How are you liking PW?

theninthseraphim Posts: 35 Arc User
edited September 2008 in General Discussion
So i wanted to start PW during close beta but my D/L was corrupt and I never tried again. But now i'm thinking of maybe starting at open beta. How's the game so far for you? Compare to other f2p mmorpgs you've played? there really an endgame for this game?

I'm playing rohan online right now, and I'm having fun. But I'm thinking of switching if PW is better. Also, is PW well populated (during CB)? Will it be more or less people in OB?

thanks for answering guys.
Post edited by theninthseraphim on


  • zori
    zori Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    mmosite site said they passed out 15,000 beta keys, but the Etherblade (PvP) look like 50-100 people lmao. You can have s3x behind a tree and no one is there to witness it.

    I'm sure it'll be highly populated when OB comes. People didn't want to spend so many hours for their time spent for a wipe. GM-interaction so far even in CB is decent. One of the best of the F2p games I played. Almost responds to any threads made about help. Even if its in the wrong section, they respond to it and move the topic to the appropiate section.

    End Game for me is gaining all of the lands in TW.
  • wizzmaster
    wizzmaster Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    all i can tell you is the game is perfect. in my opinion the best F2P game
  • theninthseraphim
    theninthseraphim Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    wow, really that good?

    I wasn't expecting much from a chinese mmo...even though i'm chinese.


    compared to others? like rohan online? and what classes were most popular in cb?
  • noriega
    noriega Posts: 9
    edited August 2008
    Um, its good, I probably will use it as an -im bored- game.

    TBH it was better than i thought it would be due to so many people telling me horror stories of the malay version (I think its the malay version).
    The things i do not like so far is that some of the quests are kinda vague, the maps are huge which makes those run around quests taxing. And i still do not know the story, but im only level 19 so its not coming from much experience.

    Over all its not that bad, its not the greatest ive played, but its far from the worse.
  • jdz8
    jdz8 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Here's a small list of 3 pros and 3 cons I found while playing
    1) jumping/swimming/flying
    2) crafting (manufacturing) is actually a SKILL
    3) one of the best balance between classes that I have found in an mmorpg
    1) eye cringing choice of names (most notably: "Archosaur", "squad", faction titles, and the army of monotonic names - which could be fixed if the devs simply by putting the full name and adding an icon or something to indicate the type of NPC, but I'm not counting on it too much)
    2) leveling is a bit on the slow side (compared with Rohan) with more clicking
    3) keyboard control issues - slow turning and no option to manually change keyboard controls for the game

    As for the endgame, most games I've played rely on PvP for entertainment.
    However, the only purpose of PK that I read about is guild rivalries (KOS) and preventing KS so I guess TW and duels would be the PvP in PW?
  • ambie
    ambie Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I always have enjoyed this game. :0 thats all i can say.
    *swallows a shoe*
    mm that had some gum on it
  • theninthseraphim
    theninthseraphim Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    aww cool. But i'm kinda into pk...I think it stimulates the community. As for map size, how big's it? Walking time from one corner to diag corner?

    anyone else pro/con?

    fun game? worth it? MOST f2p game, once you reached a certain level, you realize it's not worth it. This game has TW...

    any opinion?

    thanks guys.
  • zori
    zori Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Lol, the map isn't that big at all. Eventually when everyone becomes a set level, like 8x,9x,10x and there will be rival guilds, you'll wish the map will be bigger. I was in a guild that was on kos with the top guild and leveling is tough. You will be sought after in a map like that. (Beside instance dungeons).

    TW is 80 vs 80, really fun, just need team work and coordination if both sides are evenly matched.

    If you attempt to fly from the map diag, using the lvl 30 aerial mount, it'll take maybe 20-30 mins.
  • theninthseraphim
    theninthseraphim Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    and there's just one world map?
  • zori
    zori Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    One big global map yes. But there are instances like dungeons, HH (starting at lvl 60, you'll have to hunt mats for weapons and equipment here), and daily/weekly events.
  • tricktia
    tricktia Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    and there's just one world map?

    yea only one it is huge but also when you advance more you will wish its bigger cuz you will feel little fobic like its small :D
  • kuukai
    kuukai Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    wow, really that good?

