Can't find the patch server?



  • Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Try copying the full directory to another location (somewhere like My Documents/Perfect World/), and running the launcher from that directory (in the above example, My Documents/Perfect World/Perfect World Entertainment/Perfect World International/launcher/launcher.exe). This will bust your shortcuts, so you'll need to remake those, but it is well worth a trial.
  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Might be a good idea to try.
    At installing i actually changed the folder the game was installed to to C:/programmes/perfectworldentertainment/perfectworldinternational/ and so on.

    By default this is C:/programme files/etc. right?
  • Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Lol ^_^
    Learned to double check that after spending a day downloading Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter.

    Yes it does.
    Here are the specs:
    512mb ram
    2.2ghz AMD athlon 3000+ processor.
    256 mb nvidia geforce 6200SE turbocache (i think)

    By the way i have a suggestion. I could try making a full list of programs that i see in Add/Remove programmes?

    Was just incase. b:cute

    Anyway try what our friendly moderator suggested. b:pleased
  • Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Might be a good idea to try.
    At installing i actually changed the folder the game was installed to to C:/programmes/perfectworldentertainment/perfectworldinternational/ and so on.

    By default this is C:/programme files/etc. right?

    The default directory in a Windows XP American English subtype install should be C:/Program Files/Perfect World Entertainment/Perfect World International (wordy, isn't it?). I believe, but do not have any non-American English OS style computers to test what the result is in other languages, so I don't know whether it'll use the %ProgramFiles% environmental variable or is hard-coded around American English naming.
  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    gattsuru wrote: »
    The default directory in a Windows XP American English subtype install should be C:/Program Files/Perfect World Entertainment/Perfect World International (wordy, isn't it?). I believe, but do not have any non-American English OS style computers to test what the result is in other languages, so I don't know whether it'll use the %ProgramFiles% environmental variable or is hard-coded around American English naming.

    You are correct. Also what it showed on my pc by default :)

    No luck :/
  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Could the STRINGTAB file be of any help? It seems to show stuff like:

    8 Network connection error
    9 Unknown error
    10 Unknown error 2

    when i open it?


    Later down the list it also says:

    25 Update server under maintenance
    26 Update server connection failed
  • Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    You meet the requirements and everything else seems to be right as well... Hmmm could it be that you have a virus? Run a scan just incase. I know another stupid thing but sometimes the smallest things can fix it.
  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    You meet the requirements and everything else seems to be right as well... Hmmm could it be that you have a virus? Run a scan just incase. I know another stupid thing but sometimes the smallest things can fix it.

    Hmm well i already ran a scan today.
    Any suggestions on a good program that can do it for meh? (free of course)
  • Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Avast is free and normally quite good as well. I personally got one I paid for though my cousin uses this and swears on it.
  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Well i do too 0.0

    My PC can barely operate with it running - though my other pc operates as if the Avast antivirus was just a fly on the arm 0.0
  • Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm not familiar with the internal workings of the Patcher and Launcher, but it looks like stringtab.txt is a standardized file used to shorten how much has to be transfered for a given error message (and to ease the translation process). I've used similar files on a few programs myself.

    In any case, it looks the exact same for my computer.

    Can you create another System Administrator user on the system, and check what happens when that account tries to activate the Launcher?
  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    gattsuru wrote: »
    I'm not familiar with the internal workings of the Patcher and Launcher, but it looks like stringtab.txt is a standardized file used to shorten how much has to be transfered for a given error message (and to ease the translation process). I've used similar files on a few programs myself.

    In any case, it looks the exact same for my computer.

    Can you create another System Administrator user on the system, and check what happens when that account tries to activate the Launcher?

    Already did - only change is that it takes longer time for the new user to connect to game client than for the old one. BUT: They DO BOTH connect to the game client window, only problem is they wont find the "Patch" server :o

    EDIT: Im working on a new fresh install right now. EDIT 2: Not working :(
  • Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Sorry I am totally out of ideass for now I have a feeling you will have to wait for at least the manuel patch. b:surrender b:sad
  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Sorry I am totally out of ideass for now I have a feeling you will have to wait for at least the manuel patch. b:surrender b:sad

    Uhm.. The game client never worked on this pc - when i manually try and patch to version 1-16 it just says: ERROR - update fail.

