How about some PW feedback for a change?

cbgirl Posts: 1 Arc User
edited December 2008 in Suggestion Box
I see lots of good suggestions in this forum. In fact, I think several of them should have been no-brainers to the devs even before beta. Maybe they had poor beta testers, but I doubt it. Here's my own personal top ten no-brainer list:

1. No auto-run (or swim or fly) button.
2. Character window overlaps monster window.
3. No auto-target or cycle target and especially no closest target, and especially in fbs where tank pets block your ability to target!
4. No quest target on map to give you at least some general idea of where to go.
5. No quick 180, a must have for kiting unless you love random aggro.
6. The zoomed-in territory map should be default.
7. Other players' level doesn't show.
8. Nowhere near enough storage even with a couple extensions. But, what a clever way to get you to spend serious money in the shop on slot extension stones, eh? Oh, and let's not forget pet slots too!
9. Way too much grinding, both crafts and leveling, especially crafts.
10. Prices are usurious. $3K to teleport from CotL to Arch? Potions? Oh, please.

But, to be fair, here's some things I personally really like:

1. Lots of equipment slots. Gotta love 'em.
2. I love the venomancer characters, probably because I love furries.
3. There seems to be a quest driven storyline, I'm just not sure at this point.
4. People are helpful, there seems to be a real community out there, no problem getting help for fbs.
5. It's free. Or, is it?

We log on and we see this spiel about how they really do read the forums and how they take into consideration what we all say. Well, I know from skimming the forums that all of the problems on my top ten are still outstanding and have been said before ad nauseum. Is there an auto-run button yet? No. Are there more and more things being added to the store for us to spend real money on? Yes. I don't think I have to draw anyone a picture.

So my suggestion is for the devs to create a little sticky and prioritize what suggestions they're going to follow through on and what fixes they're going to make along with a guesstimate on when these changes will be implemented. And a "not gonna happen" list might be good too so we can all just stop complaining about those things. And, please save the PRspeak for the n00bs. Most of us are not new to a game like this; we want results, not platitudes.

And before you get all indignant? Let me just say that I bought software for a similar game that I've had and played for two years. I still play it. It cost me about what it would cost me for a ride in your cash shop. But, that's all it ever cost me. And they have an auto-run button and lots of storage. Although they're equipment slot challenged, it's definitely not a grind.

Thanks for listening! :)
Post edited by cbgirl on


  • Adacanavar - Lost City
    Adacanavar - Lost City Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    now now m8,

    While it is true that more things get added to the store i can also see when i look around with a little elbow grease that everything can be bought with ingame coins that can be bought with zen. So essentially yes it is free.

    you can sort of autorun by mouse clicking in the far distance and your character will continue to run until they hit the location but really in a game where when you hit lvl 30 you are a constant pvp target why have an auto run button.

    maybe if you spent a little more time actually looking around the game the whole question of if its free or not wouldn't have been asked or maybe thats just me. And considering the amount of coins you make in the area around arch the cost to tele to it isn't userius m8 hell in one hour i generally pull down 40k in coins how is that userious for 3000 to tele there or you can walk there in a few mintues stop being lazy or stop complaining about the tele cost.

    Also the inventory slots can be expanded with DQ items which drop from monsters not really hard to do it m8 just go kill stuff for long enough and you add as many slots as your little heart would ever desire.

    As to grinding on craft lvls and what not i've played games where it takes months to get the appropriate skills etc so i guess to me this game does it pretty quickly. And acutally i enjoy doing my crafting things its simple and you get better than base gear alot of the time.

    As to other players lvl who really cares about that i mean christ look at there equipment maybe? it all has lvl requires on it. This is ultimately a pvp game why let your enemies know whats coming at them i like not being able to see it makes pvp interestng.

