Loot Stealing!!

Neverwas - Heavens Tear
Neverwas - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
edited October 2008 in Suggestion Box
earlier tonight, someone was continually stealing my loot (drops) as well as drops of others. I thought about contacting a GM but the box that popped up when I clicked the GM button said "I'm stuck" so I didn't think that was the right place to report the person.

This person was, for a period of time, following me and picking up every drop that I didn't immediately pick up after I made a kill. which was hard for me to do since I was pulling two or three monsters at one time. This person was doing it to several other players also since we were in a heavily populated area at the time.

I told this person to stop, as did several others, but he/she just kept running about the area (not killing anything) just picking up other people's drops while they were busy killing. I am writing this to BEG you to PLEASE do something about this problem. Make the drops only available to be picked up by the person who actually made the kill. It does seem that the loot is on some sort of timer or something, to avoid accidental pickups of other's drops. I have been in this situation several times myself, but obviously the timer is not long enough since the "thief" was picking up my drops (at my feet, i was not "away" from the drop so no mistake was made about whose it was) seconds after i made the kill.

i have submitted this to PW support as well. PLEASE do something about this problem.
Post edited by Neverwas - Heavens Tear on


  • Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear
    Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I mentioned this awhile ago, the advice I got was to immediately pick up your loot after a kill (even if something else is beating the tar out of you)

    SUPPOSEDLY it is locked to the player who 'owns' it for a whole 30 seconds! after the critter dies. After that any little shietbird theif can take it...

    How to change your portrait from ? to you.
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  • thom
    thom Posts: 387 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Well, play on pvp-server, there you can usually kill the loot stealer.

    That problem was quite expected to happen on pve-server.

    Best for all would be to extend the timer to 1min or something like that.

    But while waiting for that to happen,change server or be faster on the pick up.

    ThommiX - Harvest Leader

    8x Barbarian

    -Lost city-
  • Whizzy - Heavens Tear
    Whizzy - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I constantly pick up loot, left by others (provided no body is standing there/fighting there)
    I constantly am amazed by the fact that 1000's of coins just are laying on the ground untouched....sorry but i won't let them there. I agree that taking the loot beneath ones nose should be avoided but if you can not pick up behind you within 30 seconds you do something not excactly right. As long as the 30 second rule is working correct nobody should be able to steal your loot, can they still do that there is a bug, report that bug.

    just my2cts
  • Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear
    Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I take it you haven't been in a 'mob' situation yet where 3 or 4 critters are trying to kill you, you don't have time to loot..and it takes a bit more than 30 seconds to kill them.
    How to change your portrait from ? to you.
    1.) logout, login
    2.) on your login picture click "change" (sample)
    or use the manual link (must be logged in)
    (copy and paste and add the 'h' , Your not allowed links in sigs)
  • icebreath
    icebreath Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I dont see the problem with loot, you just have to learn it. Kill loot kill loot ect..

    How hard is that to learn? And dont say "bla bla but i got 4 mobs on me..." lol Hit your loot key!

    Wait or did your loot key get lost just like your Esc key when casting nuke on someone's mob?

    Say what you want, but it works just fine!

    Kill loot kill loot kill loot .... :eek: Did you get it now?
  • Chiraz - Heavens Tear
    Chiraz - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I constantly pick up loot, left by others (provided no body is standing there/fighting there)

    The complaint wasn't about picking up orphaned loot, but players following you and grabbing your loot.
    I constantly am amazed by the fact that 1000's of coins just are laying on the ground untouched....sorry but i won't let them there.

    No problem, if the hunter is gone, the loot is yours. I prefer to kill for a bit, then run around and pick up the loot. Also, when doing a quest I am not very interested in picking up every penny that drops. When in a squad, I find it difficult to claim the loot and looking around, others are similarly reluctant.

    Perhaps that explains all the gold lying around.


    => Assign and lock loot to a player in the squad(s) that made the kill and let this lock dissipate after some time.
    => Automatically divide gold that is picked up between the pc's in the squad.
  • Anguisette - Heavens Tear
    Anguisette - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    => Assign and lock loot to a player in the squad(s) that made the kill and let this lock dissipate after some time.

    Loot is locked to a player/squad for 30 seconds and in non mass fights, I'd say this should be ample time to grab your goods.
    => Automatically divide gold that is picked up between the pc's in the squad.

    Gold is automatically divided among the players in a squad even when drops aren't set to be random, you just don't notice it because it doesn't say x got this much gold all over your screen (thank god).
    When in a squad, I find it difficult to claim the loot and looking around, others are similarly reluctant.

    Also if the drops are assigned to be random in a squad, there's no reason to be squeamish about picking anything up, it's randomly given to any squad member, not necessarily you for picking it up.
  • Whizzy - Heavens Tear
    Whizzy - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I take it you haven't been in a 'mob' situation yet where 3 or 4 critters are trying to kill you, you don't have time to loot..and it takes a bit more than 30 seconds to kill them.
    yes i have....loot goes first, if i die i die but loot goes first
  • smirk
    smirk Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I would like to see Autoloot put in the game, I made this suggestion a while back and no answers. This would help with clutter of server, all the gold laying around. Could even make it able to turn off for those that just don't want the loot. Or maybe I am just Lazy.

    Though I to will walk around and pick up your loot if you are not around and it is just laying there for me.
  • Tomiko - Heavens Tear
    Tomiko - Heavens Tear Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    earlier tonight, someone was continually stealing my loot (drops) as well as drops of others. I thought about contacting a GM but the box that popped up when I clicked the GM button said "I'm stuck" so I didn't think that was the right place to report the person.

