PWI's First PVP Video - Project Pandora



  • Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    zezix wrote: »
    Account sharing ftw!

    Wrong, he just doesn't stop playing. He's on vent literally 18 hours a day, I'm tired of his voice.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Well lvl 54 is alright, i would be lvl 60 if wasnt for school and traning other characters to prepare for late game farming, gotta prepare well for the future or else get owned by people that can outfarm you, not by people that pk at lvl 30..
  • Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    delux wrote: »
    Wrong, he just doesn't stop playing. He's on vent literally 18 hours a day, I'm tired of his voice.

    Thats odd then, he must be hella rich in game and buying all the DQ itmes players are selling and farmin DQ as well to level to 54 that fast.

    But if he is really lvl 54 without account sharing then I give him gratz and props which I would never think I would say about a RQ member.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    NOOOOOOO i wasted my personal time to read this. ><

    Old news:
    People bragging about killing players of less level or classes weak to them.

    People bragging about their "group skills" when its clear they outnumber the enemy. ( I feel this way about the video, you guys all got hiero, i understand, but for some reason your party barely gets damage, how so? well only reason to me is outnumbering enemy and wipe before they get same ammount of ppl in the same place. Not much skills in that, as well over kitting. Pro ppl kitte for just enough time for their party to spike a target, then spike whoever is chasing. Pandora overextended his/her/its party several times. Not good, you lose ground this way.

    RQ making word-plays to look cool or like they are 100% right after getting flamed by other ppl.
    People making excuses for a dead when it doesn't even matter ( uhhh you killed me while i was white, that made me lose 1 min of game play. My ego is hurt . No mattter how you die, it's irrelevant. Click go to town and face it as it should).

    People not making much sense when proving few errors in RQ's assumptions in ambiguous posts, then turning into a rage-flamming rampage spam.

    Meh this took long already so move on. We wanna see some improvement. More sense from both sides AND PLEASE!!!! Stop freaking exagerating everything. Not sure why ppl takes things simple as a kill and make it like if it was a monument or something.
    :cool: Have fun all.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    lag wrote: »
    People bragging about their "group skills" when its clear they outnumber the enemy. ( I feel this way about the video, you guys all got hiero, i understand, but for some reason your party barely gets damage, how so? well only reason to me is outnumbering enemy and wipe before they get same ammount of ppl in the same place. Not much skills in that, as well over kitting

    The reason nobody dies is because no other guild on this game is as organized as we are; they attack random targets instead of focusing and so nobody dies or even comes close. Our hieros might tick once each before we wipe their whole party.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    mystic wrote: »
    The reason nobody dies is because no other guild on this game is as organized as we are; they attack random targets instead of focusing and so nobody dies or even comes close. Our hieros might tick once each before we wipe their whole party.

    I agree, i mean he was voted the number 1 pvper on delphi just for playing a lvl 53 archer right?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I like how the people attacking me are Zezix, Grey, and then a guy with 20 posts and a guy with 12 posts. Did your guildleaders tell you to log on the forum and defend them? Rofl...

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    mystic wrote: »
    I like how the people attacking me are Zezix, Grey, and then a guy with 20 posts and a guy with 12 posts. Did your guildleaders tell you to log on the forum and defend them? Rofl...

    Hmm, odly enough the same thing always happens with you Mystic. Did you ever think of guilds who stick up for eachother? Or are there for eachother? If one guild member is getting "flamed" on the forums I am sure another member of the same guild will come and back them up, would they not? Unless they didnt agree with their guild member, then it would be different.

    It seems as if everytime you get owned in a battle of wits and words you cry and make up excuses and say stuff like "You called your other members to come in here and own me, I am sad now!!"

    Mystic, you need to realize that nobody on Lost City likes your guild, other then your guild itself that is. I have different guilds (the bigger ones) coming to me everyday saying "Can we ally with you, we don't like RageQuit either, they are a bunch of ganking &$#@% and like to bot, etc."

    Do you know how any bot complaints are going on towards your guild? Probably not, but there are quite a few I might say. I have seen a few myself and did report it, not sure if it was processed or seen by a GM but I saw it.

    I also think its funny how you and your members say you want proof of the 6v3 battle but wont PM me to get it, quite hilarious aswell.