    And i have yet to have any windows overlap my monster windows maybe thats cause you can move everything anywhere on screen except chat window hmm maybe.
    Whys the rum always gone:eek:
  • Adaira - Lost City
    Adaira - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    1. Click in the sky in the direction you want to go. Voila! Auto-run/fly/swim
    2. Increase your screen resolution
    3. Shift-click

    6. Why should the territory map be default? I use the standard map constantly to get around.
    7. Makes PVP more interesting
    8. I personally enjoy the reduced inventory, it forces you to be more strategic about what you keep. Also, there are two quests to increase your bank space, and it's honestly not that difficult to make enough in-game coin to buy a few gold pieces and get an inventory expansion stone.
    9. This game has the least amount of grinding I've ever seen in an MMO, at least through level 40. You're constantly questing.
    10. Teleporting is a little expensive, I guess. When you have millions of coin it's really not a big deal, plus it's easy to just fly, set yourself in a certain direction, and do something else for 5 minutes until you get there.
  • Fireblossom - Heavens Tear
    Fireblossom - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    To Adaira:

    1. That's awesome, don't know how I missed that in-game. Thank you for sharing.
    2. That worked as well, thank you.
    3. That also worked well. I knew about [shift] for targeting npcs, but didn't realize that applied to targeting. Thank you.
    6. The zoomed-in view like where you can see the Arch city map.
    7. Okay, I don't do pvp but I wouldn't want to ruin the fun. But, it does waste time and is frustrating to invite a lvl 10 to a fb 19.
    8. I disagree, and as the Cupboard is "coming soon" I guess I'm not the only one. I think it's better to have the storage opportunity and each person can choose whether to access it. I agree that the bank quests aren't that hard, but gold seems to be selling for some very serious in-game money.
    9. If you're talking Ultima, I definitely agree. I think what makes gathering such a grind is having to sell most of what you gather for peanuts or stall overnight because of the small storage space, basically making you work on one manuf. skill at a time and/or buying the other stuff for outrageous prices.
    10. I can understand that at lvl 40 money is not much of a problem, but under lvl 20 3k or even 1k is a lot, I think. Perks of leveling, I guess.

    Thanks for your reply and the info on the first three, the game is much easier to deal with now.
  • thom
    thom Posts: 387 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    To Adaira:

    1. That's awesome, don't know how I missed that in-game. Thank you for sharing.
    2. That worked as well, thank you.
    3. That also worked well. I knew about [shift] for targeting npcs, but didn't realize that applied to targeting. Thank you.
    6. The zoomed-in view like where you can see the Arch city map.
    7. Okay, I don't do pvp but I wouldn't want to ruin the fun. But, it does waste time and is frustrating to invite a lvl 10 to a fb 19.
    8. I disagree, and as the Cupboard is "coming soon" I guess I'm not the only one. I think it's better to have the storage opportunity and each person can choose whether to access it. I agree that the bank quests aren't that hard, but gold seems to be selling for some very serious in-game money.
    9. If you're talking Ultima, I definitely agree. I think what makes gathering such a grind is having to sell most of what you gather for peanuts or stall overnight because of the small storage space, basically making you work on one manuf. skill at a time and/or buying the other stuff for outrageous prices.
    10. I can understand that at lvl 40 money is not much of a problem, but under lvl 20 3k or even 1k is a lot, I think. Perks of leveling, I guess.

    Thanks for your reply and the info on the first three, the game is much easier to deal with now.

    Storage space is enough, extended it 3 times,twice with quest and bought stone,doing all crafts,storing all mats and not even running out of space yet.

    Also to add some more storage, use a mule-character to store stuff you wont use for a looong time, just mail them to it.

    Under lvl20 you dont need to tp to Archo or anywhere where it costs a lot. its only few hundreds to tp from villages to your starting town, TP costs are fine as they are, you can always just fly where you going.

    Oh and number 4: Npc's usually have coordinates listed with them, just write them down on the waypoints in your minimap, that little green arrow, and you get that spot flagged on the map.

    ThommiX - Harvest Leader

    8x Barbarian

    -Lost city-
  • Fireblossom - Heavens Tear
    Fireblossom - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    To Adacanavar:

    I don't do pvp, in hindsight I see I should have mentioned that in my post. Sorry for the confusion.

    I wasn't aware of the auto-run feature, thank you for sharing.

