*Aware of Principle*BUG?

brooooo Posts: 2 Arc User
edited March 2013 in Dungeons & Tactics
i have a lilbig problem the quest Aware of Principle is buged ro somthing!?!!
i cant activet the quest its says u have not enough Reputations points!
i did other quests and bot abot 103 points and lvl 21 but i still cant activate the quest
(HUMAN)Culti lvl 19 help pl0x

EDIT: We have come up with a temporary solution. Please make sure you have 8 free inventory slots before attempting to accept the quest. If this does not work for you, please let us know. - Kantorek
Post edited by brooooo on


  • alpha123
    alpha123 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    me too, priest tell me you have no enough reputation.
    Level 21. 101 rep.
  • x3rox
    x3rox Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    did you guys figure it out
  • lellowlegand
    lellowlegand Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Im also having this same problem i am at level 19 and i got 101 reputation says i need more rep i dunno what 2 do if u find please post ty
  • Bluehaste - Lost City
    Bluehaste - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i am also having this problem, lvl 21 and cant activate cultivation quest, its very inconvenient coz it means we cant learn any more skills or participate in dungeon quests. Please can a mod help us out.
  • theartinside
    theartinside Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Come on Mods or GM, this is getting irritating, i look for gm in game, they say no bug, asked me to check quest log, it just freaking says not enough reps. im already lvl 23 with 108 rep. isn;t it ridiculous? I believe it is not about the rep. CAN SOMEONE FIX IT?
  • Aryannaveno - Sanctuary
    Aryannaveno - Sanctuary Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Do you have any old quests still there? Each of the cultivation quests needs you to have some quests done before so like I already told you in your other thread look at these:



  • Maeria - Heavens Tear
    Maeria - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I've done every single quest apart from the level 19 cultivation quest and I have 101 reputation. It must be a bug but I have no idea how or why it appeared. What makes it weirder is that my friend did the quest just fine yesterday.
  • nguyet
    nguyet Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    there must be a quest you haven't done b'cuz i was stuck too, but after i did the quest from the Aged Deity, the one where you kill the Grassland Tarantulaxes for 10 Cup of Just. After that, i was able to aquire the quest. btw, i only have 78 rep. so i don't think that it's a rep. case.
  • Maeria - Heavens Tear
    Maeria - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Aged Deity? I never came across an NPC named that. Where can I find him/her?
  • /haiku/ - Lost City
    /haiku/ - Lost City Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    A way to get more rep points is to do the quests titled "A solo task" or something to that effect. It won't give much exp if any, but it does give rep.

    Aged Deity is an Untamed quest, you wouldn't have that quest in the Human starting areas, Maeria. There is a similar quest that is around level 19 that asks you to kill 30 of 3 separate mobs. I believe it's to kill araneid hexxers, then ant soldiers, and lastly frozen wolfmasters. If you haven't done that yet, check the link up there for the Human quest list and grab it.
    /Haiku/ -- Cognitive atrophy at its finest.
    No longer the mistress of being ohko PK'd.
  • Maeria - Heavens Tear
    Maeria - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Thanks haiku, I checked over the quest list and I really have done every quest up to, but not including, the level 19 cultivation quest.
  • Saiena - Heavens Tear
    Saiena - Heavens Tear Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Hi Maeria,

    I'm a level 21 elf cleric (99 rep) and had the exact same problem. I completed all of my quests (including the banker materials one) and still couldn't get the Taoist to give me the cultivation quest.

    I finally solved it by talking to the gem collector. He doesn't have the "quest related" option, but there is that first option where he tells you what gem collecting does, etc. You give him one celestial fragment, etc etc and complete the quest. After this, I was able to get the cultivation quest from the Taoist.

    I'm not sure if this will help you, but any chance is better than nothing, no?

    Good luck!
  • Fiesty - Lost City
    Fiesty - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm having the same problem, I'm going to go village by village and make sure again. Just to ask, do you have to complete each crafting skill at the start, I'm thinking that might it.
  • ahdex
    ahdex Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm having the same problem too.
    Already hit level 24 earlier & I've done every single pre-19 quests that was on the list, even the crafting ones but I'm still not getting my level 19 cultivation quest.
    This is seriously annoying me as I'm still stuck with my old skills & not being able to learn new ones :(
    To make it worst I'm not getting any new cultivation quests that should activate upon levelling.
    Can we get this bug fixed soon? GMs? Mods?
  • nintynine
    nintynine Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I am playing Elf-Archer lvl 20 as now, and my wife playing Elf - Priest lvl 20 as well, now every quest I have she did too.

    so we just finished every quest pre-20, my wife, Elf - Priest got this "aware of Principle" but I don't on my archer, we have same amount of rep as well so i don't know now. even waste a celestone to give to gem trader* for 500 coins. she still have that quest undone.
  • Fiesty - Lost City
    Fiesty - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    this seems like the main 19fb bug thread so far, hopefully we can some sort of help soon
  • darkzeidz
    darkzeidz Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    AS there's so many thread about this bug (PPLs, please don't keep opening a new 'similar' thread..), i'll try to post about what happen to me in as many as possible thread.. (pls don't do it again next time..)

