your a pure dd and have 5 vitality and wonder why you die fast >.>' think that over a bit before complaining. as for other cs items >.>' same thing you can get through this game without buying cs but If you must Have them you can always buy ingame note it will not be cheap(obviously?) because its real money into game $$ so ya >.>' it will out weigh game $$ but its managable and you can live with it Cs,boutique is a choice >_> its not a requirement so stop complaining and play. think of cs as like a donation to the game to help it keep runing and as part of that donation you get a reward(i.e cs item)
    servers are not cheap,
    im pretty sure there not runing this game frm some ones basement >.>' so they got rent,light,water...ect.
    employee's(the gms are not unpaid interns)(well some might be volenteers ^.^ donno but most if not all are being paid)
    along with a number of other things im not quite aware of that cost $$ >.>' and were do you suppose this money comes from?
    Trees? o_O the sky? no it comes from the player comunity and maybe other sources not sure ^.^ so before you complain consider all of that.

    o_O i really wrote alot didnt i @.@ ehh ppl needed to be aware of this thing even though this is kinda like my opinion xD but >.>' just trying to point out a few things
  • m00rditch
    m00rditch Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    heheheheh monopoly analogy FTW

    "I just landed on boardwalk with hotels, but i only have $1800, i know i'll get the other 200 when i pass go, can't i just get another turn?"

    "My water just broke, and we're 6 miles from the hospital, couldn't the doctors just bring the emergency room here?"

    We failed, accept it. Would you want a brain surgeon that score 45 % on his test operating on your aneurism, simply because he jumped up and down screaming he wanted his PHD?

    Would you ever bed with someone that didn't show up for the date? knocked on your door at 3 a.m. saying "well we were going to go on the date anyways.... how about you just let me play a few rounds of "hide the salami" 'cause i put in such a good effort!"
  • Feraldreamzz - Sanctuary
    Feraldreamzz - Sanctuary Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited November 2008


    You must be well-informed about this topic and know what has been passed and not.
    If you are going to repeat topics that have been discussed at a previous page I kindly ask you to not post at my topic.
    Also do not give ANY examples on this topic wheter we deserve the exp or not.
    Give your own personal honest opinion, feel free to discuss other players replies.
    Do not try to flame anyone, when your post is containing any suspicious flaming materials I'll have to report it.

    Thank you and happy foruming.

    Wow, lol

    I don't think I can abide by these rules. But I am not going to stay out of this topic.

    I don't agree with the attitude of I worked, I didn't meet goals, but I DESERVE a free reward. If you want a free reward, I think the ability to play this game for free, is reward enough.

    It was your choice to participate in the Myspace contest. The rules were: You get 6,000, we'll give you additional exp. When you participated in this contest, more or less agreed to those rules. Your choice, nobody forced you. Just like nobody is forcing you to buy anything.

    If however, PWI stated we'll give a FREE gift to anyone that brings in Myspace friends, of if you get close, we'll give you something for FREE, then you would have a point. But they didn't do that.

    I've read all the replies, and I still can't see the justification for demanding a FREE reward.

    You can say PWI is trying to make "too much money", it's a business. Deal with what they're offering. Don't like the way they advertise? Bring your business elsewhere. Isn't that what you would do with restaurants and stores? If they feel they're losing customers, they'll amend their business practices.

    As for me, I'm enjoying this game. I don't get into all these events and stuff. I just hang out and have fun =)
  • floodman
    floodman Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Bottom line.
    (LOL line)

    No Group effort no reward.End
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Let's see if we can get 6.000 players to vote on this pool for "Yes, I demand to get the 1.32exp event. "b:chuckle

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Ajriaz_skaya - Heavens Tear
    Ajriaz_skaya - Heavens Tear Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    That would be sharp irony :)
  • Specgoesemo - Lost City
    Specgoesemo - Lost City Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    or maybe if 5300 ppl say yes theyll...

    no theyll definitely just not do anything...

    yall can stop voting now on this dumb poll, isnt gonna get you anything...

    just in case you didnt get it...
  • Neverwas - Heavens Tear
    Neverwas - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    can't win.....why try? lol perhaps that's correct but if the world was run on that argument we'd be in a pretty bad off place (more than it already is, lol) i say keep this up, write directly to PWI about it everyday, several times per day. if enough people do this then just maybe something will get done about it. i definitely agree with players getting the 1.32%. i just wrote a long post in the other thread related to the crappy myspace event discussing my feelings about this so called "reward" and the ridiculous greed driven tactics in this game, so i won't discuss it all again here. but, definitely, the people deserve something more for their efforts besides a measly 20% discount on an item they still have to shell out real money for.
  • Suroboru - Heavens Tear
    Suroboru - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i think it's only fair they give you guys something. maybe u shud go around giving PWE bad publicity and telling everyone to delete from friends. that would be fair also.
    IGN: Suroboru
    SVR: Heaven's Tear
  • Crash - Heavens Tear
    Crash - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i already new this myspace event would have some sort of reprecusion because it was poorly thought out, basicly what PWI is telling us, is if we buy 4 EXP scrolls, we get 1 FREE!!!!

