This is the cash shop adjustement?

Sanguinanti - Heavens Tear
Sanguinanti - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
edited September 2008 in General Discussion
Only charms, for only 2 weeks? LOL

You're just that stupid aren't you?

Bye, This is the worst ripoff i've ever seen in any of the 100s of mmorpgs I played, I feel sorry for the ppl stupid enough to get ROBBED by this terrible company. I'll go play a p2p that destroys this bad game for 15$ thanks. You ppl who bought cash shop from day 1 need a serious mental evaluation, you seem to think you're getting your money's worth, and that's sad and disgusting.

50$ for a mount

60$ for a wedding

If you think that's normal you're a ****, period. You realize this game is gonna fail soon and you wasted your money right? Monkeys would make better financial decisions then these stupid ****s.

No doubt this thread is gonna quickly get deleted by shameful dishonest team members. Keep trying to steal honest ppl's money while you can, you ruined this game. 50 pages of ppl politely disagreeing with this robbery isn't enough, you just need to be boldly told I guess? I'll sacrifice my account, I'm not that much of an idiot yet to get my paycheck completely robbed to get nothing.
Post edited by Sanguinanti - Heavens Tear on


  • seregil
    seregil Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    if you don't want to play, don't make stupid comments to those that enjoy it.

    and in case you are too stupid to notice, there is not requirement to buy anything in the game with real money. If you are good at making in game money you can buy anything you want that way too.

    Then again, you would have had to play the game for more than 5mins to find this out as well :p
  • Sanguinanti - Heavens Tear
    Sanguinanti - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    gg brown noser, I bet you already bought 100$ worth and you're eating cans of beans irl till next month, pathetic nerd. But at least you got that sweet mount and a shirt and pants in game. And the "right' to type a few messages in world chat.
  • rev
    rev Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    seregil, what Sanguinati is getting at is it's only been 2 weeks since open beta started, we were complaining about the cash shop prices during CLOSED beta, and they basically slapped our faces at the abosulte joke they called a price drop. In just 5-6 days, a thread on the topic is nearing 60 pages of people telling the company that the shop items are too much money here, at yet what do we get, a 2 week sale on charms, and how much off? 40%, that's STILL overpriced. In 3 days a 'petition' I made got 210 signatures of people who WANTED to pay their money to support the game, but wouldn't because of these prices. We all had hopes for this game, we wanted it to succeed, but the laughable customer service, as well as the inflated prices (they use "US makez more moneyz so 2.5X the amount of the other english server on an INTERNATIONAL [which under disbelief by some, was indeed HIGHLY stressed]) has made them lose tons of players already.

    There will always be a few here that will play cause to them it's worth it. But for those of us who normally couldn't afford to play a pay to play game, wanting to shell out what few precious dollars we have on this game to have unique characters/easier time playing to keep the servers running keep getting shafted. We are now in four groups of people who are here.

    1: People who play PWI and will stay here until the end.
    2: People who have who played PW-MY-EN who hoped to move here, only returning to that version
    3: People who played either PWI or MY-EN and now are waiting for PW-MS because they promise reasonable prices
    4: People who played any version of PW, only to be so badly disappointed by all versions they've tried that they are moving on to another game entirely.

    Myself I haven't played sinced the lvling contest, not because I feel cheated over crappy drop quest drop rates, but because A: I'm burnt out on the game, B: The cash shop is unreasonable to me, and C: I'm in a closed beta test for another game.
    "Either you die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Harvey Dent - The Dark Knight

    Phase 1 Dungeon Design Contest Winner!
    Entry: Hall of Forsaken Souls, Twas fun to design.
  • Sanguinanti - Heavens Tear
    Sanguinanti - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm sorry to be swearing and insulting a lot, I've been checking this forum every day for the past 2 weeks, getting my intelligence insulted, and rolling with the punches, staying polite, and having faith that this company would be reasonable. I just cannont comprehend that some people are paying these prices, and obviously a lot are, validating the company to keep cheating us. I just can't stand it anymore, please do ban me to make sure I don't come back to this trainwreck. I'm truly saddened that some people are so addicted to this game that they lost any sense of the value of their money.
  • rev
    rev Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    San, just remember one thing, to some people these prices are reasonable, and we don't understand why it is that they are reasonable to them. However, I understand, I've sat here, checking the forums, waiting for the mods/admins to give us a sign of another step in the right direction with this game. I've defended them a couple times, I've tried to keep a "no sides" policy on all my posts, to keep things good for the community, however this sale has driven me away from playing the game on these servers, my friend who just started is ticked because she doesn't understand why I can't play this version anymore, but when MS comes out to open beta, I'll probably move there, if the game I'm beta testing doesn't absorb me, cause it has promise.
    "Either you die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Harvey Dent - The Dark Knight

