
Laika - Heavens Tear
Laika - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
edited September 2008 in General Discussion
hello there i play PW for 2 days and i have 2 q please

now... first ima venomancer and i want to know if there is some talent tree builds or somthin like that like in world of warcraft.... please it would be very helpful
and the 2nd question is... fb19,29,23,45, etc are the only dungeons in the game?
and the 3rd one... i rly need to make a profession like apothecary (thats what i chosed):confused::confused::confused: please help'a'noob :o
Post edited by Laika - Heavens Tear on


  • vigor
    vigor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    1. No
    2. No
    Lost City
  • trick
    trick Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    okay, first off, i dont think vigor was very helpful to ya.. seems like newer players kinda get the short straw in this game. learn for themselves... If your new to perfect world and you wanna stay with your venomancer, i would strongly suggest going for a nuker build. basically just put a lot of attribute points into magic. little vitality for health, so u can solo. let your pet do most of the work. and learn skills that are for you while ur not in wolf form. since you wont need it really. Otherwise, if u want you can go a lot into vit, and str, and play wolf form. its up to you. the venomancer is a very "open" class. you can do a lot with it.. its your own call. as far as skills, you wont have many til lvl 30.. just stick with your basics for a while. play around with it.
  • vigor
    vigor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    trick wrote: »
    okay, first off, i dont think vigor was very helpful to ya.. seems like newer players kinda get the short straw in this game. learn for themselves... If your new to perfect world and you wanna stay with your venomancer, i would strongly suggest going for a nuker build. basically just put a lot of attribute points into magic. little vitality for health, so u can solo. let your pet do most of the work. and learn skills that are for you while ur not in wolf form. since you wont need it really. Otherwise, if u want you can go a lot into vit, and str, and play wolf form. its up to you. the venomancer is a very "open" class. you can do a lot with it.. its your own call. as far as skills, you wont have many til lvl 30.. just stick with your basics for a while. play around with it.

    What do you mean? I answered 2 questions that she asked :p
    Lost City
  • beelzibob
    beelzibob Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    hes got u there lol hey im still waiting on the game to do something involving torrets which its been doing for over 4 hours now and im going to be a VM so sorry i cant be of any help because IM STILL WAITING TO PLAY AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  • peregryn
    peregryn Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    hello there i play PW for 2 days and i have 2 q please

    now... first ima venomancer and i want to know if there is some talent tree builds or somthin like that like in world of warcraft.... please it would be very helpful
    and the 2nd question is... fb19,29,23,45, etc are the only dungeons in the game?
    and the 3rd one... i rly need to make a profession like apothecary (thats what i chosed):confused::confused::confused: please help'a'noob :o

    your first question look here http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/forumdisplay.php?f=13

    your second question, there are many different dungeons in game and in fact the fbXX are different dungeons for each of the three races (at least the first two are)

    your third question; you can't really make a character based around a tradeskill (ex: Apothecary) because resource gathering for tradeskilling is level dependant
    Perhaps the greatest secret to getting along with others lies in learning to respect their opinion(s) even while you disagree with them.