    Just to share with everyone that stuck in this quest (Lv19 Cultivation Qst)...
    -. 2 days ago i logout with this quest still stuck...
    -. Today i login, i can take them already (w/o doing anyting at all).

    You guys mite wanna try to see whether or not it's ok already for you (might be GM fix the quest, OR, GM fixed the bugged char 1 by 1 -> as it might be a char bugged and not a quest bug).

    Good Luck all...
  • Finra - Sanctuary
    Finra - Sanctuary Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    My guildie can't get his aware of principle cultivation EITHER..... he's done all the quests and he's got lyk 100+ rep but the toaist guy cant give himthe quest... the sign above his head which is suppose to be in yellow, is in grey... GMs/Mods please please fix this 'bug' or woteva because it is VERY VERY VERY VERY IRITATTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! b:angryb:cry
  • urbs
    urbs Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Me and a group of friends found out that you need 120 rep points to do this quest. Its pretty hard to get it at 19 but when we hit about 23-24 5 of us got it.
  • Bluehaste - Lost City
    Bluehaste - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Having same problem, its very frustrating, please fix it mods.
  • darkzeidz
    darkzeidz Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    urbs wrote: »
    Me and a group of friends found out that you need 120 rep points to do this quest. Its pretty hard to get it at 19 but when we hit about 23-24 5 of us got it.

    Not for my case. As i posted earlier, i didn't do anything at all and my Rep is only 104 that time. Some ppl able to take it with only 78 rep pts (if you read all the post realted to this msg).

    Maybe you all should just do what i did and that's is: Do not login for 2 days...b:chuckle
  • marianeku
    marianeku Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm having the same issue on my character, and I had the same issue on another character. I have 121 reputation and still can't do the second cultivation quest.
  • managementz
    managementz Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Try getting ur rep higher. As soon as i got 130 rep (lvl 24) i got the quest.
  • cwthecleric
    cwthecleric Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Guys i did the quest lol i wanted to share with u guys how u all did it, hope u will find it useful.

    Note: all events happen at POST-JOLLY

    Day 1(24/10/08)(:i created my account after the Halloween patch lvl 1 wizard ( no other character no no nothing at all)
    2 days later, Day 3 (27/10/08): I hit lvl 19 wizard with a reputation of 92. Found out that i did not do 3 quest + the preparations(which makes it 4 quest undone). Therefore, i went to do them and i still could not take the quest( all of this happens in the same day)
    Day 4(28/10/08): Got real frustrated and decided to do the 4 professions and cleared them.
    Day 5(29/10/08): Decided to do banker quest BUT(heres the strange part)i could not finish it. SO, i TRASH away the BANKER's QUEST and WAS ABLE TO TAKE THE lvl 19 Aware of principle QUEST. At that point of time, i was lvl 20 with a reputation of 96.
    At day 5 i also sent a ticket to the GM, lol i think thats not the problem.

    Just to let u all know: i had reputation of 96, i was lvl 20 , i had all 4 manufacturing professions.

    I DID NOT do any quest regarding : A Solo Task ( in the case of a untamed class the quest name is : One man Army).

    i did the quest of giving that npc 1 celestial stone or sth( sorry now maintence i cannot check).

    i Did not do the quest given from: messanger of the gods , PW boutique merchant, Pet trainer. Regarding jolly old jones: i only took the costume from him lol thats all.

    Personal opinions:
    After reading several posts, i feel that there is nothing to do with the reputations. I think you would have to wait for a minimum of 5 days to do the quest.
    I read about someone managed to do the quest by not logging in to PW for 2 days. Quite true, but i logged in at Day 3 to Day 5 so i guess you still can come online.

    Make sure that: 1. You have done all the quest in your region.(Refer to the quest list created)
    2. When u talk to the Taoist Master u should have quest Statics of : 0/20

    Do not worry if you have missed some quest and the NPC did not let you take it again.
    I missed out the quest " Light as a feather" and i am still able to take the quest

    Good luck all

    Any question can contact me in Heavens Tear server ign CWdeWizard or post your reply
  • Fiesty - Lost City
    Fiesty - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    add a reply to the technical support thread it's right at the top
  • kinghades
    kinghades Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I think it is bugged after they added the halloween event it has bugged the cultivation the gm's need to look into this asap. If it is a quest that requires you wait 5 days from time of creation then that is stupid.

    edit: LOL I picked up the errand quest worries of the banker and the shield above the cult tao turned orange
  • Flylf - Sanctuary
    Flylf - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    got same prblm here..lvl 24 barbarian..very suck bug..any real good help?
  • kantorek
    kantorek Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    We have come up with a temporary solution. Please make sure you have 8 free inventory slots before attempting to accept the quest. If this does not work for you, please let us know.
    Maintenance is my Constant. b:surrender
  • deusexmech
    deusexmech Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    What for people who already have the quest and cannot complete it? I'm standing right next to the flower Celestial Sprite and cannot do anything to it.
  • tuankieu
    tuankieu Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I have the same problem. Lvl24 cleric, reputation 120. But I dun have quest Aware of Principle.
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