    Phase 1 Dungeon Design Contest Winner!
    Entry: Hall of Forsaken Souls, Twas fun to design.
  • marccc
    marccc Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    $50 dollars for a mount and upgrade is a little much.

    this charms discount is terrible, it will make people buy the charms then after two weeks they'll just keep buying them because theyre so used to it. Also, ive heard its impossible to level at a descent rate without them, and you'd be flat out broke ingame in the process.

    it also seems that if you even want to pvp, having one is a must.
    there seems to be a serious disadvantage to non buyers, but what do i know im only lv 35..
  • rev
    rev Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    marccc, you are right, people who DON'T buy charms are at a serious disadvantage in pvp against those who are, since pots are disabled during duels at least (dunno about other PVP events as I never got higher than 30)
    "Either you die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Harvey Dent - The Dark Knight

    Phase 1 Dungeon Design Contest Winner!
    Entry: Hall of Forsaken Souls, Twas fun to design.
  • moyles
    moyles Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    seems devs and forum admin have also gone to another version...LOL
    Dont hold your breath waiting for any sort of response,as there too busy laughing at the gullibility of the paying players.
    If you feel the need to waste money i will give you my bank details and draw you a pretty little horse to ride on in your basements.
    Against logic there is no armor like ignorance.
    Laurence J Peter(1919-1988)
  • Nevermore - Heavens Tear
    Nevermore - Heavens Tear Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I have bought cash shop items. I do think the prices are moderately reasonable. Does that make me a ****? No.


    Because $50 are a measy 34 euro. A 15 gold mount is what? 13 Euro at best.

    Since I have a full time job spending 13 euro on a mount is neither high nore unustified.

    I do realise that not everyone here uses euro and in some countries like Australia and the USA the cash shop prices are unreasonably high. I am merely trying to explain why there IS paying customers because the cash shop - due to the weak dollar - is not unreasonably priced for EVERYONE playing the game.

    Europeans pay less for cash shop items due to their currrency. Please do not call us ******* for buying cash shop items when they are priced reasonably for us.
  • Elysoun - Heavens Tear
    Elysoun - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I agree with the above, and its also why I have no problem buying my charms and a few pieces of clothes. I will be getting a wing when (if) i hit 50.

    The money to me is not a huge issue, I certainly CAN afford it., but being in New Zealand, $50USD currently translate to $80NZD, and the credit card does have a 10% foreign exchange charge on it. this basically means that while I am willing to spend some money I simply do not see the items worth what it would cost me.

    I don't tend to spend on impulses (lol earning your own keep teaches you that i guess), so i have a set amount each month on game, this means even if the price is lowered I probably won't be spending much more.. but that it does mean, is that I would be more likely to play here. If i find that after level 50 my set budget no longer give me a good deal I will probably leave :O
  • Devast - Heavens Tear
    Devast - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I agree with the above, and its also why I have no problem buying my charms and a few pieces of clothes. I will be getting a wing when (if) i hit 50.

    The money to me is not a huge issue, I certainly CAN afford it., but being in New Zealand, $50USD currently translate to $80NZD, and the credit card does have a 10% foreign exchange charge on it. this basically means that while I am willing to spend some money I simply do not see the items worth what it would cost me.

    I don't tend to spend on impulses (lol earning your own keep teaches you that i guess), so i have a set amount each month on game, this means even if the price is lowered I probably won't be spending much more.. but that it does mean, is that I would be more likely to play here. If i find that after level 50 my set budget no longer give me a good deal I will probably leave :O

    You know, it's funny how ppl saying they can afford it. Lets wait a couple of month so every "i can pay" ppl hit 60+ or 70+. Then we'll see how much can afford 2+ silver hieros a day + miji scrolls.
  • Ren - Lost City
    Ren - Lost City Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    seregil wrote: »
    if you don't want to play, don't make stupid comments to those that enjoy it.

    and in case you are too stupid to notice, there is not requirement to buy anything in the game with real money. If you are good at making in game money you can buy anything you want that way too.
    You should post your level and server so I can laugh at your ignorance when you say 40-/heavens tear.

    The only class that doesnt need to cash shop is werefox. Even then, it's highly suggested.

    Zoe is so full of it, that he must be Karmelia.
  • Elysoun - Heavens Tear
    Elysoun - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    You know, it's funny how ppl saying they can afford it. Lets wait a couple of month so every "i can pay" ppl hit 60+ or 70+. Then we'll see how much can afford 2+ silver hieros a day + miji scrolls.

