Vengeance - Lost City - Recruiting

wildd Posts: 39 Arc User
edited October 2008 in Guild Banter

About Us

Our core members have known each other for a long time and played many games together, we love PvP and TW's after coming here from the MY server and prior to that Lineage 2 , we currently already own one territory and plan on going for many more in the future. We do not randomly PK white players but will kill anyone who does so to us. We prefer fair high level PvP and do not form gank party's unlike many of other guilds on this server who will only PvP when they out number you ;).

Requirements To Join

Right now are level requirement is 50+, we will take into consideration players below this if they have recently rolled there characters here or some other circumstance arises.

Every member must have ventrilo, it is required for PvP and TW's not having a mic is fine as long as you can listen ;)

Obviously you must be an active player, kind of a given to be honest :)

We have no room for selfish players, we hand gear down and expect anyone given gear to do the same.

Enemies and Allies :D

Enemies: RageQuit - Ascension - Bloodlust
Allies: Conqueror

More info regarding are wars and friends can be found upon entering our faction.

Where Can I Sign Up

Anyone wishing more info regarding Vengeance or to apply can contact the following people in game.

WildCard - Leader
Post edited by wildd on


  • Starang - Lost City
    Starang - Lost City Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Is this the botting guild?
  • wildd
    wildd Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Because 1 member was banned for which ever reason does not mean we are a botting guild, I've reported many people in alot of guilds for botting but i dont jump on there threads accusing them of all botting. I do not bot dont see the need if I did I would be far higher than I currently am :)

    Dont judge us all by 1 members poor judgement who is no longer even playing here.

    And please refrain from even posting in this thread if that is all your going to come up with.

    No we do not bot or condone any 3rd party software.
  • wildd
    wildd Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Is this the botting guild?

    Is your guild the one that fails in every mmo I've ever seen them play, who's leader runs away from me every time we have a chance at a 1v1, who refuse to fight on even numbers and feel even a 2v2 when they lose = me ganking them?

    The difference between my post and yours is what I said is true. RQ = failure
  • Starang - Lost City
    Starang - Lost City Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Interesting fact is, that this is Vengeance recruitment thread, yet you turned it to be another RQ flamefest fanboy thread.
  • wildd
    wildd Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Your the one who started the flame, like i say get out of the thread, or mod delete the posts please not relevant to recruitment. As im sure accusing guilds of boting publicly on forum is not standard practise, got an issue take it up with a gm or be quiet.
  • Starang - Lost City
    Starang - Lost City Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Nah man. You did it to our thread, expect the same to be in yours. Also I find it funny when I mentioned the word botting you pull out some ganking issues with RQ(?)
  • wildd
    wildd Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    And for the record I barely touch your thread hardly interests me and I certainly dont jump in and accuse RQ of botting. Pretty poor if these are the tactics you have to resort too.

    Again GM delete the spam please... just because RQ like to spam and troll there own thread doesnt mean I want it in mine.
  • wildd
    wildd Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Bump still recruiting LvL 50+ active players :)