    When you count the number of different items it takes just for crafting, DQ items and pet eggs, storage is in short supply, even in the beginning of the game. Getting or even buying the DQ stuff needed for the bank slots at lvl 20 is no big deal, but up until then there's a lot of pressure to cave and visit the store or spend a lot of money buying them from other players. As a veno, the same holds true for pet slots. I spent 4 hours killing a bazillion turtles and got one hay. I need 19 more. I guess I'm just lazy, even though I got to lvl 17 in three days. So, I either wait and try again with antelopes, spending hour upon hour, or buy hay for about 8K (or usually more) a piece, or just take the easy way out and spend real money at the store. And while we're on the subject, $30 for a ride and what does that ride cost the game makers? Zero, zilch, nada. It costs them nothing except some one-time design work and a little ongoing server space, and then the rest goes in their pocket. Same thing with slots and everything else. Multiply that by however many thousand people and . . . .

    I changed my resolution and that fixed the problem. Thanks for sharing.

    Thanks for your reply and for your help.

    I should probably point out that a sticky on dev feedback to us was actually the original topic.
  • Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear
    Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Don't hold your breath on any changes..

    I posted this awhile ago.. never heard boo..

    I would think the following options would make a lot more people stick around in PW. And spend real money because they like the controls.

    I bought 12 people in from another game clan last night and these are the main reason they left and don't intend to come back again. (after asking opinions)

    1.) Do something about Loot Thieves (It seems people can just stand around the people killing stuff and grab the loot before the one that actually earned it loots it)

    2.) Define a 'run lock key' so you don't have to keep the 'W' key pressed. (or have to constantly click in front of you)

    3.) Option Off/On for the 'click and got to this spot') this annoys a lot of people. Give the option if you want it or not

    4.) On the subject of keys, please make an option to fully remap the keys (almost every popular game has this ability, and the number one reason my firends are giving it a miss) Don't shove a certain setup down peoples throats, give the option for them to set it up how they want it

    5.) Optional ability to set your own text colors for chat text and tracker text. Along with the chat area box to remain a solid color when cursor is not in it.

    6.) Optional on/off World Chat, Options for Whispers (On/Off, On/Off Block all but friends/clan)

    7.) Option On/Off for the display of stupid spamming smileys (some people like to totally **** chat with row after row of smileys)

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  • Fireblossom - Heavens Tear
    Fireblossom - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    To thom:

    Ok, I guess I need to get busy slotting-up, and the mule char is a great idea, thanks.

    I think I got the quest to go to Arch. somewhere around lvl17-19? I remember at the time I had about 8K. So I started out on foot -- until i crossed the bridge -- and then went back and got a squad to help me make the trip, which in retrospect was probably the whole point of the quest.

    Finding npcs is not a problem. Finding particular monsters in a really large area that you've never been to before where there may be three or more different mobs is, I think.

    Thanks for your reply and for sharing, thom.
  • Fireblossom - Heavens Tear
    Fireblossom - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    To Lady_alexis:

    1. Loot is protected with a short time-lock. From my own observation, some squads are there to only harvest certain drops, like disguise skin, and just leave the rest, even coins, except for high value items. Some squads are just doing mobs to level up, and leave everything except the choice stuff. Some kill a few monsters then go back and pick up. Some are just there for the choice stuff. I harvested with two different squads last night (went up two levels doing it), and we took turns being the designated picker-upper, definitely the way to go if you want the drops. From time to time, when it's obvious that the squad doesn't want the drops, like they've moved off and left everything, I have no problem going in and cleaning up after them. :)) But otherwise, I think loot grabbers are a good excuse for a duel, and I think the time lock should be longer.
    2. I think clicking on horizon works great!
    3. I agree, for example trying to target a monster, missing, and making your character move instead is very annoying. It would be great to be able to turn this off or just simply do away with it, I think.
    4. I so totally agree.
    5. I'm personally not bothered by the colors.
    6. I think personal conversations, especially trash talking, on world chat should be considered abuse.
    7. I think spamming anywhere should be considered abuse as well.

    Thanks for your reply and especially for sharing problems as seen from other gamers' point of view. Please pm me with the name of that other game? Sounds like I should check it out! Again, thanks.
  • Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear
    Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    To Lady_alexis:
    2. I think clicking on horizon works great!

