[ Official ] Player's 411
Name: Carolina
Nick: Everyone calls me Lina or Pepsi.
Age: 20 in november.
Occupation: Unemployed. (It sounds so horrible. T___T)
Location: Sweden
Favorite Color: Indigo
Favorite Food: Chicken~
Interests: Film, forums, anime, manga, games, photography. Pretty much. ^_^0 -
Name: Sarah
Age: 19
Location: University of Illinois at Chambana, US
Occupation: Pre-vet student
-major: animal science
-minors: political science and chemistry
Interests: Books, Writing, Rollerblading, Gory anime, College life, Laughing at drunk people, Cooking Asian food, Animals of any species (especially large dogs and 3-legged cats), Interesting classes with crazy professors
Music: Metal, Punk, Indie, Alternative...
Favorite video game: Ratchet and Clank
Favorite Color: Green all the way, but black and neon colors and stripes and checkered are more fun to wear.
Favorite Food: Tofu!!! Rice, Chinese food, Vegetarian sushi, Organic fuji apples, Peanut butter
Book: Dark Tower Series by Stephen King
Movie: The Dark Knight kicks ****, but Kungfu Panda almost made me pee my pants.. or pajamas
Drink: Organic green tea. That's all I drink... really.
Most embarrassing moment: I stood up in 7th grade and said, "I forgot my period!" My teacher replied, "I don't want to look up." ... I was actually talking about punctuation. I was an odd kid.
AIM: escapistxoddity"The human body is a canvas for the expression of cultural ideas of men and women throughout time and around the world."
-Liz SandsBuying photoshop at discount price from my school soon. So I can make a sweet signature soon!
0 -
Most embarrassing moment: I stood up in 7th grade and said, "I forgot my period!" My teacher replied, "I don't want to look up." ... I was actually talking about punctuation. I was an odd kid.
Don't ever post that again. Ever. That's just wrong.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Perfect World IRC:
Server: irc.deltaanime.net
Channel: #pwint0 -
Don't ever post that again. Ever. That's just wrong.
Are you going to continue harassing me?"The human body is a canvas for the expression of cultural ideas of men and women throughout time and around the world."
-Liz SandsBuying photoshop at discount price from my school soon. So I can make a sweet signature soon!
0 -
I felt obligated to do this since you started the thread roxy xD
Name: Koz
Age: 17
Location: Michigan, USA
Occupation: Retail Sales Consultant
Interests: Music, Gaming, Friends, Vent, Graphic Design, School
Contact Information
It's a secretAsk me if you want it.
Name: Junk (it might as well be my real name since I haven't used my actual name in over an year).
Age: turning 20 sometime during CB.
Location: my basement somewhere in Southeastern Europe.
Occupation: student (mathematics and computer science), basement-dweller.
Interests: anything that doesn't involve leaving my basement.
Favorite food: anything that can be ordered from my basement.0 -
Name: Jeremie (this forum doesn't like accent)
Age: 22
Location: France
Occupation: unemployed
Interest: japanimation, music, science-fiction, video games
Favorite color: blue
Favorite food: pizza, pasta
Favorite Movies: Ghostbusters, Star Wars, Casshern, Mononoke Hime and others
Favorite book: The Lord of the Rings
Favorite video games: Metroid series, Zelda series, Final Fantasy (VII and VIII), Fire Emblem etc
Music: OST's anime and japanese music principally0 -
infrequentia wrote: »photography.
Name: Scott
Nick: Scotty? =/ Oh, some mates at school call me Spot coz i have a black spot of hair on the back of my head when it's short. My natural hair colour is dark blond.
Age: 16
Occupation: Student ._.