    big freaking woop, ive already stoped spending my cash on this game and im glad cos its a waste of money for u money grabing GM's, ur worser then pw-my's.
    the 20% off exp scrolls was more like a

    "fu*ck you players, you did not reach our goal so we will not give u our 1.5exp event, instead we will take the **** and give u 20% off our EXP scrolls that require you to spend r/l cash on our reward, buy at your own pleasure while we enjoy our free money".

    just like many ppl have said, just for trying something and getting close, a reward should be given, not a **** take of a 20% off item which is 10 silver, which is god damn nothing, what is 10silver gonna buy us? apart from 1 world trumpet, i say no thanks go to hell shakira.

    if you want to keep customers you have to applease them to have them stay with u, not listen to maby the other half who arnt bothered and let the other half of your customers stay angry at poor service, even if it was just so much as a click and add to friends list, we are still pissed off that you GM's of PWI will prob gain alot more ppl cos we add u to our friends list, and all we get is a kick in the teeth.

    thanks for nothing
    retired from PWI server Heavens Tear, October 2008
    want to start on Harshlands ASAP!
  • dtz
    dtz Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Let's see if we can get 6.000 players to vote on this pool for "Yes, I demand to get the 1.32exp event. "b:chuckle
    That would be sharp irony :)
    I don't think it would be ironic at all. It would just mean that at least seven hundred people who sat on their butts and twiddled their thumbs instead of helping were demanding compensation for their non-efforts.

    All of you people out there who DIDN'T join the PWI MySpace friends list and are still demanding compensation (and you know who you are) are the worst of the lot. Because you didn't even TRY, and you're demanding a reward for something you didn't take part in. It's like not showing up for your final exam and insisting the teacher pass you anyway.
    Rank 8 Foundry Grand Master

    Check out my Foundry questline, The Brightstone Explorers' Guild.
  • Specgoesemo - Lost City
    Specgoesemo - Lost City Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I got a better idea than all yours:

    How about they stop doing events all together? Cuz apparently there is too many babies on this server that fail to recognize the win/lose concept. You win, you get rewarded, you lose, YOU DON'T FREAKING GET **** STOP COMPLAINING! If there gonna freakin give you babies your dumb 1.32exp bull **** then they might as well patch the game so that if you die at the boss of a FB then you get a percentage of xp based on the amount of hp the boss has left. That's the most **** thing I have ever heard...
  • theshazzbot
    theshazzbot Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    "fu*ck you players, you did not reach our goal so we will not give u our 1.5exp event, instead we will take the **** and give u 20% off our EXP scrolls that require you to spend r/l cash on our reward, buy at your own pleasure while we enjoy our free money".

    Yo, crash - the above quoted is an example of profanity filter dodging and we consider this the same thing as raw, profane language. Consider this your final warning - your next violation will surely result in suspension of forum privileges.

    Now on to the main topic at hand - dvorak and xarfox are currently working behind the scenes to get approval from the higher-ups for some type of reward to the loyal members of this community who participated in the myspace event. Maybe i shouldn't be saying this but i'm 99% certain that one of them will reveal further details later today once they finish their meeting.

    patience is a virtue....
    Remember, posting on these forums is not a right - It's a PRIVILEGE!


    Thus the ShazzBot has spoken...
  • theshazzbot
    theshazzbot Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Also, Elsavita - please refrain from telling users not to post responses to this thread just because you do not agree with their opinions. As long as other posters keep their responses on topic they have every right to participate in our/your discussion.
    Remember, posting on these forums is not a right - It's a PRIVILEGE!


    Thus the ShazzBot has spoken...
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The admin just own all the b:crybabiesb:cry in 2 posts....
    I got a better idea than all yours:

    How about they stop doing events all together? Cuz apparently there is
    too many babies on this server that fail to recognize the win/lose concept. You win, you get rewarded, you lose, YOU DON'T FREAKING GET **** STOP COMPLAINING!
    If there gonna freakin give you babies your dumb 1.32exp bull **** then they might as well patch the game so that if you die at the boss of a FB then you get a percentage of xp based on the amount of hp the boss has left. That's the most **** thing I have ever heard...

    +1 b:victoryb:victory I guess crying is so easy they cant resist
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
This discussion has been closed.