Increased Zoom a.k.a Zoom ****

Posts: 0 Arc User
I'm wondering if the game zooming can be increased manually. That is if the particular zoom a character has can be extended? If such a function is not included may I suggest the admins ask the devs to add such a function.
Post edited by t0yo on
it wont A) effect the games look
effect EXP, PK, PVP, or any other part of the gameplay that may give you an advantage.
So they wont detect the change most likely and if they do im sure they wont ban you for it but it is said in the FAQ not to change the ini file so dont publish any changes you plan to make.0 -
Yeah stuff like this you keep to yourself since the ToS states that editing or modifying in game files regardless of how much of a significance it impacts play, i.e changing mob colors, zooming, UI changes, etc. results in a ban or some punishment.Syndacus L. 31 Stoneman Protector - 1250 Patk
Dingleberry L. 14 Marksman
I don't see why it would be penalized. Extending sight only extends the sight of the environment, so the can see the cities in the clouds from Archosaur. It doesn't increase the radius of npc/pc data that the server sends, so there is no advantage beyond aesthetics (like forcing AA and AF).
I don't know if extended zooming is possible though? You could use a 1920x1200 monitor and take a screenshot and there could be a lot of zoom in that manner.
Alternatively, it's possible to extend the desktop area (not the view) to 2560x2560 and beyond, and run Perfect World in windowed mode. If you set your desktop view to 1280x1024 or less, it will be really zoomed in when you play. ^_^0 -
Yeah, but developers are quite strict when it comes to game modification. Even though you changed stuff client-side and ONLY the USER can see it, but no one else. Developers will still gripe about it. I had one developer come down on me in another game cause I changed all the in-game music to heavy metal and made my monster super sized even though only I could see it and no one else could.Syndacus L. 31 Stoneman Protector - 1250 Patk
Dingleberry L. 14 Marksman
Thanks for the responses but I suppose this could be done via the ini file could it not?
I remember silkroad had a similar option but the only way to resort to it was with the main hacking program....and lets not even go down that road shall we.
If someone knows of alternative methods of having a further increase of the zoom in game could the post it here?0 -
Where is the .ini file? I can't seem to find it.0
Where is the .ini file? I can't seem to find it.
User/client related files like the Character customizations images and ini and server list, etc is in the Perfect World\element\userdata directory.
OT, the userpic directory is in there too, where people can put their own picture in order to help customize a character that looks like a celebrity or anyone else.
0 -
I've asked for this long ago on the my-en client and got ignored. Its a real pain in the **** when the golem is taking up 90% o the screen and i cant select mobs. Especially noticeable when you stand on a downhill slope.
PLEEEASSSSEEEE Giev moar zooooom!
Ps. (I think there is a **** or this but the pesky updater keeps overwriting the file if you mod it )[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Go watch it alone0 -
There have actually been quite a few people who have been banned because they edited their ini files.
Anyone who modifies their ini files must realize that they are doing so at their own risk.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Xarfox I understand that you need to uphold the law, but try and realise that the reason ppl are changing things are because they feel it would make the game better.
Now of course jump hacks and that kinda BS should NOT be tolerated but allowing players to zoom out a little more so the annoying *********** golem doesnt always walk right into the camera when I'm about to click on a mob/npc isnt REALLY a unrealistic request is it?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Go watch it alone0 -
It's the same view in all versions. Get over it or don't play the game.
Also lol @ people getting banned already for editing .ini files.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
@Koz yes thats the way you make something good, when the ppl using your product request changes you tel them to deal with it or get lost?
At least try to apply some common sense, players like myself want to see PW become something that can with a straight face say "yes this is as good as WOW and you will enjoy playing it".
If all our requests are just ignored and ppl get banned for things like changin the colour of their tails this game will remain popular until the next good free one is realeased.
Then all the "hardcore" mmo'ers thats been doing this since last chaos or any other similar promising mmo will LEAVE for something that promises to meet the demands of players. It pretty simple business if mcdonalds decide that ketchup will no longer be served and everyone will be happy with super hot peri peri sauce, how long do you think will it be before they are completely bankrupt?
Happy players = more players = more money for the business.
Pissed of players = ppl leave & disgruntled individuals attempt to break the servers = bad business[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Go watch it alone0 -
@Koz yes thats the way you make something good, when the ppl using your product request changes you tel them to deal with it or get lost?
