Crafting Basics



  • spelroth
    spelroth Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    senovit wrote: »
    2. You can wait until you're a higher level to level up crafting, but it's not really suggested as a couple of the materials you'll need are monster drops. Once you outlevel them and they stop dropping for you, you'll be hard pressed to get enough materials to level up your skill without having to buy a lot of what you need.
    Outlvl? I have lv 17 and from the 1 lv mobs i get the drops too... so how much i have to be higher to outlvl the first mobs? or there is not a chance to out lvl them ( i hope so)
  • vanor
    vanor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    spelroth wrote: »
    Outlvl? I have lv 17 and from the 1 lv mobs i get the drops too...

    I would assume that once you hit say level 50, then the lvl 1 mob's won't drop anything any more.
  • irbis
    irbis Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    vanor wrote: »
    I would assume that once you hit say level 50, then the lvl 1 mob's won't drop anything any more.

    idk about it but it would be one of the most ridiculous thing ive seen in my life
    There exist only three beings worthy of respect:
    the priest, the soldier, the poet.
    To know, to kill, to create.
  • koolk
    koolk Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Unfortunately... drop rates change drastically if you are alot higher then the mob.

    Someone will know the exact numbers but I believe Level 50 Player Vs Level 1 Mob will have a very low chance of any items dropping. This is a neat feature for low levels to still have items/resources they can sell at good amounts. If the drop rate was consistent, people would farm those mobs and the market for low level items would be quite different.
  • pwp
    pwp Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I believe the lvl 1 mobs stop droppingonce you hit lvl 20
  • pwp
    pwp Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I believe the lvl 1 mobs stop dropping once you hit lvl 20
  • wavemaster
    wavemaster Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    best to farm or gather DQ from mobs is when they r green to ya(2-4 lvls lower then yours....

    and yeah crafting is completly random if u get bonuses and what stats, but like some said best is to craft like 3 or more pcs at once, better chance to get better stats.....also u know it is hard to gather mats at higher lvls, so th crafting takes time and money, best if u have at high lvls 1 max out production skill and rest lower lvl cose if u have lvl 5 blacksmith and lvl 3 tailor u can make weps sell em and buy armor or mats to improve other skills....
    RADIANCE Guild Marshal ---> only the best ;)
    Wave - Barbarian lvl 3x
  • yamy
    yamy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I got a question.

    Are you able to create 3-starred equip or weapons?
    Cuz I crafted tons of stuff and never got anything higher than 2 stars.
    Yami - Cleric
    Testament - Barbarian
  • thom
    thom Posts: 387 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    yamy wrote: »
    I got a question.

    Are you able to create 3-starred equip or weapons?
    Cuz I crafted tons of stuff and never got anything higher than 2 stars.

    Yeah, you can craft those too. Its just rare.

    Someone on world chat said it took about 300-400 tries for him to get one 3 star weapon. If true he was really unlucky, made few 3 stars myself with just around 10-40 tries. But then again, its all about luck.

    ThommiX - Harvest Leader

    8x Barbarian

    -Lost city-
  • tricktia
    tricktia Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    pwp wrote: »
    I believe the lvl 1 mobs stop dropping once you hit lvl 20

    hmm interesting I check while its still CB I have now character lvl 30 more then enough to check if lvl 1 mob drops anything for me;)
  • tarantulaboy
    tarantulaboy Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    sand stone where do i find it
  • tarantulaboy
    tarantulaboy Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i need more sand stone does anyone know where i can find it
  • mandie
    mandie Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    lena wrote: »
    * Three-star equipment can be broken down to obtain the rare stones that you need to upgrade material with.
    What kind of stone are they and are they rare/ expensive, when i ask what stone are they i mean what purpose do they have, adding what kind of stats.
    Edit: I ask because i want to know if 3 star item are more valuable if u sell them instead of breaking them down.
  • andyboi
    andyboi Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I crrafted my first armor at the tailor yesterday. The item that displayed in the tailor window shows that it has wind/metal/wood/fire/earth resistance +x amount. But when I crafted the item, I got a 2 star item with only earth resistance + x on it. It had an additional modifier but what happened to the other base stats (the other resistances)?
  • peregryn
    peregryn Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    it is idiosyncric of PW's crafting system that Ammo (arrows, bolts, slingshot ammo) are made by craftsman NPC rather than Blacksmith as you would expect. It is also worth noting that crafting ammo does not advance your Craftsman skill.

    On Apothacary skill. This is an odd one the products you can buy from NPC Health/Mana/combined cannot be crafted, the Items you can craft are only available by crafting/buying from players. The tabs of various things you can make ...... only the first tab can be made with lvl 1 materials, they cannot be decomposed, and require no jade
    Perhaps the greatest secret to getting along with others lies in learning to respect their opinion(s) even while you disagree with them.
  • abscissa
    abscissa Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    mandie wrote: »
    What kind of stone are they and are they rare/ expensive, when i ask what stone are they i mean what purpose do they have, adding what kind of stats.
    Edit: I ask because i want to know if 3 star item are more valuable if u sell them instead of breaking them down.