    Well there is affording and AFFORDING, i mean sure i can go around spending 200, 300 a month, but that would be stupid. And like i said, if it ends up going over the amount im willing to spend i will just leave
  • matthew
    matthew Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    rev wrote: »
    1: People who play PWI and will stay here until the end.
    2: People who have who played PW-MY-EN who hoped to move here, only returning to that version
    3: People who played either PWI or MY-EN and now are waiting for PW-MS because they promise reasonable prices
    4: People who played any version of PW, only to be so badly disappointed by all versions they've tried that they are moving on to another game entirely.

    5. People that have moved on to a private server.
    Because $50 are a measy 34 euro. A 15 gold mount is what? 13 Euro at best.

    Since I have a full time job spending 13 euro on a mount is neither high nore unustified.

    I do realise that not everyone here uses euro and in some countries like Australia and the USA the cash shop prices are unreasonably high. I am merely trying to explain why there IS paying customers because the cash shop - due to the weak dollar - is not unreasonably priced for EVERYONE playing the game.

    This isn't about a mount or conversion rates. It's about the cost to level, compete, and have fun in this game. Do you want to spend $150 every month on hierograms alone? Thats not including experience scrolls, dolls, fashion, draco pearls, mounts, wings, or anything else. Thats $150 a month on hierogram, and thats the reality you are about to hit 60+.
  • Creampie - Lost City
    Creampie - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008

    See ya, don't forget to close the door.
  • moyles
    moyles Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Taken from rules of conduct

    23. No discussion about other company's games.
    This is Perfect World Entertainment's forums. Have a little respect for us, heheh.

    LOL these forums gonna be awfully quiet if they decide to enforce this rule

    BTW dont you earn respect by being honest and open with people ???
    Against logic there is no armor like ignorance.
    Laurence J Peter(1919-1988)
  • moyles
    moyles Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Maybe you should get a job that isn't a complete ****ing joke you worthless piece of ****



    wow nice attitude...its thinking like that which has got peoples backs you work for PWE? finance department maybe...ah well just a guess
    Against logic there is no armor like ignorance.
    Laurence J Peter(1919-1988)
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    See ya, don't forget to close the door.

    Nah, leave the door open, more are quitting.

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • tinkus
    tinkus Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I have bought cash shop items. I do think the prices are moderately reasonable. Does that make me a ****? No.


    Because $50 are a measy 34 euro. A 15 gold mount is what? 13 Euro at best.

    Since I have a full time job spending 13 euro on a mount is neither high nore unustified.

    I do realise that not everyone here uses euro and in some countries like Australia and the USA the cash shop prices are unreasonably high. I am merely trying to explain why there IS paying customers because the cash shop - due to the weak dollar - is not unreasonably priced for EVERYONE playing the game.

    Europeans pay less for cash shop items due to their currrency. Please do not call us ******* for buying cash shop items when they are priced reasonably for us.

    Isn't this exactly the reason so many people love MY's CS prices? Due to the exchange rate?
  • vigor
    vigor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Maybe you should get a job that isn't a complete ****ing joke you worthless piece of ****



    I hope you get banned for insulting this much. Seriously for something like this only an idiot wouldn't ban you
    Lost City
  • Wacky - Heavens Tear
    Wacky - Heavens Tear Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I don't understand why some people are berating others that use the cash shop. It's their business what they spend their money on. Most people have bugeted entertainment costs, whether it's a movie, concerts, going out to eat, or computer games. You budget what you can afford.

    This is run by a "for profit" company, not a non profit organization. Basic pricing, charge what people are willing to pay. I'm sure the powers that be are indeed being briefed regularly about the amount of money being made in each cash shop and will adjust accordingly. If the prices do not come down, then the company must be satified with the activity in the cash shop.
  • Poison - Heavens Tear
    Poison - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,444 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    If the prices do not come down, then the company must be satified with the activity in the cash shop.

    I'm pretty sure the sale proves they aren't satisfied, probably hoping for a mass rush to pay all their salaries for the end of the month.
  • Nevermore - Heavens Tear
    Nevermore - Heavens Tear Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm pretty sure the sale proves they aren't satisfied, probably hoping for a mass rush to pay all their salaries for the end of the month.

    The sale proves absolutely and utterly nothing. MapleStory, Flyff and practially any other game with a cash shop has sales with reduced prices every now and then. Does that mean those games are not satisfied with sales? Hell no, they've got a large amount of customers.
  • Poison - Heavens Tear
    Poison - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,444 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    The sale proves absolutely and utterly nothing. MapleStory, Flyff and practially any other game with a cash shop has sales with reduced prices every now and then. Does that mean those games are not satisfied with sales? Hell no, they've got a large amount of customers.

