I Canr deccide class

robinjo Posts: 1 Arc User
edited September 2008 in Dungeons & Tactics
Hi, i just installed the game and i cant decide what class i will be.

so i need some opinions; what class is needed fun and good?
i know it dosent depend on how good a class is, just how good u are.

anyway im greatfull to the answers i get.

... just saw i had some spellings wrong, hope u can deal with it
Post edited by robinjo on


  • shadowofarrows
    shadowofarrows Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I wouldn't reccomend Winged Elf. It's fun to fly around at first but it gets boring... Barbarians seem ok. But so far it seems that venomancers make the most money. Hope i helped ^_^

  • travil
    travil Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'd say that Venomancer is the most fun. So funny looking at peoples faces when you tank that big bad elite monster with a cute little snow bunny :D

    But seriously, the venomancer would be my pick. Whether you like to group or solo, there's always a spot for a venomancer.

    In a group, you can dish out the damage at a steady rate, and with a little practice can learn to single-pull 1 creature out of an entire group back to your group.

    Soloing, there's no class that equals the survivability of a venomancer. Your pet takes the brunt of the damage for you and with pet heals and pet revive not to mention your own assortment of damaging spells, nothing can stand before you.

    Now PvP? I don't know so I'm not going to discuss that part. I'm sure someone with actual experience can give you far better knowledge than I ever could.
  • heaven123
    heaven123 Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    There are a lot of Venomancers around, and their build and the pets they get and use is pretty standard, either mage or fox-form. If you like having pets and using pets to tank and kill things Veno is a good choice. If you don't want to play a female, veno's the wrong choice.

    Personally for me, being so standard takes me away from playing Venomancers a bit.

    In my honest opinion though, you should try out each class until say, level 15-20ish, it's quick enough that you won't spend endless days and night to get to that level but long enough to get the jist of how the class plays.

    So generalize:

    Barbarian = Tank
    Blademaster = Melee Damage Dealer, off tank
    Wizard = magic burst damage dealer
    Archer = ranged quick attacking damage dealer
    Cleric = healer / support
    Venomancer = Pet / Support / damage

    *note: this is a generalization of the classes and how developers see how these classes should be played.