Help With Patch 16 Plz

dragongamer Posts: 10 Arc User
edited October 2008 in Support Desk
Can someone please update patch 16. I cant update. Please hurry before 12 i need to do my stone quest
Post edited by dragongamer on


  • eniac
    eniac Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    No kidding! Surtr, next time before you post about a new patch and tell us, "If you have having issues with the auto-patcher, there are manual patches available at" maybe you could check and confirm that it's actually there? b:sad
  • offnight
    offnight Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I've got the same pb, im stuck at and when i'm going to manual patch i see that:
    Patch 1-5: Released 9/02/08
    Patch 1-7: Released 9/10/08
    Patch 5-7: Released 9/10/08
    Patch 7-8: Released 9/10/08
    Patch 8-13: Released 9/22/08
    Patch 1-15: Released 9/29/08
    Patch 13-15: Released 9/29/08
    As you can see no 15-16 patch :(:(:(:(:(
  • catzie
    catzie Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    same here..

    keep getting file download error at and keep retrying over and over and over again without success (even though the download bar is full).

    plz put patch 16 to manual patch a.s.a.p...
  • silverbro
    silverbro Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Has anyone been abe to complete the patch process ?
  • Skyguardian - Heavens Tear
    Skyguardian - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I can't update either. b:tired I want play!
  • Ovinomancer - Sanctuary
    Ovinomancer - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Nope...i've been waiting for several hours, at least six, perhaps seven.

    My client won't update on it's own, and there's no patch 16 or whatever on the client page.

    This thread isn't being read, or at least acknowledged by anyone important.
  • murdy666
    murdy666 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I have the same problem, cannot patch, downloader always stops at "".
    The worst thing on this whole issue is, that there is no information from GM's yet, and it's pretty long time since it was released first.
    Also, there is no chance to update manual, cos Patch 16 is not included in manual what this all mean ? Something so really bad happened that GM's cannot even inform us why we can't update and login ?

    ....on PWI mainsites, it shows all servers UP, so what's goin' on ?

    Thanks for any answers, anyway i don't hope so much that any GM's will answer...

    Regards, Murdy
  • bluelavastuff
    bluelavastuff Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I got my client to patch to version 16. I'm not sure how I did it. I guess I just kept trying over and over again, then it finally decided to patch.
  • murdy666
    murdy666 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Has anyone tried contacting a GM?

    Yes, i allready submited a ticket to technical support.
    But i think they knows about this issue, exactly for few reasons :

    1. The old version of game - Version 15 doesn't work anymore (cannot login w/o patch)
    2. There is no "Version 15-16" update on Download site for manual pages, although "surtr" allready changed Update topic to "Curent Client versin 16" or so....this looks quiet funny, but very unprofessional.
    3. There are many ppl with exactly same problems.

    ...anyway i hope they'll fix it soon, but just a little info should make ppl less angry b:laugh

    Regards, Murdy ^^

    EDIT : If i try to run PWI "As Administrator" it won't update and it says : "Update server under maintenance, please do try again later" sooooo, i'm confused now :))

    EDIT no.2 : I tried to choose all 3 options in "Update settings" to "on" - included "Resume unfinished updates and the game updated sucessfully. I don't know if this option fixed it, or if i tried it just in same time when it started to work, but i'm on Version 16 now ^^.
  • Talonsombra - Heavens Tear
    Talonsombra - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    For those still fighting with this patch. I followed the instruction in and deleted the file and it patched immediately. Might want to try that.
  • ripnun
    ripnun Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    BUMP in hope that some one important reads this b:angry
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Ok everyone,

    Do not call out members on the forums, and do not call out PWE staff, Mods, or Admins. Rudeness and being mean will NOT be tolerated in the Tech Support Zone. Please show more respect in your posts.

    We are all doing the best we can.

    There is no manual patch to go to 16 yet. (10:13am California time)

    PWE has made some tweaks to the autopatcher in-game, so please try that first, and try it multiple times and see if it will work for you.
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
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  • kantorek
    kantorek Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Please make sure that if your Auto-update pauses for more than 1 minute, do the following steps:

    1. Select "EXIT",
    2. Restart the Launcher (Double click the Perfect World International Icon),
    3. When it asks if you would like to "Continue" or "Restart Download" SELECT CONTINUE.

    The patch, in theory, should continue were it left off and zip on through. Please be patient with us as we know it is frustrating for you guys who can't patch, and it is just as equally frustrating for us on trying to find a solution for you.
    Maintenance is my Constant. b:surrender
  • Neverwas - Heavens Tear
    Neverwas - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i've tried many, many, MANY times with this one, for several hours now. the auto patcher does not, and has NEVER worked for me regardless of what i do (starting and stopping, ect.). even the manual download has its problems, but it's the only thing that's ever worked for me. i believe having the manual patch ready and posted on the download page should be a priority (before the update is put into effect into the game) since so many people, cannot even get into the game without it.

    i absolutely respect the hard work everyone involved with this game is doing. i love this game, i have put money in this game (approximately $100 in the boutique this week) and i am willing to stick it out. but people will and "are" leaving this game because of these ongoing patching problems. a personal friend of mine said at the last update he would quit the game if he had to go through all of this patching "BS" again and not more than 5 minutes ago he told me he was "done with it". he also spent a fair amount of money in the boutique and when he says he's done with something, he really is. i know many others, all adult players, who have these same feelings.

