New, just quit WoW

themyth Posts: 0 Arc User
edited October 2008 in Dungeons & Tactics
I was wondering what is the best class to be in this game? What's the best DPS class?

Is Cleric any good?

What realms help you level or power level?

What realms are good for getting help etc.

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • xauss
    xauss Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    all classes a viable in pvp and pve

    best dps will be archer or wizard

    cleric is a very good (and much needed) class... its major downside is the cost to play (it helps if u buy zen (item mall currency) and sell it at AH)

    not sure what u mean about realms...
  • themyth
    themyth Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    well I was reading some players post on here about newbies asking for power levels and if it will save a ton of time, I figure why not do it if someone will offer?
  • xauss
    xauss Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    themyth wrote: »
    well I was reading some players post on here about newbies asking for power levels and if it will save a ton of time, I figure why not do it if someone will offer?

    not much point in powerlevelling, levels 1-30 can be made fast by quests (you will want the reputation anyway)...

    after that the XP gains by being powerlevelled will be less than grouping with others your own level and grinding, coz XP is level dependent (higher level will suck up all the XP)
  • heaven123
    heaven123 Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    why in the world would a newbie want to get power leveled? so he can stay a noob? play the game, if it isn't fun, go find something else.

    If you have legitimate newbie questions, go ahead though.
  • wassermania
    wassermania Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    lolz..dude themyth i quit wow 2 a month ago..what realm was u m8? i played eonar on eu realms and mostly played the horde..maybe i be back 2 lichking..maybe..anyway m8 wanne play that game 2gther? just a couple of noobs wondering in a perfect world:)
  • zorez
    zorez Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I was going to post the same topic lol. I just left wow too... well, until WotLK i guess. I played belf paladin(prot/ret) on Quel'dorei(US).

    In the mean time, I saw this on and checked it out. It seems quite nice so far except the in-game fonts. I watched pvp videos and the character names annoyed the **** out of me. Maybe it is because I haven't tried it yet. <67% dl atm>

    I can fly at level1? Now, we're talking. Winged angels pew pew FTW.
  • crossgrave
    crossgrave Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    zorez wrote: »
    I was going to post the same topic lol. I just left wow too... well, until WotLK i guess. I played belf paladin(prot/ret) on Quel'dorei(US).

    In the mean time, I saw this on and checked it out. It seems quite nice so far except the in-game fonts. I watched pvp videos and the character names annoyed the **** out of me. Maybe it is because I haven't tried it yet. <67% dl atm>

    I can fly at level1? Now, we're talking. Winged angels pew pew FTW.

    i just quit WoW too, i played a 70 enhance shaman on Quel'Dorei, alliance tho :X
    For some reason that server has alot of people xferring off and quitting =/ but whatever ive had more fun playng this game in a week than i did after clearing SSC for the first time ^^
  • heaven123
    heaven123 Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    zorez wrote: »
    I was going to post the same topic lol. I just left wow too... well, until WotLK i guess. I played belf paladin(prot/ret) on Quel'dorei(US).

    In the mean time, I saw this on and checked it out. It seems quite nice so far except the in-game fonts. I watched pvp videos and the character names annoyed the **** out of me. Maybe it is because I haven't tried it yet. <67% dl atm>

    I can fly at level1? Now, we're talking. Winged angels pew pew FTW.

    Starting wings are ineffective for travel unless going across mountains or lakes...
  • Thura - Heavens Tear
    Thura - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    crossgrave wrote: »
    i just quit WoW too, i played a 70 enhance shaman on Quel'Dorei, alliance tho :X
    For some reason that server has alot of people xferring off and quitting =/ but whatever ive had more fun playng this game in a week than i did after clearing SSC for the first time ^^

    I just started to try out some classes here.

    I've play Silkroad Online but I quit because everyone seems to bot to reach the highest and scum each other plus customer service is very very poor. I hope I don't face the same problem in PW.

