Keyboard layout

darkom Posts: 0 Arc User
edited April 2012 in Suggestion Box
we should be able to change the keyboard layout, im using a azerty keyboard and the game is made on the us keyboard, its not that easy just using the mouse to move if you not use to it
Post edited by darkom on


  • thelastninja
    thelastninja Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I support this at 100%

    We badly need a way to change the keyboard layout for all non-QWERTY keybord users.

    Here is an AZERTY keyboard layout :

    Here is a QWERTY keyboard layout :
  • news
    news Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I would love having the layout being changable... heck, while we're on the topic of keyboards. Make it so you can change all the keybindings as well. Kindof the main reason I stay away from Free2Play games in the first place and I really wanna see Perfect World be pretty much the standard of F2P games (sortof like how WoW is the standard idea for Subscription based games).
  • kammie
    kammie Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    is this being looked at? I have an zerty keyboard too, and i dont want to change my system settings just for this game
  • niark
    niark Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    There's an easy way to switch to qwerty keyboard :)
    If you got an azerty keyboard (like me) press Shift+Alt to switch to qwerty keyboard then you will me able to use Z,Q,S,D to move and other keys.. and when you wanna type a message you have to press Shift+Alt again to switch to the azerty keyboard.

    For me it works ;)

    Good Luck
  • cometa
    cometa Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    call me old-fashioned, but I wanna be able to choose to use the arrow keys for moving around! for up and down (swimming, flying) I'd like to use pageup and pagedown. Why can't this be customizeable?

    Also, there may be a way to do this, and I haven't found it yet, but an AUTORUN would be nice. :)
  • niark
    niark Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    you're right... but we have to ask moderators for that i think : /
  • kymahri
    kymahri Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Would aslo be nice to have a autoloot function so you dont have to click on every piece of loot, just one button, or a feature you can turn on or off
    If I died tomorrow, would you remember my accomplishments, or my failures....
  • june
    june Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    kymahri wrote: »
    Would aslo be nice to have a autoloot function so you dont have to click on every piece of loot, just one button, or a feature you can turn on or off

    Auto loot would be nice. There is already an auto pickup the near item action that can be found at the top of the ALT+E menu. It looks like a hand picking something up. By default, it's binded to F4.

    Have auto run is useful too, like maybe binded to NumLock by default. It would work well with the arrows or num pad.

    If there were a binding menu, then maybe we could have buttons devoted to both strafing and turning...

    Without having to create a bind menu in game, Perfect World could create a "AZERTY" checkbox in the launcher, that could swap the four movement keys to be AZERTY compatible, when it is toggled.
  • elder
    elder Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    yup we need azerty support. And it's not easy when you switch your keyboard to type querty when it still says azerty on your keyboard ;-)
  • sherilys
    sherilys Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I switch on qwerty when I play PW so I can use keys to move but then when I start typing everything is messed up and I look like a noob who sounds not being able to write correctly lol, with all the "a" "q" "w" and "m" messed up.
  • kinggallon
    kinggallon Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hello. It's a bit past 4:00 A.M here in Illinois (Some rioting outside woke me up and it's hard to go back to sleep). I would like for a friend of mine to join this game but he has carpal tunnel in his right wrist. It makes it hard for him to constantly use the mouse to target monsters if he decides to join. Having customizable keys would definitely rock.
  • paradise4
    paradise4 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I cannot play the game with W,A,S,D. I need to be able to customize movement with my up/down arrow keys etc.

    Developers what are you thinking to miss out such a fundamental option?
  • sikozu
    sikozu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    An easy tip: For now just use the W key to move forward and the right mouse click to steer your character.
    I do agree though something needs to be done, we should be able to change how we move our characters :(
    ★ :Sikozu :: Venomancer: ★ :Nebira :: Cleric: ★
  • louman
    louman Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I totally agree. I would love to have customizable keybindings! :) Then maybe I could strafe AND turn. ;)
  • medea
    medea Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    First of all my compliments for creating a really promising looking game. The graphics are great (even on my not that good videocard) and the game combines the good aspects of several mmorphs I played before.

    However the GUI needs improvement. I would suggest that a key can be assigned to the used function. That means that evry player can assign the keys for himself and that it is not important anymore which keyboard someone uses.

    For example lets talk the 'w' which is used for walking forward. I would like to use another key for that, namely the arrow key (but this is a personal thing which will differ among players)
    Therefore I would suggest to make it possible that players can assign their own keys to functions as 'walking forward', 'turn around to left' ectect
  • adselene
    adselene Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    As i'm an AZERTY keyboard user too, i'd like to be abble to change the key settings and not to switch to qwerty to azerty each time i need to write something.
    btw i up this thread...b:bye
  • Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear
    Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    darkom wrote: »
    we should be able to change the keyboard layout, im using a azerty keyboard and the game is made on the us keyboard, its not that easy just using the mouse to move if you not use to it

    I have been asking for this since day 1, don't think they are concerned make the game more easy and enjoyable..

    Already been requested by many people in many threads
    Maybe if we keep shoving this in PWI's face they will get the point. (But I begin to doubt it)

    1.) Please make an option to fully remap the keys (almost every popular game has this ability, and the number one reason my friends are giving it a miss) Don't shove a certain setup down peoples throats, give the option for them to set it up how they want it

    2.) Define a 'run lock key' so you don't have to keep the 'W' key pressed. (or have to constantly click in front of you)
    "Clicking the horizon" works fine UNTIL you have to move.