    EDIT: Doing a 2nd PWI fresh install after removing ALL files.

    EDIT 2: By the way GM/Mod/admin, if you want a list of my programs ill send it to you. It might be 1 of those?
  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    2nd fresh install after removing all game files failed also. Still no server.
  • Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Try plugging the trouble computer directly into your cable or DSL modem and see if you can access the patch server then.

    Edit: since one of your computers IS getting into the game, this XP SP3 PC of yours is being evil. Maybe try running a trace route once connected directly to the modem.

    Try one of these IP addresses in your trace route:
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
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  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Try plugging the trouble computer directly into your cable or DSL modem and see if you can access the patch server then.

    Edit: since one of your computers IS getting into the game, this XP SP3 PC of yours is being evil. Maybe try running a trace route once connected directly to the modem.

    Try one of these IP addresses in your trace route:

    Heres another problem.
    Its 2 in the night here in my country, so my ISP is probably not awake atm.
    I cant acces my router, it just wont find it by the default gateway into it. I've tried both direct connecting and so on before, but it just wont let me, just says server timed out/not found.
    Is there any way to connect to one of the IP's without accesing my router?

    EDIT: thats was when trying to forward ports for Warcraft 3.
    Tried that both with static and changing IP.

    EDIT 2: Other pc also has SP3 installed 0.0
  • Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Networking - Bypassing Your Router

    In some circumstances, you may have to bypass your router, and directly connect your
    computer to the cable or DSL modem.
    Before doing so, make sure that you have installed and run antivirus/security software on
    your computer.

    You will need an Ethernet cable (in the US, called the Category 5e networking cable) to
    connect your computer to the cable or DSL modem. The cable you might need (depending
    on your network setup) will have a male plug on both ends.
    One end will plug into your Ethernet/Internet/WAN (or similar) port on your computer
    and the other end will plug into the Internet/RESNET/WAN (or similar) port on your cable
    or DSL modem.

    Note: Please read the documentation or help files that accompany your
    antivirus/security/firewall software.
  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Networking - Bypassing Your Router

    In some circumstances, you may have to bypass your router, and directly connect your
    computer to the cable or DSL modem.
    Before doing so, make sure that you have installed and run antivirus/security software on
    your computer.

    You will need an Ethernet cable (in the US, called the Category 5e networking cable) to
    connect your computer to the cable or DSL modem. The cable you might need (depending
    on your network setup) will have a male plug on both ends.
    One end will plug into your Ethernet/Internet/WAN (or similar) port on your computer
    and the other end will plug into the Internet/RESNET/WAN (or similar) port on your cable
    or DSL modem.

    Note: Please read the documentation or help files that accompany your
    antivirus/security/firewall software.

    Cant use that for anything, i cant acces my router no matter what i try.
    (even tried with the routers manufacturer manual, also didnt work).

    EDIT: Note to panda guy.
    I installed the SP3 today, to see if it worked.
    Before that i was running SP2 - also didnt work.

    EDIT 2: Sent in DxDiag and HiJackthis to tech support from my working pc - to compare.
  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Alright its 02:30 in the night here at my place, and i must now go to rest 0.0 Im tired. b:sad

    If you find out anything please post it here. I will wake up in a few hours - when you will be sleeping, but ill be waiting right here again when you wake up to try more of all this weird stuff. If possible ill also try and contact my ISP.

    PrideFight, aka. Noobster signing out
  • Posts: 825 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I actually think contacting your ISP will be your best bet. >.<
  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I actually think contacting your ISP will be your best bet. >.<

    No way, cause my other pc works, and its same router. Its my PC 0.0

    EDIT: i will upload a list of installed program on my fail pc later today.
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Creazy !!!
    No open manual patch , no open automatic patch,
    No open Download Client...