    Great until you have to move, then it back to the 'W' key.... It also doesn't work well on the ground..
    Thanks for your reply and especially for sharing problems as seen from other gamers' point of view. Please pm me with the name of that other game? Sounds like I should check it out! Again, thanks.

    No need for PM, I have thick skin (And don't really give an orc **** about flamers).

    The game name is WoW (World of Warcraft), I just bought (pre-ordered) the Wrath of the Lich King Collectors Edition
    I'm trying to make a statement that if PWI wants more players they should give them the OPTION (NOT change the interface for everyone! like some think) to remap the keys. My group would love this game as a alternative and I know a massive amount of people that are looking for a substitute/replacement.

    If PWI dosen't want a piece of the 10 MIllion Players in WoW thats their choice. But they better make it before Wrath of the Lich King in November. Nobody in that sect will be looking for another game after that.

    The ONLY reason my friends didn't stay was because of no remaping. (well the carmera and 'click to go here' were close second)

    This could have been avoided by the OPTION (AGAIN!!!!!! not a change! a per player CHOICE!) of remaping keys and a few on/off checkboxes

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  • Ash - Heavens Tear
    Ash - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    cbgirl wrote: »

    8. Nowhere near enough storage even with a couple extensions. But, what a clever way to get you to spend serious money in the shop on slot extension stones, eh? Oh, and let's not forget pet slots too!
    9. Way too much grinding, both crafts and leveling, especially crafts.
    10. Prices are usurious. $3K to teleport from CotL to Arch? Potions? Oh, please.

    5. It's free. Or, is it?

    I can't agree enough on those especially. As I've said in other posts, I like the store option better than pay per month only as at least I can control how much I spend and don't play enough for pay per month.. but.. it's true, way too easy to spend a lot if you don't control yourself. As I've said elsewhere, I do think PW should offer several options of payment to cover different styles of playing and let some people like those who play religiously get free boutique items if they pay per month or something. I also have to say, I don't really like the clothes and I don't think they're worth that much. They aren't very good. The armor is much better. Which gave me an idea.. There should be an option that allows one to wear armor as clothing in the clothes section. Also the "random dyes" are ridiculous. Those should just be done away with as it's so blatantly taking advantage of players it's bordering on disgusting.

    If PWI dosen't want a piece of the 10 MIllion Players in WoW thats their choice. But they better make it before Wrath of the Lich King in November. Nobody in that sect will be looking for another game after that.

    I tried WOW and was totally bored with it. Why? Because you couldn't really customize your character. Three appearance choices only for 10 million players sucks.

    Also, the movement in WOW really sucks. PW's setup is much more fluid and less problems with the movement and graphics. I should say NO problems. Which I must give them a lot of credit for as I haven't been playing video games for a while and my good pc died and the temp one I have now is ****.

    So.. I just couldn't get into it at all. I hate looking like a clone I guess. I only like games that have good character customization and there still don't seem to be many if any of those.
  • Fireblossom - Heavens Tear
    Fireblossom - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    To Lady_alexis:

    Thanks for the game info.

    I generally agree that options for increased gamer customization is the way to go. Perhaps clicking on the mini-map would be a practical movement feature as well.

    Thanks for your reply!
  • Fireblossom - Heavens Tear
    Fireblossom - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    To Ash:

    I suppose the bottom line on the question of if it's really free or not, is that as long as the stuff you need to progress in the game is available in-game without spending real dollars, and the store bought stuff doesn't give players a significant advantage, then I guess it's still free and ethical. The game isn't forcing anyone to buy stuff with real money. And, I don't mind the developers being paid back for the hundreds of hours they've put into making this game and improving it, besides making enough money to pay for the servers and related costs to keep it free.

    But, I think they're pushing the envelope. I read a post by someone who said he/she spent 2 hrs/day for a week harvesting turtles to get 20 hay to get the pet egg slot extension. From my experience, I'd have to say that either he/she was very lucky, or I was very unlucky. For a veno, I think pet slots are a must have. Pets are our physical and magical tanks and lures. It's what we do. Anyone can tell you that a pet built up from a low level will have significantly higher stats compared to one just tamed at that higher level. We need those slots badly in beginning levels, not just at lvl 30. Hay is also food. Those hay drops from low level turtles need to be increased significantly, I think, and/or have more monsters drop them at lower levels.