At least try to apply some common sense, players like myself want to see PW become something that can with a straight face say "yes this is as good as WOW and you will enjoy playing it".
If all our requests are just ignored and ppl get banned for things like changin the colour of their tails this game will remain popular until the next good free one is realeased.
Then all the "hardcore" mmo'ers thats been doing this since last chaos or any other similar promising mmo will LEAVE for something that promises to meet the demands of players. It pretty simple business if mcdonalds decide that ketchup will no longer be served and everyone will be happy with super hot peri peri sauce, how long do you think will it be before they are completely bankrupt?
Happy players = more players = more money for the business.
Pissed of players = ppl leave & disgruntled individuals attempt to break the servers = bad business
Just because we have requested you do not edit your ini file, that does not mean that requests and suggestions are not being read.
We have drawn a line on the editing of ini files, and to make exceptions to that rule will just take an issue that is black and white, and turn it grey.
Do not edit your ini files, you are putting your characters and your account at risk.
Now what you can do, is goto the suggestion forum, and suggest that the camera distance be increased.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Happy players = more players = more money for the business.
Pissed of players = ppl leave & disgruntled individuals attempt to break the servers = bad business
99.9% of the players don't know what a .ini file is. If they loose the 0.1% that do and edit them, no big loss.Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."
(We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)0 -
ahhh i guess the good 'ol zoom **** has arrived here too. It gives the pvp'er an advantage in that u can see them coming before any 1 else does. plus insidethe zoom **** is another neat program that allows u to jump in fbs. The guild healer in pw-my had it on his char. not me!!!0
1. To select mobs behind golem, use Shift key.
2. Extended zoom can affect gameplay significantly. Eg, normally player can't see (and select and attack) character behind some obstacle (like a tree). With extra zoom, it's possible. Or, when character is fighting a mob, player can't see another aggro mob or PK approaching to his character from behind, without rotating camera all the time. With additional zoom, he can.0 -
Woah ok I suppose people don't want to implement suggestions such as increasing zoom o_O?
To koz, karmelia and other disgruntled players who dismiss this, honestly this has to be something other then the request/suggestion I made. I understand when editing the ini file the player is doing so at his own risk though I don't understand why you wouldn't want such a helpful function used at all.
Seriously, if you have such disaproval of requests making the game better why didn't you stay at pw-my? The admins would have gladly agreed with you there.
I'll take this to the suggestion forum, however I have a severe doubt the devs will allow it
P.S May an admin move this to the suggestion forum or lock this thread?
If moved it would be better to edit anything related to editing ini files or hacks. I'll edit my posts0 -
@xar, I'm not saying ini file editing is cool, I'm saying that we DID request panda sliders to be bigger to make authentic looking pandas, and we did request a option to change venomancer tails to fit their hair colour. Both requests received NO response and we can only assume it was ignored.
I'll go and suggest this, and when OB start i'll be like "wheeee more zooom!! *scrolls mouse*.. thats odd its still the same...saw that coming"
@karm, im not talking about editing the ini im talking about general improvements to the game that everyone would appreaciate.
@lazor I dont want a damn **** with jumping and 5mile zoom out, i want a reasonable slight alteration to the zoom dist so its more user friendly.
@ogrant 1. Sure I'll just tape down my shift key, why make something better when there is a manual overide. On the same note i beleive all cars should revert back to being started with a crank lever, this key stuff is progress and thats clearly bad in your book.
2. once again, i dont want to be able to zoom out 700miles, have u ever been a werebeast in beast form? you cant see any dmg reading in HH because youre staring at the boss's toes. You other reasons boil down to "more zoom would allow players to avoind being ganked" How exactly is that a bad thing?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Go watch it alone0 -
I totally agree with you lipe but the screwed up thing in this issue is that it doesn't rely on xar and orinj apparently it relies on the company in beijing, was that were the HQ was?
Personally we don't know what the process is about suggestions because they don't disclose information what so ever.
Its kinda annoying you know, that the same **** has to go down like pw-my but I'm not really going to complain. I'm tired of ranting and honestly in my books this game isn't going to last forever0 -
Personally we don't know what the process is about suggestions because they don't disclose information what so ever.
Remember that those devs form Bejing PW are the same ones that find it easier to close an event completely (forest ruins) rather than fixing the bugs in it...