    You are absolutely, completely right and I'm horribly wrong. I was unaware that those games had sales 2 weeks after opening their doors to the public. Please forgive my lack of understanding.
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    This is what I dont get to the people bashing those who think the prices are to high, now I understand defending yourself if insulted but really why bash those who think the prices are too high?

    if your happy with the cash shop prices why do you feel the need to bash those who arent? If people are complaining about getting the prices lowered and they do actually lower the price it still all works out better for you as well as you will pay even less. If they dont lower the price oh well you dont mind paying them as they are anyway. So why try to put those down?

    Its like cutting off your nose to spite your face. Even if you dont agree, the end result if changed would still help you as well. Geez people think......

    Its like going to buy a BMW and the salesperson going that will be $75,000, you like BMWs so you dont mind paying that price, customer 2 walks in and says man thats way to high! The sales person says you know what your right lets sell them for $25,000 instead. Are you really going to complain that your getting a $75,000 car for $25,000 even if you were willing to pay the $75,000 in the first place?

    I mean come on its no work for you. Sit back buy your Zen and hush. If the rest of the people result change and get the prices lowered then enjoy the benefits of it, without you having to do any work.. Once again Think People Think!
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Cat, that is because if less people can afford = less competition
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Kuailiang - Heavens Tear
    Kuailiang - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Disappointing. Cheaper prices on charms is a great thing but everything else is still grossly overpriced! 10 dollars for a single fashion shirt is NOT acceptable. I did buy a full camo set, an upgraded raptor as well as the top flying device and some charms but that's it. That's what I consider essential to fully experience Perfect World. All in all, I paid about 100$ in two weeks and from now on, no more major spending.

    Sure, I woud LOVE to be wearing the latest in fashion style but I no longer want to waste 10 dollars for a single shirt. The few golds I have left will be burned this week, on charms because they're cheaper for now.

    As far as alternatives go, I have no clue of their prices, purposes or anything about them for that matter. I will stay on PWE for now because I have a great ping but my spendings will be reduced to practically nothing.
  • Nevermore - Heavens Tear
    Nevermore - Heavens Tear Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    You are absolutely, completely right and I'm horribly wrong. I was unaware that those games had sales 2 weeks after opening their doors to the public. Please forgive my lack of understanding.

    No need to be sassy. And actually, games DO have such sales even in the first week to entice people. Doing it in the 2nd week is actually a great marketing ploy. After two weeks enough people will be at a higher lvl and ravenous for charms.

    If they would have done it the first week lesser people would go for the offer since its a bit of a waste to use them in low lvls.
  • Tres - Lost City
    Tres - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I don't remember seeing such a vehement attack on cash shop prices by Malaysians when if you look at it through the eyes of a Malaysian player the prices were more absurd there. Yet here we are complaining away. You can buy the stuff with ingame gold. The Cash shop is NOT mandatory. I know even though i do use the cash shop i could gather up a good 200k a day to buy 1 charm (before price was dropped).

    Why are people looking for things to be handed to them? Because i am sure you all want people to be walking around with +12 gear and all black fashions. And people killing each other over zhen spots thatll be a blast. Fact is if you lower the prices of CS too much the game will die faster. Whether you believe it or not think about it.
    Previous Character: Tres_Iqus 95 MG
    Current Character: Tres Cleric (See level above)
  • alphaheart
    alphaheart Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Its interesting how one individual can make one simple comment and then everything quickly breaks down into insults, sabre rattling, degradations, cheap shotting and so on and so on and so on. Everyone needs to realize that people will do what they want to do, but to all those out there trying to change the others' minds, you fail the minute you start insulting. There was only one person I noted in this WHOLE forum about this topic who stayed aloof from the silliness. If one is unable to get one's opinion across without the insults, finger pointing and degradations...then don't say anything at all or at least learn how to be diplomatic about what you are trying to say. Sure! Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but remember....its just their opinion. We all have them, we all express them and we all want to be heard, but acceptance of what you wish to say varies greatly upon how you deliver it. I'd sooner listen to a person who expresses themself appropriately then one who is going to bash me as being an idiot even though I may be one.

    Anywhoo! In my opinion and remember; its just my opinion (I'll probably be lynched for this. hehe). People talk about pay to play mmo's versus free mmo's but fail to consider one thing; if one spends 100$ on a free mmo in one week, two weeks or even a month on Boutique items, you have just pretty much paid for a year to run in a pay to play mmo. *Shrugs* These game makers invest huge amounts of time and effort into these games along with great cost. They have to make their money back somehow whether it be by month or Boutique Shop. So in the end, its irrelevant what we think or say. People will go where they want to go and play want they want to play. So please, express your thoughts and opinions appropriately, listen to what is said and move on. Its our right, privilege and freedom to spend our money as we see fit whether someone agrees with us or not....PERIOD!!!
    ****Faith leads us to believe we can be heroes. Fate makes us heroes.
This discussion has been closed.