RolePlay Guild

Reshella - Heavens Tear
Reshella - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
edited September 2010 in Guild Banter
Basic Ideas of the Guild:

This guild has been designed for people who like to role play in the MMORPG world of Perfect World. Though most think of this game is something where you just grind constantly to acquire more levels and better gear. There is usually one thing left out.
RolePlay functions like most guilds, friends/family joining a group of people, helping each other through quests, dungeons, farming, est. but is created so role players such as yourself could come together and give the characters your play, life. So your character could interact with Perfect World’s environment. Ic (in character) the guild has no name rather just a group of us interacting with each other’s characters. It could be started by creating drama, action, insanity, whatever you prefer, as long as the person(s) you are with are comfortable by the idea. We are looking for open minded and mature people to join.
Some tend to ignore what is written on these quests npcs (non-playing characters) give you throughout the game and only focusing on what objectives and rewards rather then WHY they are doing the things they are told. Because we are in an MMORPG, do not feel discouraged. I know personally people may come over and say ‘wtf r u talking like that 4?’ or say something immature and inappropriate. And it is best to simply ignore those people or if you have to, use your blacklist. We want people to feel comfortable role playing and not stuck on what ‘most’ people do inside the game.


I am still fairly new to Perfect World and still learning a lot about it. This is really the first guild I ever started so please bare with me. I’ve been role playing for several years on Neverwinter Nights. My current character who is leader of the RolePlay guild is Samoonra, Blademaster. She is serious but calm by nature and easy to get along with.
Hey, this section is for me, the Director and player of Aerie_Elandi the cleric. She is gentle and helpful but often worried about the suffering of the war and herself being in the front. Personally I don’t have the same long experience as the leader of the guild, it’s been about 2 years on Neverwinter Nights for me. But how experienced people are doesn’t really carry a lot of weight. People new to role playing can be surprisingly good, as long as the will is there and try and learn.

Rules of RolePlay:

-We recommend level 20+. This rule isn’t necessary enforced but we feel those below that level tend to be stuck at their home city without any fellow role players nearby unless of the same race.

- Respect those you role play with and others around you.

-Role playing will often be through normal chat unless you feel it should be something private. If you are role playing with someone and you want to say something ooc(out of character) to them. To clear up any confusion use ‘ooc:’, ‘((‘ whatever will help to notify them of the difference. Or if you are in the same squadron as that person, simply use the squad chat or guild chat for ooc.

-Though we or some of us are adults, let keep role playing pg13. Let us not forget children are often playing these games.

-This is an English speaking guild, though nothing against using native tongues with somebody who speaks the same language. Please be courteous of those around you who may not speak your language.


Q:” How many characters of the same account are allowed into the guild?”
A: Currently two, as 50 is the max for the guild. You are allowed to have a main and an alternate character into the guild.
Q:”Will this guild be getting into any Territory Wars?”
A: Personally I do not see that working out so well against competitive guilds and also role playing would have to be set aside till the end.
Q: “Is there a certain requirement to role play?”
A: There are not many requirements needed as you could be new to role playing. Only that your character has a name (not like Doomknight for an example *made up name*) and is aware of what is going on in the world around them. If your character has an ‘avatar name’, go ahead and think of a name for them that makes sense in role playing.
Q: “Okay, I’m new to role playing. What do I do?”
A: Most role playing starts with your very own character. As you have already created their looks through the character creation, it is now up to you to give your character his or her personality. It could range from being sweet and kind to dark or just a plane lazy snob. Weather it is from planning that character before creation or tweaking their personality throughout the game. Remember, this game is set in a war, use common sense and think realistically how they would behave in such things.
Their behavior could also be influenced through their history you make up for them.

Example: Blade Master Yuri *another made up name* was brought into the academy in his mid teens to be trained hard as a solider for war. He has endured much pain during his years to grow into a stern warrior.

Another example: Janna *more made up names* a venomancer who lived in the far deserts with her tribe. She is extremely wary around others who do not look like her but curious about the world around. With her trusty companion by her side, they set out from the tribe in the life as an adventure but later soon, gets caught up in the web of conflicts ahead.

Also if you want to start getting into more details such as their strengths and weaknesses or maybe them having a disability, a deft wizard, fat blade master, gender confused untamed, whatever to add more life to your character. Again, be mature with your creativity and choose something you and others may enjoy.
Q: “What about level differences between characters for Roleplaying/adventuring?”
A: There are none. Just keep in mind that if you are traveling with a higher level character that they may unlock quests the lower level may not accept, till later on. But as it is in role playing, you should ask yourself this, would your character help its friend to succeed their quests?
Q: “Can I role play a hardcore and evil barbarian who steals other character’s stuff?”
A: Again, this goes along the rules of respecting your fellow role players and others.