    I wasn't expecting much from a chinese mmo...even though i'm chinese.


    compared to others? like rohan online? and what classes were most popular in cb?

    hmm about rohan...

    i expected alot from that and i was kicked back in the face :P

    about PW

    1st awesome graphics
    2nd chat system is very organized as compared to rohan
    3rd PVP hmm not much pvp as compared to other mmos[f2p ones] like rf online
    4th Bugs.. there may be minor but not any major ;p
    5th i am worried bout this game being ruined by gold farmers and botters >.<
    6th PVE is fun.


    i hate the map system atleast they should have put grid lines

    T__T it would have made my pw life more easier
  • khaai
    khaai Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I still believe this is the best MMORPG ever created, at least so far. A lot of people argue about gameplay quality, but no doubt PW is the ultimate leader in the following areas: :p

    1 - Best graphics ever (most detailed, most beautiful, over 40 awards for crystal graphics and what not);
    2 - Best character customization. So far not even one mmorpg is better in this.
    3 - The 3rd one is my personal opinion, so some people may disagree on this. I think PW has the best soundtrack ever. Don't know who is the composer, but all the themes has a nice asian touch and amazing sound. Yes, music really does get repetitive, but this is normal for ppl who play 8-9 hours a day. I just turn off music volume when I'm pissed and listen to the effects. :D:D:D
  • morrowind
    morrowind Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Pw Is The Best Game I Have Ever Played On My Computer In My Whole Life!!1@
    Server: West, Etherblade(PVP)
    Character: Coke/Blademaster/Lv2x
    Faction: Forbidden (Private Faction)
  • ishtori
    ishtori Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    The reason for low population of CB is usually because of the character wipe that will happen at Sept 2nd. CB are usually "Closed" to the public because of this reason usually.

    This game is pretty balanced at high level, however the reliance on Cash shop items for faster and easier PvE and PvP means the price of the items play a big part of this game on launch date.

    Builds for PvP and PvE are usually quite different when played, for example, an agility build character will suffer in PvE (Due to mob's high accuracy, low evasion). In PvP however agility will play a much bigger role, since in PvP is when all the jobs become more balanced between different builds.

    This game is quite fun, and basically revolves around player interactions. (One of the reasons PvE server seem less realistic, however not being ganked while leveling is considered a plus by many)

    Overall, I like this game, but I am not singing praises about it. Depend on who you run into in the game, you opinion might be different.
  • nagash
    nagash Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    yup yup..this game rly pwns..played MY version alrdy and only quitted cuz TW times where kinda impossible for me as european
    not that US times r perfect for me now..but at leats its something i can
    personaly best F2P mmorpg i ever played..i just hope Zen price wont be that high :D
    Edit: not sure anymore if the times rly were that bad..but i think yes x.x
    anyways..this game pwns
  • cerberus
    cerberus Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    this game is great but can be even better

    thats all i got to say ^^
  • kokoro
    kokoro Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I usually play Cartoon-ish MMOs, but since I started to play PW, I'm addicted =3 Too bad school starts soon D: But still, I like it ^-^

    I love how you can swim! =D
  • tricktia
    tricktia Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    kuukai wrote: »
    hmm about rohan...

    i expected alot from that and i was kicked back in the face :P

    about PW

    1st awesome graphics
    2nd chat system is very organized as compared to rohan
    3rd PVP hmm not much pvp as compared to other mmos[f2p ones] like rf online
    4th Bugs.. there may be minor but not any major ;p
    5th i am worried bout this game being ruined by gold farmers and botters >.<
    6th PVE is fun.


    i hate the map system atleast they should have put grid lines

    T__T it would have made my pw life more easier

    there is something called cordinate assistent or something at least with it you can tell where you are so others look for you or tell where to go on map:rolleyes:
  • tricktia
    tricktia Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    kokoro wrote: »
    I usually play Cartoon-ish MMOs, but since I started to play PW, I'm addicted =3 Too bad school starts soon D: But still, I like it ^-^

    I love how you can swim! =D

    you in school me at work >=(
  • reversal
    reversal Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    wizzmaster wrote: »
    all i can tell you is the game is perfect. in my opinion the best F2P game


    this game is one of the best!

    The Chat I don't like too much, they should implement a chat like in Guild Wars or FlyFF, but thats not a biggy, its pretty awessome!!
  • danubus37
    danubus37 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Its a good game for a F2p game, but doesnt hold my interest as much as I thought it would. Its not bad if you just want to goof off for an hour or so, but doesnt hold my interest beyond that.

    The forums and the community for this game really turned me off to the game a lot. Pretty dissapointing group of folks on these forums and thats a shame.