I guess that the process through which a suggestion go through there is :
1 - suggestion is received.
2 - suggestion is sent into the trash can.Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."
(We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)0 -
Actually, whoever runs the PWI client should have the auth to edit the files, and there is a DETAILED guide readily available on how to edit the client to acomplish this using a standard debugging util like windasm.
So all it takes is they edit the master file at the office and let the auto patcher roll it out to everyone - done.
As for the ini stuff, to adjust the sliders there should be a min/max setting there thats linked to each model or w/e. The tail colours might be a prob cos there is currently no option in the panel for it at all. Still these things CAN be edited and changed by anyone, not just beijing.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Go watch it alone0 -
@karm you're right. Probably they've been taking leaf from work because of the olympics.....Yeah for like 4 years or something xD
@Lipe if it was so easy to do I think they'd do it. Though what makes the situation so fishy is that they won't disclose on how and why such operations are considered, now that shows an indication of some....laziness or inability to produce such mundane updates =/0 -
You know i was gonna post the how-to here but i just realised i'll prolly get banned for advertising "hacking" or something.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Go watch it alone0 -
What don't people understand about this game? This is how it works and this is what happens. It's been out for numerous years and although yes suggestions are taken into consideration, 99% aren't implemented. This game has already been developed and all the necessary changes that PW Beijing found suitable were put into the game way before any of these other versions came out. PWE probably has to run any suggestions through PW Beijing first.
All these changes that affect gameplay probably won't be implemented. You have to take the good with the bad, much like female barbs and male venomancers.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Still these things CAN be edited and changed by anyone, not just beijing.
They can, but do they have the rights to? Pretty sure no one from PWE would be willing to risk it's job over that.Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."
(We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)0 -
Allowing zooming further back would help, especially for Venomancers. In fact, it could be useful to pretty much anyone. Good suggestion ^^~ Through the darkest of night, we shall shine brightly, revealing the path to both friendship and glory ~
Kelovar, Radiance executor0 -
1. Sure I'll just tape down my shift key, why make something better when there is a manual overide. On the same note i beleive all cars should revert back to being started with a crank lever, this key stuff is progress and thats clearly bad in your book.
It's about gameplay and money, not about progress and convenience.2. once again, i dont want to be able to zoom out 700miles, have u ever been a werebeast in beast form? you cant see any dmg reading in HH because youre staring at the boss's toes.You other reasons boil down to "more zoom would allow players to avoind being ganked" How exactly is that a bad thing?
And, also I mentioned aggro mob, not only PK. To make it clear, while you, being pure int MG or EP, routinely kill mobs one by one, some mob respawns behind you and attacks you. You die, or retire close to death. You get some portion of adrenaline. That's gameplay.
Also there might be other changes in gameplay because of increased zoom. These 2-3 are only first ones which came to my mind.
My point is, changes which affect gameplay are very hard to implement, because besides changing 1 line in code they require a lot of thinking over, testing, alphatesting, betatesting, working around,... So they wont be implemented.
Even if they seem so convenient and logical and so on.
Ask me, would I want 2-3 times bigger zoom? Hell yes.
My second point is, changes which affect gameplay may affect sales in cash shop. And that's gonna require a lot of tuning, finetuning and adjusting, so that's not gonna happen .
Also such changes may affect game economy. Did you ever notice that rare pets are much smaller than those golems?0 -
I'm sorry but ur posts are stupid. I'm done trying to convince you. I'm talking about cosmetic things and you say it affects gameplay. Like this great example:
Me: cant see the dmg you do on the boss
You: its a boss and should take long to kill
That isnt even a proper f-ing response! ppl like you just really annoy me with closeminded eyeflap reponses.
Me out! I said my say and I really don't care how anyone but the dev's feel about it.
Ps. Karm, they already "edited" the names of everything, how is this diferent? Anyways you might have a point, but then why are they even asking for suggestions?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Go watch it alone0 -
anyone editing ini or w/e, to zoom out more, will just be banned.
advantage is too great and affects gameplay too much
but more zoom out would sure be cool0 -
lipe124, if you are seriously into game development, I must give up, because all I wrote about gameplay is nothing but my guess.
And, please don't take it personal. I'm not trying to say "your suggestion is stupid", I'm trying to understand why there are almost no changes made to the game, and especially why this specific change hasn't been made to the game 2 years ago.0
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