Wizard's defense?!?

saix Posts: 0 Arc User
edited September 2008 in Wizard
ok this is a question for those who have actually played a fair amount of wizard/mage. Im just about lvl 17 and have decided to take the "Nuke" build which is basically pure int, aswell as just enough strength to equip weps. The mobs are basically killing me in 3-4 hits! what am i doing wrong? i knew that they had low p-def but not that bad. Was wondering if anybody had any hints to NOT dieing so fast?? or is a wizard primarily a party class?
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  • lamerking
    lamerking Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Learn kitting to easy hunt close-range mobs :)
    Anyway you should have difficulty to kill long-range mobs.
    SERVER : Lost City (PVP)
  • sikozu
    sikozu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Yeah a wizard would do well in a party setup seeing as they have the highest DPS / DMG in the game. But at a price, they are very squishy. My advice from playing a blackmage in FFXI is to kite like the above poster stated. What that is is you run around a distance away from the mob in a circle and nuke while still keeping your distance. I dont know all of what wizards get in this game but if you have anything that bind or stops the mob from moving use it. and use it in this pattern: also pick up as many mana and health potions as you can use them the hp one's often to help in keeping your hp up.

    bind -> nuke -> bind etc. hope this helps.
    ★ :Sikozu :: Venomancer: ★ :Nebira :: Cleric: ★
  • drayakir
    drayakir Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hmm. I've found that getting the jewelry that beefs up your physical defense, and then running around with the Stone Shield spell on really helps to protect you.

    Point: When I forgot to cast stone shield, I took about 140 damage from Sporopods. When I cast it, I was taking 60-70 per hit. It makes a big difference. You'll take a lot of damage, but you will definitely kill whatever you're facing before it has a chance to kill you. Then just cast the Fire Shield spell, and meditate- it really helps you recover HP faster.
  • al0ysius
    al0ysius Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    For me, I am level 22 now. What I do is...
    1. most powerful spell irregardless of it's casting time
    2. slow - gush
    3. fast casting spell - pyrogram
    4. kite - refer to some guides teaching how to kite
    5. slow - gush again
    by then, the monster should be dead.

    that's my two cents. :)
    i should say it works differently for different monster.
    ranged monster are slightly tougher and we'll experience lot of dmg taken.
    so i will always stock up lots of pots - both hp and mp in my inventory.
    have fun!
  • ballsy
    ballsy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    My tactics as a lvl 21 mage is this:(I know you asked for experienced advice but whatever :P)

    Setup a macro, you can do this by bringing up the skill window (Alt+R) then select create at the bottom, then chose an icon for the macro, cilck and drag the spells you want then click save.
    I do this so i'm not constantly bashing the keys waiting for the next spell to be ready to cast.
    Have a few of different flavours of macros, like a 'Fire' based macro for 'Metal' mobs or 'Water' based for 'Fire' mobs.

    Personally I've found the best macro to simply be Gush->Pyrogram->Gush->Pyrogram->Gush->Pyrogram they have quick casts and seem to me to be the best DPS. This is usually enough to kill lvl 20 mobs with only being hit once depending on whether the mobs gets slowed on the first gush. Pitfall would be another good opening spell as its damage over time plus a chance to slow.

    With 500 HP and the HP recovery shield (Pyroshield?) I can handle getting hit once per kill with every so often medtitating or using a Potion.

    I personally dont bother with the defence shield as 30% of stuff-all is still stuff all.

    Also if you really want to tank you can make some HP recovery pills at the apothecary 50 life recovery for 10 mins, i think its 15 nectar 15 ?something? to make 5 pills but you heal up very quickly in between mobs, in fact if you only take 2 hits max you never really need to think about your health (until the pill runs out :P)

    It does depend a lot on the monster adjust your macros to suit but most importantly watch out for increased life/magic defence mobs O.O
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