Location: Australia
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Tacos o:
Interests: Sports, gaming, mudkipz, forum whoring, music, vent (when my mic worked T_T)0 -
Name: Severan, "Sev" - often used (just call me that, you cant pronounce my real name anyway)
Gender:: Male
Age: 20 (buy me presents this September)
Location: South East Asia (frequently changes, as my boss makes me work for different teams)
- jr. level designer and programmer (for PC and Xbox games)
- UI design lead (for mobile games)
@ some BIG game developer's office *hint NFS*
- part time [PG] student, Master of Engineering - Computer Science (aiming at a Ph.D)
Interests: Art, co-founder of SEA's Blender Art gallery show 2007- The Calcium shop
Favorite Color: Black, Sky blue, orange and green
Favorite Food: I'm a vegetarian since day 1 so...Anything vegetarian (sorry, i don't like to kill poor animals in the name of my dinner)
*if you try to stalk me, i'll end your career!*
Contact Information
Msn Messenger: 739acy@gmail.com
Website: http://www.severan.we.bs *Anit-Stalker site*
Let the rain fall ...and i shall fall with itSever: Lost City
Making players RageQuit since 2004
Hello, You have reached Severan on The RQ carebear's automated phone system
To tell me I've got no life and I live in my mom's basement, press 1. To tell me that you are logging on your level 90 character to kick the **** out of me, press 2. To tell me that your friend is a GM and you're getting me banned, press 3. To tell me RQ is going to fail and talk more **** about RunQuick press 4. If none of these options fit your need please hold the line for idiot assistance, they will be with you shortly...0 -
Name: Vittorio Emanuele Camilleri
Gender: Rainbow
Age: 19 although I act like a 5 year old on ecstasy
Location: Malta, a small island south of sicily. My parents are italian ;D
Occupation: Student majoring in computing
Interests: srsly would take too long to list. Anything with pink floral designs pretty much ;D
Favorite Color: Take a wild guess ;D
Favorite Food: Spaghetti bolognese. My mums cooking is way better then sex ;D
Me at liverpool
This picture got me the nickname rainbow xD
My 18th bday party. All I can say is no comment because I don't remember ****
Contact Information
Msn Messenger: t0yo@hotmail.com (t-zero-y-o)
Website: Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=512516745
Motto Better to regret something you did rather then something you didn't do
P.S. Roxy hope to see you in the pvp server, We should be bff's ;D0 -
Name: Tiffany
Game Names: Tala_Defenrir, Tala_DeMorte, Celina_ Cerise, Daciana, Aeryn Sinopa, Mahalla
Gender: female
Location: Phoenix, Az.
Occupation: home stayer, doctor visitor , anime watcher, and Game player lol
Hobbies: Cooking (went to scottsdale culinary arts), cars (took vocation for auto body and collision repair), anime, gamer (any system rpg's are my fave even paper rpg's white wolf for most part), dancing, listening to music, shooting at range, and fishing/camping
Fave food: Anything seafood . Other than that grilled meats.
Fave color: I get from my dream car color which is Midnight blue
Dream car: 1969 or 1970 judge GTO midnight blue with metallic and pearl coats and all white upholstery and custom hard top convertable and take it to the holley custom speed shop for a custom engine and a monsterous holley carb ...mmm now thats sexy
Fave book: actually its a collective of edgar allen poe stories. Book is called ten great mysteries by edgar allen poe. As far as genres its mysteries, poetry, and fantasy tops on list.
Sexuality: Bisexual and proud
Anything else feel free to ask0 -
Me now :O
Name: Kostya
Age: 16
Gender: MALE!!!! MALE!!!! *checks* MALE!!!!!
Location: Israel [ Moved here 10 years ago from Ukraine ]
Occupation: High-Schooler
Interests: ANIME ANIME ANIME :eek::eek::eek::eek:
Favorite Color: White
Favorite Food: NOOOOOODLES! [ Ramen? :O ]
Contact Information: Hmmzz i got msn :O
Arkantasa777@hotmail.comI'd like to fly freely in the sky, though I have no place to spread my wings. But I believe.0 -
Name: Mark Anthony Stephens
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Location: OHIO, USA
Occupation: Freelance
Interests: Computers & Technology, Web & Graphic Design, Japanese Anime & Video Games, Writing & Poetry.
Favorite Color: Black, Red, And Blue
Contact Information
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/darkwizard1982
X-Fire: devilhunters1982[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I've Been Broken For A Long Time, And I'm Searching For The Light Again!
Myspace = /darkwizard19820 -
Name: Emily
Gender: A girl -.-
Age: 14 :P
Location: NOWHERE. Actually, nowhere in California.
Occupation: Freshman/Crew
Interests: Manga, drawing, writing, computer, proving to Frankie that this is better because it's FREE, and talking to my boyfriend. Plus a lot of other things pertaining to my boyfriend. Not like that, you pervs. Geez.
Favorite Color: Blue, Black, Red, or White. I dunno.
Favorite Food: Raw/Bleeding meat. I might get food posioning one day, but for now, it's worth it.
I don't have any current ones...that's a few months/a year ago -.-
Contact Information
MSN: akemi_idane@hotmail.com
Motto: Either: "Ablubableblubablubedeeblub, pie." Or "Pssh. Being sick will not interfere with my general lack of common sense."0 -
Name: Tibrid
Age: 17(18 on thanksgiving 2008)
Location: New Jersey, USA
Occupation: Student
Interests: MMORPG's, video games (ps3,ps2), reading, karate, reading manga/watching anime
Favorite Color: Green, though I like most other colors in the darker shades
Favorite Food: Fillet Mignon and Cheese raviolis
Contact Information
E-mail: nightstigers {at} aol.com
AIM: ladyshilver0 -
Name: Dheeradj kumar. if you email me an voice clip with you pronouncing it correct you get an cookie.
Age: 15
Location: Holland, West Europe
Occupation: High School. Grey Hat Hacker leaning toward White Hat.
