Few ideas

sillvia Posts: 2 Arc User
edited September 2008 in Suggestion Box
I'm actually rather new to the game so i dont know much but here are some ideas for you guys ^^ i know alot probably stink but yet again i got bored and probably over did it with my ideas, They may not be the best or best written but ohwell

1. New areas
    ○ Frozen Glacier: An ice area really large, Is just one huge giant ice mountain with tons of frozen mist blowing off of it. if you try to fly on it or climb it you will freeze and fall down. It has a bridge leading to this huge ice mountain island. which leads you inside of a cave, which is just one huge slippery maze, you cannot jump or fly inside of the building there is a middle part of the maze where there are buildings and more enemies.
When you reach there you'll go up a latter for a bit intill you get on to the second floor and then you find yourself on a circled flat staircase with no edges which is really slippery and hard to walk on and you still can't fly or jump in. when going up the no sided circled flat staircase there will be quite a bit of magic and enemies trying to knock you off of the side or kill you. ((which you will have to start over at the bottom)).
When you get to the top you'll enter an extremely huge room and you'll have to face a giant ice dragon, who can freeze you and fly around shooting ice balls at you or even and can make ice spikes come from the ground for 4 seconds at you, and when he wakes his tail against the ground icicles from the ceiling will fall.

    ○ **** Island: A volcanic island, Average size island in the middle of the island is a huge volcano that always has lava run down on the west, south and part of the north side. Those sides are all magma based grounds which when you step and walk on it you gradually lose hp.
The east side is and the other half of the north side is mostly sand with some small magma pits on it At the side of the volcano on the east side theres a giant metal wall. Also a small village is located on the east side with around 3 normal sized houses and 6 buildings, with a population of 6-12 people.
This island also in the air has tons of smoke up near the volcano so you cannot fly up to it. And you would need certain boots to go on the other grounds and to get up to the volcano without losing lots of hp.

  ○ Hotsprings: An average size area, filled with lots of people and no enemies. This place is a peaceful calm place where everyone relaxes theres alot of houses with some mini hot springs behind them but in the center of the town theres a huge hot spring where you can sit in and it will even heal loss hp and mp, the place contains quite a bit of buildings on the outter coast of the area, very few buildings and huts around the large hot spring area. also a huge tree alittle bit behindbehind the hotsprings where atleast some of the branches hang over the hotsprings, so people can climb it. Also alot of quest you can get there.

2. New Battle type Enemies
 ○ Devi-Demons: These guys wear long black robes so you can see there feet or there hands and there face is covered by a hood but you can see there red eyes. They wield giant 3 blade sythes. there usually quick and fast when attacked sometimes they may do a fast step move which makes them go really fast basically there like a blurr and they go behind you and slice at your back with quick speed, which causes you to fly backwards and or fall down for a second. The also can cast posion and even a death chant on you which can kill you in one hit but only has a 5% sucess rate.
  ○ Celestial Su: There creatures made out of pure energy they have no physical bodies there basically made out of pure ash, there body can go into many forms but there mostly in a one shaped sorta like a human but bigger and taller they have no features on them besides for there hands and feet they have crescent moon there which are solid. They also have two huge wings which is divided into two parts the solid gold part the part thats at the top of the wing, and the bottom part the feathered part which is made out of ash. They can extent there arms really far and drag you near them, they can also use them to stop you from moving momentarily and attack you with there feet. Some of the other celestial ones can even switch bodies momentarily with you, so when you attack them you'll be attacking yourself.

3. Fun Games
 ○ Mini games: like even a weird viewing game where you have to shoot turtles, or even a whack a cacta game.
4. Different Heights
 ○ Smaller & bigger: I think we it would be pretty cool if we could also change the size of are characters instead of just the other stuff.
5. Untamed
 ○ Different Transformations: Mabye to beable to turn into different creatures depending on the ear type.
   ○ More Ears: mabye make it so that the untamed don't have human and animal ears, and to make it so that you can pick what animal ears you want and to be able to change the sizes of them.
6. More Elements
 ○ I just think there needs to be more elements like wind, lightning, dark, and light.

7. Others
 ○ Item Drops: I think also there needs to be more items that you can only get from enemies.
  ○ Rare monsters: Another idea, i think sometimes around the map there should be a rare monster that spawns but they rarely spawn and they can spawn anywhere on the maps. And too make it even more fun and exciting they drop exclusive items you can only get from that said rare monster and they would give you quite abit of exp.
  ○ Hair styles: i think there should be hair styles i know theres quite a bit already but i feel there should be more, and mabye even really long hair ones.
  ○ Equal faced Enemy I also think there should be an mimic enemy for anyone looking for a challenge they wouldn't give much exp but they copy your stats. you could only versus them soloing though if someone else attacks it the hp and everything else would go back up to max. and then it would copy the person who attacked its stats and then go after that person. but its stats would be higher then yours if you are level 19 and below. the enemy would probably be level 20.
Post edited by sillvia on


  • Darknin - Lost City
    Darknin - Lost City Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    the new maps are boring-ish and not really unique or anything new....maybe hotsprings but thats all im voting for, as for the mimic :D someones brain is working i love that idea, and the different heights, you can change height a lil bit but not much. Love the enemies btw
  • Hitomii - Heavens Tear
    Hitomii - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Well i am still a noob lol, and why thank you very much, i created two more enemies out of boredom yet again ^^

    Dark matter: Basically a huge giant black ball with has around 50 eyes on it, this black ball has long chains with spike balls at the end of it which hang down from its body. they are really slow but have extremely Annoying high defense and life plus arrows do not work on them. Also They use there eyes to shoot lazers at you which can be shot at from any angle and any direction at a pretty decent range they can also fire at more then 10+ people at one time.
    If you touch the giant spike balls it will hurt you, after awhile of you attacking them they will sometimes spinning around extremely fast for around 5 seconds, which will cause you to fall back and to take EXTREME amounts of damage.
    Notes: Arrows have no effect,

    Princess Wraith: A cute mermaid based creature her skin on her human side is white, Her tail has a blue based tailed with gold spots on it. She has bright blue eyes and golden blonde hair and is extremely pretty, She wears a Blue sea shell top. Becareful though even though she looks cute she is very deadly, when someone is in air she cannot be attacked or hurt and she loves throwing ice balls at you which can knock you down out of the sky.
    They'll vanish for a second and then repear infront of you with a dark skin tone, Her tail is then Dark greenish gray with ruby spots on it. Shes then has dark red demon eyes, and flailing black hair and is then really ugly it has really sharp teeth and there mouth can open up really big to bite at you. They also have a really long seperants tongue, including they also have really sharp claws for hands now so they can scratch at you or use them to dig into your skin and hold you down as they bite you. also when attacked by any magic or special attack they will pull back for a second returning to there normal form and then dissapearing then they'll reappear some wheres else near by and attack you again in the darker form.
    They cannot be attack what so ever in the peaceful form, arial attacks have no effect.

    RipShell: they are giant hairy beast that resembles a turtle but are covered in fur and have no shell and they stand on two legs and they walk rather slowly normally but they can go faster, There fur is black & yellow they have small eyes and really long claws on there hands and feet, but the most unique things about these guys is probably the tons of giants spikes on its back, head, and tail. They can attack from close range to far range, they have tons of strength, life, and Accuracy. They are able to shoot giant hairballs out of there mouth at you, and they can also suck there body in like a turtle and spins around really fast at high speeds going at you.