Question about population of classes. :)

rhoswyn Posts: 8 Arc User
edited September 2008 in Dungeons & Tactics
I know this is a question about classes, but it's pretty broad so I thought I'd ask it here! ^_^

I was curious -- what are the most popular classes? I hope this hasn't been asked before and there was another topic about this, so sorry if there is.

I want to play a class that isn't completely overpopulated, really. I thought playing a cleric would be good for this, since in most MMO's healers are always needed / lacking -- but I read some topics on other boards that said there are many clerics, so I'm sort of confused -- I'm not sure what class to play, since I don't really want to play one (especially a healer) when there are a billion other ones out there. :P

Anyway! Thanks to anyone who can help a noob out. :P
Post edited by rhoswyn on


  • khiruki
    khiruki Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Wow... I was looking for an answer to this question too. XD

    Usually, I just look at the class forums, and look at the job that has the least topics/posts in it. The least common class is barbarian I believe.
  • rhoswyn
    rhoswyn Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    khiruki wrote: »
    Wow... I was looking for an answer to this question too. XD

    Usually, I just look at the class forums, and look at the job that has the least topics/posts in it. The least common class is barbarian I believe.

    I figured that. ^_^ I was just sort of looking for a rough list of classes, ranking them from most popular to least, I guess? Or something like that. Having more than one opinion helps too, because I'm not sure if one person is reliable! :o
  • betch
    betch Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    At 1st it'll be clerics.

    And in about a month it'll be undoubtedly venomancers.

    The other classes are pretty spread evenly, Barbarian and Wizard would be tied for last.
    IGN: Sheik
    Class: Bard
    Guild: Immortals
  • rhoswyn
    rhoswyn Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    betch wrote: »
    At 1st it'll be clerics.

    And in about a month it'll be undoubtedly venomancers.

    The other classes are pretty spread evenly, Barbarian and Wizard would be tied for last.

    Why Clerics at first; and why are wizards so underplayed, by the way? I understand barbarians being underplayed because of their difficulty, though. :)
  • coros
    coros Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Naw at first it will be Venomancers because they are the fastest and richest class, then people will start hitting 60 and not getting invites to aoe parties. Then the veno population will die down.

    3x WB Heaven's Tear
  • mkdragon
    mkdragon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    watching populations at first minutes of server started atm from most populated :
    1 veno
    2 cleric
    3 blademaster = wizard = archer (hard to say with is more with less couse around same amounts)
    4 barbarian

    later it will be more like:
    1 cleric
    2 blademaster=archer
    3 veno
    4 barbarian
    5 wizard
  • riskbreaker
    riskbreaker Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I think that among the Wing Elves the archers are the most popular class. This, at least, is what I observed on the first day of open beta. I am a cleric myself and actually had an archer complaining about me ksing her/him (more likely a him:confused:).
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Assuming that it'll eventually balance out about the same as PW-MY...

    Venomancers are definitely the most popular so far, and will continue to be the most popular I reckon. Then Blademasters most likely.. followed by Archers.

    Although at the moment, Clerics seem to be quite popular, but that's likely to die down a bit as people realise that they're pretty flamboyant to level.

    Mages aren't very popular.. they're kinda underpowered on a PvE server. Not all that useful in parties really.

    Haven't seen many Barbarians around.

    Oh.. and I reckon Blademasters will become less popular as time goes by.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • sikozu
    sikozu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    coros wrote: »
    Naw at first it will be Venomancers because they are the fastest and richest class, then people will start hitting 60 and not getting invites to aoe parties. Then the veno population will die down.

    I love veno as a class, not because its the fastest lvl'er or cheaper etc. So you will still see me lvl 60+ solo'ing my way through if I dont get invites.
    ★ :Sikozu :: Venomancer: ★ :Nebira :: Cleric: ★
  • smartyelf
    smartyelf Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    mmm. So many cleircs is not a good thing. I assume a party needs only one cleric and one tank.
    Assume veno is solo class, archer is pvp class, mage is unpopular, then the party need more bladedangers. Roll your human worriers, guys.
  • rhoswyn
    rhoswyn Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Bleh. x_x;; Now I'm not sure what class to play! I was thinking of either a cleric or wizard, but apparently there are a ton of clerics, and wizards suck. =X

    This was harder than I originally thought. xD
  • suntiger
    suntiger Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hehe, wizards doesn't suck, they're just a bit harder to play. ;)