    I didnt have a lot of expectations when I started gaining interest in the game so Im not really upset how things have turned out for me anyway. Im gonna give the pve servers a go when open beta starts, but I doubt ill play a ton. Lots of other games have piqued my interest lately.
  • killu
    killu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    So far as I only played a little bit.. it is a really good game being free to play. Only worry I have is that the cash shop will have to big of a impact on the game for people who can't spend alot of money on it with the heal kits, If I was in there shoes I would make sure the price for the ((autopots?)) is a reasonable price. The gameplay, graphics however look really nice.
    Lost City -
    Class: Barbarian
    Level: 1x
  • evilgeek
    evilgeek Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I haven't played many other free MMORPGS, RFonline wasn't my cup of tea, i didnt like the graphics of Dungeon Runners and the few other F2P games i tried didnt stay installed on my machine for longer than an hour or two. I tried PW while I wait for some upcoming pay to play titles to be released, it's a hell of alot better than I thought any F2P game could be :-)

    Graphics are great, like WoW they seem to be designed so the game can be played on most systems at high graphics lvl, unlike WoW there is an attempt at some kind of realism and it works extremely well, I'm surprised an F2P game can look this good. Character customisation is incredibly detailed too for a game of this type, the only other game I can think of that provides as many options is Age of Conan, sure AoC does it better but you need a very good system to even start it and of course you'll need to subscribe.

    Crafting is very nice, you always get what you expect when creating something and you get the chance of the added bonus of creating something with increased stats and/or gem sockets, my last 2 crafted armour items had both, I was very pleased. Alot of other games would benefit from having such a simple but well thought out crafting system as this.

    Gameplay is exactly what you would expect from a grind based game, it's all about killing x amount or getting x amounts of a certain drop from killing x creatures, while at the early levels it felt like little effort had been put into the storyline of these quests as i've progressed (24% away from lvl 30 atm) the storylines have got alot more interesting and have become well worth the time to read, really enjoyed the lady ghost quest near Orchid Temple.

    If your a PvE player I think you could easily play this game without spending a penny in the cash shop, sure you have advantages if you do but it all depends on your game playing style, a casual PvE player could get alot out of this game for free.

    If you like a grind based game and don't want to pay for any of the subscription based games then I think PWI is worth the download and the space it takes on your hard drive, it's great for what it is and the graphics are lovely (obviously it cant compete with pay to play games like AoC or instanced games like GW but thats a whole other 'league').

    As for the community - I get the impression the most regular posters are from PW MY who already come with their own agendas, as the game population increases then the community will change.
  • khaai
    khaai Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    evilgeek wrote: »
    obviously it cant compete with pay to play games like AoC or instanced games like GW but thats a whole other 'league').

    IMO PW far outshines any P2P game so far (not to mention F2P games with pixelized graphics and such).... :rolleyes:
    evilgeek wrote: »
    As for the community - I get the impression the most regular posters are from PW MY who already come with their own agendas, as the game population increases then the community will change.

    It's true, but there will be thousands of new players to join :D And btw Xantara quest (the lady in forest) is one of my favourites too! :D
  • lockhart
    lockhart Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    PW is like riding an unicorn on a shiny rainbow at sunset...wait what o.O

    PW is a good game imo, been hopping through most F2P and few P2P ones and this sure takes the cake on the F2P market, and even on some P2P ones. Got a feeling I'll be around for awhile aslong as the botter & gold-spammer situation is handled well^^

    Regarding the world-map, yeah only one but trust me, it takes awhile to fly around the whole map (did that few days ago). Had only the basic flyer back then tho which is sloow as a sludge in a jellow.
    Mihimaru ~ 4x Venomancer ~ Starlight ~ Heaven's Tear
    CB tester :D
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    lockhart wrote: »
    Regarding the world-map, yeah only one but trust me, it takes awhile to fly around the whole map (did that few days ago). Had only the basic flyer back then tho which is sloow as a sludge in a jellow.

    Only one map, but many instances, some of which are quite large. Many FB can entertain you for a few hours if you don't use wines. The Heaven/Hell areas are also quite large.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • lockhart
    lockhart Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    Only one map, but many instances, some of which are quite large. Many FB can entertain you for a few hours if you don't use wines. The Heaven/Hell areas are also quite large.

    Ah yeah instances too of course, forgot bout those =P
    Mihimaru ~ 4x Venomancer ~ Starlight ~ Heaven's Tear
    CB tester :D