All of my noobeh questions =]

cadey Posts: 0 Arc User
edited October 2008 in Dungeons & Tactics
Hey, thanks for coming to my thread. This is going to have a lot of different questions, so answer the ones you know the answer to please. I'll update it regularly.

Question #1: I have a very fast wireless internet connection. It is very stable, never disconnects, and it says the connectivity is excellent. But when I play on the server Sanctuary, (an average of 31ms-68ms) I suffer the click delay. It generally is a 2-7 second delay, and I live in Utah. All the servers are usually 31ms-47ms, and sometimes Sanctuary is higher ms, sometimes lower than Heavens Tear. So I figure the lag cannot be due to the ms. Is there a server that would run better for me, like Heavens Tear, or anything I can do to stop this major annoyance? You see, let's say I press "1" to use a skill to attack a monster. I would run up into range, then just stop for 1-7 seconds, then it would show like 6 different damages on me and on the target. Or let's say I try to get Iron, it would usually take 3 seconds. Like, I can click on it twice to mine it, and not do anything. So I would jump right after I clicked, and in midair I would stall and harvest it. Don't get me wrong, it looks pretty cool, but it really effects my game play. Not to mention my fiance's internet has been out for quite some time, and this Monday she gets it hooked up. She plans to play PWI with me and we always want to be in a squad and for me to sometimes hold her for the fun of it. But with my lag spikes/click delay, would it be weird for other people watching me, or if I wanted to play a healer, would it be the death of my party? I mean heck, it takes 3 seconds after I try to fly, to fly.

Question #2: SOLVED.

Question #3: SOLVED. (Used search function ^_^)

Question #4: I decided to be a Healer Cleric. Is 6 Mag 3 Vit 1 Str/10 points a good build? I would like to be a light armor wearer, but cloth seems to suit a Healer Cleric better. I like soloing with my Cleric right now, great damage. I usually want to solo unless I get social enough to squad up when I'm not doing FBs ^_^. Just I guess explain the build, what type of cleric is best for me, and light vs cloth.

Question #5: How good is the party system in this game? Does it make leveling faster in squads? I am just wondering if it would benefit me to actually play a healer and heal other people besides myself, I am mainly talking about lower levels, below 35.
Post edited by cadey on


  • cadey
    cadey Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    (accidently did quick reply)
  • cadey
    cadey Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Bump. (Is bumping allowed)
  • Kazue - Heavens Tear
    Kazue - Heavens Tear Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Not sure about the lag problem. But there is a scroll in game that can change your looks. You can either buy them from the cash shop, or once you reach a certain lvl (forgot which) you'll get a free scroll.
  • thom
    thom Posts: 387 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I would point your lag problem to the wireless connection you are using. All you described sounds exactly like lagging on your end.

    As far as i know,wireless usually isnt too good for online gaming, well maybe poker.

    ThommiX - Harvest Leader

    8x Barbarian

    -Lost city-
  • Belial - Heavens Tear
    Belial - Heavens Tear Posts: 972 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    cadey wrote: »
    Question #2: I created a few characters to test the game on Sanctuary, with classes I didn't really like, and made them look like clowns just to mess around. Well now that I am done experimenting, I want to use those names (they were my main aliases) again. Do I really have to wait 7 days to delete them? I also heard a rumor claiming when you make a is forever etched in stone in their database- is that true?

    1. You can change appearance within 48 hours of creation.
    2. You can get a scroll to change appearance (either from a quest around level 29 or from cash shop).
    3. It really does take 7 days to delete a character.
    4. Currently, once a name has been used it cannot be used again, even if the character has been deleted.
  • cadey
    cadey Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    New questions up :).
  • cadey
    cadey Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Dang...126 views, 6 posts. *Sadface*
  • Felicii - Sanctuary
    Felicii - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    hi i wonder where i can get hay without buying it
  • kargor
    kargor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    1. You can change appearance within 48 hours of creation.

    You can? Oh ****... there was my chance to make some final adjustments with the char actually in the game :-( I still have the makeover scroll, but haven't used it since I'm not entirely sure yet HOW to change things.
    hi i wonder where i can get hay without buying it

    You can find hay here :-)
    Yindra --- Lvl 64 Venomancer (Sanctuary)
    Getting too grindy by now :-(
  • Feliciii - Heavens Tear
    Feliciii - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    where can i find badge of speed?
    and guardian angel?
    and what lvl do a barbarian need to transform??
  • Zapher - Sanctuary
    Zapher - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Um to your first question about lag just turn down your graphics..duh lol it may not look as good but will be much funner.
  • Bobncut - Sanctuary
    Bobncut - Sanctuary Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    where can i find badge of speed?
    and guardian angel?
    and what lvl do a barbarian need to transform??

    The badges seem to mostly be rewards from events that have not yet been implemented in this version (or maybe I'm never on at the right times). I have read that speed badge is for a horse race of some sort. Since you can't get a horse until level 30, I think you can trash this quest and pick it up again when you have some need for it.

    The gurdian angel dolls are a cash shop item. You can also find players selling theirs for in-game coin. But, with the Halloween Event on, the prices are roughly double for player-to-player sales.

    A barb gets the transformation ability when they complete their first spiritual cultivation quest series. I think that happens about level 9.

    @OP - on Question 1: I agree that your problem seems to be an intermittent connection problem with your WiFi. I also play on Sanctuary and, since I'm on the East Coast, have a much higher average ping (usually 92) than you. I don't have the kind of routine problems with lag that you describe. However, there seems to be a buildup of lag probability the longer I'm on (probably due to memory leak). If you're problem is only bad when you have been on for a couple of hours, consider logging off/on to reset .