help me please(character selection)

Blodyblaze - Heavens Tear
Blodyblaze - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
edited October 2008 in General Discussion
look, i love the cleric, but choosing which other characters i wanna stick with is a little harder for me.

for archer idk why but im not rly into it very much(is it any good?)

should i use barbarian or BM?

venomancer or wizard?

please help me decide, im trying my best but id rather not play 6 characters at once:P
Post edited by Blodyblaze - Heavens Tear on


  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Cleric can be good for both PvE and PvP. It's just hard to level at certain points. Archers are good damage dealers, but it can also be hard to level depending on your build, and at certain points in the game.

    Barbarians live a good long time, wanted a lot for fbs or bosses. Venomancers are a solo class mostly, they make good money saving on pots, and their pet is the one who does most of the tanking, so the veno just has to assist with damage.

    Blademasters... I don't know. Wizards are really good damage dealers and I believe their damage output is the highest end game.
  • Leynora - Sanctuary
    Leynora - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I heard from one of my higher leveled friends that Blademasters can do aoe as well, but they are not as good as Barbarians when it comes to tanking. They do have high health though, so in a way, they can act as a back up tanker if something happens to the Barbarian. Of course, I don't know whether this is true or not, because my level is a bit low, but one of my friends in the game did mention this.
  • strawberrycake
    strawberrycake Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i've been playing in another version of PW and have tried out all classes. so here's what i feel about each classes:

    babarian and cleric are very well liked in parties but they also drain the most money. babarian from the repair fees for armors and cleric for the high mana consumption. babarian starts out pretty slow too due to the low damage but it'll get better in the future.

    cleric is nice to play since you have both physical and magical damage. however, you'll have an insane amount of skills to max out and you're going to spend lots of money for MP. in the future, no matter what kind of dungeon activity you partcipate in, you'll be the one spending the largest amount of money. however, cleric are good in PVP and PVE. if they want, they can also participate in AOE parties.

    venomancers are probably going to be the most powerful class if phoenix is going to be release soon. a lv60 venomancer with phoenix can easily kill any lv70ish. and this class can be filthy rich since they can rely on their skills to save on both HP and MP pots. and yes, like Maiya have said, their pet mainly does the tanking. once the veno reach high levels, they can almost solo any mini boss.

    wizard is again an expensive class. either you are rich in real life or rich ingame. the casting time for wizards are really long, so you'll need items that decrease the taken to cast the spell. im not sure whats the price of these items over at your server here, but it will be expensive. however, if you're able to provide your wizard with decent equips, your wizard is going to be a very good damage dealer. uhm, but back in our server, wizard isn't really popular because we've this lv60ish dungeon call Holy Hall where we hunt green equipments. and people tends to invite archer instead of wizard as archer have a skill to shorten boss/mob's life.

    archer is pretty fun. very cheap to play too. and since archers damage are basically very high, when you go to dungeon party, you need to: shorten the boss life, then double click on the boss to shoot normal arrows, then you can go afk. so yea, it's pretty easy to play. and it's said that archer is the best in PK (that was before phoenix came out though).

    uhm, im not too fond of blademasters though. their damage isn't really as impressive as the castor's and you'll definitely get hit if you're going to have to run to a mob to damage them. hmm, and their magic defense sux. thus i only started one out after my cleric reached a certain level (to aid my blademaster).
  • wolfgrey666
    wolfgrey666 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Heya i have only used a blademaster so far and a wizard.Wizards are great on the damage dealing end but as said can end up costing you a plenty.I eventually gave him up for my blademaster.

    My blademaster is a special build i worked on and i have to say its a great success so far.He uses claws only along with fists on occasion (if i have to wait for my next claw i need more dmg in the meantime).My stats are built to take both pvp and pve into account.In pvp he is almost undefeated.The reaosn why is that his dex is high and almost always near his str.Here is an example: 23 str,23,dex,22 vit,5 mag. That was what i had at lvl 11.

    Because of the way he was built anyone i pvped with could barely take down 200 of my health(my hp was 675 at the time)before i smashed them.This is of course means fighting players in my range, i could beat 9-13 and even 14s with ease using this build.The claws allow me to strike almost twice in a second(it hs 1.43 swing per second)and the dmg from them was also great because of that speed.

    PvE: Against monsters he took them down extremely fast but becaus eof his low mana he is best suited for quick skirmishes(this can always be corrected later).Taking on 3 at a time is fine as long as you set your skills correctly for the first 2, you dont even need skills for the 3rd.The reason for that is your dmg is to high and too fast for it to matter.

    Im lvl 14 now still using the same basic rules to his build.He is still pretty much unbeatable.
    This is just an example of a custom build.If you want to build a blademaster choose a weapon you want to specialize in and look at the armor you want for it.By doing so you can plan out what stats are needed and how to apply them.Magic only matters if you are dependant on your skills.Try to find out your weapon speed and dmg rate befor eyou decide to pour alot into magic.

    Well thats an example and some advice for making a blademaster deadly.