    3.) Define a 'select next target' key.

    4.) Option Off/On for the 'click on ground and got to this spot') this annoys a lot of people. Give the option if you want it or not.

    5.) Optional on/off World Chat, Options for Whispers (On/Off, On/Off Block all but friends/clan)

    6.) Option On/Off for the display of stupid spamming smileys (some people like to totally **** chat with row after row of smileys)
    How to change your portrait from ? to you.
    1.) logout, login
    2.) on your login picture click "change" (sample)
    or use the manual link (must be logged in)
    (copy and paste and add the 'h' , Your not allowed links in sigs)
  • rakan1
    rakan1 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Yes, PLEASE give us the option to change keybindings!!

    I thought all MMORPGs had this!

  • Venomatty - Heavens Tear
    Venomatty - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    if its bothering you why dont u just pop the keys out and put them in the qwerty keyboards spots lol
  • markillian
    markillian Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    if its bothering you why dont u just pop the keys out and put them in the qwerty keyboards spots lol

    how would that work?
  • Crazy_vixen - Sanctuary
    Crazy_vixen - Sanctuary Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    signed for customizable key layouts as I use an ergonomic keyboard and it not funny to have to move your hand to about 20 cm only to reach F8 for example.
    about Pure Wizzards:
    1. You like having more than 1 element (elements are like women after all?)
    2. You like seeing big numbers when hitting things. (Or getting hit)
    3. You think you are gutsy but actually just too plain stupid to pick something easy.

    But... 4. You're definitely in it for the endgame.
  • Yukkfoo - Sanctuary
    Yukkfoo - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I would like to see every single command customizable.
    And i mean right down to the size of teh mini map.

    i use A Dto spin Q E to strafe sideways W forward S or R for backwards.
    And i am constanylt moving two directions at once.
    spinning one way and running fowrad and strafe all at once. really fast.
    I do it without thinkin. With this current set up all i get is 3 different windows pop open on me and i run exactly the wrong way and die.

    drives me nuts!

    free the controls up. Compleyely. let players fine tune EVERYTHING to thier own liking.
    even the size of teh health bars and skill warm up.

    And show what target ally/foe is casting. when i highlight something i want to know what its doing. especialy if its trying to kill me. i want to know what enchantments and buffs they are using. i want to time my casting with thiers to prime spike damage with a heal at EXACTLY the moment it hits and thus negate a potential death.

    This having to rely on sheer twitch reflex is for teh birds. i want to watch my enemy in PK.
    To see what he is up to. firgure out his patteren will make this more skill based rather than gear based

    Pleas show players level when you click on player info!
    so far the best i can do is guess. If he has armour with requirements on it such as lv 45.. then i know he is at least that. While this may provide a low level character with what he wants to know,
    if I too am say... level 53 i see armour that req lv 45. i hit PK mode and nail him. Turns out he is level 60 and i get rolled.
  • Wrathx - Heavens Tear
    Wrathx - Heavens Tear Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I think this is worth bumping. We really, really need to be able to customize our keyboard layout. I've talked to people that won't play the game simply because they can't customize the keyboard layout even to just move like you can in almost every other game. It makes it uncomfortable to play a game if you can't set it up how you like which makes people not want to play. Luckily I use click to move because I use a ergonomic keyboard and I am a lefty so I use my mouse with my left hand. If I were using the keyboard to move, I'd have to reach across the keyboard constantly on a bad angle because it's an ergo keyboard just to move. Since I've been playing, one of the most common threads I see on these forums are the ones asking how do you change your keyboard layout.

    Please consider this, it would make many, many, many people happy.
  • Wrathx - Heavens Tear
    Wrathx - Heavens Tear Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Is there a possibiltiy of a GM or dev saying that this will be something that you guys could possibly look at changing?

    I mean look at the views that this thread has got compared to other threads in the suggestion forum besides the Sticky threads. Over 1300 views and only 24 posts tells me that people have been looking at this suggestion alot.

    Please any feedback would be nice, thanks!
  • Tirwana - Heavens Tear
    Tirwana - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I found a solution : play with the mouse, write with azerty keyboard =)
  • Wrathx - Heavens Tear
    Wrathx - Heavens Tear Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Am I missing something here? What kind of solution is that?
  • lordravenofdeath
    lordravenofdeath Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    For example, one like this...

    Or use some software that swaps keys out, but good luck remembering the letters when you type in a conversation >_<
  • heeros
    heeros Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I have to agree, that it would be very nice if we could cusomize key bindings.
  • suutra
    suutra Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The lack of a way to customize the keys is a deal breaker. NEVER encountered it on a PC game. I'm left handed and use the mouse with my left hand, the keyboard with my right. Thus the "normal" layout doesn't work for me (try using the direction keys, function keys, jump button, etc with your right hand and you'll see what I mean).
  • TheTot - Heavens Tear
    TheTot - Heavens Tear Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I'm actually really comfortable with the layout, but I of course am using a qwerty keyboard not a azerty one.