tasks.data upload here!



  • clement
    clement Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
  • Aryannaveno - Sanctuary
    Aryannaveno - Sanctuary Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Can you provide us the text of a dxdiag?

    1. In Vista, type dxdiag in the Start menu search bar
    2. In other versions of Windows, type dxdiag in the Run command (Start > Run)
    3. For Win XP, Start > Run type in dxdiag, press enter. Click on the button at the bottom that says Save all information. Save the file where you can keep track of it, such as the Windows Desktop. Please put your email user name (not the full address) in the name of the dxdiag log file name when you save it.
  • clement
    clement Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    done..then what should i do nextZ?
  • Aryannaveno - Sanctuary
    Aryannaveno - Sanctuary Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Post it here please.
  • clement
    clement Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    the information inside the notepad?
  • clement
    clement Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
  • Aryannaveno - Sanctuary
    Aryannaveno - Sanctuary Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Click on the button at the bottom that says Save all information. Save the file where you can keep track of it, such as the Windows Desktop. Please put your email user name (not the full address) in the name of the dxdiag log file name when you save it.

    Then post it here.
  • clement
    clement Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    when you save it on the desktop it comes out as a notepad right? so what part of the notepad should i post?
  • clement
    clement Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    srry but i dont really get what u want me to post
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    If you were having DirectX-related issues, the most relevant aspects would be the System Manufacturer, System Model, Display Device Name, Display Device Chip Type, and the Display Device driver section. This is almost certainly a networking issue, though, so DirectX is (hopefully) not involved.

    Unfortunately, his problem sounds like he's getting disconnected, session errors, or throttled between a file server and his house. That's a rather nasty error to track down.

    Clement, if you have a seperate router and modem, could you plug your computer's ethernet connection directly into the modem's ethernet connection, reset and renew your IP address, and then try downloading again? When you're done and want to put your network back the way it was before, you'll need to reset and renew IP again for wide area network access.

    (to reset and renew an IP address in XP, go to Start, Run... Enter "cmd" (without quotes) in the white box, and hit the ok button. In the resulting window, type "ipconfig /release" then hit the enter key and "ipconfig /renew" then the enter key (without quotes in both cases). In Vista, type CMD into the Start Search box, right click the cmd result on the list, and click Run As Administrator. Okay the UAC if it comes up. Then type "ipconfig /release" then hit the enter key and "ipconfig /renew" then hit the enter key.)
  • truenorayo
    truenorayo Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    hey can u upload the entire manual patcher since when i downlaod from the main page the download gets stuck.. it world be easier tho
  • Aryannaveno - Sanctuary
    Aryannaveno - Sanctuary Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Problem there though the patch itself goes into different files not just one and I have no idea which files. So I would have to upload my entire PWI file for the size that file is I never found a page where I can do that without paying for it.
    For most people it works just downloading the element.data and tasks.data to get the entire patch afterwards. If I know and can find the file you need I have no problem uploading it but unfortuanetly I can not upload the patch itself. b:sad
  • batsu
    batsu Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Aryannaveno: In response to an earlier post you made...I have a similar problem where the auto-patch always sticks on tasks.data, and the manual patch always freezes/stops downloading about 2 MB into the 6+ MB download. Here is my response to your list of questions..

    1. What ISP do you have?
    Hussey Communication wireless internet

    2. Where are you located?
    Rural Maine, USA

    3. What type of modem do you have? DHCP, DSL, Dial-Up, etc.
    DSL equivalent

    4. What type of connection protocol does your modem use? DHCP, PPPoE, Static IP, PPP, etc.

    5. What is your bandwidth (both download and upload speed)? You can test your bandwidth at: http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/
    1034 down, 384 up

    6. Please perform a traceroute to pwipatch.perfectworld.com (please supply a screenshot)
    a. tracert pwipatch.perfectworld.com
    7. Please ping pwipatch.perfectworld.com (please supply a screenshot)

    copied/pasted from command prompt:
    Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
    (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

