Archers and Intelligence

zaenos Posts: 0 Arc User
edited September 2008 in Archer
Pretty much every 'build' I've seen for archers completely neglects the intelligence stat. Aside from magic defense, what does it do for archers? Do any of their skills benefit from a high int? Would Fatal Shot be more fatal? Would it make 'D.O.T. skills' do more D.O.T.? Does it even really increase magic defense? Or is it truly worthless to them? Intelligent replies would be nice and fitting. ^_~ Thank you.
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  • thatbamaguy
    thatbamaguy Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Well, granted that I am only level 11, the only use I've seen for INT is to raise your magic pool. For more skill use, and flight. That's about all I've ever considered putting points into it for.
  • lower
    lower Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    mm well im actualy working in some kind of magic hybrid fro archers what i do is every 5 lvls after lvl 10:
    INT +1
    STR +1

    and else i do the normal
    DEX +4
    STR +1

    and i get my extra con and some more INT from equiment and suff, so far it have been working well, prety well
    PROs: u can fly without waste of mana before lvl 30 do by the recovery mana encrement, better magic (MANA) pool than pure build archers, better magic defence and slighty better attack conbined with blessing arrow.

    remember that im just testing it so its not a recomended build for and archer but so more stuff to be aware with this build is :
    *u have to get armors and accsesoris with CON +*
    *i highly recommend to become aphotecary and get some life powder.
    ;) remember im just testing it
  • zaenos
    zaenos Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I too am testing a new hybrid build, but even more extreme: I've been keeping all four stats equal, save dex which I will raise just enough to equip the best bow I can find for my level. Like yours, this is a test and has no real validity as of yet. I can say so far (level 11) that I have -never- had an issue with Mana shortage, or even come close to one (except for that one time about 6 levels ago I decided to fly to Etherblade...) but I feel like I'm missing shots a whole lot more than I should be. I really don't know if I am, since this is my first character, though.
  • hypnos
    hypnos Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Archers don't need intelligence at all. How smart does anyone have to be to use a bow?
  • kelstat
    kelstat Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I have been adding int to my archer, im very new still but as I leveled up to lvl 14 i was always runnign low on mana so I kept my str and int pretty much the same and dumped the rest into dex. I find it much nicer to not have mana worries as archers do seem to use a lot (or maybe I use my skills too much..) also it is nice to have perma flight but not game breaking since the flight speed still blows chunks.

    As I said im still new so could be doing something wrong.

    Do most people just keep a low int and chug mana pots endlessly? (as a new player this doesnt seem a great option for me to be able to afford)
  • dramen
    dramen Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    kelstat wrote: »
    I have been adding int to my archer, im very new still but as I leveled up to lvl 14 i was always runnign low on mana so I kept my str and int pretty much the same and dumped the rest into dex.

    first this build sucks if your objective is to live but has pretty ok mana pool, but dude just use a sword if you want to live as using bow at weaken range is pretty pointless

    only use bow at range attking monsters also use skills when you need it as its going to be bad if you face a strong monster with almost no more mana
    kelstat wrote: »
    I find it much nicer to not have mana worries as archers do seem to use a lot (or maybe I use my skills too much..)

    not wise to use skills like mad use them in like life threatening situations or against bosses
    kelstat wrote: »
    also it is nice to have perma flight but not game breaking since the flight speed still blows chunks.

    get the flight mastery skill, you move faster

    also balance is an important factor because remember other races get mounts at lvl 33 while winged elves get them at start so we should have pretty slow speed or it wouldn't be fair to other races if we were flying at speed of wind at lvl 1 and could make a trip from plume of city to etherblade in 3-5 min
    kelstat wrote: »
    Do most people just keep a low int and chug mana pots endlessly? (as a new player this doesnt seem a great option for me to be able to afford)

    yes they do as if you use a sword and not a bow alot you could farm a load of med mana pots like i do

    also on topic don't put any points on int because then even when you have a bigger mana pool you probably left a weakness on your archer which could be costly like not enough hp or have lame dmg output

    if you need more mana just use arcane items that boost mp
  • dewie
    dewie Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i think you only need extra mana for the spells a archer can learn (which i do not use cause i think they really s**k). i do a dex build with just enough str to use the 'newest' light armor. when i do not put points in the str for the armors i dump one point in vit.(cause lately i've been dying a lot with only 10 vit on lv 18 :) )
  • Envy - Lost City
    Envy - Lost City Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hi noobs.

    Never put int as a archer its pointless, EA has the weakest skills in the game you have to live off your crit rate in PVP so the most useful thing to do would either be Hybrid (3 dex 1 str 1 vatality) And the str is only for armor NEVER PUT MORE STRENGTH THEN YOU NEED ITS A ****ING WORTHLESS STAT. And the only other build that EA can use would be Pure agility (4 agility 1 str). Int so so ****ing pointless for an EA, just keep pumping agility.
  • Caeria - Heavens Tear
    Caeria - Heavens Tear Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I have some about 12 into int. at lv 37 i get around 900 mp if i remember right. would put anymore into int after that ull need all the agi you can get. and yes i use my skills like crazy all the time because my style of fighting of skills after skills of attacks with poison and searing arrow saving me potions. well if u want things to be a lot easier and not have to use mp pots all the time i suggest u buy a mana charm from the boutique like i do.
    Siggy by Santacruz
  • barill
    barill Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    the one use for int for e.a. in my opinion would be for pre-30s for flight. once your int is at 20 the mana usage for flight becomes obsolete due to mana regain. but then again to pump int to 20 is pointless because you can just use a +2 mana regain cape or hierograms/charms.