Whats With Every Single Name Changed???

golden0galaxy Posts: 0 Arc User
edited August 2008 in General Discussion
why does every single class, city, skill, and many other things have a different name to that of the MY version? now im not saying to use the MY names, i am just saying that it looks like you are avoiding the names used in MY.
this is only a problem for two reasons:
1. the names in PW MY are actually very good.
2. the names here are horrific
there was no reason to make sure that every single word in this version is different to the MY version. what should have happened was that the best name for the job was chosen, instead of trying to make it an all-new-experience. what kind of experience is it supposed to be? are you trying to make players cringe at the name of 'archosaur' every time they read it? it is a city of DRAGONS!! and what about etherblade? sure its not a bad name, but it just couldnt be ethersword because it was 'already taken' by the MY version. retranslating and localizing the game does not mean dorkifying it.
the point is, it doesnt actually matter what the MY version has in it. but some of the names used in perfect world international are really awful. at least we can be happy about understandable npc text. but the thing is: it doesnt need to be made new; it needs to be made right.
ragingwind wrote: »
75% of names suck. 25% of names are actually rather good. The text overall is alright; it's much better than PW-MY. For having such decent translations, how did they end up with such lame names? It's kinda weird. I know that it's a long process to change all of the weird, quirky, and dumb names, but please at least try to change them. *coughVENOMANCERcough*
didacus wrote: »
Just my opinion but... don't you feel the translation is just horrible?

They say Northeast but it's Northwest. Wolfmaster but it's Wolfkin. And... "Fungoid", anybody?
The dialogues are obscure at best. And has anybody reached an "Unavoidable" barrier? Don't they mean "Out of Bounds"? Or "Terrain Limit"?

No offense but, I could almost bet the "Localisation Team" is nonexistent or has very poor English skills.
Post edited by golden0galaxy on


  • rev
    rev Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Ok dude, first of all no need for this thread, we have one just for you, you don't like a name, post in the "The name quality' thread, and come up with a name you think is better, second it's because of the copyright being held for those names by PW-MY-EN. Hence why I started the named thread, we don't need 30 of these kinds of threads.
    "Either you die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Harvey Dent - The Dark Knight

    Phase 1 Dungeon Design Contest Winner!
    Entry: Hall of Forsaken Souls, Twas fun to design.
  • golden0galaxy
    golden0galaxy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    it still doesnt change the fact that the alternately chosen names suck.
  • destruction
    destruction Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Deal with it....
    Learn it, Love it, or GTFO it.
  • wabbitt
    wabbitt Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Whenever I see "Archosaur" I think some kind of dinosaur :)
  • beans
    beans Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    It's OK, express your hate for the names, but just understand that this is a grab at attention not for change, also understand that as far as names go, it could be worst.. hell they could have named them in binary.

    Dr . Bean
    "Men are at war with each other because each man is at war with himself." ~Francis Meehan
  • ren
    ren Posts: 662 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Deal with it....
    Learn it, Love it, or GTFO it.

    These kinds of ignorant comments makes you sound like those Apple fanboys I was laughing at a few hours ago.

    "stfu or gtfo" type comments doesn't excuse bulls***, it just makes you a troll.
    Official PWI irc: (mirc command, opens in a new window and won't interfere with any servers you're already on) /server -m irc.deltaanime.net -j #pwint
  • kinetikop
    kinetikop Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    *sigh* Why don't people get the point, it is what it is and it would be a great deal of work to change all of the names again. They chose the names they did with atleast some form of reason and I highly doubt they will change them from what they are now. I browse the forums almost all day long, and keep my mouth shut most of the time but come on, quit whining and deal with it. If you really don't like the names that much, go back to the MY version, I sure won't miss you. And I think Etherblade is a better name than Ethersword, for one it flows out of the mouth better. I also see no problem with the Archosour name, it refers to reptiles and that is what a Dragon is, is it not?

