Price of ZEN confirmed

Posts: 0 Arc User
edited January 2010 in Chronicles
Woah, looks like our worst fear has come true. Price of ZEN is confirmed.

$1 USD = 1 Gold (100 ZEN) as stated by the announcement.

Good luck with this game.
Post edited by triss on


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  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    triss wrote: »
    Woah, looks like our worst fear has come true. Price of ZEN is confirmed.

    $1 USD = 1 Gold (100 ZEN) as stated by the announcement.

    Good luck with this game.

    Is it cheaper than my-en, cuz i have never played that b4.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    It's three times more expensive. Triple the price. A lot more expensive.
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    This is a rip off... On pw-my/en I can spend 30 dollars and get WAY more cubi! 40 dollars for a pet ride is insane.
    Sinful Leader
  • Posts: 781
    edited August 2008
    I see the CS Economy is gonna be corrupted -.-

  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Never fear, two admins responded in another thread at about the same time.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    haiz wrote: »
    Never fear, two admins responded in another thread at about the same time.


    Prices that you currently see in the Closed Beta Cash Shop is subject to change. A good portion of the current pricing will be adjusted at the launch of the open beta.

    Follow me on twitter:
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Wow, I'm the kind of gamer that don't spent a lot of games... I've only spent like $200 on my PC games and maybe another $200 on all my MMORPGs. If the prices are rediculous rather not buy o0, it's just a game in the end. I'll just fill up my wadrobe a bit instead...

    Anyway will they have some kind of card service or UGC that can be purchased from Rite-Aid, D&R, etc.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Woot, I take it back... the price is no longer confirmed since the admin have removed the post about giving us $50 worth of ZEN (which is equal to 50 gold).

    Therefore, there is still hope for cheaper ZEN people.... Keep your fingers crossed.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    triss wrote: »
    Woot, I take it back... the price is no longer confirmed since the admin have removed the post about giving us $50 worth of ZEN (which is equal to 50 gold).

    Therefore, there is still hope for cheaper ZEN people.... Keep your fingers crossed.
    They removed it because they made a mistake, they wanna triple the price. *evil snicker*

    Nawwww I hopes very much so for it to be cheaper. :3
  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Just keep it expensive, hell just go ahead and triple the price!

    At least there will be less rich kids unbalancing, and ruining the game and economy for non paying players. I liked when the devs said u cant pay for a "win button", but you obviously can.. so just keep it VERY expensive, so maybe less ppl will use the legal exploits.
  • Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Admins should do the following.

    1) Ban creators of topics like this
    2) Put an announcement showing that prices wont be 1=1, so basically, prices will be changed for ob (They already said that, but seems like noobs didnt read it)

    Because topics like this are confusing the new ppl, maybe its hard for you to understand, but there's no way in this world for 1=1, ok thx bye.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    djtav0 wrote: »
    Admins should do the following.

    1) Ban creators of topics like this
    2) Put an announcement showing that prices wont be 1=1, so basically, prices will be changed for ob (They already said that, but seems like noobs didnt read it)

    Because topics like this are confusing the new ppl, maybe its hard for you to understand, but there's no way in this world for 1=1, ok thx bye.

    They haven't said they will adjust the purchase price of zen, they said they will adjust the in-game cash shop prices.
    Official PWI irc: #pwint
    IdleRPG with hilarious customizations included. No chat penalty; others remain the same.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    djtav0 wrote: »
    Admins should do the following.

    1) Ban creators of topics like this
    2) Put an announcement showing that prices wont be 1=1, so basically, prices will be changed for ob (They already said that, but seems like noobs didnt read it)

    Because topics like this are confusing the new ppl, maybe its hard for you to understand, but there's no way in this world for 1=1, ok thx bye.


