Take Aim half useless

delorne Posts: 0 Arc User
edited January 2009 in Archer
Ok if this has been posted before I apologize, but I searched and didn't see anything on it.

How many think Take Aim at times is totally useless? With the 4+second charge time, there's plenty of occasions where I've been halfway through charging...somneone runs up and starts attacking,and with it being hard to cancel, they get the kill credit for first hit, while I've wasted time and MP, then get told I was KSing.

Take Aim is a 1st shot skill only basically as the charge time unless you hit the hotkey again for less damage, it takes too long to charge for any other use.

If possible, should be set for when you start the skill, it locks the mob as yours.

Any agreements, disagreements with this?
Post edited by delorne on


  • omaxo
    omaxo Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I find that I don't use it for an opener, it's more for a big damage burst to conserve ammo. Tag with Quick Shot then immediately start charging TA. Your mileage may vary.
  • c453m4573r
    c453m4573r Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    What? Useless? 3mbl3m told me that was the best archer skill..
  • dantex
    dantex Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Useless? How?

    It's a good opening move when nobody is around/in range to KS you, simple as that. It's definitely one of the best starting moves you get.
  • whassup
    whassup Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    It's not totally useless. It's great way to gain Chi, but other, yes it's kind of useless. And imho there are many better starting moves, like freezing ;).
  • dramen
    dramen Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    dude if your worried about ksing just get that skill that increases our attack range and no one will be able to get to ther target in time

    but if its the length of time just upgrade it cuz everytime its upgraded its charge time goes down by 0.2 secs
  • Caeria - Heavens Tear
    Caeria - Heavens Tear Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    like everyone else says its a good opening move. take out a lot of dmg at the beginning so you dont take too much dmg when they start to come closer. for KSing just hit it with a regular attack or quickshot.
    Siggy by Santacruz

  • Orlandobloom - Heavens Tear
    Orlandobloom - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    if you think its usless wait til you have a melee class run from you in PVP. you charge it, it fires at the last possible moment, they waisted a healing pot cause your aimed shot just did the damage their pot returned.. then instant shots to kill.

    its very useful.
  • l0ki
    l0ki Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    O.O Never thought a lot of people use take aim.. I don't use it.. I rather use my slow arrow than use Take aim~
  • Zenty - Lost City
    Zenty - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Is it just me or Take Aim is a lil more mana efficient then Lighitng Strike?

    At the moment, my Take Aim is lvl 2 as well as Frost Arrow and Lightninh Strike and Take Aim is doing more damage/mana then both skill.

    Take Aim is doing roughly 380-500ish dmg (depending of Fire arrow buff and who you're killing) at 17mana while Lighitng strike is going 560ish at 67mana.
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Sure, it's more efficient mana wise, but it's hardly as efficient time wise. x:
  • Zenty - Lost City
    Zenty - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Well considering that it roughly does the same damage (maybe 100 some dmg off) with a mana difference of 47.6 mana (with both at level 2) and the time it takes to regen roughly 48mana... i'd prolly just start with a full charge TA to Frost Arrow then Quick Shot and then just auto shot my way then.

    All that costing only 58 Mana and dealing roughly 60% of dmage vs Lightning Strike + Frost Arrow (88.6 mana so far) and barely hitting 30-40% damage

    But i guess its all preference and all

    edit: you can prolly take out Quick shot out of the shot rotation and it will still do roughly the same damage as a LS + FA rotation but for far less mana
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Yep. Lightning is more a spike against wood mobs when you have plenty of mana pots, or for pk'ing heavy armors.

    If quickshot is the one that has an animation of 2 arrows shooting... it's completely useless <_< Leave it at level 1 because it is teh sux.
  • Zenty - Lost City
    Zenty - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    senovit wrote: »
    Yep. Lightning is more a spike against wood mobs when you have plenty of mana pots, or for pk'ing heavy armors.

    If quickshot is the one that has an animation of 2 arrows shooting... it's completely useless <_< Leave it at level 1 because it is teh sux.

    Aye it is... lol. Great... now i feel dirty having level 2 quick shot/double shot (wtv the localization is) T.T
  • Telarika - Lost City
    Telarika - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I found a good rotation (at my level) is:

    take aim
    frost shot
    alternate quick shot/lightning strike
  • Envy - Lost City
    Envy - Lost City Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    c453m4573r wrote: »
    What? Useless? 3mbl3m told me that was the best archer skill..

    And I was right.

    Let me do some simple math for you guys.

    At level 60 with your HH bow your damage will range between 2k-4k.

    Take Aim at level 10 gives 300% of your Equipment damage.

    300% of 4k is 12k damage, and this is just at level 60, the damage continues to go up based on your weapon. No other skill comes close to this damage except Deadly shot. Also for those who where crying Take Aims charge is 3 seconds at level 10.

    At the start of the game Take Aim is completely useless because your EQ damage is horrible, something like 100-152 or something, so at the start Quickshot would be more useful.

    More math

    Lvl 3 quickshot - Instantly fire a powerful shot at the target, inflicting base physical damage plus 152.4.

    Assuming you where level 8 or so - 152+152.4 = 304.4

    Lvl 3 TakeAim - Charge for up to 4.6 seconds to attack enemy, inflicting base physical damage plus up to 195% of weapon damage.

    Assuming you where level 8 or so - 152 x 1.95 = 296.4

    So yes, at the start of the game its useless but once you get to mid-lvl its not.

