Should same gender be able to carry same gender?

Zeke_wolf - Heavens Tear
Zeke_wolf - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
edited September 2008 in General Discussion
Well the question that is in here is the same as the title who feels that same genders should be able to carry each other and due all the associated actions (such as embrace) Give you two bits about it.

Please No disrespectful terms everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

I feel that it should be allowed
Post edited by Zeke_wolf - Heavens Tear on


  • Envy - Lost City
    Envy - Lost City Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Please No disrespectful terms everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

    f a g

  • troll
    troll Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ...everyone is entitled to their own opinion...

    i think cash shop rates of dollar to gold should be fixed.
  • divineblades
    divineblades Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Seeing as though this IS the U.S., we have the freedom of speech, and let's not forget those that are currently defending our country (even if we think the situation is wrong), yes, I believe if same gender players wish to marry in-game, allow them! IT'S A GAME!

    And before anyone comes back trying to flame me for my opinion, I would like to let you know that I am a happily married male and my wife plays MMOs with me. Most of my characters on other games have been female for the simple fact being that usually the women characters are more appealing and the male characters usually look like some sort of steroid-pumped Arnold-wanna-be.
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I really feel that it should be allowed, I'd like to be able to carry my friends ( I'm a female) that can't fly yet for faster travelling. If they still felt a bit iffy about it they could just take off the embrace button for same genders,

    I made a barbarian just to carry my friends around who were new to the game, but I still couldn't carry male ones :|

    Piggy-back teim >:D

    and envy, grow up :|
  • k0ji
    k0ji Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I think same sex's should be able to, it's not like PWI has to be as ****ed as most of the real world, with all the hate out there and atni cival unoin laws.

    Make PWI wellcome to all sexual perfeferances.
  • Nevermore - Heavens Tear
    Nevermore - Heavens Tear Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I do agree. I wish I could carry my friends around, if not when I'm flying then at least on my mounth. There's more than enough room on it.
  • Nevermore - Heavens Tear
    Nevermore - Heavens Tear Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    f a g


    Homophobe. :rolleyes:
    I feel sorry for you.
  • baalzor
    baalzor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Most of my characters on other games have been female for the simple fact being that usually the women characters are more appealing and the male characters usually look like some sort of steroid-pumped Arnold-wanna-be.

    OR, you're a f.a.g. who found out another way of social intercourse with other men over your female character. AND DETS MAKEZ YOUZ HOWRNY!1 I CAN HAZ CHEEZBURGER!
  • sikozu
    sikozu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Well the question that is in here is the same as the title who feels that same genders should be able to carry each other and due all the associated actions (such as embrace) Give you two bits about it.

    Please No disrespectful terms everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

    I feel that it should be allowed

    I agree with you it should be allowed in any MMO. But the way society is built today allowing it in an online game where thousands of people gather of different beliefs; Would assume the role of "support" for this issue in general. This could cause a really big stir not to mention a drop in sales to an extreme case.. Most companies would rather not hold an opinion on an issues of conflict. Hence why you never see it in a lot of MMO's out there.
    ★ :Sikozu :: Venomancer: ★ :Nebira :: Cleric: ★
  • Sevendust - Lost City
    Sevendust - Lost City Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I really feel that it should be allowed, I'd like to be able to carry my friends ( I'm a female) that can't fly yet for faster travelling. If they still felt a bit iffy about it they could just take off the embrace button for same genders,

    I made a barbarian just to carry my friends around who were new to the game, but I still couldn't carry male ones :|

    Piggy-back teim >:D

    and envy, grow up :|

    See I agree with Reikara. I would do it to carry other friends who can't travel fast or fly. and just logicaly anyone is able to carry anyone. Sex and orientation should be completley disregarded.
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Sometimes I feel like there should really be a maturity level restriction on these games.

    I mean Envy, Baalzor, GROW UP!
  • Baalzor - Heavens Tear
    Baalzor - Heavens Tear Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    gud det u tinkz...tinking is kul
    you tink meenz you smart vewy mach
    get a grip and get me more whine ...kthxbye
  • vigor
    vigor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Phag is bad for little kids ;)
    Lost City
  • sikozu
    sikozu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    vigor wrote: »
    Phag is bad for little kids ;)

    Learn the difference between whats wrong, and whats just not accepted.
    "Same sex orientation is not acceptable by society to be viewed by children"
    -90% of this game has nothing but children or immature adults playing it.
    ★ :Sikozu :: Venomancer: ★ :Nebira :: Cleric: ★
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    @Balzoor, seriously. Go take a nap or something, should be past your bed time. We don't need incompetent morons like you here
    on a topic such as this.
  • ryne
    ryne Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I vote yes, freedom is what made America and even per the storyline of this game, "The chief quality that Pan Gu gave all three races was free will." We should be allowed to do what we feel, instead of being restricted by the game creators because the general public possesses vain ideals such as stereotypes, prejudice... and just plain hate
    Average everyday sane psycho.
  • sikozu
    sikozu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'll shove that wine down your throat and light it up so you never dribble your pointless immature **** on the forums again.