    I have enough morals to not post it directly on the forums because I feel RageQuit has has enough self-embarrassment already and doesn't need anymore.

    Later Mystic.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    zezix wrote: »
    Account sharing ftw!

    He's legit. I make fun of him for having no life on vent 24/7.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    zezix wrote: »
    Hmm, odly enough the same thing always happens with you Mystic. Did you ever think of guilds who stick up for eachother? Or are there for eachother? If one guild member is getting "flamed" on the forums I am sure another member of the same guild will come and back them up, would they not? Unless they didnt agree with their guild member, then it would be different.

    I have never asked my guild to defend me, and furthermore, these kids (aka you on your new accounts) are flaming a thread that wasn't directed at any specific guild.
    It seems as if everytime you get owned in a battle of wits and words you cry and make up excuses and say stuff like "You called your other members to come in here and own me, I am sad now!!"

    I'm pretty sure there's no wits involved in "U EDITED UR MOVEEZ I KNOW CUS MEMOIRE TOLD ME WHEN THEY GOT RAEPED TOO!!1"
    Mystic, you need to realize that nobody on Lost City likes your guild, other then your guild itself that is. I have different guilds (the bigger ones) coming to me everyday saying "Can we ally with you, we don't like RageQuit either, they are a bunch of ganking &$#@% and like to bot, etc."

    Zezix, you need to realize that if we wanted people to like us, we wouldn't kill them. People allying your guild? That's funny. Everyone knows your guild is a pathetic joke.

    Also, botting? First you accuse us of account sharing, and now botting. You ever think maybe, just maybe, it could be because THE TOP PLAYERS OF MY-EN DELPHI are all in my guild? They know how to play, your guild doesn't, that's simply the facts. Don't make up ******** claims about bots and account sharing when you have absolutely no basis on what you're saying except that our levels are higher than yours.
    Do you know how any bot complaints are going on towards your guild? Probably not, but there are quite a few I might say. I have seen a few myself and did report it, not sure if it was processed or seen by a GM but I saw it.

    You're so full of ********. Post the fraps, give me a name, anything. There's no bots in the guild, I have made it clear to the guild that if any of them are caught botting, I'm kicking them out.
    I also think its funny how you and your members say you want proof of the 6v3 battle but wont PM me to get it, quite hilarious aswell.

    Why should we PM you? Just post it here. We're ASKING you to post it here. Lol.
    I have enough morals to not post it directly on the forums because I feel RageQuit has has enough self-embarrassment already and doesn't need anymore.

    Again, we ASKED you to post it here.

    In this thread, posting movies of Zezix's guild getting slaughtered and them replying with "YOU ACCOUNT SHARE, YOU BOT, YOU EDIT YOUR MOVIES" is us getting "self-embarassed."

    What a joke. Lol.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited September 2008

    Please post screenshots of us getting owned 6v3, botting, hacking. Anything, instead of more groundless flames.

    Hate our PK policy, that's fine, hate our attitude, that's ok, but please don't accuse us of not being legit.
  • Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    mystic wrote: »
    I have never asked my guild to defend me, and furthermore, these kids (aka you on your new accounts) are flaming a thread that wasn't directed at any specific guild.

    You're kidding me, right? You seriously think I made new accounts to flame you? What the hell are you talking about Mystic? You are more messed up then I once thought, my god. What would make you think that anyways?

    mystic wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure there's no wits involved in "U EDITED UR MOVEEZ I KNOW CUS MEMOIRE TOLD ME WHEN THEY GOT RAEPED TOO!!1"

    Oh yeah, because I really said that.

    mystic wrote: »
    Zezix, you need to realize that if we wanted people to like us, we wouldn't kill them. People allying your guild? That's funny. Everyone knows your guild is a pathetic joke.

    My guild is a joke? Everyone thinks its a joke? I am pretty sure, no wait.. I am 100% sure that the only guild who has a problem with Nemesis is RageQuit.

    If Nemesis is such a joke, why did you say "I am making a video to make your guild look bad so you cant recruit anymore members" Sounds like someone feels threatened to me. Also, why would you try to talk my members out of leaving if you thought Nemesis was a joke? Usually people who think something is a joke will just sit back and watch them crash hard, not try to make it crash theirselves because they are threatened.
    mystic wrote: »
    Also, botting? First you accuse us of account sharing, and now botting. You ever think maybe, just maybe, it could be because THE TOP PLAYERS OF MY-EN DELPHI are all in my guild? They know how to play, your guild doesn't, that's simply the facts. Don't make up ******** claims about bots and account sharing when you have absolutely no basis on what you're saying except that our levels are higher than yours.