    TakeAim is the Archers most powerful skill once your EQ isnt a complete joke.
  • seawolf
    seawolf Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Take Aim has situational uses. Most archers leave it at 1 so you only use 10MP to get 15 chi. It's an excellent skill to build chi and that's its primary purpose until 89. It has 0 charge time if you "double click" the skill. I don't know how else to describe it. You click it once to cast it and click it again and the arrow fires. You get 15 chi every 3s if you wish and it's about the same speed as normal attacks. Once you get used to it, it becomes like second nature.

    When you get to 89, sage archers use it to 1 shot robe people because it gets upgraded to 500% equipment damage. I've seen it do 8k crit easy and most robes people don't have 8k HP.

    The above calculation is not exactly correct. It's 300% of equipment damage, not final damage. Your equipment damage is the stat on your xbow, which might be like ~1000 damage. The damage on your char sheet is like 2-4k because your DEX is factored in there but you won't see that much added with a Take Aim shot.
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Dex acts as a multiplier, not a flat damage adder, so if the calculation is something like (Equipment Damage * dex multiplier) then (Equipment damage * 5 * dex multiplier) is the same as (Equipment damage * Dex multiplier) * 5. Of course, there might be some other flat damage things to take into consideration there, but yeah. :|
  • seawolf
    seawolf Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Skill damage is different. The added skill damage is added on at the very end.

    So it's your (equip * dex mult) + (500% of equip). Not inside the original thing. You can see your equipment damage using a spark eruption and then looking at the difference in your char sheet.

    It's trivial to see the difference if you experiment with the spark eruptions and how it doesn't stack using multiplication. I think 700% * 500% for ~35x would be too broken anyway.
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I think that would have been pretty damn godly.
  • Wishfox - Lost City
    Wishfox - Lost City Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    This skill is definitely NOT useless! For starters, you only charge it up as long as you need...if you use it for an opener and someone gets close enough to start their attack, click it again and cut the charge short. It does more damage the longer you charge, but can still smash out a decent bit of damage if you just click it and then immediately click it again to fire with a short charge. I leave it out of my shot sequence macro of short-speed-casting shots so I can start with it at any level of charge, then hit that short-cast sequence. I tried it at the start of a macro, but you have to wait for the full charge if you put it in a macro and want the macro to continue.
  • Tomiko - Heavens Tear
    Tomiko - Heavens Tear Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    >.> I don't use this skill anymore~

    Try to invest this skill when you're going Heaven Path. Best skill for sniping/backstabbing
  • asdfgfg
    asdfgfg Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I leave it out of my shot sequence macro of short-speed-casting shots so I can start with it at any level of charge, then hit that short-cast sequence. I tried it at the start of a macro, but you have to wait for the full charge if you put it in a macro and want the macro to continue.

    I use it as a starter in a macro, but i use the macro by hitting a key
    so hitting the key again will just release take aim without having to wait the full charge and the sequence continues....
  • white7
    white7 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Take Aim 10 lvl(lvl 45 needed) : base dmg +300%of base dmg. Its very good opening skill if you got a very good basic attack. For compare, another long channeling(=opening) skill : Deadly Shot 10 lvl (lvl 85 needed) makes physical damage plus 100% of weapon damage plus 4986.6. This Take Aim is much better,cause on 85th lvl you do at least 2500-4000 basic dmg.
  • xlovex
    xlovex Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    get hit by a critted take aim, then complain that its useless XD

    its definately your most mp efficient skill, and its your most -scalable- skill.

    most of your 'spikes' do good damage because of the huge -fixed- damage bonus they give. now as you level, your base damage increases relative to that fixed damage bonus, and the only skill that scales up with time is, tada! take aim!

    what really pisses me off, is when take aim misses b:cry
  • dranceon
    dranceon Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I quit leveling this spell pretty low because I was put off by the low damage and long cast. I am now opening with vicious, then lightning, quickshot, and knockback in the time it would probably take to cast TA. That sometimes kills creatures before the get to me. I did not know however that TA's charge time goes down every time you level it. I am definately going to give this spell another chance, and may be starting a new character. . .
  • Szaellapollo - Sanctuary
    Szaellapollo - Sanctuary Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I use Take Aim relatively few times. The skill that was automatically set to my F2 was (i think) quick shot, and it deals a comparitive amount of dmg for less mana. also, it has a significantly longer range.
    I am the Sage of the Threads, and I bow to youb:thanks

    "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity...and I'm not so sure about the first one." - Albert Einsteinb:beatup
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I use Take Aim relatively few times. The skill that was automatically set to my F2 was (i think) quick shot, and it deals a comparitive amount of dmg for less mana. also, it has a significantly longer range.

    quickshot quickly becomes useless unfortunately
  • SupportAngel - Heavens Tear
    SupportAngel - Heavens Tear Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Take Aim is good opening spell but if you miss the mob its not that helpful is it?
    I've been in many situations when I missed my target using aimed shot.
    -- I disagree with what you say. But I will fight to the death for your right to say it --
  • Torinchibi - Lost City
    Torinchibi - Lost City Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Quickshot is useless if you are using anything besides xbow with full atk rate (0.63 atks per second). Otherwise it's useless until hell/heaven.

    Aim Shot is not useless but definitely not efficient until high lvls (80+). It truly shines once you get hell/heaven, as it becomes better than deadly shot at that time. Until then, it's only about as good as deadly shot.
  • thrivaar
    thrivaar Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    if you think its usless wait til you have a melee class run from you in PVP. you charge it, it fires at the last possible moment, they waisted a healing pot cause your aimed shot just did the damage their pot returned.. then instant shots to kill.

    its very useful.

    hehe... closet wower (aimed shot)