Targeting Squad Members

zimmia Posts: 4 Arc User
edited March 2012 in Cleric
I have looked through the available help, as well as some of the other websites starting to crop up and I still haven't found an answer to my question, so I wanted to ask it here (and hope that there is a better answer than what I fear).

Other than clicking on the individual squad member, is there a way to select them with the keyboard?

I've been playing clerics in MMOs for a long time, and being a 'keyboard person' as opposed to a 'mouse person' I'm used to selecting the members of my party with the keyboard. Is there a keyboard shortcut that does that that I've just not come across? If not, does anyone know of a way to bind keys so I can customize my UI to do it? I'm thinking that I've got all these keys on the numberpad that are just screaming to have something assigned to them. ;)

If anyone has a suggestion I would be very thankful. I really love the game, and the way the cleric skills are set out is almost perfect for my preferred style of play. If I could figure out this one last thing, I'll be in heaven.
Post edited by zimmia on


  • junk
    junk Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Sadly, what you are asking for isn't possible now and likely won't be implemented in the future. If by selecting them individually you meant clicking on the characters themselves, try clicking their names in the party list; it should be a bit more convenient.
  • ren
    ren Posts: 662 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Wait, they seriously renamed party to squad? Maybe it's time I seriously think about quitting, this is just getting dumb...
    Official PWI irc: (mirc command, opens in a new window and won't interfere with any servers you're already on) /server -m -j #pwint
  • junk
    junk Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Yes, yes they did. Because they are different from My-en afterall. Nevermind that most of the translations are patched up versions of the engrishy My-en text, going as far as to switch around skill descriptions (Thunder Wield to Wield Thunder, Feather Razors to Razor Feathers). And quest text that is obviously fixed from the My-en version by someone who didn't even have a look at the original, because although spelled properly it makes no sense and keeps the same glaring mistakes. It's hilarious when you see things like Eldergoth Detector, when googling Eldergoth yelds 10 results. I'm curious to know how they got that translation from the original Chinese text. It's even more hilarious that the My-en version was Eldergoth Defector, but due to bad fonts you could easily mistake it for Detector, which is what they did when they shamelessly copypasted the translations.

    tl;dr way to plagiarize another version and prettend you're better. I facepalmed for having faith in a f2p port company again. When am I going to learn...
  • zimmia
    zimmia Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    junk wrote: »
    Sadly, what you are asking for isn't possible now and likely won't be implemented in the future. If by selecting them individually you meant clicking on the characters themselves, try clicking their names in the party list; it should be a bit more convenient.

    Thanks for the answer although its a bit of a bummer. If I have to use both hands (ie one to click on names and one to activate spells, how am I supposed to eat a sandwich? :D

    Seriously though, it's one thing I'd really love to see them implement. Off to the suggestion thread I go.
  • faruxue
    faruxue Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    On the left side you have a list that you can see the names and HP bars of your party members, just click on whatever member you want to select him...
    See 3 RQ get owned by 1 WB
    copy and paste onto your web link
  • wench
    wench Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    on the subject of fast healing, is anybody else gettin what i can only describe as heal lag

    often when im trying to heal party members it heals the party member that was last selected and not the current selected one

    as you can imagine this can cause difficulties when having to fast switch heals
  • junk
    junk Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    wench wrote: »
    on the subject of fast healing, is anybody else gettin what i can only describe as heal lag

    often when im trying to heal party members it heals the party member that was last selected and not the current selected one

    as you can imagine this can cause difficulties when having to fast switch heals

    Yes. I had this problem in My-en and it's one of the main reasons I quit. I expected it wouldn't happen here due to better latency, but it still does. And not just me. I've seen a cleric dueling and healing his enemy by mistake, that's one of the things that also tends to happen. I've partied with clerics and noticed them healing people that were already full then healing someone who actually needed it. Either those people were terrible at playing or, more likely, they have the same problem as we do. I'm considering playing another class because of this, when you can't heal yourself in PvP because you're afraid you'll heal the enemy instead, it gets ridiculous.
  • rzx
    rzx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    wench wrote: »
    on the subject of fast healing, is anybody else gettin what i can only describe as heal lag

    often when im trying to heal party members it heals the party member that was last selected and not the current selected one

    as you can imagine this can cause difficulties when having to fast switch heals

    Ya, I have this problem also. Thought it was just lag at the time, but apparently it's not.
  • glider
    glider Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Shift-1 is the 1st party member
    Shift-2 is the 2nd party member
  • rzx
    rzx Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    glider wrote: »
    Shift-1 is the 1st party member
    Shift-2 is the 2nd party member

    Is there a key for self target?
  • faruxue
    faruxue Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ESC to get rid of all targets, you will be the default target if you have no targets.
    See 3 RQ get owned by 1 WB
    copy and paste onto your web link
  • aramath
    aramath Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    wench wrote: »
    on the subject of fast healing, is anybody else gettin what i can only describe as heal lag

    often when im trying to heal party members it heals the party member that was last selected and not the current selected one

    as you can imagine this can cause difficulties when having to fast switch heals
    I have experienced the same problem. I suspect it is not such an issue at higher levels where you will use squad heals more often than single target heals. The problem is not limited to healing spells either. Many times I have changed target to attack something else because I selected wrong target or wanted an easier kill, i.e. not a mob with magic resist, and had my target switched back when I attempt to cast combat attacks. Venomancer experiences the same problem.
    I are animaniac :D
  • kika
    kika Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Anyone else still having this problem? Kinda frustrating because I am able to switch amongst party members pretty fast in other games and saved them at crucial times, but I can't in this game because of this frickin target lag, and I had to see my pt members die over and over cause of it.