    this is why, i beg you, at least make it a priority to have the manual patch ready at the time of (if not before) the actual update goes into effect in the game. people ARE leaving the game because of this, maybe not enough to cause PWE any concern but they are and no telling how many newcomers are giving up on ever getting in also.
  • hanswurst
    hanswurst Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Why cant u bring out the Manuel patch before or right after server maintenance? The last update from 13-15 I downloaded the Manuel and it worked fine. every time there is any kind of Maintenance I cant update the patch and this is getting quite frustrating b:cry
  • batsu
    batsu Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Has there ever been a reason given as to why the patcher only seems to hang at the or files? Everything else always patches smoothly for me except those two files...

    Edit: Someone posted a link to the updated element and task data files. I downloaded them and replaced them in my game folder. The game updated perfectly after that. Here is the link:

    unrar the two files and replace them in your Perfect World International\element\data folder. The update should go through without a hitch for the reamining files.

    Good luck
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    There are many types of issues when sending data globally. Many times it is along your ISP's route, or the traffic from one ISP to another.

    Who is your ISP?

    Where in the world are you?

    Try running a traceroute (on XP):

    How to perform a traceroute:

    1) In XP, click on Start > click on Run > type in "cmd"
    2) On this screen type in (exactly as it is typed here): tracert
    Please note there is a space between "tracert" and "" (this is our patch server)
    3) Wait until it bring a message back and a full log. Maximize (enlarge) the window as large as it will go and hopefully all of the text will be able to fit into the screen.

    You can see where along the way the data packets are getting stopped in this list.

    For Vista users, there is a free program called Visual Route that you can install and run to see where you traffic is clogging up, either to our patch servers, or game servers.

    You may have to talk to your ISP and ask them to allow traffic for all of our IP addresses, listed here:
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
    Visit our BRAND NEW Knowledge Base & Support Website! - Tech Support Flowchart - Panda Caught on Camera
  • batsu
    batsu Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    It isn't an ISP, firewall, port or ping issue. The patcher hangs on the and files for some people. I just posted a link to the patched version of those files, two posts above. That should solve the issue for those wit the hanging update problem.
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Send us your trace route log, or post a screenshot here of your trace log, so we can see what is going on.

    The update from 15 to 16 is about 7MB, so it should be fairly quick to download.
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
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  • maulik
    maulik Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    so tis is the problem..i dnt get much time to cm on forums and chk things

    a day back i get an error of "client version low"
    and hell
    i thot my client got corrupt as tehre was no other manual patch thing on site and now m downloading the whole client again...zzzzzzz
    i hate u guys for this...b:angryb:angry
  • Neverwas - Heavens Tear
    Neverwas - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The update from 15 to 16 is about 7MB, so it should be fairly quick to download.

    so how about quick to zip and put on the site for a manual download?

    this patcher has never worked for me, it always sticks on elements or tasks. no amount of stopping and restarting has ever done one bit of good. i've sent reports in the past......nothing. so i won't waste my time doing it again. it's not my isp, firewall, distance from the server or whatever. every update.........same problem....same responses from results until we are FINALLY given a manual patch.

    why not just get the manual patch up on the website and end the suffering for everyone? i know you guys are working hard, and i appreciate that, but what is so difficult about putting the manual patch up on the site when you know people ALWAYS have this problem with the patcher?
  • Truvisionary - Sanctuary
    Truvisionary - Sanctuary Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Mine wasn't patching until I plugged in the direct connection.
  • Mrnothing - Heavens Tear
    Mrnothing - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    This is aggravating.
    How hard is it to upload a manual patch?

    I'm on the brink of quitting PWi, this is ridiculous.
  • jaylee2
    jaylee2 Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i been at this for 5 hours and its move a bit everytime i try it but still cant get on the game where is a manual patch at
  • Neverwas - Heavens Tear
    Neverwas - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited October 2008

    thanks for the manual patch......downloaded fast and with ease, now in the game. thanks.
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Have you tried fixing your network connections, so you never have to worry about manually patching ever again?

    Network Help for Vista:

    Network Help for XP:

    You want to allow for this IP address:
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
    Visit our BRAND NEW Knowledge Base & Support Website! - Tech Support Flowchart - Panda Caught on Camera
  • Neverwas - Heavens Tear
    Neverwas - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    which option on that page are you suggesting fixes the auto patcher problem? are you talking about connecting directly?
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The latest manual patches are up:
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
    Visit our BRAND NEW Knowledge Base & Support Website! - Tech Support Flowchart - Panda Caught on Camera
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    which option on that page are you suggesting fixes the auto patcher problem? are you talking about connecting directly?

    That pages covers most (although not all) network issues likely to be a problem for normal users. The most likely solution for updater problems would be to allow access over all ports to on both software and hardware firewalls -- either type will cause problems with the patcher. You can also temporarily disable your firewall (for Windows XP, that would involve opening Control Panel, typing "Windows Firewall" into the address bar, hitting the "off" radio button and then "okay" until the patch is updated, then reversing the process once you have downloaded the patch).
  • mikey7
    mikey7 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    same her wat to do ?
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