  • masonmaxx
    masonmaxx Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i last played WoW about 2 years ago. i've got to admit it was great fun. one world (within a realm of course) with everyone in it. but the blasted cost! like all games i play, i used to play solidly for days, weeks on end. after work etc. but i gradually got into other games as well and still paid for it because i wanted to play occasionally. but it's not worth paying if you dont play constantly.

    then i went onto guild wars. they completely slated WoW. hated every bit about it so i kept my mouth shut as to used to playing it. but it was a different scene. players would be together in town but outside of town you had to play with NPC's if you werent popular ^^ or people who thought you an idiot if you died. got a little fed up with it, although i loved the scenery. dammit i just sat looking at the scenery all the time! thank god it was a "pay to buy" game :D

    this game, although i only came across it on a website, seems to look good. graphics seem fine, i'm very much into the anime/manga type of scene (much to the annoyance of my gf) and like the style of game.

    now all i've got to do is play the damn game.
  • di3solid
    di3solid Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i played wow since it came out.. pre bc was the best.. i am looking for a new game with a more mature crowd

    im hoping this will be what im looking for
  • maddz0r
    maddz0r Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    yea hehe i played wow also and quit... cleared pretty much everything but this game seems fun! it aint that easy and borring like wow is nowadays =) still gief help with quests! :D

    And btw... why are we talking about wow? o0 still addicted prolly :\ anyways id love to get in a guild in this game cuz that seems to be the best way to learn it faster and ofc avoid getting scammed
  • Deafjesus - Lost City
    Deafjesus - Lost City Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    xauss wrote: »
    not sure what u mean about realms...

    If you haven't played WoW, Realm means Server.

    To the Author:

    Servers are PvE/PvP AKA: Heaven's Tear/Lost City (Exact order)
    Which Character are you? --
  • wassermania
    wassermania Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    no1 wanne play with me? lets get the crappy start 2gther..i hate feeling like the only noob
  • drifterz
    drifterz Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    are you allowed to switch servers here? or are you just allowed to make characters on one or the other?

    and what i mean is that you make a character on one server, then switch to the other server freely
  • Phaliah - Heavens Tear
    Phaliah - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    U cant transfer characters :/:(:confused:
  • habs4
    habs4 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm a WoW player myself, in WotLK beta's absolutely beautiful. But after leveling 2 horde 70s, and one 54 (Eonar US, anyone?) it gets terribly boring. My hunter is 80 now, but now my guild is just raiding, raiding, raiding, and I hate raids. I wanted to go back to live, but my account billing is **** up, preventing me from leveling my Ally priest past 17, so until then, I'll play this.
    Will download tomorrow, probably, and play as a Wizard or maybe those fox things on the PvE realm...who's with me? =D
    One thing I'm worried much grinding is involved in this game? With WoW you can quest all the way to 80, no problem, but I don't want to have to grind for like 40 lvls.

    Oh, and let me get this straight: No factions who are deadly enemies, just guild-on-guild, right?
    Reminds me of "Puzzle Pirates", my strategy-puzzle-MMORPG addiction...different flags can blockade islands for control, and alliances are made and broken for the strangest reasons...

    And Wassermania, what server are you joining? I'd like a questing buddy =P. Just email me, I dunno if I'll remember to check this.
  • zhentil
    zhentil Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Well i'm still playing WoW, so just wanna know how the gameplay / graphics of "perfect world" is compared to WoW ^^ the gameplay in WoW is getting pretty lame after reaching lvl 70 and so on...
    Btw, what's the lvl cap of PW, and are there race specifik mounts(not flying) and can i get ground mounts at all? (couldn't see it at the game guide)
  • nitram
    nitram Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Why ya all quiting WoW? just started the damn game...Genjuros-EU lvl 38 Troll hunter now amongst others feel free to igm me if you play there, Nitram is the name

    also just started here lvl 8 Barbarian "Wolf" on HT (power to the Werewolves :p)
    anyone knows what up with those pets, is it class based? since all eggs i find are Venomancer only
    The only safe save is ur mind.......Don't blow it :cool:
  • peregryn
    peregryn Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    drifterz wrote: »
    are you allowed to switch servers here? or are you just allowed to make characters on one or the other?

    and what i mean is that you make a character on one server, then switch to the other server freely
    Not quite sure what you are asking here, so I will answer the 'possible' questions.
    1.) any character created on a server stays on that server (no transfer possible)
    2.) possible up to 8 Characters per server (16 total between the 2) and you can be playing on any 1 of them at any time.
    3.) Heaven's Tear is PvE, Lost City is PvP, if you want to create character(s) on Heaven's Tear to learn the game then switch to Lost City to engage in PvP you can do so at anytime (but as per #1 it will be with a new character) and freely switch back to continue to level your PvE character(s)
    Perhaps the greatest secret to getting along with others lies in learning to respect their opinion(s) even while you disagree with them.
  • Myish - Sanctuary
    Myish - Sanctuary Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    peregryn wrote: »
    2.) possible up to 8 Characters per server (16 total between the 2) and you can be playing on any 1 of them at any time.

