Cb: Serious Problems (2)

seph2 Posts: 40 Arc User
edited August 2008 in General Discussion
Cb: Serious Problems (1):

Here are more feedback:

1. Say Cleric A buff me "increase defense", couple minutes later Cleric B buff me "increase defense" NOW does cleric B's buff overcome cleric A??? does it depend on Buff lv? or whoever buff last?

2. Pet Class: Pets can learn skills, in order for pets to learn skills, you have to summon the pet. NOW, how do I summon a water type pet when I am on land??? SO is there are "under-water pet skill trainer"???

3. From CB to OB there are 4 hours for the server to update and all that. What's the point of CB if there is no change from CB to OB? I thought game needs improvement and find out problems and bugs. I know PW has been out and tested all over the world but it's NOT perfect for sure therefore we again have CB right???

4. More Glitch: It's very easy to stand on top of houses or fences or rails to "shoot" mobs either magic or archer. For most MMO that's not allowed which is map development problems. for PW is that allowed or that will be fixed??

5. A lot of people test out Venomancers right. OK we will notice this. summon a pet in side Lost City, go out through South Gate. You Pet WILL BE STUCK. Yeah there is a huge opening (gate) but your pet seem to run into a invisible wall???

P.S. Please STOP TALKING ABOUT MALAY SERVERS, you don't live in Asia you are NOT invited to play the MY Servers. If you do live in Asia you are NOT invited to play the International Servers (it's stupid when only NA and EU IP are allow in "international servers). I don't want to COMPARE.
Post edited by seph2 on


  • zori
    zori Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    1.) Yes, a lower person's buffs can overwrite the higher one. Also there is a bug with the Cleric's Magic Defense buff, if you buff it twice, it'll disappear faster than any other buff, instead of resetting the timer back to a fresh buff.

    2.) Just wait til lvl 80 for the Celestial pet I guess xD You'll hardly ever use a water pet after 40.

    3.) The admins feel 4 hours is enough time for them to launch OB, remember all it is a patch. As we speak, they are updating it and adding it to the patch. Open beta is still a phase to test bugs and glitches.

    4.) Both ranged -.- both evens out.

    5.) Dont know about that.

    Why you refuse to compare the SAME game? Would you want to be updated with everyone else? It just different companies selling the product.
  • seph2
    seph2 Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited August 2008

    4. I meant mobs can NOT hit the players standing on " very short fence" or on top of houses.

    P.S. Comparing will not fix problem. "I had 4 times worse lag in MY server" Do I care about that? No, I live in NA and I play NA server, and I will buy cash shop to support NA server so I dont expect much lag from NA server. It's very reasonable. Kids like to compare problems and make them sound like "it's good enough"

  • zori
    zori Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Well if the mob isn't range, it won't hit you O.o I never encounter a problem where they couldn't.

    Most of the content we have is from Beijing/MY. For example, I remember when I was playing MY, there were many people who abused the weekly Forest Run event to gain Exp/amulet. Instead of fixiing the problem, they completely removed the event from the game. As you can see, we too, in NA server do not even have it.

    If they fix it across the seas, it'll be eventually in our patch notes. We would inevitably compare in a sense.
  • anima
    anima Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    1) The new buff will overwrite the last buff, just like zori said above.
    2) There are 3 types : air, water and land. Only air one can use on both air and land. WFs rarely grind under water, except fishing. So train an air pet like the lvl 8 bee is the best choice.
    3) They said there will be a patch, and changes. Wait and see.
    4) If you notice this, you will see it is useless to do so in PW. When you atk a mobs, and it can't hit you, its HP will start to fill up again in 3 sec or so, unless you one hit kill it. Solve the cheating problem, isn't it? Second, the only exception is Venomancer, cause they use their pet to tank, and they atk from a distance, not violating the ToS. This is useful for 1 quest though ^^.
    5) I noticed it too. Small bug though, just summon it back, no big deal.
    And why we talk about the MY server? Before PWI, there isn't any PW in English except PW MY. Because we can play both server ^^, we like to compare the pros and cons of both.And believe me, we do it to make PWI more enjoyable for you.

  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    2.There is an underwater pet trainer, he is located next to the docks in east Archosaur.

    4. If you stand on the house and hit the mob, and it is unable to hit you back, it will run back to its spawn point while regenning maybe 1/3 of their life per second.

    5. All 3 races' starting cities have invisible walls that prevent monsters from travelling in and out. This is most likely to prevent people from luring powerful aoe bosses into the middle and wiping out all the stalls and noobs. Unfortunately, it blocks your pet as well.

    Looks like your other ones have already been answered.
  • seph2
    seph2 Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Well, Thanks for th Answer but...
    I didn't really want answer though.

    1. Why would a lower buff over write higher buff anyway. I wouldn't know what lv buff i received from some else right? So if that's the case, buff description should be very important for anyone who receive buff. (it's a matter of knowing what's going on and timer)

    2. At least there is a underwater pet trainer, YAY,

    4. Well, i am not sure how it works but I see archer killing mobs like that so and maybe the whole regen thing doesn't work 100%?