    Sorry but I had to emphasize the point with caps lock.
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    another Defender of Justice huh? please....
    on topic: i really hope the prices will be lower then this. i am not a greedy person and i gladny spent money on things that i enjoy but theres this limit called "salary" you know... i dont work for microsoft really... bear that in mind
    There exist only three beings worthy of respect:
    the priest, the soldier, the poet.
    To know, to kill, to create.
  • Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    OMG I have to wait to see the prices first.... :( If they are higher than MY I will uninstall PW International immediately and go back to Malaysia, I don't have lag there. :(

    This means that if Windracer Jaguar for example costs more than $7, I will have to say bye bye Perfect World International. I spent over $300 for Malaysian version because it is cheap and i will spend a lot more there if PWI don't lower the prices.

    PW Malaysia: $6 = 20 cubi-gold (Zen)
    Windracer Jaguar (mount) = 25 cubi-gold

    If prices are the same, this mount should cost no more than $7. If not, see you in PW Malaysia :D:D
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    khaai wrote: »
    OMG I have to wait to see the prices first.... :( If they are higher than MY I will uninstall PW International immediately and go back to Malaysia, I don't have lag there. :(

    This means that if Windracer Jaguar for example costs more than $7, I will have to say bye bye Perfect World International. I spent over $300 for Malaysian version because it is cheap and i will spend a lot more there if PWI don't lower the prices.

    PW Malaysia: $6 = 20 cubi-gold (Zen)
    Windracer Jaguar (mount) = 25 cubi-gold

    If prices are the same, this mount should cost no more than $7. If not, see you in PW Malaysia :D:D

  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Well...with price of 1$=1 Zen(Cubi)...most likely I will lvl shortly and go back to MY server... Its ridiculous...So its hard 4 me to believe in that information...They r doomed b4 they even started OB...Hope its not how its gonna be...Anyway Im pretty sure GM`s r reading all this and passing to the ones that decide... 1$=1 Zen is more then rip off...Its like saying to us: Dont even start this...
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    edi wrote: »
    Well...with price of 1$=1 Zen(Cubi)...

    Does the price of zen or gold really mater? They could keep it at 1$ = 1 Zen. But if it costs 1/3rd the amount of zen to buy something here then it does else where, it's really all the same.

    So using the mount example above, it costs 25 Cubi on PW-MY. On PWI it could cost 7 zen. Which means it costs the same amount of $'s even though each zen costs 1$.
  • Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    vanor wrote: »
    Does the price of zen or gold really mater? They could keep it at 1$ = 1 Zen. But if it costs 1/3rd the amount of zen to buy something here then it does else where, it's really all the same.

    So using the mount example above, it costs 25 Cubi on PW-MY. On PWI it could cost 7 zen. Which means it costs the same amount of $'s even though each zen costs 1$.

    I agree with that. Most people in this thread seem to believe that 1 Cubi will equal 1 Zen, when there's no evidence that this will be the case. Wait to find out the ENTIRE truth before jumping to conclusions.

    Lost City PvP server
    Teru ~ 6x cleric
  • Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Just to remind people, The PW-MY conversion rate probably wasn't 33 cents= one gold... It was probably based on the currency of Malaysia, on a one-to-one basis like this. Different country, different currency, same conversion. You are paying more, but you were really just taking advantage of globabl economics in PW-MY.

    Or, you know, they could be trying to make a bigger buck off of it. But I dunno. They don't seem like the kind of folks to do that.

    I'm a Christian looking for a clean experience in a free MMO. No, I'm not crazy.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    tolan wrote: »
    Just to remind people, The PW-MY conversion rate probably wasn't 33 cents= one gold... It was probably based on the currency of Malaysia, on a one-to-one basis like this.

    You are right. A 100 RM (Malaysian Ringgit) card = 100 cubis.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    in case you selfish **** holes were not aware. 1 Cubi Gold for a malaysian IS THERE DOLLAR you don't see them bitching. They make about 3 dollars (what ever there dollar is) by the hour on average.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    embl3m wrote: »
    in case you selfish **** holes were not aware. 1 Cubi Gold for a malaysian IS THERE DOLLAR you don't see them bitching. They make about 3 dollars (what ever there dollar is) by the hour on average.