    I never accused you of account sharing, I said "Account sharing ftw!" It was a joke, learn some basic knowledge, please. I have seen your guild bot, just because you didnt "see" it or are even informed about it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I do hope you find the people who are botting in your guild one day, maybe you will kick them out then, who knows. Maybe even you are a botter yourself.

    mystic wrote: »
    You're so full of ********. Post the fraps, give me a name, anything. There's no bots in the guild, I have made it clear to the guild that if any of them are caught botting, I'm kicking them out.

    I want you to find out for yourself which of your members are botting, I am not here to tell on people, only to inform you. If you arent aware of what your members do in your guild and which members do it then thats not my problem, now is it?

    mystic wrote: »
    Again, we ASKED you to post it here.

    In this thread, posting movies of Zezix's guild getting slaughtered and them replying with "YOU ACCOUNT SHARE, YOU BOT, YOU EDIT YOUR MOVIES" is us getting "self-embarassed."

    What a joke. Lol.

    Think what you want Mystic, but you know thats not what this is all about.
    are flaming a thread that wasn't directed at any specific guild.
    In this thread, posting movies of Zezix's guild getting slaughtered

    I lol'd
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    delux wrote: »

    Please post screenshots of us getting owned 6v3, botting, hacking. Anything, instead of more groundless flames.

    Hate our PK policy, that's fine, hate our attitude, that's ok, but please don't accuse us of not being legit.

    I just feel the need to post this again:

  • Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Nemesis. LOL. I've seen your guild 1-shot bosses and mobs to level. I've seen a couple of your members standing in town, not even close to an npc, and having the leveling aura come off them all of a sudden. I have seen this with my very own eyes. Where are they getting the exp from? Hacking. It's despicable that you try to accuse us of botting and account sharing to draw attention away from your own crimes.

    Don't deny it Zezix, just because you didnt "see" it or are even informed about it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I do hope you find the people who are hacking in your guild one day, maybe you will kick them out then, who knows. Maybe even you are one yourself.

  • Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    delux wrote: »
    Nemesis. LOL. I've seen your guild 1-shot bosses and mobs to level. I've seen a couple of your members standing in town, not even close to an npc, and having the leveling aura come off them all of a sudden. I have seen this with my very own eyes. Where are they getting the exp from? Hacking. It's despicable that you try to accuse us of botting and account sharing to draw attention away from your own crimes.

    Don't deny it Zezix, just because you didnt "see" it or are even informed about it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I do hope you find the people who are hacking in your guild one day, maybe you will kick them out then, who knows. Maybe even you are one yourself.


    Was this a joke?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    delux wrote: »
    I've seen a couple of your members standing in town, not even close to an npc, and having the leveling aura come off them all of a sudden.:rolleyes:

    I saw the exact same thing the other day but i thought maybe it was just lag. Or maybe they used an oracle scroll i don't know.
  • Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    zezix wrote: »
    Was this a joke?

    Obviously, I was pointing out the absurdity of the statements you've made while refusing to provide any proof. Probably because you have none. Unlike you, I have no intention of falsely accusing another guild.
  • Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Whatever man, I know what I have seen. If it didnt happen, don't get so defensive.

    I also wanna see this #1 archer bull that Mystic is talkin about.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    zezix wrote: »
    My guild is a joke? Everyone thinks its a joke? I am pretty sure, no wait.. I am 100% sure that the only guild who has a problem with Nemesis is RageQuit.

    Nobody has a problem with you. It's hard to have anything against things that are completely nonfactor.
    If Nemesis is such a joke, why did you say "I am making a video to make your guild look bad so you cant recruit anymore members" Sounds like someone feels threatened to me. Also, why would you try to talk my members out of leaving if you thought Nemesis was a joke? Usually people who think something is a joke will just sit back and watch them crash hard, not try to make it crash theirselves because they are threatened.