    Can anyone give tips on how to overcome this please :(
  • unhealer
    unhealer Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I tried all the classes except barbarian.
    All have the same issue with switching targets.
    For melee class it's no big issue as u have to run to target to attack.
  • insan1ty
    insan1ty Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    glider wrote: »
    Shift-1 is the 1st party member
    Shift-2 is the 2nd party member

    Wow I had no clue, this is going to be awesome lol
  • Malenn - Heavens Tear
    Malenn - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Ever since I started PW (about a week ago) I noticed a significant delay when selecting a target (either enemy target or friendly) compared to other MMOs such as Guild Wars or WoW. In these other MMOs, casting spells either to hurt enemies or heal allies was nearly instant allowing for a quick kill or recovery in a crucial moment but PWs time delay (which is most likely not due to my internet as I have played GW and WoW on my current PC at good connection) is becoming quite bothersome and I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to increase the responsiveness of the targeting system. I have tried using the graphics options to see if that would change anything but it didn't. I have also tried using the little buttons on top of your character's health bar area (on the top left of the screen to see if anything would happen but it didn't.
  • mortie
    mortie Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    The moment I got into the game and tried attacking a monster I found it annoying. After clicking it takes like a second before a monster is actually selected *shudders*. Other than that the game seems pretty nice :)

    Is there any way to browse through monsters in the area with a key press instead of having to click the individual monsters?
  • cjtign
    cjtign Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I haven't had any problems with a selection delay its instantaneous.

    Perhaps its related to your system or connection?

    Do you experience any lag in game


    "Pking since pong"
  • hyperlove
    hyperlove Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I have the same targeting issue and do not lag otherwise in the game. :3 The portrait will change instantly, but my heal will go off on the last target. I've acclimated myself to preemptively healing, but sometimes this ends up being a waste of mp. Having been a healer in other games at high levels, this would be really detrimental... I hope it doesn't turn out that way here as I level!
  • Brillance - Raging Tide
    Brillance - Raging Tide Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    glider wrote: »
    Shift-1 is the 1st party member
    Shift-2 is the 2nd party member

    Thank goodness this was still here as I searched. As a mystic who is a noob to PWI, I was wondering the same thing! b:chuckle

    Thanks glider, if you are still out there playing. b:thanks

    Sorry for any necro, but it needed to be said. Seemed rediculous to have to reach up and click on names and heal while you are trying to DD too, lol. b:surrender
  • Vital_Slash - Sanctuary
    Vital_Slash - Sanctuary Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Lvl 99 to be noob at Pwi O.o??? oh well lol

    And Main things Cleric should be Concerned about would be Healing and occasionally dropping a debuff or maybe a Plumeshot. Secret to keep yourself safe from falling behind would be if your squad is fighting a Squad

    1) Press tab to select Boss
    2)Select Debuff/Attack you want to do
    3) As your Skill is Channeling, Click on Your "Tank's" Bar on the Squad Screen
    4) Spam IH until your Tank is ready to take on the hits again
    5) Rinse Repeat
    Its ok... IM AN ARTIST!
  • Brillance - Raging Tide
    Brillance - Raging Tide Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Lvl 99 to be noob at Pwi O.o??? oh well lol

    Yeah, My first leveled char. b:pleased New to PWI. Started playing last May.

    The forums have been behind me since the expansion though. Ive been 100 for at least a couple weeks, lol. b:chuckle
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Necro from 2008 <_<
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
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  • Brillance - Raging Tide
    Brillance - Raging Tide Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Necro from 2008 <_<

    lol, Brilliant...xD

    Its still helpful to us noobs :p
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Nice necro...

    I rather have my heals on keys and select people per mouse. Works like a charm.

    Especially since how the hell am I gonna hit shift and 9 at the same time? lol That's getting rather acrobatic and I know I don't have small hands. b:shocked

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Arctix - Dreamweaver
    Arctix - Dreamweaver Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Nice necro...

    I rather have my heals on keys and select people per mouse. Works like a charm.

    Especially since how the hell am I gonna hit shift and 9 at the same time? lol That's getting rather acrobatic and I know I don't have small hands. b:shocked

    Seriously wen will u need to heal a 9th squad member in ur team? b:chuckle
    only 6 r allowed in any instance n only time u'll b healing 9 th member is in morai instance or in open world pvp so ya u'll hav to work hard in either of them b:cute
  • Kanmi - Sanctuary
    Kanmi - Sanctuary Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Seriously wen will u need to heal a 9th squad member in ur team? b:chuckle
    only 6 r allowed in any instance n only time u'll b healing 9 th member is in morai instance or in open world pvp so ya u'll hav to work hard in either of them b:cute

    You can have 10-man squad in trials, pretty fun and challenging to heal all of them when BB drop/interrupt every 5 sec . TW is also 10-man squad but i don't think its doable for a single cleric to make efficient job anyway .
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited March 2012
    Seriously wen will u need to heal a 9th squad member in ur team? b:chuckle

    When I soloheal EU? oO

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~