Addition information:

Here is some additional information to clear up any more confusion.
Recently there has been a slight confusion on how exactly RolePlay will work in rp aspect. As some suggested, we could function as one big group of mercenaries, small army and what not. Reason why we aren’t going to do that is for the fact that it’ll force people to rp. Our intention isn’t to force people to do things, rather have people form their own groups with person(s) they like and enjoy playing with both icly and oocly.

This is how RolePlay guild will be using their chat modes:

Normal Chat – Used for role playing. Unless somebody wanted to say something out of character, use ‘((‘ or ‘ooc:’ whatever will help.
Squad Chat – Mostly for out of character but if you feel there are too many people or wish to role play with that persona privately, feel free to make it ic use.
Faction Chat – Recently there has been a bit of debate about this. Faction Chat will be only for ooc use. Reason why is because when another group may be engaged in their own role playing, it’ll create a distraction or tend to annoy those people. Realistically, role playing is done face to face. If you feel like you want to communicate somebody halfway around the world, feel free to make up an item, ‘Ring of Communication’ and use player whispers if you want.

More role playing tips:

Metagaming – Information your character doesn’t know that you as a player may know.
When is metagaming good?
It’s a difficult question to answer as people have their own views on this. Most may think it is all bad but the only time it may seem good is when you are left with nobody to role play with. Send a player a whisper asking if you want to role play with them, invite them into a squad so the two or more of you could ‘bump’ into each other.

If you have any questions or concerns related to this guild just PM me.
Post edited by Reshella - Heavens Tear on


  • Leandrra - Heavens Tear
    Leandrra - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ((Oh snap! I was looking for this since joining th eothe rday. I'm not level 20 yet, seeing that I've been playing for a day....However, I'll contact you in game, or you could feel free to contact me on this avatar. Thanks in adavance!))
  • Reshella - Heavens Tear
    Reshella - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    RolePlay Guild Roster

    Character Name – Position – Class – Title

    Samoonra – Leader – Blademaster – Drama Queen
    Aerie_Elandi – Director – Cleric – Battle Cleric

    Elayne – Executor – Wizard – Miss

    Leandrra – Commissioner – Wizard –
    Sylivanna – Commissioner – Blademaster –
    Yardye – Commissioner – Cleric –
    Yashanee (Yashanee_) – Commissioner – Venomancer – Alt of Samoonra
    Sonfalis – Commissoner – Archer – Dave
    Vrister - Commissoner - Archer -
    Sky(Skysaviour) - Commissoner - Cleric -
    Kyuuka - Commissoner - Wizard - Alt of Kochou
    Rhi - Commissoner - Wizard - Alt of Aerie_Elandi
    Kochou - Commissoner - Blademaster -
    Delkyre - Commissoner - Blademaster -
    Nolana - Commissoner - Wizard -
    Thuron - Commissoner - Blademaster -
    Asservir - Commissoner - Cleric -
    Kyorkii - Comssoner - Venomancer - Alt of Leandrra
  • oceantear
    oceantear Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008 soon as the cursed download finishes up...and I get to level 20.

    Keepa look out....I'll contact you as soon as I'm ready. =D
  • Reshella - Heavens Tear
    Reshella - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm glad to hear...
    You aren't required to be level 20 to join but if you are active and give it a try. You are welcomed to join. :)
  • oceantear
    oceantear Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    -nod- Thanks. =P

    If thats the case, then I'll contact you in-game as soon as this accursed, confused little download finishes.

    Not sure what my name shall be...hmm.. something to spend my time on.
  • Vrister - Heavens Tear
    Vrister - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    And here we are. An Avian Elf by the name of Vrister.

    Level three right now, but contact me when you can.

    And yes, this is oceantear. =P
  • Kingofhearts - Heavens Tear
    Kingofhearts - Heavens Tear Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I saw three of you roleplaying including the guild leader near the teleporter in W. Archosaur today. Had to stop for a minute and listen in. It was interesting. Not saying that it's something that would be for me, but it sure adds dimension. Never tried roleplaying in a game, and it would be a lot slower leveling, that's for sure, because a lot of the time would be spent talking. But I see this as a good thing, brings enjoyment to the game for some and something different.
    free bump
    "there is still much to be done"
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Hi, I am Hisui, an orphan of Lunar Pass. Ever since I was a child I was tortured, beaten, and ridiculed. I promised myself I would take revenge on the world by making everyone suffer my misery. One day, I was picked up by a band of savages known as The Empire. Although extremely horrifying, I have decided to stay by their side and borrow their strength in my campaign to unleash misery. And when I succeed, I will personally butcher every Empire member who has dared infest me with their mental and physical filth.