    I think I was lvl 17 when I got enough DQ1 items together (had to buy 10 of them) to get the bank slot extension. I felt I needed the thing as soon as crafting became available. Ironically, now at lvl 28, i'm getting those drops left and right. I think they need to speed up implementing that crafting storage. So what am I going to do with all those extra DQ1 items? I'm going to sell them for base price and not try to financially **** people, a novel idea, I know.

    And all that has to do with your caution about financial responsibility. There are a lot of people willing to buy hay and DQ items at way over-inflated prices making lots of millionaires. I can't help but think those consumers apply that same line of thinking to store items.

    I'm not much impressed with the fashion designs either, and I don't have anything good to say about the idea of random dyes, heavy on the random.

    Last, but most important, please let's not turn this thread into a game war, that's a whole different catagory.

    Thanks for your reply!
  • Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear
    Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Also, the movement in WOW really sucks. PW's setup is much more fluid and less problems with the movement and graphics. I should say NO problems. Which I must give them a lot of credit for as I haven't been playing video games for a while and my good pc died and the temp one I have now is ****.

    I take it english isnt your strong language...


    I want the option for other that think the WASD keys suck,and to be able to change it. I could give a hoot if you leave it at default!. AN OPTION...DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THAT MEANS..IF NOT FIND SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ENGLISH!!!!!!
    How to change your portrait from ? to you.
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  • Chiraz - Heavens Tear
    Chiraz - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    This game has the least amount of grinding I've ever seen in an MMO, at least through level 40.

    Absurd, Guild Wars at leat has no such grind. And a story to go forward with, I've seen only one story quest in the first 16 or so levels, the rest is mostly hunting for bounty. A story to go with it all could really make this game a lot better.
    You're constantly questing.
    Of the 'quests' I've seen so far, 95% is bounty hunting. A bit more variation would be nice.

    QUOTE=Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear;680222]I'm trying to make a statement that if PWI wants more players they should give them the OPTION (NOT change the interface for everyone! like some think) to remap the keys.[/QUOTE]

    Agreed, being able to set the user-interface to something that is close to the preferred - and likely comfortable - controls will help people to feel at 'home' in the game.
  • Ash - Heavens Tear
    Ash - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I take it english isnt your strong language...


    I want the option for other that think the WASD keys suck,and to be able to change it. I could give a hoot if you leave it at default!. AN OPTION...DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THAT MEANS..IF NOT FIND SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ENGLISH!!!!!!

    English? LOL... I wasn't even talking about the keys. I was talking about the whole setup. Which is about much more than keys. I think you misunderstood me, actually. Nevermind.. :D And no need to be rude.

    (Also, when I said that.. it was in no way a response to what you said about keys. I was just explaining something I didn't like about that game. For one thing.. right after I started playing.. my character got stuck in the floor. That has nothing to do with key setup. It has to do with bad/buggy game design.)

    English is my first language. ;P You just took what I said totally out of the context it was meant is all.
  • Ash - Heavens Tear
    Ash - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    PSS: I do agree they should have an option to change the keys and set preferred user interface. I agree completely. I just thought that was a no-brainer.. obvious.. common sense thing.
  • Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear
    Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Sorry about jumping on you Ash..

    Its just seems a lot of people here would rather 'flame' (shoot first, ask later) I have had many think that i wanted PWI to change the default keys no matter how many times I say option.

    I kinda doubt we will ever see any kind of interface change, they can't even bother to reply if this is even being even considered or not

    Maybe I should change my WoW keys to WASD (You are allowed to do that there.. :rolleyes: )

    I mainly have a problem with that because I don't have much dexterity in my left hand and reaching all the way over with my right is annoying

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  • Ash - Heavens Tear
    Ash - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    It's ok. I understand. ;P I didn't even realize they didn't have an option to rearrange the keys. Does strike me as strange, because most games do have that. And understandable it's uncomfortable to you! Also makes sense if you play other games a lot it would be better to have all the controls all the same because it's just easier that way.........