    Umm, welcome to America, that's how we roll. It doesn't matter what they make or how much it is for them. One dollar isn't equal to one pound, and one dollar isn't equal to a Malaysian dollar. Just because we have higher wages doesn't mean you can charge us more. Regardless of what you say, each gold was about 33 cents for us in MY-EN. Now if you really want to play that way, you can lower the price of everything in the cash shop by one third so we can make one gold equal to one dollar.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    1 Malaysian ringgit = 0.295814 U.S. dollars

    Straight off Google conversion. So for them 1cubi=1ringgit


    so if the CS items are cut by about 60% of gold, then i'm fine with it. If they have the same gold prices as PW-MY, i am gonna wave goodbye.
  • Posts: 62
    edited August 2008
    ranthe wrote: »
    1 Malaysian ringgit = 0.295814 U.S. dollars

    Straight off Google conversion. So for them 1cubi=1ringgit


    so if the CS items are cut by about 60% of gold, then i'm fine with it. If they have the same gold prices as PW-MY, i am gonna wave goodbye.

    Useing your above calculation and taking that pw-my charged all USD cash shop users on AVG of $0.33

    -All players paying with ringgit payed 0.295814 USD
    -All players paying with USD payed "Avg" $0.330000 USD
    -Cubi Net charged all USD payments on "Avg" $0.034186 USD
    more per ringgit
    -Every 8.653074 ringgit sold to a USD payer useing USD as payment grossed Cubinet an additional 1 ringgit / $0.295814 USD

    Just something to think about :)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Don't think, buy more.
  • Posts: 703 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    come on people, they know their competition is MY-EN and PW Europe, they wont sell of a higher price than them
    Sever: Lost City
    Making players RageQuit since 2004


    Hello, You have reached Severan on The RQ carebear's automated phone system
    To tell me I've got no life and I live in my mom's basement, press 1. To tell me that you are logging on your level 90 character to kick the **** out of me, press 2. To tell me that your friend is a GM and you're getting me banned, press 3. To tell me RQ is going to fail and talk more **** about RunQuick press 4. If none of these options fit your need please hold the line for idiot assistance, they will be with you shortly...
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    perfect world MY is the only online game i been played. In cash shop i always top up when run out there4 around $67 AUD i can get 200cubi gold top up without regret {HAPPY}.but now bcoz of the LAG i feel abit down { hoples }So i tried 2 D/l PWI doesnt matter how long it take to d/l i cant wait tried{YAY}
    BUT when i started to check out the PWI it NICE not much lag or delay 'SOoHAPPY' AFter i Checked the CASHSHOP most new ITems ARE "awesome" BUT unbelievable $50{USD}gold wing COST ME whole day WORK 'WTF' in cashshop and game gold are no diffrent from real life money.
    $1USD=100cent [zen]
    20 Mil Gold=$139.72AUD
    HOPE all think more carefully b4 start 2 play PWI
    {we poor country cant support}
    G_M PLEASE REAd MY Posted and we cant wait for your next updates XD
  • Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    perfect world MY is the only online game i been played. In cash shop i always top up when run out there4 around $67 AUD i can get 200cubi gold top up without regret {HAPPY}.but now bcoz of the LAG i feel abit down { hoples }So i tried 2 D/l PWI doesnt matter how long it take to d/l i cant wait tried{YAY}
    BUT when i started to check out the PWI it NICE not much lag or delay 'SOoHAPPY' AFter i Checked the CASHSHOP most new ITems ARE "awesome" BUT unbelievable $50{USD}gold wing COST ME whole day WORK 'WTF' in cashshop and game gold are no diffrent from real life money.
    $1USD=100cent [zen]
    20 Mil Gold=$139.72AUD
    HOPE all think more carefully b4 start 2 play PWI
    {we poor country cant support}
    G_M PLEASE REAd MY Posted and we cant wait for your next updates XD

    Understand your complaint but wow! Way to necro the thread b:shocked

    b:cryb:cry QQ MOAR QQ b:cryb:cry
  • Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    epic necro, but still an interesting thread.
This discussion has been closed.