    Today I sit beside the fire place alone but not lonely, for the flame of hatred has extended its warmth into my soul. Ah... who must I kill today?
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • jayde
    jayde Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Yeah ,im very int. in this! been looking for ages :)
    Whats your playing times,i,ll try to pm you in-game?
    P.S. 35lvl veno
  • Reshella - Heavens Tear
    Reshella - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Thank you Kingofhearts. It really makes me glad to see people taking a notice or interest in our role play. Though we’re small and the level range is spread thin. But role playing is never about the levels. As the leader, I try to spend time with all of our members and also learn of their experiences. And they have been surprisingly good. You’re right about it being slow when you want to stop and chat or simply getting deeper into your character development. You don’t have to be in the guild to rp, it is something any individual could do.
    But I’m glad you found it interesting. b:pleased
  • Reshella - Heavens Tear
    Reshella - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2008

    Silly me for not thinking of this before but those that have been trying to contact me, my timezone is GMT - 07:00

    Also for members who are just joining the guild, I will be updating the roster, late my time.
  • Reshella - Heavens Tear
    Reshella - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    RolePlay as just opened their own forums for members and all to see. A special thanks goes to my director, Aerie_Elandi for starting this. We hope to be seeing you all there and will be looking forward to see more in depth character development and get to know some of you role players a little better. ;)

    Here is the link to the forum:
  • thuron
    thuron Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Please feel free to pm me whenever possible, I would certainly love to join a faction like this!!!
  • Thuron - Heavens Tear
    Thuron - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Just me again, with the character name.....
  • Brimsheen - Sanctuary
    Brimsheen - Sanctuary Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    oh snap! An RP guild! just what this needs. Any chance you'd be willing to start one on Sanctuary too?
    Souls yearn to live a hero, but even moreso, a soul yearns to die a Legend
    -Brimsheen, Mercenary for hire (16 and rising. My avvy lies)
  • Reshella - Heavens Tear
    Reshella - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I really haven't thought so far to actually have the same guild extend to the other server.
    To be honest I never really expected to grow so much. As I am only one, looking after those role playing on Heaven's Tear. I am not sure if I would be starting on over in Sanctuary.
    But I'll tell you what, I've read about a forming OB guild for role playing. I have not yet talked to them and I don't know if they have established a guild in any server yet. If you want, you could talk to them and see if they may have a guild there.
    I'm awfully sorry if I can't help you there but if you ever reconsider playing in Heaven's Tear, I would gladly accept you. :)
  • Aerie_elandi - Heavens Tear
    Aerie_elandi - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    b:shy Think i am gonna make my first appearance in this topic. Foremost i like to say welcome to each roleplayer who had shown a interested and contacted to join , i hope you all will find it fun and more easier to find people to roleplay in this .

    Next i want to thank to the leader of guild for dealing with most

    Also i want to call out a general thank to people out there , most of you had been very tolorate and friendly enough not to make fun or harress us ingame . Kingsofheart , i too have to say my thank for the post , it pleasent to see one finding it interesting .

    I have to agree with the statement the leader made Brimsheen , but whatever your choice is i wish you good luck .

    Another reminder to the members , please register on the new forum . It is made for you guys after all b:thanks
  • backlash7
    backlash7 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Please forgive the screen name as it's an old reference to a profile I had on BF2, I'll change it as soon as I can figure out how.

    I'm in the midst of the download and this is my first Online game of this magnitude, unless you count Ultima back in the late 90's. I have been playing the old pen and paper D&D for countless years and couldn't get into the spirit of MMORPG's due to the "l33t speek of the local doods", or something like that. As a plans and operations contractor I really enjoy actual verbage and correct word usage and am hoping to find a guild that still values that. Perhaps it's this one??

    Anyway I'm none to swift on the computer and will need help learning all the ins and outs of online gaming. If you don't mind a "noob" (Lord how I hate that word) I'd like to join. I assume there is a trial period in which you decide if I can stay or not and I'll do my best to abide by the rules and regulations....... and try to remain in the spirit of the game at all times.

    Thank you for reading.
  • Reshella - Heavens Tear
    Reshella - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Hi Ricky,
    It's good to see another one... Though personally I never did any paper and pincal DnD, my role play experice comes from RPGs, but also RPGs that used the whole forgotten realms rules. I myself don't use '133t' (or however people type it) very much outside role playing. The servers I used to play on Neverwinter Nights HATED when you used short term writing.
    But sure, just contact me as Samoonra or Yashanee_ (yeah with the litte "_" at the end of the name) or if I am not on, my director Aerie_Landi who would gladly accept you.
    I have no problems with people being new to the game as I and some others will be willing to help you there. As well as getting into the guild, we don't get too personal with our questions, mainly ask about their role playing experince.