    It really can't be that hard for them to implement. I don't see why they wouldn't. It's important. We're still in open beta.. Have a little faith. At least we have a great message board and we know they read it.
  • Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear
    Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    . Have a little faith. At least we have a great message board and we know they read it.

    We know they read what they want to, at least...

    How to change your portrait from ? to you.
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  • Reigha - Heavens Tear
    Reigha - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I really wish we had a Forum mod or Game master that would roam the Forums and answer questions Like I have seen on so many other forums.

    As for the Option, I aggree, I would love it. just changing up the set up app.

    And as for turning off the click and move, I will see what changed in the config file wwill do.
  • Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear
    Lady_alexis - Heavens Tear Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I really wish we had a Forum mod or Game master that would roam the Forums and answer questions Like I have seen on so many other forums.

    As for the Option, I aggree, I would love it. just changing up the set up app.

    And as for turning off the click and move, I will see what changed in the config file wwill do.

    Why should they answer, the can't even get the size fo the forums right (top graphics to big)

    How to change your portrait from ? to you.
    1.) logout, login
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  • Fireblossom - Heavens Tear
    Fireblossom - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I think the game could be less of a grind, and running all around delivering stupid messages is annoying.

    An update on shift-click to target monsters behind your golem: it doesn't work. It only makes your golem (and I assume other pets) transparent for targeting loot. I guess I was mistaken before with just one monster, I must have caught part of it showing outside of my golem. But last night, "helping" someone get their 5 darkbreed wolves, I aggroed 3 of them (thanks guys). I couldn't strafe fast enough to be able get outside of my golem to target on at least one of them. By the time I ran for it I was already dead; it only takes three bites and I'm gone. Yeah, I should have ran immediately. But still, this problem is completely unacceptable. Most times when something attacks you it's auto-targeted -- unless you happen to click on your own golem, then you have to reaquire while running away. It's not easy, and when your pet and other people's pets are not transparent to targeting and you're up to your you know what in close-in monsters, well, you just can't run fast enough or soon enough at the first sign of trouble. You'd think your stupid golem would at least attack whatever is attacking you without having to tell it. This battle system is too cursor dependent. The least they can do is give us a keyboard targeting system, but I guess that makes too much sense. I don't think I have the words to tell you just how aggravating this is to me.
  • Whizzy - Heavens Tear
    Whizzy - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    reading this topic i realize just now that this game is an open beta? that would explain a lot of the bugs for me.

    however, key mapping can not be considered a bug and i also have lots of problems with the mapping, not the wsad keys, they work fine for me but i really really hate it that the default lean keys (well in most games) give me some stupid not needed screens, q gives me the quest screen where this should be alt-q or ctrl-q. Yes i use the questlog but NOT during my fights and it annoys the hell out of me that i get those stupid screens when i accidently touch the q and/or e keys. Thereby keymapping is a MUST for our lefthanded fellowplayers.

    Also was reading someone who said WoW bored him/her because you couldn't customize your char? don't know wich WoW you played but i have about 6 chars walking there, all unique in appearance. where did you get just 3 appearances, there are till now 4 races you can choose from per side (soon entering the Death Knight when finally WoTLK arives) wich all have several choices for about any part of their body. maybe take a closer look again. not to start a game war overhere, but thought that needed to be said ;)

    English is NOT my native language so if i misunderstood something feel free to correct me
  • Aelore - Sanctuary
    Aelore - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    You'd think your stupid golem would at least attack whatever is attacking you without having to tell it.

    You are able to select a "defend" mode for your pet which will do just that. The only problem with defend mode is that you need to expect to receive the first hit yourself. After you are hit once your pet will then attack whatever was attacking you and become the tank/lure.
  • Blakiepoo - Sanctuary
    Blakiepoo - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I'm not going to read all of this, but I have to say I agree with the first post completely. I have different priorities on things I'd like fixed, but I get the feeling that despite tons of feedback and great suggestions, they are not going to change a thing. I feel like they are done with improving the game, and are only looking for ways to get money. I wish they would tell us that outright so I could make a solid decision whether to continue playing.

