Introducing 3 new classes!

Epic - Lost City
Epic - Lost City Posts: 65 Arc User
edited September 2008 in Suggestion Box
I thought of some new classes to put everyone's rants to rest.

The Human Summoner:

A male/female class that is able to summon certain summons, similar to the Venomancers, but summoners cast damage dealing spells instead of debuffs and status inflicting spells. There would be around 5 summons, including, but not limited to, flying, ground, status inflicting, tanking, and damage dealing summons.

The Untamed... I don't know...

I need help with this one, I couldn't think of ANYTHING.

The Winged Elf Druid:

I believe the final class should be a Winged Elf druid, since elves are already close to the earth, it would be a male class, specializing in rooting, status inflicting spells, and maybe one other form, I didn't put much thought into this one, but it's on of my favorite ideas.

Tell me what you think, add to it, I like constructive criticism.
Post edited by Epic - Lost City on


  • saintjames
    saintjames Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Untamed Shaman-
    Crossover between a wiz and a cler, Attack magik and recovery skills however neither are as efficiant as the Wizard or Cleric's abilities. Also has a significantly higher melee ability than the other spell casters. Kinda the jack of all trades, yet master at none type.
  • saintjames
    saintjames Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    another suggestion, scince I like this Idea >.>
    For the summoner, instead of the summon being permanent, place like a 1 minute lifespan on the creatures and make 1 for every element

    And a the Shaman should be able to shapeshift. I know thats taken by the barb, but the shaman would be better at it. To make any new classes would just be rehashing and adding new variations between the basic archtypes,
    like how the Druid in Diablo II was a crossover between the wiz and paladin, more classes means more depth, and more unique styles for every player
  • Darknin - Lost City
    Darknin - Lost City Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    druid reminds me of WoW but i dont like or play WoW but i "had" really nerdy friends that would ditch us and make some lame excuse to go play WoW w. his dad and sister
  • bron
    bron Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    To the OP, there's already two gender-locked classes and people are already complaining about those. Let's not suggest more, okay? Please? If you have played, or even know what Lunia is, then you'd know all the classes are gender-locked, but somehow the game manages. Well kinda. If you know about the game at then you'd know it changed owners for "official" version twice already. It still has fans.

    Anyway, I like what saint suggested. There's a lack of hybridized classes. Almost everybody is pidgeonholed. Sure you see FA Clerics and Heavy Venos (Retaining a Magic Weapon, forget the ones that don't and can't use skills), but those aren't too much of a deviation. Also Blade can arguably Tank, but most people play DPS and those who want to tank are either kindly asked to let the Barb tank because they just do it better, or just play a Barb to begin with. I'm talking about classes that can fill more than one role and actually compete decently well with the ones that are pidgeonholed.

    I don't like mentioning WoW, but the classes there are all technically hybridized. Paladin, Druid, and Shaman moreso than others, but all the classes have ways to make the character be better at doing certain roles and be able to go against the pidgeonholing without extremely gimping the character.

    For example, I've actually seem some people saying "I want to be a Cleric than can tank" and raised my eyebrow at that. They're talking about being a Paladin, and are obviously coming from a WoW environment. In this game, a Light or Heavy Cleric ends up gimping their magic power. Sure you can be FA and still do ok (Because it's still spellcasting), but you can't be a Heavy user and actually expect to have nuke/heal power above the "lulz" level, or melee Cleric.

    I also saw a Barb wearing Magic Armor and using the level 4 magic weapon you get from the newbie quest. Boy is he going to be sad when he sees all his skills use Axes or Hammers and he has no spells he can cast.

    Melee Archers technicaly work, but they really can't use skills and are another form of gimped character.

    Going against your "norm" in PW almost always leads to a gimped character, and they really should think about adding some hybrids. When I say "they" I mean Beijing PW, because PWE are just publishers, and I don't think they can or will choose to go to such lengths as to design actual new classes.
    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • rhogin
    rhogin Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    this doesnt really have to do with the topic... but...

    For Untamed

    a Tamer class xD same as venomancer only male form o_O

    called "Tamer"

    only i think it should use whip weapons.. and be more physical....

    just a thought for if they ever decide to make a male form of the WF
  • bron
    bron Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    If they decide to to ruin the Chinese legends the game is based on, sure. In that case they might as well market their own game entirely, because it wouldn't be PW anymore. PW is a game based on Chinese legends, and fox shapeshifters were always girls, and tiger shapeshifters were always guys.

    I don't have any facts to back this up, but it just sounds wrong otherwise, just thinking about it.
    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • saintjames
    saintjames Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I believe the game is called "perfect WORLD"
    Not perfect china.
    True the game in its current form is based around eastern legends and beliefs, but it never hurts to diversify ideas.Instead of limiting themselves to the past, the developers would do better to expand themselves into the future. Make new legends, make players happy, and most importantly, make the money required to keep this game running and state of the art. I like the fact that there is no monthly fee to play, but all they would have to do is introduce an "access card" in the item shop to allow the creation of the different classes, and boom! Instant funds to cover the development of new and more interesting characters, expand the world, and do everything WoW does, without being WoW because honestly... I cant stand Warcraft. Diablo is sooooo much better... and PW just pwns :D
  • bron
    bron Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Okay so then what you're suggesting is to have PWE clone this game under a different name with the changes you describe? Can you say lawsuit? It wouldn't be the same game anymore, and changes the "vision" BPW had for it, hence it's a different game.