Interests: Software programing/cracking
Favorite Color: Forest green
Favorite Food: Just about everything
contact information:
Personal motto: Veni, vidi. i didn`t conquer yet.0 -
lordwicked wrote: »Wth.
Name: Dheeradj kumar. if you email me an voice clip with you pronouncing it correct you get an cookie.
Age: 15
Location: Holland, West Europe
Occupation: High School. Grey Hat Hacker leaning toward White Hat.
Interests: Software programing/cracking
Favorite Color: Forest green
Favorite Food: Just about everything
contact information:
Personal motto: Veni, vidi. i didn`t conquer yet.
and no one can conquer fate...I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.
Hey everyone, I'll introduce myself now.
Name: Carl
Age: 20, soon to be 21
Occupation: None anymore, doing a profesionnal course " Multimedia Operator ".
Location: Belgium atm
Favorite color: orange-red sky'ish mix.
Favorite food: Pizza Hawai
Favorite place to be: Peru ( That's where my mother comes from and I visit my mother's family there every 2 years )
Hobbies: Muay Thai, Gym, Watching anime sporadicly, working in Cinema 4D, Debating about anything revelant. For instance: social, economics, political, subcultural, ...
If anyone wants to have more information about me or feels like debating about something, send me a PM on here or you can also contact me in-game.
Almost forgot to mention my In-Game Name and server.
- IGN: Ibiki
- Server: Lost City0 -
Name: Jen
Age: 16
Gender: female
Location: Idaho
Occupation: Prep at KFC
Interest:Games, Photoshop, Art, Poetry
Favorite color: Black, Orange, Sapphire
Favorite food: Chinese o.o;[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Name: Zoe
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Location: Michigan
Occupation: College Student in Cisco Networking
Interests: MMO's, Writing, Routers, Computer networks.
Favorite color: Magenta
Favorite food: If its edible...Main characters
Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
Sage Barbarian Malego - 910 -
Name: Nicole
Age: 26
Location: Mexico Distrito Federal, MX
Occupation: Prior to moving to Mexico I was a Production Assistant at Bandai Entertainment Inc.
Interests: Mmorpg's, Rpg's, Anime, Music, Science, Books
Favorite Color: Crimson, Purple
Favorite Food: Indian, Mexican, Japanese
Contact Information:
Silencescreams19@gmail.com0 -
Name: Ricky
Age: 16
Location: New Zealand
Occupation: Sales Assistant
Interests: Music(Guitar, Bass, Drums), Gaming, Songwriting
Favorite Color: White, Blue, Purple, Black
Favorite Food: Asian Food (Excluding Chinese), Steak, Pizza, Cheesecake, All Fruits.
*Excluding Chinese food because I get bored of it (I'm Chinese)0 -
Name: Kieran
Age: 20
Location: London, UK
Occupation: Media Buyer (on your internets buying your spaces)
Interests: Mmorpg's, Rpg's, Computers, Anime, Art, Reading and Movies.
Favorite Color: White and Turqoise.
Favorite Food: A great deal of things.
Contact Information
Msn Messenger & Email: k.kun@hotmail.co.uk[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Name: You can call me Merre. I don't think I'm going to reveal my real name...^-^
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Location: Finland
Occupation: Student
Interests: Reading, drawing, writing, playing, dancing, movies...
Favorite color: Dunno....purple/blue/green maybe?
Favorite food: Chinese food
Favorite TV show: Battlestar Galactica xD0 -
Name: Leanne
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Location: Australia
.Occupation: Student ,finishing grade 12 this year, then perhaps heading into nursing or physcology not entirely sure yet. did train as an IT tech for the last 2 years whilst doing school full time, but since decided its not really for me. Would rather something more involving human interests, rather then fixing comps ( though it was easy for me and I was good at it ).
Interests: Reading,writing,photoshop, nursing, physcology, Mmorpg, role playing games in general, human issues
color: Green,blue, purple
food: indian food or pizza
TV show: Stargate, house, NCIS =P
Book: Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy
author: Chistopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Douglas Adams
movie: fight club, Avatar
Music: Australian Rock, Pop, Some metal, Instrumental, basically almost anything after the 60's xD
games: Mortal Combat, Tomb Raider series, World of ********, Tekken, Medieval, Bejeweled, Arctic quest ( so addictive) , Never winter nights 2, Doom 2, Medal of honor, Spyro, Crash bandicoot.
Dislikes: Twilight the book, People who smoke in my face, fowards in my inbox, Tv presenters taking advantage of human emotion, Bullys, limited bandwith ( including fighting for bandwith xD ), most rap music, Hot weather ( I live in australia pretty funny huh...).
Message me through the forums and talk to me a bit, and I'll consider giving out my msn. =P I don't like posting it on public forums, because well...thats a little too easy to get a hold of.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
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