    On the login screen you have the option of logging in and kicking anyone else who is on the account off (safe login) does this mean (hypothetically) that if you have multiple computers (eg a desktop and a laptop) you could open the same account and play on 2 different characters that you have made??? Or am I just completely misunderstanding you?

    What I mean is I have 1 account (ex: accountx) and I have 2 characters on said account in the same server (character1 and character2). If I had two computers with PW installed, could I log into the same account (accountx) and play character1 on one computer and character2 on the other?

    lol hope you understand (i tend to confuse myself and over complicate things) :P
    b:faint (Sub Zero!)
  • Flylf - Sanctuary
    Flylf - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    u dont cimplicate things u make them 2 clear! we no dumbs here lol
    dono if thats posiable but u can open another acount(account y lolz) and logon to both accounts on both cpu and heal yourself:)

    btw we al quit wow coz the price..u will found out that the monthly payment is a *****! but mos def wow is the best mmo for now
  • darkmmo
    darkmmo Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I just started to try out some classes here.

    I've play Silkroad Online but I quit because everyone seems to bot to reach the highest and scum each other plus customer service is very very poor. I hope I don't face the same problem in PW.


    Well, then you'll LOVE PW!
    It has great service and the game is AWSOME
  • Sereniama - Heavens Tear
    Sereniama - Heavens Tear Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    darkmmo wrote: »
    Well, then you'll LOVE PW!
    It has great service and the game is AWSOME


    RuneScape is even worse...

    Sou Sou Moutoku = The most badass **** in Anime History. Never diss Kohime Musou or die.
  • eggle
    eggle Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Im an Ex-WoWer and i quit 2 months ago after they messed up my account so i couldnt instance or BG. It got boring as i took too long to level and it took too much of my time up. Im looking for a game to fill the mass gap that quitting WoW has caused, and i dont want to go back to WoW.

    And Runescape doesnt suck, it really sucks.
  • Dasset - Sanctuary
    Dasset - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm playing wow myself as a Restoration Shaman at Executus (EU). I'm a "casual" player (or rather a complete slacker lol). Playing this game for variation. I gotta say that playing wow for 2.5 years and switching to some other mmo like PW isn't easy control-wise. Because it's so different, but that's what I like. And now that I'm starting to get a hang of things, this game is extremely fun and a good variation from WoW. ;)
  • Rabidpanda - Heavens Tear
    Rabidpanda - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Yikes, post got a little long when I just meant to type a few things. >_< oh well, read if you so choose.

    I was a hardcore WoW fan for a long time, from beta to about the time the Black Temple patch was released. Honestly, I was tired of raiding. It was mostly boring, and a HUGE waste of time. My biggest complaint is that I wanted to be able to improve my character solely by my OWN efforts and not be forced to rely on others to log on at specific times, and do things like bring pots/etc. The PVP BGs/Arena were seriously a joke. A huge timesink to get PVP gear, and the arena's "10 games a week" was just silly and made any personal achievements seem worthless.

    My experience with PW has been mixed. The biggest thing I have to say is PW is awesome for a FREE game. Seriously, I would have thought you would be suckered into spending money forcibly somehow, but it honestly seems you can do most everything in game without spending a dime if you so choose. The questing is fairly identical to WoW's with less collection quests, and the collection quests don't make you kill 900 mobs for 10 items (*shudders remembering that one quest in Terrokar Forest with the Wolves (Alliance)). The game was a bit stale once I hit around lvl 25ish but since I have gotten a little more into it, I enjoy going out to farm for mats to make a better weapon and then questing to level up and use it. They have "instances" that you get a quest for every 10 levels, but similar to WoW you have to have a group a few levels higher with a good class makeup (tank healer etc) or have an overpowered higher level wreck it for you.

    A lot of equipment for leveling comes from professions or buying items, as opposed to WoW where quest rewards kept you moving. I honestly prefer the "working" for your equipment, it's not hard to get. Additionally there are more real events in this game then WoW has ever had. WoW was very static with holidays etc, but take a look over at the events section of the website where every few weeks they do something crazy that may interest you, or not and you go about doing your own thing.

    If you thought grinding in WoW was hard or took too long, this is not the game for you. WoW was ridiculously easy to reach max level and left me very disappointed in that regard. WoW has a better interface system, and is a bit more user friendly on the UI, but a lot of the more popular mods people used for questing and such are built into the game which I think is a good feature (such as coordinates and NPC tracking).

    Either way, the game is free so you can't go wrong. If you invest $15 a month into this game, you will feel like it goes a lot further for you then WoW ever did. WoW was good, but it's gotten old. Good luck if you try it out and if you read all this then I hope you found the info useful.