    Anyways, enough of my rambling, hope to see you in the game! :P
  • Xyntralanzec - Sanctuary
    Xyntralanzec - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I think I joined the wrong world..... I'll redo my character on the Heavens Tear one although the ping on it was up in the 60's.

    I did play for a little while and realized I'm in for a long learning curve. I too played the heck out of NWN but only on single player on direct LAN.

    Well I'm off to do some learning.
  • Legorend - Heavens Tear
    Legorend - Heavens Tear Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Hi, my name is Legorend and I'm interested in joining your fraction. I'm a lvl 37 cleric currently and I'm a bit new to roleplaying. =)

    My Character
    I'm a lazy elf from the City of Plume who lost his parents in a fire on the outskirts of the city when I was a a little boy. I was raised by my kind and loving aunt who works as one of the female archer guard for the city. Though I may be lazy, i try to help people as much as I can but will try to do it in as little bit of work as possible. I also try and be as friendly as possible and try not to be rude or make any enemies. Of course not everyone will like me so I will have some enemies.
  • Falora - Heavens Tear
    Falora - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    [OOC] OOOO!!! I Wanna join!!!!! <lvl 23 Venomancer>

    My character
    Falora is a one of those Silent types. Seeing her in 'human' form is uncommon because she is stronger in her Fox form. She has Black hair that extends a little past her shoulders, Black eye shadow and wears black Lip stick. Even though she lived a Depressing life, she will always smile toward her friends and glare at the dangers that oppose them. Getting her to speak is not much of a challenge. the hardest challenge (for a male) is resisting her beauty during the night because the shadows show her true colors (Only happens in 'human' form). The hardest Challenge (for a female) is talking her into a change of makeup or hair style. She likes High places, so you may spot her in a tree or on top of a building.

    In a nutshell, Falora is Silent, Kind, Strong in Fox form, Beautiful during Night or in shadows.

    As with the statments above about her hair, eyeshadow, and lip colors. Falora is a 'Fox' Venomancer. Her eyes are also Black.

    Scale from one to ten 1=small 5=avarage 10= huge

    Head Size - 4
    Chest Size - 3
    Waist Size - 2
    Leg Size - 3
    Bust - 3

    Hope to RP with you soon =D [End OOC]
  • jayde
    jayde Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Glad I found you in-game!
    And the RP stories on site are brilliant! Thanks for making this guild for roleplayers and storytellers everywhere! :D
  • Faonah - Heavens Tear
    Faonah - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Hey! I'm new to the game, but not to roleplaying. I've been roleplaying on NwN since release, and I'm looking forward to seeing you guys IG and perhaps joining your guild. Throw me a PM or message me in game. I'll have to add a clear description of my character soon after I get a feel for the game.
  • Reshella - Heavens Tear
    Reshella - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    This is for those who have joined the RolePlay Guild. I need to talk to every individual personally, especially those who have not shown for a week. Please send me a PM either through here or our guild forum. Yes, your guild leader cares about you. :p

    In the message, please leave me your character's name and brief note about your ooc activity within the guild.

    Heads up: Those who haven't been showing up and do not give me any word within the next week will be assumed they have no interest and will be removed, unless you give any word later on.
  • koreanthunda
    koreanthunda Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Hello to you all, I am extremely new to this mmorpg and i would love to join your soon as i can start a character XD. My comp is being stupid at the moment and it's taking a considerable amount of time to download so when everything gets squared away, i'd be more than willing to join. I really hope you guys don't mind having a barbarian or blademaster join your ranks. I have a good 5 years worth of rp experiance (doesn't mean i'm the best at it) so the whole rp thing isn't completely new to me.
  • Reshella - Heavens Tear
    Reshella - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Hiya Koreanthuda,
    We do not have any restrictions in what class we allow in the guild but if you do plan on playing a barbarian, you would be our first :D
    I wish you good luck in getting it downloaded and fully installed. Honestly, it was a pain for me >.<
  • Axium - Heavens Tear
    Axium - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Yay i made my Barbarian! So now i need to join i guess XD. Someone wanna tell me what i need to do to do that? Sorry...really i am...when it comes to mmorpgs i'm somewhat of a noob.....god that's a terrible word...XD. This is koreanthunda by the way
  • Reshella - Heavens Tear
    Reshella - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Well I would suggest you get your barbrian to level 20. Normally wouldn't take more then a week. Just to see how well you like the class before I may allow you to the guild. You could contact me in game and I will keep you in mind. The characters I play are Samoonra and Yashanee_

    Saddly today, I won't be on PW untill later tonight, hope to catch you then.
  • Axium - Heavens Tear
    Axium - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Woops, forgot to mention that this is koreanthunda XD
This discussion has been closed.