    Yes, you're the only guild getting **** in my PVP video. It's all about you. No wait, no you're not, your guild just happens to be one of the many getting ****. You're nothing special, DeadlySins is RQ's biggest threat on this server, followed by AxeGanG, Tainted, Unlimited, Nemesis and finally Panic. Good job today by the way, Panic. Gather 4 parties to fight one of ours, then we gather 3 total and wipe you in a fight that lasts about 35 seconds. Good fight.
    I never accused you of account sharing, I said "Account sharing ftw!"

    End of quote
    I have seen your guild bot, just because you didnt "see" it or are even informed about it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I do hope you find the people who are botting in your guild one day, maybe you will kick them out then, who knows. Maybe even you are a botter yourself.

    Post the fraps, screenshots, etc. You saying this is like me saying "I saw Zezix in real life. He was actually a woman with a moustache, and he was french kissing Hitler's corpse. Germans, I do hope you find the people who are making out with one of your most well known celebrity's carcasses.

    I want you to find out for yourself which of your members are botting, I am not here to tell on people, only to inform you. If you arent aware of what your members do in your guild and which members do it then thats not my problem, now is it?

    I found the ones who are botting.

    None of them.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    mystic wrote: »
    I found the ones who are botting..

    :rolleyes: I r haz fond teh wepons of mazz destruzctions!
  • Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Damn, I tried to find the name of it with the lyrics. But could you tell me the title of the first song in your vid please?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    demise wrote: »
    Damn, I tried to find the name of it with the lyrics. But could you tell me the title of the first song in your vid please?

    DzK - The Sinister Mantis Clan

    DzK is the only hip hop artist I even remotely like, except Ludacris, who I can tolerate. You can find TSMC and all of DzK's songs on his group's website,

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    you need to put "dj khaled - out there grinding" in one of the videos, because that pretty much describes my pwi life 6 hours a day.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    "The Victorious Get To Write History"...

    Read the lines above, and if you do not understand the means behind it, I suggest it's time to pack the bag and return to the schoolbench to followup in the history lessons. - and please stop throwing the ball around, just to get the oppotunity to insult the opposite more.

    However, I am fairly new to Perfect World and how PvP works like. I watched the video, just to get an idea of how fights would be like. I am not 30 yet, just level 26. So cannot fly. But once I reach to there I'll have quite a few things to learn and master.
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    pls help my **** hurts i think its got swell an the head of it turned blue what can i do pls help.

    Btw, **** problems aside, Nemesis ur a ****ing joke. Get off the forums and start getting some skills in game, cuz you need them badly.

    And Grey, you don't want me to post screenshots of your guild getting wiped. My screenshots folder is getting too big anyways, and I don't even bother screenshotting everyone since it would be like screenshotting each mob you kill for a quest.
    Your werebeast hurts, and as Mystic said, you can be a threat. Too bad you're dumb as an acorn and won't ever get anywhere with that brain of yours.

    Back in game, for the few hours I've got before heading off to work again. ;_;
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i would love to wach it but it dont work for me for some reason.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    You can download it from

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    lol lovely drama
  • Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ningi wrote: »
    Nemesis ur a ****ing joke. Get off the forums and start getting some skills in game, cuz you need them badly.

    And Grey, you don't want me to post screenshots of your guild getting wiped. My screenshots folder is getting too big anyways, and I don't even bother screenshotting everyone since it would be like screenshotting each mob you kill for a quest.
    Your werebeast hurts, and as Mystic said, you can be a threat. Too bad you're dumb as an acorn and won't ever get anywhere with that brain of yours.

    What is this? Did Mystic tell more of his guildies to come look at this thread, because thats all I see who like to say Nemesis is a joke and we suck, etc.

    I personally don't care what you think of my guild. It's not gonna change how horrible and unworthy RageQuit is one bit.

    Just wait it out guys, these losers will quit in a month anyways due to some other lame **** excuse they always give. I'm out of this thread.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Why arent we in your Video mang... No good footage of actually winning us? :O

    How about that time where you tried to gank Me Salmeina hectiK and Kairon doing Adal Wolf.... wait a second Kairon an Salmeina held your 4 offwhile me and hectiK finished Adal... which resulted in your guys dieing giving us gear and then you complaining we had 5 and said you had a fraps of it and could show me the magical 5 ppl from DS there when there was 4.... which btw you still havent email'd me the fraps of >_>


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