    Besides little kiddies like you shouldn't be drinking something as strong as wine, go take a nap or something.
    We don't need incompetent morons like you here.

    Excuse me? I'm sorry I missed the part where I was being immature.
    ★ :Sikozu :: Venomancer: ★ :Nebira :: Cleric: ★
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I was talking to that fool two posts above you. *edited, sorry for the confusion.
  • Baalzor - Heavens Tear
    Baalzor - Heavens Tear Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    here we go every fcken game there are a bunch of smard1cks who are bringing "children" and "immature" folks in discussion...
    i dont want to be formal on line...
    Plus there is a big difference which i realized most ppl are just not capable of understanding it. And that is, when some1 is having fun in his own way w/o insulting any1 in lame and really inappropriate way...when that some1 is just having fun "out loud" online, he is being considered as immature and childish... well **** off mr. IKNOEZEVERYTHINGANDIARESERIOUSMAN
    draw a line between **** children who are pain in the butt with their puberty (thou i found several characters in PW played by a children in age between 14-17 and they showed that they are mature and understandable) + old idiots who are just simply haters criticizing every1 else but themselves AND ppl who are just having fun in a way that is acceptable to other ppl who are intelligent and open minded and ppl who understand internet humor...
    yea , you're definitely in that 10%!
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Well if you think you know a thing or two, you'd know when to shut your mouth,
    I couldn't give a flying [f...] if you don't want to be formal online but at the very least, A topic as serious as this has NO room for those kind of jokes.
  • sikozu
    sikozu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Well if you think you think you know a thing or two, you'd know when to shut your mouth,
    I couldn't give a flying [f...] if you don't want to be formal online but at the very least, A topic as serious as this has NO room for those kind of jokes.

    /agree :rolleyes:
    ★ :Sikozu :: Venomancer: ★ :Nebira :: Cleric: ★
  • Baalzor - Heavens Tear
    Baalzor - Heavens Tear Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    if YOU THINK YOU THINK like that, i feel very sorry for you.
    you should start going out and have sum phun!
    cuz i dont give a flying faq about your frustration, d1ck!
  • Nevermore - Heavens Tear
    Nevermore - Heavens Tear Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    if YOU THINK YOU THINK like that, i feel very sorry for you.
    you should start going out and have sum phun!
    cuz i dont give a flying faq about your frustration, d1ck!

    Who the hell let you out of your cage?:rolleyes:
  • Baalzor - Heavens Tear
    Baalzor - Heavens Tear Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i'mz gunna eat you! rawr!
  • Vaelissa - Heavens Tear
    Vaelissa - Heavens Tear Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    There should be a minimum intelligence level required to post.
  • Poison - Heavens Tear
    Poison - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,444 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    There should be a minimum intelligence level required to post.

    If that happened these forums would be very empty.
  • tinkus
    tinkus Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Back on topic: While I agree it should be allowed, I really don't think it ever will be for two reasons. First, the game comes from China. I'm fairly sure their views on homosexuality are far more archaic than America's. Since they have the final say on what does and doesn't make it into the game content-wise (they directly control this version, remember), something like this has very chance of being included.

    Secondly, and it pains me to say this, our society would frown upon a game that allows children to view and take part in (potentially) romantic same-sex activities. The unwashed masses would rage and picket, and the game would change it back anyway.
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    IMO, yes this should be allowed. This game's server is in America, right? Maybe in other countries, the situation may be different, but this is America. Although I don't blame them if they can't make it work, since the character models wouldn't look right.
  • Wacky - Heavens Tear
    Wacky - Heavens Tear Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I think the romance should be taken out of this game, and let characters carry whoever they want to carry without having to embrace.
  • tinkus
    tinkus Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    IMO, yes this should be allowed. This game's server is in America, right? Maybe in other countries, the situation may be different, but this is America. Although I don't blame them if they can't make it work, since the character models wouldn't look right with females carrying males.

    I take it you're not from America, or you'd know how hard it is for **** and lesbians to get equal treatment.
This discussion has been closed.