    5. Yeah I think that's a good shield but still it's a bug right since it should only block mobs not pets.

    P.S. this is what I am talking about, we compare things like the starting city have a shield to protect players but it also blocks the pet, yes it is NOT a big deal at all but it's a bug and it's a problem so we as "CB Tester" should do our job reporting these and ask them to fix it. Same as the whole glitching thing, people still can kill mobs using glitch, yes it's "maybe" tricky to do but they can still do it. So, it's a matter of solving problems not thinking "not a big deal, i can live with it, doesn't effect much, good enough...." you know

  • zori
    zori Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    1.) THe only way you can tell if you have a lower or higher stat buff is by looking at your stats. You'll know which is higher from there, and no, you can't check the timer on it either.

    3.) It also depends, if an archer, mage, or priest can kill the mob fast enough before the non-ranged mob can reach and regen, its very possible to kill on a fence, house, or whatever.
  • kelo
    kelo Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    seph2 wrote: »
    1. Why would a lower buff over write higher buff anyway.
    Because in some cases you want a lower level buff to overwrite higher level one. Need an example? You know that your lvl10 buffs the cleric cast on you will fade away in 5-10 mins, and you're going to hunt mobs alone. You ask around to refresh buffs, but the only available cleric has lvl9 buffs... it would be frustrating if he couldn't refresh your buffs, wouldn't it? ^^;

    seph2 wrote: »
    I wouldn't know what lv buff i received from some else right? So if that's the case, buff description should be very important for anyone who receive buff. (it's a matter of knowing what's going on and timer)
    Knowing buff level when hovering mouse over the buff icon would be nice, because sometimes you really don't know if the buff casted on you could be improved. Same for the resurrection, too. While dead and raised, you should have the option to "accept lvlX resurrection", because sometimes you accept a random lvl1 resurrection without knowing and lose much exp >_> That could be neat suggestions.
    ~ Through the darkest of night, we shall shine brightly, revealing the path to both friendship and glory ~
    Kelovar, Radiance executor
  • pxragez0r
    pxragez0r Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    kelo wrote: »
    Knowing buff level when hovering mouse over the buff icon would be nice, because sometimes you really don't know if the buff casted on you could be improved. Same for the resurrection, too. While dead and raised, you should have the option to "accept lvlX resurrection", because sometimes you accept a random lvl1 resurrection without knowing and lose much exp >_> That could be neat suggestions.

    or you can actually learn your base stats by pressing C and look at your atk/def/m def etc after you receive the buff.

    any form of res is good. unless you're comparing lv1 res to lv10 res.. the difference isn't worth the fuss.
    ~ hungry for c00kies ~
  • wabbitt
    wabbitt Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    seph2 wrote: »
    1. Say Cleric A buff me "increase defense", couple minutes later Cleric B buff me "increase defense" NOW does cleric B's buff overcome cleric A??? does it depend on Buff lv? or whoever buff last?

    I believe the second overwrites the first, but Im not sure.
    seph2 wrote: »
    2. Pet Class: Pets can learn skills, in order for pets to learn skills, you have to summon the pet. NOW, how do I summon a water type pet when I am on land??? SO is there are "under-water pet skill trainer"???

    Yes. In the water at the dock in the east part of archosaur.
    seph2 wrote: »
    3. From CB to OB there are 4 hours for the server to update and all that. What's the point of CB if there is no change from CB to OB? I thought game needs improvement and find out problems and bugs. I know PW has been out and tested all over the world but it's NOT perfect for sure therefore we again have CB right???

    I think they are assuming there wont be any problems. If there are, then maybe OB may start later.
    seph2 wrote: »
    4. More Glitch: It's very easy to stand on top of houses or fences or rails to "shoot" mobs either magic or archer. For most MMO that's not allowed which is map development problems. for PW is that allowed or that will be fixed??

    Try killing a mob this way. Dont forget we can fly at level 30, and priest can fly at 1.
    If the mob cant hit you it will run away and heal extremely fast. You cant exploit it.
    (Well actually you can take advantage of this behavior, but not in the way you are thinking)
    seph2 wrote: »
    5. A lot of people test out Venomancers right. OK we will notice this. summon a pet in side Lost City, go out through South Gate. You Pet WILL BE STUCK. Yeah there is a huge opening (gate) but your pet seem to run into a invisible wall???

    Couldnt have put it better myself.
    seph2 wrote: »
    P.S. Please STOP TALKING ABOUT MALAY SERVERS, you don't live in Asia you are NOT invited to play the MY Servers. If you do live in Asia you are NOT invited to play the International Servers (it's stupid when only NA and EU IP are allow in "international servers). I don't want to COMPARE.

    Anyone can play the MY servers.
    PWI isnt banning *asia*, they are banning certain countries in *asia* (India is in asia but has no ban)
    There are other places in the world besides NA, EU and asia.
    Your post was good until you got to the end.