    Well thats my little rant/opinion - PEAcE
  • joeyknight
    joeyknight Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Deal with it....
    Learn it, Love it, or GTFO it.
    Oh yea......that's moderator material right there.
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    why does every single class, city, skill, and many other things have a different name to that of the MY version?

    Because this is not MY-EN?

    Cubinet took the chinese names, translated them to engrish for their server.

    Level-Up Games took the chinese names, translated them to english for their server.

    PWI/PWE took the chinese names, translated them to english for their server.

    3 english servers, with 3 different translations. The only way to have the same translation on all would be for Bejing PW Co to do the translation themselves and sell the licences already translated. But they are not doing it that way.

    And legally, they could not use the same names that the ones used on MY-EN. A translation belong to the translator, and you cannot use it as you like unless you are given the rights to do so.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • seny0rita
    seny0rita Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    wabbitt wrote: »
    Whenever I see "Archosaur" I think some kind of dinosaur :)

    :D me too...
  • ark
    ark Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Archosaur is my only major translation beef. Everything else fails in comparison to that one thing. Not even bank robbery is as much of a crime as that name is to gaming in general.
    As a Guild,

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  • ragingwind
    ragingwind Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I was quoted. O.o Hmm... Weird.

    As much as I like flattery... I think it would be best to keep the other thread bumped up by posting there. People have already made many good points there. All of this could have easily been said in that thread.
  • wabbitt
    wabbitt Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    And legally, they could not use the same names that the ones used on MY-EN. A translation belong to the translator, and you cannot use it as you like unless you are given the rights to do so.

    I seriously doubt a name of some city in an MMO is subject to copyright. I think you would need a bit more intellectual property than just that name, and in this case that IP comes with the license from PW-beijing.

    eg if someone created a city called Ironforge and had it inhabited by dwarves and tunneled into the side of a mounting, with a large forge in the middle, then Blizzard might have a case of copyright violation. Just the name Ironforge I would have my doubts, and indeed the name Ironforge is used in the PW-MY-EN version (tho for a monster)

    Im not a copyright lawyer tho. If someone wants to quote me the act (as opposed to assumptions) I will take their word for it.
  • cerberus
    cerberus Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    they could at least do city of titans or something like that but wtfd is a archsaur they even changed the named of the pharmacist
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    wabbitt wrote: »
    I seriously doubt a name of some city in an MMO is subject to copyright. I think you would need a bit more intellectual property than just that name, and in this case that IP comes with the license from PW-beijing.

    eg if someone created a city called Ironforge and had it inhabited by dwarves and tunneled into the side of a mounting, with a large forge in the middle, then Blizzard might have a case of copyright violation. Just the name Ironforge I would have my doubts, and indeed the name Ironforge is used in the PW-MY-EN version (tho for a monster).

    Over only one name, no. PWE calling Archausor city "Ancient Dragon City" would not be enough for Cubinet to sue them. They would need to bring more evidence of other things bearing the same names as evidence their translation was indeed stolen. And to prove that it was indeed taken from their translation.

    If the chinese name for Archosaur is close to "Ancient Dragon City", then PWE could very well use that name without any risks.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • quynh
    quynh Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    And legally, they could not use the same names that the ones used on MY-EN. A translation belong to the translator, and you cannot use it as you like unless you are given the rights to do so.

    Actually no, there is no copyright in the English language. As long as the localization team do not take the entire PW-MY-EN client and pretend that it's theirs, then there is no copyright issue.

    If PW-MY-EN translates the city name as "Ancient Dragon City", and PW-US translates to the same name, there is absolutely no copyright infringement.
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    quynh wrote: »
    If PW-MY-EN translates the city name as "Ancient Dragon City", and PW-US translates to the same name, there is absolutely no copyright infringement.
    Over one name, no. But if the occurence happens to often, yes.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • quynh
    quynh Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    Over one name, no. But if the occurence happens to often, yes.

    Still no, as long as the words translated are common then there is absolutely no copyright infringement.