    In previous versions of this game the stone were called mirage stones, and you use them to plus your weapons/armor. But when you use the mirage there isn't a 100% chance you'll plus it up, and you could decrement the plus or lose it all together. so, typically, they go for a pretty average price, and they are good to sell if you need money quick.
    andyboi wrote: »
    I crrafted my first armor at the tailor yesterday. The item that displayed in the tailor window shows that it has wind/metal/wood/fire/earth resistance +x amount. But when I crafted the item, I got a 2 star item with only earth resistance + x on it. It had an additional modifier but what happened to the other base stats (the other resistances)?

    Yeah, sometimes when you craft the armor you do not get all of your base stats. you just got unlucky and only got 1 of them.
  • andyboi
    andyboi Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    thanks for the reply. yea, i noticed that now that i crafted a few more things. a few people told me that yiyuan stones (i get it from decomposing the equipment i manufactured) could be used to make charms in the pharmarcy/apothecary. I don't see it in the city of plume. Is it because i dont have a high enough level crafting skill? or do i have to go to another town to see crafts of charms that requires yiyuan stones?
  • abscissa
    abscissa Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    andyboi wrote: »
    thanks for the reply. yea, i noticed that now that i crafted a few more things. a few people told me that yiyuan stones (i get it from decomposing the equipment i manufactured) could be used to make charms in the pharmarcy/apothecary. I don't see it in the city of plume. Is it because i dont have a high enough level crafting skill? or do i have to go to another town to see crafts of charms that requires yiyuan stones?

    usually if you cannot find it in one town, you have to go to a higher lvl town and find it there or that item is too low of a grade for that city. I'm not to sure what grade yiyuan stones are, but if you got it from a higher lvl equipment than what you can make there, then it's too high. if not, it's too low, and you'll need a pharmacist to craft you an upgraded one.
  • erethizon1
    erethizon1 Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    abscissa wrote: »
    Yeah, sometimes when you craft the armor you do not get all of your base stats. you just got unlucky and only got 1 of them.

    It is not really unlucky, but a specialty item. When you get an item that only has elemental resistance against one element it has a ton more elemental resistance against that element than the item would if it had between 2 and 5 elements listed. The fewer elements listed, the more armor you get for each element. I tend to agree with you that it is best to have all 5 elements even if they have a lower armor rating just so you can be prepared for all things, but if you know you are going to be facing a particular element it is nice to have a set of super armor for that element.
  • Lujan - Lost City
    Lujan - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    thom wrote: »
    Yup, its the Duke of Deer who tells where to craft for a certain hour.
    I don't quite understand this. What kind of hints does he give you?

    Where to craft (as in what NPC to talk to) or were to find the most resources?
  • corlesta
    corlesta Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    So i am out looking for herbs and wood and Can never find them and when i do someone else has run up and grabed it! lol are the spawn locations for the various herbs random onthe map or do the just have a long respawn time?

    Also is there a list of All crafting matterials and what they are used for and where to get them?
  • erethizon1
    erethizon1 Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    corlesta wrote: »
    So i am out looking for herbs and wood and Can never find them and when i do someone else has run up and grabed it! lol are the spawn locations for the various herbs random onthe map or do the just have a long respawn time?

    The locations are fixed. They will always appear in the exact same spot.

    The respawn timer appears to be somewhere between 10 and 30 minutes. I do not know exactly because I really have no sense of time when playing video games and have never sat there and checked before.
  • sennosuke
    sennosuke Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i have a problem. my blacksmith crafting skill is at lvl 3. i've crafted 6-8 bows with the required materials to craft them (i was lucky enough to craft a 3 star padded bow :) ). my crafting progress bar (the green bar) is not progressing. what's going on? am i missing something? the padded bow is a lvl 4 bow and yet my crafting lvl is 3 -- this is correct right?

    or, is it that i must craft lvl 3 weps? well, i went back to plume to craft a lvl 3 bow and yet nothing progress. so what's going on here? please help me understand this crafting stuff.


    *** EDIT: nvm, found own answers.
  • Meetmar - Lost City
    Meetmar - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Hi you all,b:bye

    I do have al the four craftings but i only can use one wich is now lvl.2 but the others stay at lvl o and i do have the materials to make the stuff but i can't make them.
    I already did the gardering quest for all 4 so thats not the problem.
    So please.............................some advice on this.
    Thanks b:kiss

    greetings Meetmar
  • Theleetking - Heavens Tear
    Theleetking - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    thank you!
  • bigiv
    bigiv Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I Also got a question Yesterday i was levl 4 blacksmith and a barb asked me to decompose his levl 60 TT axes and create the levl 70 axes so i did it worked he has his new axes and i got the change to go levl 5 blacksmith i did and now a mate is asking me the same question about a Ancient Arbor but i cant decompose it so i tried my ancient arbor and the same thing happend i cant decompose it is it because i am levl 5 now? or what else can it be?