    Please OP don't mind the people trying to shut you down. For every well-intentioned effort, there are people on every forum in the world who for some reason get defensive.
  • SupportAngel - Heavens Tear
    SupportAngel - Heavens Tear Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    PVE servers should have arena open at all times.
    -- I disagree with what you say. But I will fight to the death for your right to say it --
  • Keirlien - Heavens Tear
    Keirlien - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    To Adaira:

    10. I can understand that at lvl 40 money is not much of a problem, but under lvl 20 3k or even 1k is a lot, I think. Perks of leveling, I guess.
    Eh, I'm level 11 and have 20k, and still getting more, maybe its only me....
  • Aradhel - Heavens Tear
    Aradhel - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I have to agree with a large part of this post:

    I came from WoW to PWI in Sept. and started a few different characters.
    I love the Clerics, the Archers, Venomancers...however, there are ALOT of drawbacks and serious falws that keep people from sticking around.

    1. Quests are tiresome, dull and repetitive. i.e. "kill 50 of this, 20 of that, 30 of this and report back", over and over and over with no creativity what so ever.

    2.The game leans heavily towards sexism: i.e. Women cannot hug or carry others on their mounts, etc. As much as one would like to think this is just a few random's actually a very relevant issue that no one has done anything about.

    3.GM's are NOT helpful, IF they even reply. Even if a game is "free", that is no excuse for laziness on the part of it's employees. I'm sure all the kiddies will have a hay day flaming this one...but w/e lol. I ticketed a bugged quest giver for two days and NEVER got a response or any help at all and eventually had to just abandon it. They obviously do NOT read the forums, or things would be a lot better in game.

    4.Teleport prices are absurd. I really don;t care what anyone has to say about it...they are. 3K from one city to another? 5K to go the distance of a few miles???? WTF? It's all just another way to get you addicted so you have to play more, to get more, to play more, etc. There is however, a simple solution to this, Give them money! You can buy teleport stones from the Cash Shop... for about $5 you can port anywhere, well, 20 times. Then of course...that makes the game not "Free".

    5. The illusion of "Free": don't have to pay anything to "Play". However, you do have to shell out a pretty fair amount of real money if you want to go anywhere in this game. Unless you are one of those kiddies or old, fat people that has nothing better to do than sit in front of their pc 24/7 and can grind for countless hours to earn the absurd amount of coin it takes to buy CS items without real really have no choice but to pay up in cash (in min. $20 increments, mind you...).

    True you don't "Have" to buy a mount at 20-30, charms, Refining mats, Pet Tomes, etc. Sadly, if you want more than the super casual once a week play time and you actually want to build you character, get things done and NOT spend hours every day grinding relentlessly just for the coin it takes to buy those things in game then you have little choice but to shell out between $50-$100 over that time period. I'm sorry, but setting someone up with the illusion of "Free" and then making necessary items "luxuries you have to buy", is not free. That's exploitation.

    In closing, these are just a few of the reasons PWI has yet to make a blip on the MMO radar in the West. Whereas WoW boasts over 10 Mill+ active, paying account holders who gladly fork over $15 a month to not be lied to, exploited, discriminated against based on their gender, and have some sense of fun, activity and interesting quests to do. I'm sorry, but after the 100th "kill 30 of these", I had had enough. What is this? Silk Road for God's sake??
    These and countless other reasons are why no one sticks around with this game. Do yourself a favor and get a WoW subscription, it's cheaper and worth a lot more in the long run. Speaking of which...WotLK just came out...and it's wonderful.
  • Aradhel - Heavens Tear
    Aradhel - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I'm not going to read all of this, but I have to say I agree with the first post completely. I have different priorities on things I'd like fixed, but I get the feeling that despite tons of feedback and great suggestions, they are not going to change a thing. I feel like they are done with improving the game, and are only looking for ways to get money. I wish they would tell us that outright so I could make a solid decision whether to continue playing.

    Please OP don't mind the people trying to shut you down. For every well-intentioned effort, there are people on every forum in the world who for some reason get defensive.

    Indeed...I agree completely. They put out a half-as*ed game with a few cool things to tempt you and then, you find out they don't care about you, the game, it's issues, bugs and problems...they just want more money...PWI has made that BLATANTLY OBVIOUS.