    If they were to have "unique" words or words that do not have a common background eg. specific name that is non-translatable, then that would fall under copyright.

    As long as the words translate into common use english words and it makes sense; even if half or 3/4 of the words remain the same as PW-MY-EN, there is absolutely no copyright infringement.
  • tinkus
    tinkus Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    quynh wrote: »
    Still no, as long as the words translated are common then there is absolutely no copyright infringement.

    If they were to have "unique" words or words that do not have a common background eg. specific name that is non-translatable, then that would fall under copyright.

    As long as the words translate into common use english words and it makes sense; even if half or 3/4 of the words remain the same as PW-MY-EN, there is absolutely no copyright infringement.

    This is actually a seriously gray area regarding this game. On one hand, yes, common names can be subject to copyright when applied to a specific area or idea. Common names used for places and characters become intellectual property e.g. Clark Kent. Look at Orcs. Almost every western fantasy setting has them, and that in and of itself isn't copyright infringement. However, if you were to directly copy Orks from Warhammer into a different setting, that would be infringement. Same thing applies to place names: Once they get too specific, it can become an issue. So yes, "Ancient Dragon City" could fall into copyrighted territory.

    However, and this is where I'm not clear on, this version is produced by the original company, yes? If that's the case, using translations from one of their licensees wouldn't matter, as it's the parent company's property first and foremost. I would say law (and reason) would err on the side of the creators. It could also be argued that the Chinese name is translated as "Ancient Dragon City", in which case every territory could use the name with no problem.
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    tinkus wrote: »
    However, and this is where I'm not clear on, this version is produced by the original company, yes? If that's the case, using translations from one of their licensees wouldn't matter, as it's the parent company's property first and foremost. I would say law (and reason) would err on the side of the creators.

    If I would follow your logic, then I could go strike a deal with the author of the Harry Potters novel to publish them in french for the Vietnamese french speaking pupulation, and use the current french translation to do so. Since Harry Potter belongs to the writer and not the translator.

    But it does not work like this. While the original english text belong to the author of the Harry Potters books, the translation belong to the translator, and it cannot be used with the translator's consent. And some of the profit you make must go to the translator as well as to the original author.. I know enough people in the realm of publishing and translation to know that for a fact.

    What you describe would only work if Bejing PW Co would provide the translation themselves. Which they don't. They sell licenses for the game, and it belong to the licensee to make the appropriate translation/localisation work.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • ark
    ark Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    In any case, changing Archosaur is the only thing that matters. It's like a blasphemy to video games.
    As a Guild,

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  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ark wrote: »
    In any case, changing Archosaur is the only thing that matters. It's like a blasphemy to video games.
    Agreed. To me it give me visons of old cities in ruins. Or jungles and swamps infested with reptiles.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • tinkus
    tinkus Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    If I would follow your logic, then I could go strike a deal with the author of the Harry Potters novel to publish them in french for the Vietnamese french speaking pupulation, and use the current french translation to do so. Since Harry Potter belongs to the writer and not the translator.

    But it does not work like this. While the original english text belong to the author of the Harry Potters books, the translation belong to the translator, and it cannot be used with the translator's consent. And some of the profit you make must go to the translator as well as to the original author.. I know enough people in the realm of publishing and translation to know that for a fact.

    What you describe would only work if Bejing PW Co would provide the translation themselves. Which they don't. They sell licenses for the game, and it belong to the licensee to make the appropriate translation/localisation work.

    That's the part I was fuzzy on. I know publication rights belong to the regional publisher (for that region), but I always assumed content rights were always controlled by the creator/original publishers, including translations. If the original language translates to ADC in English, then any English speaking region should be able to use that translation, right?
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    tinkus wrote: »
    If the original language translates to ADC in English, then any English speaking region should be able to use that translation, right?

    Yes, same as Harry Potters remain named Harry Potters in french and english.

    Anyone knows the original name in chinese for archosaur/ADC?
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)