    This person was, for a period of time, following me and picking up every drop that I didn't immediately pick up after I made a kill. which was hard for me to do since I was pulling two or three monsters at one time. This person was doing it to several other players also since we were in a heavily populated area at the time.

    I told this person to stop, as did several others, but he/she just kept running about the area (not killing anything) just picking up other people's drops while they were busy killing. I am writing this to BEG you to PLEASE do something about this problem. Make the drops only available to be picked up by the person who actually made the kill. It does seem that the loot is on some sort of timer or something, to avoid accidental pickups of other's drops. I have been in this situation several times myself, but obviously the timer is not long enough since the "thief" was picking up my drops (at my feet, i was not "away" from the drop so no mistake was made about whose it was) seconds after i made the kill.

    i have submitted this to PW support as well. PLEASE do something about this problem.

    >.> It's your fault for not picking it up~ your items/gold/coins/equips/character is your responsibility~

    Lesson learned? Put your loot icon on your hotkey and spam it while you are killing the mob. I don't do it, but I think you need to learn how do to it~
  • Adacanavar - Lost City
    Adacanavar - Lost City Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I take it you haven't been in a 'mob' situation yet where 3 or 4 critters are trying to kill you, you don't have time to loot..and it takes a bit more than 30 seconds to kill them.

    Umm yeah i have still doesn't run out of timer on the loot before everything is dead maybe you should fix yoru character build.
    Whys the rum always gone:eek:
  • Tara - Lost City
    Tara - Lost City Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Stop multi killing and pick your loot up or whine on here more honestly your AoE killing mobs what do expect others close to you to do stand and watch jeez play the game how its meant to be played or AoE **** and lose loot to thieves life so hard on these people god.
  • Fireblossom - Heavens Tear
    Fireblossom - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Icebreath wrote:
    Kill loot kill loot kill loot .... Did you get it now?

    From the RoC:
    Don't be insulting if you happen to disagree with someone, just understand that their views are different than yours.

    Do you get it now???

    Tara wrote:
    Stop multi killing and pick your loot up or whine on here more honestly your AoE killing mobs what do expect others close to you to do stand and watch jeez play the game how its meant to be played or AoE **** and lose loot to thieves life so hard on these people god.


    Tomiko wrote:
    Lesson learned? Put your loot icon on your hotkey and spam it while you are killing the mob. I don't do it, but I think you need to learn how do to it~

    Neverwas, just as there are people with poor sportsmanship in the real world, there are people with poor gamesmanship in the gaming world; the concept of fair play or ethics isn't universal. 30 seconds goes by pretty fast when you're up to your butt in monsters, so I think the time lock should be extended; many people prefer to go solo, and I think the Veno character is perfect for that. But until then, I think Tomiko's suggestion is a good one, or just moving to a different area and working on a different quest for a while. In most of the squads I've been in, we seem to intuitively take turns being the loot picker-upper (usually whoever is low on mana), an equally important job as you have seen.
  • Avernus - Lost City
    Avernus - Lost City Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    ...if i die i die but loot goes first

    QFT, Whizzy.
  • Jayde_videl - Heavens Tear
    Jayde_videl - Heavens Tear Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I agree with Tara. Why take on more than one monster at once (unless they were set up to attack together for whatever reason) unless you simply want the additional chance of getting killed by them? Most of the time, it's just my veno and pet against one foe. And I always pick up my loot moments after it drops, provided it is safe to do so.

    So if something drops for you that you really want, don't wait to get it. After 30 seconds, it's not exclusively "yours" anymore and is freely available to anyone.
    Jayde_Videl - lvl 6x venomancer - Heavens Tear
    RainbowVidel - lvl 3x venomancer - Sanctuary
  • shadow685
    shadow685 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I agree with Tara. Why take on more than one monster at once (unless they were set up to attack together for whatever reason) unless you simply want the additional chance of getting killed by them? Most of the time, it's just my veno and pet against one foe. And I always pick up my loot moments after it drops, provided it is safe to do so.

    lol did u ppl ever heard about AOE partys/squads?????
    and u dont get the reason why luring more than 1 creep?

    k so i will try to explain:

    its all about fast leveling....

    just imagine:

    (all the mentioned time and dmg and XP amounst just an example)

    u fight against 1 mob ur attack deals 500 dmg..after 5 hits the mob is dead...took u 1 minute to get the 100 xp from that mob.....

    now imagine:

    u lure 5 mobs...now u use ur aoe and it does 500 dmg * 5...after 5 hits 5 mobs r dead ... took u 1 minute to get 100 xp * 5 from those mobs....

    so u needed the same time to get 5 times higher XP....

    thats what AoE is about...fast leveling.....
    and AOE **** is the worst term i ever heard..where is the ****?
    its just smart to do it..and u have to know what u do to survive....
  • itsybitsy
    itsybitsy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i think that the loot thing is ok actually. the time limit is fine with me. and i dont leave coins on the ground if noone is around. the loot does eventually dissapear, so why let it go to waste. but i do understand how there can be problems with fighting and others picking up your loot while busy trying not to die. but i dont think changing the time limit is the right way to put it. i think that they should put a distance away from your loot that it becomes available. forget a time limit. set a range to how far the player can wak away from it before it becomes up for grabs.