    C:\Documents and Settings\Sue>tracert pwipatch.perfectworld.com

    Tracing route to pwipatch.perfectworld.com []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
    2 19 ms 19 ms 24 ms
    3 28 ms 34 ms 49 ms
    4 38 ms 34 ms 25 ms 340c-core-r2--sonet-west.gwi.net []

    5 24 ms 34 ms 20 ms 340c-core-r1--GigEth--340c-core-r2.gwi.net [207.
    6 54 ms 49 ms 49 ms bst-edge-04.inet.qwest.net []
    7 58 ms 79 ms 82 ms jfk-core-02.inet.qwest.net []
    8 65 ms 75 ms 74 ms jfk-brdr-03.inet.qwest.net []
    9 53 ms 59 ms 50 ms xe-7-1.r02.nycmny01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [129.250.9
    10 59 ms 55 ms 59 ms ae-2.r21.nycmny01.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [
    11 87 ms 84 ms 69 ms p64-2-0-0.r20.chcgil09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [129.25
    12 72 ms 79 ms 80 ms ae-0.r21.chcgil09.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [
    13 123 ms 134 ms 139 ms p64-7-0-3.r20.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [129.25
    14 203 ms 124 ms 139 ms po-3.r03.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [
    15 132 ms 169 ms 135 ms xe-0.internap.snjsca04.us.bb.gin.ntt.net [129.25
    16 158 ms 184 ms 141 ms border3.pc1-bbnet1.sje.pnap.net []
    17 135 ms 129 ms 139 ms

    Trace complete.

    C:\Documents and Settings\Sue>ping pwipatch.perfectworld.com

    Pinging pwipatch.perfectworld.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

    Reply from bytes=32 time=140ms TTL=48
    Reply from bytes=32 time=155ms TTL=48
    Reply from bytes=32 time=134ms TTL=48
    Reply from bytes=32 time=144ms TTL=48

    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 134ms, Maximum = 155ms, Average = 143ms

    C:\Documents and Settings\Sue>

    As you can see, everything is pinging through ok. For some reason the downloads, manual or auto, don't completely download. If it wasn't for people like you posting the .data file, I would not be able to play the game. Thanks!
  • Aryannaveno - Sanctuary
    Aryannaveno - Sanctuary Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    That is very odd. Everything looked alright to me so it should work.
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    That's a nice network connection; I've seen laggier T1 lines. You may have a software firewall or security agent interrupting the TCP sessions : make sure that access to the patch destinations are accessible.
  • truenme
    truenme Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i have a cable connection with comcast i have a router with 3 machines connected i have dmz'ed this computer and have even also tried opening port 29000 in my router forwarding section how ever even after that if i go to google and look up a port checker and check to see if port 29000 is open it says its not

    any help would be great. thanks
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Truenme, port checkers will only report a port as open if there is a service recieving and responding to packets on that side. That should not be the case for your computer. If you want to check port 29000 outgoing, please use a tool such as nmap and use the command "nmap -p29000 -PN pwigc3.perfectworld.com" within its zenmap GUI.
  • truenme
    truenme Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Starting Nmap 4.76 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2008-10-17 23:55 Central Daylight Time

    Warning: Hostname pwigc3.perfectworld.com resolves to 8 IPs. Using

    Interesting ports on


    29000/tcp open unknown

    Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.23 seconds
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Congratulations : you have port 29000 connectivity.
  • truenme
    truenme Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    still not able to update manualy or automaticly it says i have game ver. 1 and still everytime i try to patch it says i have the latest client ver. and then askes me to update then it trys to update the first file and goes nowhere. badwords.txt seems to be where it gets hung up
  • maxiol3
    maxiol3 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    can anyone upload elements data on different website, on filefactory there is no free slots
  • palesamurai
    palesamurai Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i have the same problem, stuck on iconlist_guild. i have no firewalls turned on and have a great connection and have tried the manual patcher which of course does not work so its a problem with the site not me. is there any options left or am i just not going to play this game?
  • tonto87
    tonto87 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    So it's not just me having this problem then? The manual patch just doesn't seem to download and the automatic one always stops at the same point. I turned off my firewall and my router is directly conncted to my computer.

    I just want to PLAY THIS GAME!!!
This discussion has been closed.