    No good PWI!!! low,low
    Im wait.......................................
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i have this problem too >< if anyone knows what it is id be very appreciative, i only wanted to play this because of friends lol but i cant even patch it to get into the game >< thank you in advance!
  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    OH MY GOODNESS! Great, your actually have the same problem as me?
    Well i guess the tech guys are working on our behalf (on the 5th day now ) if i remember correct.

    EDIT: Please put up your system information so we can compare, then we may be able to find the source. Its on our systems not on your router etc.
  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    pridefight wrote: »
    Hello everyone. I've asked the techical support now, but i don't think they can really help me.

    I've downloaded and installed the game on one of my pc's and it works great! But i have a brother and he wants to play too, and we want to play together. Alright, i download the game for my 2nd PC.
    GREAT, now we can play. I: Install and open the game. Well i have to select my update settings, no problem "Update automatically" of course. Alright, i press "Confirm" and i get this msg: "ERROR: please select an update server" --- Uhm... excuse me, i said "Update automatically"???
    Alright, update manually. Wont patch <---- Alright ill try again. Start game ---> Say update automatically and manually select update server. I go into the server list, but WTF it wont find the update server. AARGH!

    Now i've reinstalled the game 3 times, i've even virus scanned my pc, removed my internet security and installed new, checked for adware/malware/spyware/trojans etc, AND sent a HijackThis and dxdiag and updateserver list to the techincal support. They cant help me - even tho i had a new updateserver file sent to my pc.

    Can ANYONE out there help me?


    IF you happen to have that, and it is not payed for, you should just remove it. To do that, do the following:

    Go to add/remove programs - remove norton internet security and updateservice and all other things that have anything to do with norton.
    Now go to your regedit file. To do so: Go to run --> type in cmd --> in the command window type regedit --> In the regedit window, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER and remove the "symantec" folder. Also do so in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
    Now open your harddrive (default C:) - your hard disc. Press search, and type in "symantec" - let it work till it finishes, and delete ALL folders.
    Now go to your paper basket (where all deleted files are placed) and empty it. You should now be able to find the patch server - enjoy :)
  • Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited October 2008

    IF you happen to have that, and it is not payed for, you should just remove it. To do that, do the following:

    Go to add/remove programs - remove norton internet security and updateservice and all other things that have anything to do with norton.
    Now go to your regedit file. To do so: Go to run --> type in cmd --> in the command window type regedit --> In the regedit window, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER and remove the "symantec" folder. Also do so in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
    Now open your harddrive (default C:) - your hard disc. Press search, and type in "symantec" - let it work till it finishes, and delete ALL folders.
    Now go to your paper basket (where all deleted files are placed) and empty it. You should now be able to find the patch server - enjoy :)

    Thanks for the update! I'm glad to see that there was a solution for your issue! We'll grab your solution so we can help any other poor soul who encounters the same problem.

    Enjoy! b:victory
    Maintenance is my Constant. b:surrender
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I have the same "Choose update server" issue but no norton on my pc.....

    Edit: My client version has been updated manualy to 18, but when trying the launcer it asks for an update server selection and no matter what, it keeps asking.

    Edit:It's clear that it can't communicate with the patch server. What can i do to fix that? The 29000 port is open.
  • Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    It will ask you to choose an update server no matter if you updated automatically, or manually. Just choose the patch server the first time, and if asks you to auto update again, hit cancel. As long as your version # says 18 (or whatever the current version out is at the time), the you should be able to just hit the Start button and log in.
    Maintenance is my Constant. b:surrender
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Wierdest of issues. I did select the patch server but it wouldnt accept it. The message "Select patch server" would come up even when i pressed cancel. I did a tracert to the patch server's ip and it timed out at hop 10 or 11. Eventualy after a router restart everything seems to work. I'm even more confused when i consider that one minute i'm playing, i log off and 10 minutes later (without switching off either pc or router) that issue appears. b:surprisedb:irritatedb:worried
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