Thinking of Switching

Maiya - Lost City
Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
edited January 2011 in Etherblade (West)
So here's the thing. In closed beta, I was all happy with the guild I was in (Cyanide). Come open beta, we split apart. Some of us to PvP, some to PvE. I've heard it was doing okay in PvE. It's dead in PvP.

3/4 our members from PvP side are inactive, and I'm somehow hoping that it'll get better. But I do have a couple of friends that are sticking to PvP. Right now I'm trying to debate if I should switch to PvE or not.

If I stay in PvP, I could PK if I get bored in the future or help some guildies PK. It's also fun to watch PKing wars. However in PvE, I hear a lot of people leave their PK option off, and that most guilds have this "No PK unless provoked." rule. And I do plan on being in a guild again.

I'd play both, but that's less time for one server, and I do plan on getting cash shop items later, but then I would have to choose which one to benefit.

So Heaven's Tear, what makes the PvE server wonderful? I need to find some reasons to switch, if I should.
Post edited by Maiya - Lost City on


  • Wacky - Heavens Tear
    Wacky - Heavens Tear Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm not a big fan of PKing, so PVE suits me just fine! :p There's a lot of ksing though. Most of it unintentional, but of course some of it very intentional and there's no recourse. But that's fine with me.

    I hardly ever seen people with pkon, but maybe it's because I'm still at a low level.

    Maybe you should play PVE for a few days and see what you think. Since you enjoy PK, not sure PVE will fit your play style :)
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Well, I don't necessarily enjoy PKing. It's just something there to consider. I tend to just help people, and that in turn, I get allies in a PvP game, haha.
  • Mihimaru - Heavens Tear
    Mihimaru - Heavens Tear Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Your eyes will feel heavy, you will start to fall asleep. Once you wake up, you will move to the PvE server...and give me cookies. 1, 2, 3 *snap*

    Now that the important thing is out of the way.. ^^

    So far I've been happy with Heaven's Tear. I was in a bit of doubt between the servers when OB came, eventually friends and guild dragged me to this side.

    Its true that there really arent many white named people yet, and even less pink/red ones. I guess most peeps are just concentrating on levels for TW's currently. Once more people need to get a break from the grind I think we might see more of the white names around.

    Good side is on this server is if ye dont feel like PK, you can always just turn it off and carry on leveling. Once ye feel like it again, pop it back up and go (or like me, try to go) red. Also there ought to be less whining over random PK, since its players own choice. The amount of drama has been pretty low aswell so far, Im sure HT will get its share of the big dramacake once the TW's and whatnot really kick off.

    I guess the biggest difference is the lack of thrill and awarness, In PvP you need to keep one eye one yer back incase some green dot comes straight at you. In PvE you can be lazy and turn it off, concentrating on the task at hand. You can of course go full perma white here too, but wouldnt expect too many PK attempts/white names just yet.

    In the end you could always just go try and find another nice guild on the PvP side. If ye feel like starting over on PvE, I'm sure the community here will welcome ye with open arms (not to mention those cookies ye will be bringing with you).

    *rounds the gremlins and up and heads back online*
    The self-proclaimed pink haired gremlin master of Starlight
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hi, I have a delivery of 10,000 cookies for someone named Mihimaru. That'll cost 10 Gold (good deal!)

    Haha. Anyway, I think I'll stay on the PvP server. But I'll play on PvE when I need a break from everything. Especially since I started a Cleric on PvE, and I've never played one before. So it's something new to do if I get bored.

    Thanks all!
  • crystyl
    crystyl Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    For me, at least, the answer is very simple. Those of us who do not enjoy PvP, PK'ing and all that goes along with it have come to the PvE server to avoid it.
    "pay to WIN"? Ok you win! now go away and let the rest of us "Play in Peace" without your whining!
  • Wave - Heavens Tear
    Wave - Heavens Tear Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Lol actualy these days ppl did start to Pk on Pve server.....had first massive pvp few days ago at temple of orchid, was fun thats for sure.......

    I do love occasional pvp and dueling with pp, cose it to boring to do fbs or grinding all play time.....

    k guilds that have most white names so far as i noticed:


    now i know some other guilds to have white name but moslty dont.......well most of white names is 50+ anyway....our guild dont have strict rules bout pking, just not to harras any1 in procces and all is fine........

    Well as ppl get higher lvls they turn more to white color....

    As far as pvp server goes its hard to do your quest or enjoy game, coseo f coution of eing i have white name since lvl 40, no1 pk me so far while questing/grinding
    Elysium Guild "Let the fun begin" :cool:
  • LShattered - Heavens Tear
    LShattered - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,365 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I bet Maiya is glad she didn't switch nowb:avoid
    ☆Heavy Armor Venomancer since level 1☆
    Previously known as _Surreal_b:avoid

    Sig by me.

  • Andromaka - Heavens Tear
    Andromaka - Heavens Tear Posts: 925 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Necro! you actually made me read the 1st two posts before i checked the dates b:surrender
  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited January 2011
    Closed for necro.

    Bad Surreal!
This discussion has been closed.