    Like i said, a major change like that would need to be done by Beijing PW and they then uploaded to here. Chances are they don't want to do it because the game is based on actual lore legends, not made up ones. The amount of people made happy by a male Veno and female Barb would dwarf in comarison to the amount horrified to look at these in a world where legends are made real, and these not being legends at all.

    Any new classes will be designed by BPW, and not PWE.

    You really need to get used to the fact that changing this would be too much of a change to the game, and for licencing reasons, PWE cannot do it without being sued (That is even if they keep the name and make the changes).

    Some classes will be gender locked, and those who don't like it are really not forced to play. Those who do will continue to play. At least be comforted by the fact that not all the classes are gender locked, like some other games. I know of a lot that have gender locked classes, and people either deal or quit. That's just how it is, and how it will always be.

    My point in all the posts I've made in this so far about the gender locks is, if this thread is going to be about designing classes, then let's not design any more that are gender locked, or it will upset people already upset by the existing gender locked classes.
    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • Hitomii - Heavens Tear
    Hitomii - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Wow this topic seems argumentive but yeah alright ideas i guess sounds alot like wow names though but then again i never played wow, but aside from that i also made my own class idea quite the while ago out of pure boredom along with many other ideas, i just updated it just abit ago too. if you want to see it here is the link
  • Jearger - Heavens Tear
    Jearger - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Druids? Shamans?

    Go play WoW?
  • Epic - Lost City
    Epic - Lost City Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I do.

  • saintjames
    saintjames Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    you know, the class names aren't what we are getting at... We are just making suggestions. More of a suggestion of making new classes than what to name them... More classes=diversity=popularity=more money in the pockets of the developers.
    As for gender locks... I kind of understand them when I think about it. Trying to base the game off of mythology does create those gender locks... but Im sure that there is a way to add a male summoner class into the game somewhere if they dig deap enough.... Human Nec type class anyone?
    Theres always a loophole, you just have to dig deep enough to find it... In anycase, Im off to study Chinese mythology... I will return to this thread later.
  • Hitomii - Heavens Tear
    Hitomii - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I know you weren't talking about the class names, i was just stating that they sounded like wow names. I'm sorry for the confusion.

    and i guess no one was interested in my class that i made My class
  • kuujo
    kuujo Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    wow ive read this whole thing and alot of other posts on gender locks and ive never read one ive agreed with more than saint james. id love a male veno, im not gonna die without it but it'd be cool, and i can appreciate the games based on mythology but thats all it is, period. undoing gender locks would be cool, buttttttt i would much prefer some new classes over undoing gender locks, i know prob not gonna happen but it'd def be refreshing. saintjames good ideas man keep thinking and hitomii, i like the ideas although they do kinda sound a bit like wow, but the idea with the mers (in his link) awesome dude ive always wanted an mmorpg with an underwater class, although it'd be kind've an undertaking to develop a whole new underwater area but it'd def be cool. good ideas to everyone and to hee people that take this game so seriously that they don't wanna mess up their precious chinese mythology involved, then go smoke something and calm the f down, its not real don't act like it is. whew keep the thinking caps on everyone!!!!
  • Epic - Lost City
    Epic - Lost City Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Well, they aren't adding anymore races, for sure.
  • ladyeclipse
    ladyeclipse Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Male Human
    Monk do i really need to go into detail on this one?
    Female Human
    Assasin ala Crouching tiger hidden dragon movie the one that steals the gren dynasty
    Male Untamed
    Tainted(dont have the book handy) but were akin to a crossover between a ronin and a gaijin
    Female Untamed
    Wildshifter similar to the venomancer with shapechange but no pets and while the veno is a foxborn a wildshifter is one that gets their powers on their path going from something like a snake form to the pinnacle being a dragon form. Very much a physical form but takes a good chunk of chi to get going
    Male winged elf
    Sky guardian/heaven Guardian mid armor magic weapons with all their powers guarding the gateway to heaven...spells of all the elements to counter to a certain extent any element but mastering none
    Female Winged Elf
    Somei heavy armor and polearms most of their powers revolve around the use of sonic/voice effects to take normally slow weapons and heavy weapons and make them look breathtaking,,,ie in the middle of a battle scene their in the thick of it with that huge weapon moving faster then it should because of their mastery of it and have skills to use the heavy armor with far fewer penalties then most but zero healing abilities and most of their attacks are completely non elemental in nature....a few buffs but only when they're getting beaten on.
    The beginning of your wisdom is the acknowledgement that eventually i will kill you.